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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.UIWidgets.animation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets {
public delegate Tween<Rect> CreateRectTween(Rect begin, Rect end);
public delegate Widget HeroFlightShuttleBuilder(
BuildContext flightContext,
Animation<float> animation,
HeroFlightDirection flightDirection,
BuildContext fromHeroContext,
BuildContext toHeroContext
delegate void _OnFlightEnded(_HeroFlight flight);
public enum HeroFlightDirection {
class HeroUtils {
public static Rect _globalBoundingBoxFor(BuildContext context) {
RenderBox box = (RenderBox) context.findRenderObject();
D.assert(box != null && box.hasSize);
return box.getTransformTo(null).mapRect( & box.size);
public class Hero : StatefulWidget {
public Hero(
Key key = null,
object tag = null,
CreateRectTween createRectTween = null,
HeroFlightShuttleBuilder flightShuttleBuilder = null,
TransitionBuilder placeholderBuilder = null,
bool transitionOnUserGestures = false,
Widget child = null
) : base(key: key) {
D.assert(tag != null);
D.assert(child != null);
this.tag = tag;
this.createRectTween = createRectTween;
this.child = child;
this.flightShuttleBuilder = flightShuttleBuilder;
this.placeholderBuilder = placeholderBuilder;
this.transitionOnUserGestures = transitionOnUserGestures;
public readonly object tag;
public readonly CreateRectTween createRectTween;
public readonly Widget child;
public readonly HeroFlightShuttleBuilder flightShuttleBuilder;
public readonly TransitionBuilder placeholderBuilder;
public readonly bool transitionOnUserGestures;
internal static Dictionary<object, _HeroState>
_allHeroesFor(BuildContext context, bool isUserGestureTransition, NavigatorState navigator) {
D.assert(context != null);
D.assert(navigator != null);
Dictionary<object, _HeroState> result = new Dictionary<object, _HeroState> { };
void addHero(StatefulElement hero, object tag) {
D.assert(() => {
if (result.ContainsKey(tag)) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
"There are multiple heroes that share the same tag within a subtree.\n" +
"Within each subtree for which heroes are to be animated (typically a PageRoute subtree), " +
"each Hero must have a unique non-null tag.\n" +
$"In this case, multiple heroes had the following tag: {tag}\n" +
"Here is the subtree for one of the offending heroes:\n" +
$"{hero.toStringDeep(prefixLineOne: "# ")}"
return true;
_HeroState heroState = (_HeroState) hero.state;
result[tag] = heroState;
void visitor(Element element) {
if (element.widget is Hero) {
StatefulElement hero = (StatefulElement) element;
Hero heroWidget = (Hero) element.widget;
if (!isUserGestureTransition || heroWidget.transitionOnUserGestures) {
object tag = heroWidget.tag;
D.assert(tag != null);
if (Navigator.of(hero) == navigator) {
addHero(hero, tag);
else {
ModalRoute heroRoute = ModalRoute.of(hero);
if (heroRoute != null && heroRoute is PageRoute && heroRoute.isCurrent) {
addHero(hero, tag);
return result;
public override State createState() {
return new _HeroState();
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<object>("tag", this.tag));
class _HeroState : State<Hero> {
GlobalKey _key = GlobalKey.key();
Size _placeholderSize;
public void startFlight() {
RenderBox box = (RenderBox) this.context.findRenderObject();
D.assert(box != null && box.hasSize);
this.setState(() => { this._placeholderSize = box.size; });
public void endFlight() {
if (this.mounted) {
this.setState(() => { this._placeholderSize = null; });
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
D.assert(context.ancestorWidgetOfExactType(typeof(Hero)) == null,
() => "A Hero widget cannot be the descendant of another Hero widget.");
if (this._placeholderSize != null) {
if (this.widget.placeholderBuilder == null) {
return new SizedBox(
width: this._placeholderSize.width,
height: this._placeholderSize.height
else {
return this.widget.placeholderBuilder(context, this.widget.child);
return new KeyedSubtree(
key: this._key,
child: this.widget.child
class _HeroFlightManifest {
public _HeroFlightManifest(
HeroFlightDirection type,
OverlayState overlay,
Rect navigatorRect,
PageRoute fromRoute,
PageRoute toRoute,
_HeroState fromHero,
_HeroState toHero,
CreateRectTween createRectTween,
HeroFlightShuttleBuilder shuttleBuilder,
bool isUserGestureTransition
) {
this.type = type;
this.overlay = overlay;
this.navigatorRect = navigatorRect;
this.fromRoute = fromRoute;
this.toRoute = toRoute;
this.fromHero = fromHero;
this.toHero = toHero;
this.createRectTween = createRectTween;
this.shuttleBuilder = shuttleBuilder;
this.isUserGestureTransition = isUserGestureTransition;
public readonly HeroFlightDirection type;
public readonly OverlayState overlay;
public readonly Rect navigatorRect;
public readonly PageRoute fromRoute;
public readonly PageRoute toRoute;
public readonly _HeroState fromHero;
public readonly _HeroState toHero;
public readonly CreateRectTween createRectTween;
public readonly HeroFlightShuttleBuilder shuttleBuilder;
public readonly bool isUserGestureTransition;
public object tag {
get { return this.fromHero.widget.tag; }
public Animation<float> animation {
get {
return new CurvedAnimation(
parent: (this.type == HeroFlightDirection.push) ? this.toRoute.animation : this.fromRoute.animation,
curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn
public override string ToString() {
return $"_HeroFlightManifest($type tag: $tag from route: {this.fromRoute.settings} " +
$"to route: {this.toRoute.settings} with hero: {this.fromHero} to {this.toHero})";
class _HeroFlight {
public _HeroFlight(_OnFlightEnded onFlightEnded) {
this.onFlightEnded = onFlightEnded;
this._proxyAnimation = new ProxyAnimation();
public readonly _OnFlightEnded onFlightEnded;
Tween<Rect> heroRectTween;
Widget shuttle;
Animation<float> _heroOpacity = Animations.kAlwaysCompleteAnimation;
ProxyAnimation _proxyAnimation;
public _HeroFlightManifest manifest;
public OverlayEntry overlayEntry;
bool _aborted = false;
Tween<Rect> _doCreateRectTween(Rect begin, Rect end) {
CreateRectTween createRectTween =
this.manifest.toHero.widget.createRectTween ?? this.manifest.createRectTween;
if (createRectTween != null) {
return createRectTween(begin, end);
return new RectTween(begin: begin, end: end);
static readonly Animatable<float> _reverseTween = new FloatTween(begin: 1.0f, end: 0.0f);
Widget _buildOverlay(BuildContext context) {
D.assert(this.manifest != null);
this.shuttle = this.shuttle ?? this.manifest.shuttleBuilder(
context, this.manifest.animation, this.manifest.type, this.manifest.fromHero.context,
D.assert(this.shuttle != null);
return new AnimatedBuilder(
animation: this._proxyAnimation,
child: this.shuttle,
builder: (BuildContext _, Widget child) => {
RenderBox toHeroBox = (RenderBox) this.manifest.toHero.context?.findRenderObject();
if (this._aborted || toHeroBox == null || !toHeroBox.attached) {
if (this._heroOpacity.isCompleted) {
this._heroOpacity =
new CurveTween(curve: new Interval(this._proxyAnimation.value, 1.0f)))
else if (toHeroBox.hasSize) {
RenderBox finalRouteBox = (RenderBox) this.manifest.toRoute.subtreeContext?.findRenderObject();
Offset toHeroOrigin = toHeroBox.localToGlobal(, ancestor: finalRouteBox);
if (toHeroOrigin != this.heroRectTween.end.topLeft) {
Rect heroRectEnd = toHeroOrigin & this.heroRectTween.end.size;
this.heroRectTween = this._doCreateRectTween(this.heroRectTween.begin, heroRectEnd);
Rect rect = this.heroRectTween.evaluate(this._proxyAnimation);
Size size = this.manifest.navigatorRect.size;
RelativeRect offsets = RelativeRect.fromSize(rect, size);
return new Positioned(
right: offsets.right,
bottom: offsets.bottom,
left: offsets.left,
child: new IgnorePointer(
child: new RepaintBoundary(
child: new Opacity(
opacity: this._heroOpacity.value,
child: child
void _handleAnimationUpdate(AnimationStatus status) {
if (status == AnimationStatus.completed || status == AnimationStatus.dismissed) {
this._proxyAnimation.parent = null;
D.assert(this.overlayEntry != null);
this.overlayEntry = null;
public void start(_HeroFlightManifest initialManifest) {
D.assert(() => {
Animation<float> initial = initialManifest.animation;
D.assert(initial != null);
HeroFlightDirection type = initialManifest.type;
switch (type) {
case HeroFlightDirection.pop:
return initial.value == 1.0f && initialManifest.isUserGestureTransition
? initial.status == AnimationStatus.completed
: initial.status == AnimationStatus.reverse;
case HeroFlightDirection.push:
return initial.value == 0.0f && initial.status == AnimationStatus.forward;
throw new Exception("Unknown type: " + type);
this.manifest = initialManifest;
if (this.manifest.type == HeroFlightDirection.pop) {
this._proxyAnimation.parent = new ReverseAnimation(this.manifest.animation);
else {
this._proxyAnimation.parent = this.manifest.animation;
this.heroRectTween = this._doCreateRectTween(
this.overlayEntry = new OverlayEntry(builder: this._buildOverlay);
public void divert(_HeroFlightManifest newManifest) {
D.assert(this.manifest.tag == newManifest.tag);
if (this.manifest.type == HeroFlightDirection.push && newManifest.type == HeroFlightDirection.pop) {
D.assert(newManifest.animation.status == AnimationStatus.reverse);
D.assert(this.manifest.fromHero == newManifest.toHero);
D.assert(this.manifest.toHero == newManifest.fromHero);
D.assert(this.manifest.fromRoute == newManifest.toRoute);
D.assert(this.manifest.toRoute == newManifest.fromRoute);
this._proxyAnimation.parent = new ReverseAnimation(newManifest.animation);
this.heroRectTween = new ReverseTween<Rect>(this.heroRectTween);
else if (this.manifest.type == HeroFlightDirection.pop && newManifest.type == HeroFlightDirection.push) {
D.assert(newManifest.animation.status == AnimationStatus.forward);
D.assert(this.manifest.toHero == newManifest.fromHero);
D.assert(this.manifest.toRoute == newManifest.fromRoute);
this._proxyAnimation.parent =
new FloatTween(
begin: this.manifest.animation.value,
end: 1.0f
if (this.manifest.fromHero != newManifest.toHero) {
this.heroRectTween = this._doCreateRectTween(this.heroRectTween.end,
else {
this.heroRectTween = this._doCreateRectTween(this.heroRectTween.end, this.heroRectTween.begin);
else {
D.assert(this.manifest.fromHero != newManifest.fromHero);
D.assert(this.manifest.toHero != newManifest.toHero);
this.heroRectTween = this._doCreateRectTween(this.heroRectTween.evaluate(this._proxyAnimation),
this.shuttle = null;
if (newManifest.type == HeroFlightDirection.pop) {
this._proxyAnimation.parent = new ReverseAnimation(newManifest.animation);
else {
this._proxyAnimation.parent = newManifest.animation;
this._aborted = false;
this.manifest = newManifest;
public void abort() {
this._aborted = true;
public override string ToString() {
RouteSettings from = this.manifest.fromRoute.settings;
RouteSettings to = this.manifest.toRoute.settings;
object tag = this.manifest.tag;
return "HeroFlight(for: $tag, from: $from, to: $to ${_proxyAnimation.parent})";
public class HeroController : NavigatorObserver {
public HeroController(CreateRectTween createRectTween = null) {
this.createRectTween = createRectTween;
public readonly CreateRectTween createRectTween;
Dictionary<object, _HeroFlight> _flights = new Dictionary<object, _HeroFlight>();
public override void didPush(Route route, Route previousRoute) {
D.assert(this.navigator != null);
D.assert(route != null);
this._maybeStartHeroTransition(previousRoute, route, HeroFlightDirection.push, false);
public override void didPop(Route route, Route previousRoute) {
D.assert(this.navigator != null);
D.assert(route != null);
if (!this.navigator.userGestureInProgress) {
this._maybeStartHeroTransition(route, previousRoute, HeroFlightDirection.pop, false);
public override void didReplace(Route newRoute = null, Route oldRoute = null) {
D.assert(this.navigator != null);
if (newRoute?.isCurrent == true) {
this._maybeStartHeroTransition(oldRoute, newRoute, HeroFlightDirection.push, false);
public override void didStartUserGesture(Route route, Route previousRoute) {
D.assert(this.navigator != null);
D.assert(route != null);
this._maybeStartHeroTransition(route, previousRoute, HeroFlightDirection.pop, true);
void _maybeStartHeroTransition(
Route fromRoute,
Route toRoute,
HeroFlightDirection flightType,
bool isUserGestureTransition
) {
if (toRoute != fromRoute && toRoute is PageRoute && fromRoute is PageRoute) {
PageRoute from = (PageRoute) fromRoute;
PageRoute to = (PageRoute) toRoute;
Animation<float> animation = (flightType == HeroFlightDirection.push) ? to.animation : from.animation;
switch (flightType) {
case HeroFlightDirection.pop:
if (animation.value == 0.0f) {
case HeroFlightDirection.push:
if (animation.value == 1.0f) {
if (isUserGestureTransition && flightType == HeroFlightDirection.pop && to.maintainState) {
this._startHeroTransition(from, to, animation, flightType, isUserGestureTransition);
else {
to.offstage = to.animation.value == 0.0f;
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((TimeSpan value) => {
this._startHeroTransition(from, to, animation, flightType, isUserGestureTransition);
void _startHeroTransition(
PageRoute from,
PageRoute to,
Animation<float> animation,
HeroFlightDirection flightType,
bool isUserGestureTransition
) {
if (this.navigator == null || from.subtreeContext == null || to.subtreeContext == null) {
to.offstage = false; // in case we set this in _maybeStartHeroTransition
Rect navigatorRect = HeroUtils._globalBoundingBoxFor(this.navigator.context);
Dictionary<object, _HeroState> fromHeroes =
Hero._allHeroesFor(from.subtreeContext, isUserGestureTransition, this.navigator);
Dictionary<object, _HeroState> toHeroes =
Hero._allHeroesFor(to.subtreeContext, isUserGestureTransition, this.navigator);
to.offstage = false;
foreach (object tag in fromHeroes.Keys) {
if (toHeroes.ContainsKey(tag)) {
HeroFlightShuttleBuilder fromShuttleBuilder = fromHeroes[tag].widget.flightShuttleBuilder;
HeroFlightShuttleBuilder toShuttleBuilder = toHeroes[tag].widget.flightShuttleBuilder;
_HeroFlightManifest manifest = new _HeroFlightManifest(
type: flightType,
overlay: this.navigator.overlay,
navigatorRect: navigatorRect,
fromRoute: from,
toRoute: to,
fromHero: fromHeroes[tag],
toHero: toHeroes[tag],
createRectTween: this.createRectTween,
toShuttleBuilder ?? fromShuttleBuilder ?? _defaultHeroFlightShuttleBuilder,
isUserGestureTransition: isUserGestureTransition
if (this._flights.TryGetValue(tag, out var result)) {
else {
this._flights[tag] = new _HeroFlight(this._handleFlightEnded);
else if (this._flights.TryGetValue(tag, out var result)) {
void _handleFlightEnded(_HeroFlight flight) {
static readonly HeroFlightShuttleBuilder _defaultHeroFlightShuttleBuilder = (
BuildContext flightContext,
Animation<float> animation,
HeroFlightDirection flightDirection,
BuildContext fromHeroContext,
BuildContext toHeroContext
) => {
Hero toHero = (Hero) toHeroContext.widget;
return toHero.child;