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using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui {
public static class MathUtils {
const float _valueNearlyZero = 1f / (1 << 12);
public static bool isConvexPolygon(Offset[] polygonVerts, int polygonSize) {
if (polygonSize < 3) {
return false;
float lastArea = 0;
float lastPerpDot = 0;
int prevIndex = polygonSize - 1;
int currIndex = 0;
int nextIndex = 1;
Offset origin = polygonVerts[0];
Vector2 v0 = (polygonVerts[currIndex] - polygonVerts[prevIndex]).toVector();
Vector2 v1 = (polygonVerts[nextIndex] - polygonVerts[currIndex]).toVector();
Vector2 w0 = (polygonVerts[currIndex] - origin).toVector();
Vector2 w1 = (polygonVerts[nextIndex] - origin).toVector();
for (int i = 0; i < polygonSize; i++) {
if (!polygonVerts[i].isFinite) {
return false;
float perpDot = v0.cross(v1);
if (lastPerpDot * perpDot < 0) {
return false;
if (0 != perpDot) {
lastPerpDot = perpDot;
float quadArea = w0.cross(w1);
if (quadArea * lastArea < 0) {
return false;
if (0 != quadArea) {
lastArea = quadArea;
prevIndex = currIndex;
currIndex = nextIndex;
nextIndex = (currIndex + 1) % polygonSize;
v0 = v1;
v1 = (polygonVerts[nextIndex] - polygonVerts[currIndex]).toVector();
w0 = w1;
w1 = (polygonVerts[nextIndex] - origin).toVector();
return true;
public static float cross(this Vector2 vector1, Vector2 vector2) {
return Vector3.Cross(new Vector3(vector1.x, vector1.y, 0f), new Vector3(vector2.x, vector2.y, 0f)).z;
public static bool valueNearlyZero(this float x, float? tolerance = null) {
tolerance = tolerance ?? _valueNearlyZero;
return Mathf.Abs(x) <= tolerance;
public static float clamp(this float value, float min, float max) {
if (value < min) {
value = min;
else if (value > max) {
value = max;
return value;
public static int clamp(this int value, int min, int max) {
if (value < min) {
value = min;
else if (value > max) {
value = max;
return value;
public static int abs(this int value) {
return Mathf.Abs(value);
public static float abs(this float value) {
return Mathf.Abs(value);
public static int sign(this float value) {
return value == 0.0f ? 0 : value > 0.0f ? 1 : -1;
public static bool isInfinite(this float it) {
return float.IsInfinity(it);
public static bool isFinite(this float it) {
return !float.IsInfinity(it);
public static bool isNaN(this float it) {
return float.IsNaN(it);
public static float lerpFloat(float a, float b, float t) {
return a + (b - a) * t;
public static float? lerpNullableFloat(float? a, float? b, float t) {
if (a == null && b == null) {
return null;
a = a ?? b;
b = b ?? a;
return a + (b - a) * t;
public static int round(this float value) {
return Mathf.RoundToInt(value);
public static int floor(this float value) {
return Mathf.FloorToInt(value);
public static int ceil(this float value) {
return Mathf.CeilToInt(value);
public abstract class OffsetBase : IEquatable<OffsetBase> {
protected OffsetBase(float _dx, float _dy) {
this._dx = _dx;
this._dy = _dy;
protected readonly float _dx;
protected readonly float _dy;
public bool isInfinite {
get { return float.IsInfinity(this._dx) || float.IsInfinity(this._dy); }
public bool isFinite {
get { return !float.IsInfinity(this._dx) && !float.IsInfinity(this._dy); }
public static bool operator <(OffsetBase a, OffsetBase b) {
return a._dx < b._dx && a._dy < b._dy;
public static bool operator <=(OffsetBase a, OffsetBase b) {
return a._dx <= b._dx && a._dy <= b._dy;
public static bool operator >(OffsetBase a, OffsetBase b) {
return a._dx > b._dx && a._dy > b._dy;
public static bool operator >=(OffsetBase a, OffsetBase b) {
return a._dx >= b._dx && a._dy >= b._dy;
public bool Equals(OffsetBase other) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) {
return true;
return this._dx.Equals(other._dx) && this._dy.Equals(other._dy);
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) {
return true;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) {
return false;
return this.Equals((OffsetBase) obj);
public override int GetHashCode() {
unchecked {
return (this._dx.GetHashCode() * 397) ^ this._dy.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(OffsetBase left, OffsetBase right) {
return Equals(left, right);
public static bool operator !=(OffsetBase left, OffsetBase right) {
return !Equals(left, right);
public override string ToString() {
return $"{this.GetType()}({this._dx:F1}, {this._dy:F1})";
public class Offset : OffsetBase, IEquatable<Offset> {
public Offset(float dx, float dy) : base(dx, dy) {
public float dx {
get { return this._dx; }
public float dy {
get { return this._dy; }
public float distance {
get { return Mathf.Sqrt(this._dx * this._dx + this._dy * this._dy); }
public float distanceSquared {
get { return this._dx * this._dx + this._dy * this._dy; }
public static readonly Offset zero = new Offset(0.0f, 0.0f);
public static readonly Offset infinite = new Offset(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity);
public Offset scale(float scaleX, float? scaleY = null) {
scaleY = scaleY ?? scaleX;
return new Offset(this.dx * scaleX, this.dy * scaleY.Value);
public Offset translate(float translateX, float translateY) {
return new Offset(this.dx + translateX, this.dy + translateY);
public static Offset operator -(Offset a) {
return new Offset(-a.dx, -a.dy);
public static Offset operator -(Offset a, Offset b) {
return new Offset(a.dx - b.dx, a.dy - b.dy);
public static Offset operator +(Offset a, Offset b) {
return new Offset(a.dx + b.dx, a.dy + b.dy);
public static Offset operator *(Offset a, float operand) {
return new Offset(a.dx * operand, a.dy * operand);
public static Offset operator /(Offset a, float operand) {
return new Offset(a.dx / operand, a.dy / operand);
public static Rect operator &(Offset a, Size other) {
return Rect.fromLTWH(a.dx, a.dy, other.width, other.height);
public static Offset lerp(Offset a, Offset b, float t) {
if (a == null && b == null) {
return null;
if (a == null) {
return b * t;
if (b == null) {
return a * (1.0f - t);
return new Offset(MathUtils.lerpFloat(a.dx, b.dx, t), MathUtils.lerpFloat(a.dy, b.dy, t));
public bool Equals(Offset other) {
return base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) {
return true;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) {
return false;
return this.Equals((Offset) obj);
public override int GetHashCode() {
return base.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(Offset left, Offset right) {
return Equals(left, right);
public static bool operator !=(Offset left, Offset right) {
return !Equals(left, right);
public override string ToString() {
return $"Offset({this._dx:F1}, {this._dy:F1})";
public class Size : OffsetBase, IEquatable<Size> {
public Size(float width, float height) : base(width, height) {
public static Size copy(Size source) {
return new Size(source.width, source.height);
public static Size square(float dimension) {
return new Size(dimension, dimension);
public static Size fromWidth(float width) {
return new Size(width, float.PositiveInfinity);
public static Size fromHeight(float height) {
return new Size(float.PositiveInfinity, height);
public static Size fromRadius(float radius) {
return new Size(radius * 2, radius * 2);
public float width {
get { return this._dx; }
public float height {
get { return this._dy; }
public static readonly Size zero = new Size(0.0f, 0.0f);
public static readonly Size infinite = new Size(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity);
public bool isEmpty {
get { return this.width <= 0.0 || this.height <= 0.0; }
public static Size operator -(Size a, Offset b) {
return new Size(a.width - b.dx, a.height - b.dy);
public static Size operator +(Size a, Offset b) {
return new Size(a.width + b.dx, a.height + b.dy);
public static Offset operator -(Size a, Size b) {
return new Offset(a.width - b.width, a.height - b.height);
public static Size operator *(Size a, float operand) {
return new Size(a.width * operand, a.height * operand);
public static Size operator /(Size a, float operand) {
return new Size(a.width / operand, a.height / operand);
public float shortestSide {
get { return Mathf.Min(this.width.abs(), this.height.abs()); }
public float longestSide {
get { return Mathf.Max(this.width.abs(), this.height.abs()); }
public Offset topLeft(Offset origin) {
return origin;
public Offset topCenter(Offset origin) {
return new Offset(origin.dx + this.width / 2.0f, origin.dy);
public Offset topRight(Offset origin) {
return new Offset(origin.dx + this.width, origin.dy);
public Offset centerLeft(Offset origin) {
return new Offset(origin.dx, origin.dy + this.height / 2.0f);
public Offset center(Offset origin) {
return new Offset(origin.dx + this.width / 2.0f, origin.dy + this.height / 2.0f);
public Offset centerRight(Offset origin) {
return new Offset(origin.dx + this.width, origin.dy + this.height / 2.0f);
public Offset bottomLeft(Offset origin) {
return new Offset(origin.dx, origin.dy + this.height);
public Offset bottomCenter(Offset origin) {
return new Offset(origin.dx + this.width / 2.0f, origin.dy + this.height);
public Offset bottomRight(Offset origin) {
return new Offset(origin.dx + this.width, origin.dy + this.height);
public bool contains(Offset offset) {
return offset.dx >= 0.0 && offset.dx < this.width && offset.dy >= 0.0 && offset.dy < this.height;
public Size flipped {
get { return new Size(this.height, this.width); }
public static Size lerp(Size a, Size b, float t) {
if (a == null && b == null) {
return null;
if (a == null) {
return b * t;
if (b == null) {
return a * (1.0f - t);
return new Size(MathUtils.lerpFloat(a.width, b.width, t), MathUtils.lerpFloat(a.height, b.height, t));
public bool Equals(Size other) {
return base.Equals(other);
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) {
return true;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) {
return false;
return this.Equals((Size) obj);
public override int GetHashCode() {
return base.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(Size left, Size right) {
return Equals(left, right);
public static bool operator !=(Size left, Size right) {
return !Equals(left, right);
public override string ToString() {
return $"Size({this._dx:F1}, {this._dy:F1})";
public class Rect : IEquatable<Rect> {
Rect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) {
this.left = left;
| = top;
this.right = right;
this.bottom = bottom;
public static Rect fromLTRB(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) {
return new Rect(left, top, right, bottom);
public static Rect fromLTWH(float left, float top, float width, float height) {
return new Rect(left, top, left + width, top + height);
public static Rect fromCircle(Offset center, float radius) {
return new Rect(center.dx - radius, center.dy - radius, center.dx + radius, center.dy + radius);
public static Rect fromPoints(Offset a, Offset b) {
return new Rect(
Mathf.Min(a.dx, b.dx),
Mathf.Min(a.dy, b.dy),
Mathf.Max(a.dx, b.dx),
Mathf.Max(a.dy, b.dy)
public readonly float left;
public readonly float top;
public readonly float right;
public readonly float bottom;
public float width {
get { return this.right - this.left; }
public float height {
get { return this.bottom -; }
public Size size {
get { return new Size(this.width, this.height); }
public float area {
get { return this.width * this.height; }
public float margin {
get { return this.width + this.height; }
public static readonly Rect zero = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
public static readonly Rect one = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
public static readonly Rect infinity = new Rect(float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity,
float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity);
public const float _giantScalar = 1.0E+9f;
public static readonly Rect largest =
fromLTRB(-_giantScalar, -_giantScalar, _giantScalar, _giantScalar);
public bool isInfinite {
get {
return float.IsInfinity(this.left)
|| float.IsInfinity(
|| float.IsInfinity(this.right)
|| float.IsInfinity(this.bottom);
public bool isFinite {
get { return !this.isInfinite; }
public bool isEmpty {
get { return this.left >= this.right || >= this.bottom; }
public Rect shift(Offset offset) {
return fromLTRB(this.left + offset.dx, + offset.dy, this.right + offset.dx,
this.bottom + offset.dy);
public Rect translate(float translateX, float translateY) {
return fromLTRB(this.left + translateX, + translateY, this.right + translateX,
this.bottom + translateY);
public Rect scale(float scaleX, float? scaleY = null) {
scaleY = scaleY ?? scaleX;
return fromLTRB(
this.left * scaleX, * scaleY.Value,
this.right * scaleX, this.bottom * scaleY.Value);
public Rect outset(float dx, float dy) {
return new Rect(this.left - dx, - dy, this.right + dx, this.bottom + dy);
public Offset[] toQuad() {
Offset[] dst = new Offset[4];
dst[0] = new Offset(this.left,;
dst[1] = new Offset(this.right,;
dst[2] = new Offset(this.right, this.bottom);
dst[3] = new Offset(this.left, this.bottom);
return dst;
public Rect inflate(float delta) {
return fromLTRB(this.left - delta, - delta, this.right + delta, this.bottom + delta);
public Rect deflate(float delta) {
return this.inflate(-delta);
public Rect intersect(Rect other) {
return fromLTRB(
Mathf.Max(this.left, other.left),
Mathf.Min(this.right, other.right),
Mathf.Min(this.bottom, other.bottom)
public Rect expandToInclude(Rect other) {
if (this.isEmpty) {
return other;
if (other == null || other.isEmpty) {
return this;
return fromLTRB(
Mathf.Min(this.left, other.left),
Mathf.Max(this.right, other.right),
Mathf.Max(this.bottom, other.bottom)
public bool overlaps(Rect other) {
if (this.right <= other.left || other.right <= this.left) {
return false;
if (this.bottom <= || other.bottom <= {
return false;
return true;
public float shortestSide {
get { return Mathf.Min(Mathf.Abs(this.width), Mathf.Abs(this.height)); }
public float longestSide {
get { return Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(this.width), Mathf.Abs(this.height)); }
public Offset topLeft {
get { return new Offset(this.left,; }
public Offset topCenter {
get { return new Offset(this.left + this.width / 2.0f,; }
public Offset topRight {
get { return new Offset(this.right,; }
public Offset centerLeft {
get { return new Offset(this.left, + this.height / 2.0f); }
public Offset center {
get { return new Offset(this.left + this.width / 2.0f, + this.height / 2.0f); }
public Offset centerRight {
get { return new Offset(this.right, this.bottom); }
public Offset bottomLeft {
get { return new Offset(this.left, this.bottom); }
public Offset bottomCenter {
get { return new Offset(this.left + this.width / 2.0f, this.bottom); }
public Offset bottomRight {
get { return new Offset(this.right, this.bottom); }
public bool contains(Offset offset) {
return offset.dx >= this.left && offset.dx < this.right && offset.dy >= && offset.dy < this.bottom;
public bool containsInclusive(Offset offset) {
return offset.dx >= this.left && offset.dx <= this.right && offset.dy >= &&
offset.dy <= this.bottom;
public bool contains(Rect rect) {
return this.contains(rect.topLeft) && this.contains(rect.bottomRight);
public Rect round() {
return fromLTRB(
Mathf.Round(this.left), Mathf.Round(,
Mathf.Round(this.right), Mathf.Round(this.bottom));
public Rect roundOut() {
return fromLTRB(
Mathf.Floor(this.left), Mathf.Floor(,
Mathf.Ceil(this.right), Mathf.Ceil(this.bottom));
public Rect roundOutScale(float scale) {
return fromLTRB(
Mathf.Floor(this.left * scale),
Mathf.Floor( * scale),
Mathf.Ceil(this.right * scale),
Mathf.Ceil(this.bottom * scale));
public Rect withDevicePixelRatio(float devicePixelRatio) {
return fromLTRB(
Mathf.Floor(this.left * devicePixelRatio) / devicePixelRatio,
Mathf.Floor( * devicePixelRatio) / devicePixelRatio,
Mathf.Ceil(this.right * devicePixelRatio) / devicePixelRatio,
Mathf.Ceil(this.bottom * devicePixelRatio) / devicePixelRatio);
public Rect roundIn() {
return fromLTRB(
Mathf.Ceil(this.left), Mathf.Ceil(,
Mathf.Floor(this.right), Mathf.Floor(this.bottom));
public Rect normalize() {
if (this.left <= this.right && <= this.bottom) {
return this;
return fromLTRB(
Mathf.Min(this.left, this.right),
Mathf.Min(, this.bottom),
Mathf.Max(this.left, this.right),
Mathf.Max(, this.bottom)
public static Rect lerp(Rect a, Rect b, float t) {
if (a == null && b == null) {
return null;
if (a == null) {
return fromLTRB(b.left * t, * t, b.right * t, b.bottom * t);
if (b == null) {
float k = 1.0f - t;
return fromLTRB(a.left * k, * k, a.right * k, a.bottom * k);
return fromLTRB(
MathUtils.lerpFloat(a.left, b.left, t),
MathUtils.lerpFloat(,, t),
MathUtils.lerpFloat(a.right, b.right, t),
MathUtils.lerpFloat(a.bottom, b.bottom, t)
public bool Equals(Rect other) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) {
return true;
return this.left.Equals(other.left) && && this.right.Equals(other.right) &&
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) {
return true;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) {
return false;
return this.Equals((Rect) obj);
public override int GetHashCode() {
unchecked {
var hashCode = this.left.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^;
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.right.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.bottom.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
public static bool operator ==(Rect left, Rect right) {
return Equals(left, right);
public static bool operator !=(Rect left, Rect right) {
return !Equals(left, right);
public override string ToString() {
return "Rect.fromLTRB(" + this.left.ToString("0.0") + ", " +"0.0") + ", " +
this.right.ToString("0.0") + ", " + this.bottom.ToString("0.0") + ")";
public class Radius : IEquatable<Radius> {
Radius(float x, float y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public static Radius circular(float radius) {
return elliptical(radius, radius);
public static Radius elliptical(float x, float y) {
return new Radius(x, y);
public readonly float x;
public readonly float y;
public static readonly Radius zero = circular(0.0f);
public static Radius operator -(Radius a) {
return elliptical(-a.x, -a.y);
public static Radius operator -(Radius a, Radius b) {
return elliptical(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y);
public static Radius operator -(Radius a, float b) {
return elliptical(a.x - b, a.y - b);
public static Radius operator +(Radius a, Radius b) {
return elliptical(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);
public static Radius operator +(Radius a, float b) {
return elliptical(a.x + b, a.y + b);
public static Radius operator *(Radius a, Radius b) {
return elliptical(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y);
public static Radius operator *(Radius a, float b) {
return elliptical(a.x * b, a.y * b);
public static Radius operator /(Radius a, Radius b) {
return elliptical(a.x / b.x, a.y / b.y);
public static Radius operator /(Radius a, float b) {
return elliptical(a.x / b, a.y / b);
public static Radius operator %(Radius a, Radius b) {
return elliptical(a.x % b.x, a.y % b.y);
public static Radius operator %(Radius a, float b) {
return elliptical(a.x % b, a.y % b);
public static Radius lerp(Radius a, Radius b, float t) {
if (a == null && b == null) {
return null;
if (a == null) {
return elliptical(b.x * t, b.y * t);
if (b == null) {
float k = 1.0f - t;
return elliptical(a.x * k, a.y * k);
return elliptical(
MathUtils.lerpFloat(a.x, b.x, t),
MathUtils.lerpFloat(a.y, b.y, t)
public bool Equals(Radius other) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) {
return true;
return this.x.Equals(other.x) && this.y.Equals(other.y);
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) {
return true;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) {
return false;
return this.Equals((Radius) obj);
public override int GetHashCode() {
unchecked {
return (this.x.GetHashCode() * 397) ^ this.y.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(Radius left, Radius right) {
return Equals(left, right);
public static bool operator !=(Radius left, Radius right) {
return !Equals(left, right);
public override string ToString() {
return this.x == this.y
? $"Radius.circular({this.x:F1})"
: $"Radius.elliptical({this.x:F1}, ${this.y:F1})";
public class RRect : IEquatable<RRect> {
RRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
Radius tlRadius = null, Radius trRadius = null, Radius brRadius = null, Radius blRadius = null) {
this.left = left;
| = top;
this.right = right;
this.bottom = bottom;
this.tlRadius = tlRadius ??;
this.trRadius = trRadius ??;
this.brRadius = brRadius ??;
this.blRadius = blRadius ??;
RRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
float? tlRadius = null, float? trRadius = null, float? brRadius = null, float? blRadius = null) {
this.left = left;
| = top;
this.right = right;
this.bottom = bottom;
this.tlRadius = tlRadius != null ? Radius.circular(tlRadius.Value) :;
this.trRadius = trRadius != null ? Radius.circular(trRadius.Value) :;
this.brRadius = brRadius != null ? Radius.circular(brRadius.Value) :;
this.blRadius = blRadius != null ? Radius.circular(blRadius.Value) :;
public static RRect fromLTRBXY(
float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
float radiusX, float radiusY) {
var radius = Radius.elliptical(radiusX, radiusY);
return new RRect(left, top, right, bottom,
radius, radius, radius, radius);
public static RRect fromLTRBR(
float left, float top, float right, float bottom, Radius radius) {
return new RRect(left, top, right, bottom,
radius, radius, radius, radius);
public static RRect fromLTRBR(
float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float radius) {
var r = Radius.circular(radius);
return new RRect(left, top, right, bottom,
r, r, r, r);
public static RRect fromRectXY(Rect rect, float radiusX, float radiusY) {
var radius = Radius.elliptical(radiusX, radiusY);
return new RRect(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom,
radius, radius, radius, radius);
public static RRect fromRect(Rect rect) {
return new RRect(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom, (Radius) null);
public static RRect fromRectAndRadius(Rect rect, Radius radius) {
return new RRect(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom,
radius, radius, radius, radius);
public static RRect fromRectAndRadius(Rect rect, float radius) {
var r = Radius.circular(radius);
return new RRect(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom,
r, r, r, r);
public static RRect fromLTRBAndCorners(
float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
Radius topLeft = null, Radius topRight = null, Radius bottomRight = null, Radius bottomLeft = null) {
return new RRect(left, top, right, bottom,
topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft);
public static RRect fromLTRBAndCorners(
float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
float? topLeft = null, float? topRight = null, float? bottomRight = null, float? bottomLeft = null) {
return new RRect(left, top, right, bottom,
topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft);
public static RRect fromRectAndCorners(
Rect rect,
Radius topLeft = null, Radius topRight = null, Radius bottomRight = null, Radius bottomLeft = null) {
return new RRect(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom,
topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft);
public static RRect fromRectAndCorners(
Rect rect,
float? topLeft = null, float? topRight = null, float? bottomRight = null, float? bottomLeft = null) {
return new RRect(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom,
topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft);
public readonly float left;
public readonly float top;
public readonly float right;
public readonly float bottom;
public readonly Radius tlRadius;
public readonly Radius trRadius;
public readonly Radius brRadius;
public readonly Radius blRadius;
public float tlRadiusX {
get { return this.tlRadius.x; }
public float tlRadiusY {
get { return this.tlRadius.y; }
public float trRadiusX {
get { return this.trRadius.x; }
public float trRadiusY {
get { return this.trRadius.y; }
public float blRadiusX {
get { return this.blRadius.x; }
public float blRadiusY {
get { return this.blRadius.y; }
public float brRadiusX {
get { return this.brRadius.x; }
public float brRadiusY {
get { return this.brRadius.y; }
public static readonly RRect zero = new RRect(0, 0, 0, 0, (Radius) null);
public RRect shift(Offset offset) {
return fromLTRBAndCorners(
this.left + offset.dx,
| + offset.dy,
this.right + offset.dx,
this.bottom + offset.dy,
public RRect inflate(float delta) {
return fromLTRBAndCorners(
this.left - delta,
| - delta,
this.right + delta,
this.bottom + delta,
this.tlRadius + delta,
this.trRadius + delta,
this.brRadius + delta,
this.blRadius + delta
public RRect deflate(float delta) {
return this.inflate(-delta);
public float width {
get { return this.right - this.left; }
public float height {
get { return this.bottom -; }
public Rect outerRect {
get { return Rect.fromLTRB(this.left,, this.right, this.bottom); }
public Rect safeInnerRect {
get {
const float kInsetFactor = 0.29289321881f; // 1-cos(pi/4)
float leftRadius = Mathf.Max(this.blRadiusX, this.tlRadiusX);
float topRadius = Mathf.Max(this.tlRadiusY, this.trRadiusY);
float rightRadius = Mathf.Max(this.trRadiusX, this.brRadiusX);
float bottomRadius = Mathf.Max(this.brRadiusY, this.blRadiusY);
return Rect.fromLTRB(
this.left + leftRadius * kInsetFactor,
| + topRadius * kInsetFactor,
this.right - rightRadius * kInsetFactor,
this.bottom - bottomRadius * kInsetFactor
public Rect middleRect {
get {
float leftRadius = Mathf.Max(this.blRadiusX, this.tlRadiusX);
float topRadius = Mathf.Max(this.tlRadiusY, this.trRadiusY);
float rightRadius = Mathf.Max(this.trRadiusX, this.brRadiusX);
float bottomRadius = Mathf.Max(this.brRadiusY, this.blRadiusY);
return Rect.fromLTRB(
this.left + leftRadius,
| + topRadius,
this.right - rightRadius,
this.bottom - bottomRadius
public Rect wideMiddleRect {
get {
float topRadius = Mathf.Max(this.tlRadiusY, this.trRadiusY);
float bottomRadius = Mathf.Max(this.brRadiusY, this.blRadiusY);
return Rect.fromLTRB(
| + topRadius,
this.bottom - bottomRadius
public Rect tallMiddleRect {
get {
float leftRadius = Mathf.Max(this.blRadiusX, this.tlRadiusX);
float rightRadius = Mathf.Max(this.trRadiusX, this.brRadiusX);
return Rect.fromLTRB(
this.left + leftRadius,
this.right - rightRadius,
public bool isEmpty {
get { return this.left >= this.right || >= this.bottom; }
public bool isFinite {
get {
return this.left.isFinite()
&& this.right.isFinite()
&& this.bottom.isFinite();
public bool isInfinite {
get { return !this.isFinite; }
public bool isRect {
get {
return this.tlRadius == &&
this.trRadius == &&
this.blRadius == &&
this.brRadius ==;
public bool isStadium {
get {
return this.tlRadius == this.trRadius
&& this.trRadius == this.brRadius
&& this.brRadius == this.blRadius
&& (this.width <= 2.0 * this.tlRadiusX || this.height <= 2.0 * this.tlRadiusY);
public bool isEllipse {
get {
return this.tlRadius == this.trRadius
&& this.trRadius == this.brRadius
&& this.brRadius == this.blRadius
&& (this.width <= 2.0 * this.tlRadiusX && this.height <= 2.0 * this.tlRadiusY);
public bool isCircle {
get { return this.width == this.height && this.isEllipse; }
public float shortestSide {
get { return Mathf.Min(this.width.abs(), this.height.abs()); }
public float longestSide {
get { return Mathf.Max(this.width.abs(), this.height.abs()); }
public Offset center {
get { return new Offset(this.left + this.width / 2.0f, + this.height / 2.0f); }
float _getMin(float min, float radius1, float radius2, float limit) {
float sum = radius1 + radius2;
if (sum > limit && sum != 0.0) {
return Mathf.Min(min, limit / sum);
return min;
RRect _scaled;
void _scaleRadii() {
if (this._scaled == null) {
float scale = 1.0f;
scale = this._getMin(scale, this.blRadiusY, this.tlRadiusY, this.height);
scale = this._getMin(scale, this.tlRadiusX, this.trRadiusX, this.width);
scale = this._getMin(scale, this.trRadiusY, this.brRadiusY, this.height);
scale = this._getMin(scale, this.brRadiusX, this.blRadiusX, this.width);
if (scale < 1.0) {
this._scaled = fromLTRBAndCorners(
left: this.left, top:, right: this.right, bottom: this.bottom,
topLeft: this.tlRadius * scale, topRight: this.trRadius * scale,
bottomRight: this.brRadius * scale, bottomLeft: this.blRadius * scale);
else {
this._scaled = this;
public bool contains(Offset point) {
if (point.dx < this.left || point.dx >= this.right || point.dy < || point.dy >= this.bottom) {
return false;
float x;
float y;
float radiusX;
float radiusY;
if (point.dx < this.left + this._scaled.tlRadiusX &&
point.dy < + this._scaled.tlRadiusY) {
x = point.dx - this.left - this._scaled.tlRadiusX;
y = point.dy - - this._scaled.tlRadiusY;
radiusX = this._scaled.tlRadiusX;
radiusY = this._scaled.tlRadiusY;
else if (point.dx > this.right - this._scaled.trRadiusX &&
point.dy < + this._scaled.trRadiusY) {
x = point.dx - this.right + this._scaled.trRadiusX;
y = point.dy - - this._scaled.trRadiusY;
radiusX = this._scaled.trRadiusX;
radiusY = this._scaled.trRadiusY;
else if (point.dx > this.right - this._scaled.brRadiusX &&
point.dy > this.bottom - this._scaled.brRadiusY) {
x = point.dx - this.right + this._scaled.brRadiusX;
y = point.dy - this.bottom + this._scaled.brRadiusY;
radiusX = this._scaled.brRadiusX;
radiusY = this._scaled.brRadiusY;
else if (point.dx < this.left + this._scaled.blRadiusX &&
point.dy > this.bottom - this._scaled.blRadiusY) {
x = point.dx - this.left - this._scaled.blRadiusX;
y = point.dy - this.bottom + this._scaled.blRadiusY;
radiusX = this._scaled.blRadiusX;
radiusY = this._scaled.blRadiusY;
else {
return true;
x = x / radiusX;
y = y / radiusY;
if (x * x + y * y > 1.0) {
return false;
return true;
public static RRect lerp(RRect a, RRect b, float t) {
if (a == null && b == null) {
return null;
if (a == null) {
return fromLTRBAndCorners(
b.left * t,
| * t,
b.right * t,
b.bottom * t,
b.tlRadius * t,
b.trRadius * t,
b.brRadius * t,
b.blRadius * t
if (b == null) {
float k = 1.0f - t;
return fromLTRBAndCorners(
a.left * k,
| * k,
a.right * k,
a.bottom * k,
a.tlRadius * k,
a.trRadius * k,
a.brRadius * k,
a.blRadius * k);
return fromLTRBAndCorners(
MathUtils.lerpFloat(a.left, b.left, t),
MathUtils.lerpFloat(,, t),
MathUtils.lerpFloat(a.right, b.right, t),
MathUtils.lerpFloat(a.bottom, b.bottom, t),
Radius.lerp(a.tlRadius, b.tlRadius, t),
Radius.lerp(a.trRadius, b.trRadius, t),
Radius.lerp(a.brRadius, b.brRadius, t),
Radius.lerp(a.blRadius, b.blRadius, t));
public bool contains(Rect rect) {
if (!this.outerRect.contains(rect)) {
return false;
if (this.isRect) {
return true;
return this.contains(rect.topLeft) &&
this.contains(rect.topRight) &&
this.contains(rect.bottomRight) &&
public bool Equals(RRect other) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) {
return true;
return this.left.Equals(other.left)
&& this.right.Equals(other.right)
&& this.bottom.Equals(other.bottom)
&& this.tlRadius.Equals(other.tlRadius)
&& this.trRadius.Equals(other.trRadius)
&& this.brRadius.Equals(other.brRadius)
&& this.blRadius.Equals(other.blRadius);
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) {
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) {
return true;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) {
return false;
return this.Equals((RRect) obj);
public override int GetHashCode() {
unchecked {
var hashCode = this.left.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^;
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.right.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.bottom.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.tlRadius.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.trRadius.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.brRadius.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.blRadius.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
public static bool operator ==(RRect a, RRect b) {
return Equals(a, b);
public static bool operator !=(RRect a, RRect b) {
return !(a == b);
public override string ToString() {
string rect = $"{this.left:F1)}, " +
$"{}, " +
$"{this.right:F1}, " +
if (this.tlRadius == this.trRadius &&
this.trRadius == this.brRadius &&
this.brRadius == this.blRadius) {
if (this.tlRadius.x == this.tlRadius.y) {
return $"RRect.fromLTRBR({rect}, {this.tlRadius.x:F1})";
return $"RRect.fromLTRBXY($rect, {this.tlRadius.x:F1}, {this.tlRadius.y:F1})";
return "RRect.fromLTRBAndCorners(" +
$"{rect}, " +
$"topLeft: {this.tlRadius}, " +
$"topRight: {this.trRadius}, " +
$"bottomRight: {this.brRadius}, " +
$"bottomLeft: {this.blRadius}" +
} |