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using System;
using RSG;
using Unity.UIWidgets.animation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.physics;
using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets {
public interface ScrollActivityDelegate {
AxisDirection axisDirection { get; }
float setPixels(float pixels);
void applyUserOffset(float delta);
void applyUserScrollOffset(float delta);
void goIdle();
void goBallistic(float velocity);
public abstract class ScrollActivity {
public ScrollActivity(ScrollActivityDelegate del) {
this._del = del;
public ScrollActivityDelegate del {
get { return this._del; }
ScrollActivityDelegate _del;
public void updateDelegate(ScrollActivityDelegate value) {
D.assert(this._del != value);
this._del = value;
public virtual void resetActivity() {
public virtual void dispatchScrollStartNotification(ScrollMetrics metrics, BuildContext context) {
new ScrollStartNotification(metrics: metrics, context: context).dispatch(context);
public virtual void dispatchScrollUpdateNotification(ScrollMetrics metrics, BuildContext context,
float scrollDelta) {
new ScrollUpdateNotification(metrics: metrics, context: context, scrollDelta: scrollDelta)
public virtual void dispatchOverscrollNotification(ScrollMetrics metrics, BuildContext context,
float overscroll) {
new OverscrollNotification(metrics: metrics, context: context, overscroll: overscroll).dispatch(context);
public virtual void dispatchScrollEndNotification(ScrollMetrics metrics, BuildContext context) {
new ScrollEndNotification(metrics: metrics, context: context).dispatch(context);
public virtual void applyNewDimensions() {
public abstract bool shouldIgnorePointer { get; }
public abstract bool isScrolling { get; }
public abstract float velocity { get; }
public virtual void dispose() {
this._del = null;
public override string ToString() {
return Diagnostics.describeIdentity(this);
public class IdleScrollActivity : ScrollActivity {
public IdleScrollActivity(ScrollActivityDelegate del) : base(del) {
public override void applyNewDimensions() {
public override bool shouldIgnorePointer {
get { return false; }
public override bool isScrolling {
get { return false; }
public override float velocity {
get { return 0.0f; }
public interface ScrollHoldController {
void cancel();
public class HoldScrollActivity : ScrollActivity, ScrollHoldController {
public HoldScrollActivity(
ScrollActivityDelegate del = null,
VoidCallback onHoldCanceled = null
) : base(del) {
this.onHoldCanceled = onHoldCanceled;
public readonly VoidCallback onHoldCanceled;
public override bool shouldIgnorePointer {
get { return false; }
public override bool isScrolling {
get { return false; }
public override float velocity {
get { return 0.0f; }
public void cancel() {
public override void dispose() {
if (this.onHoldCanceled != null) {
public class ScrollDragController : Drag {
public ScrollDragController(
ScrollActivityDelegate del = null,
DragStartDetails details = null,
VoidCallback onDragCanceled = null,
float? carriedVelocity = null,
float? motionStartDistanceThreshold = null
) {
D.assert(del != null);
D.assert(details != null);
motionStartDistanceThreshold == null || motionStartDistanceThreshold > 0.0,
() => "motionStartDistanceThreshold must be a positive number or null"
this._del = del;
this._lastDetails = details;
this._retainMomentum = carriedVelocity != null && carriedVelocity != 0.0;
this._lastNonStationaryTimestamp = details.sourceTimeStamp;
this._offsetSinceLastStop = motionStartDistanceThreshold == null ? (float?) null : 0.0f;
this.onDragCanceled = onDragCanceled;
this.carriedVelocity = carriedVelocity;
this.motionStartDistanceThreshold = motionStartDistanceThreshold;
public ScrollActivityDelegate del {
get { return this._del; }
ScrollActivityDelegate _del;
public readonly VoidCallback onDragCanceled;
public readonly float? carriedVelocity;
public readonly float? motionStartDistanceThreshold;
TimeSpan _lastNonStationaryTimestamp;
bool _retainMomentum;
float? _offsetSinceLastStop;
public static readonly TimeSpan momentumRetainStationaryDurationThreshold = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 20);
public static readonly TimeSpan motionStoppedDurationThreshold = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 50);
const float _bigThresholdBreakDistance = 24.0f;
bool _reversed {
get { return AxisUtils.axisDirectionIsReversed(this.del.axisDirection); }
public void updateDelegate(ScrollActivityDelegate value) {
D.assert(this._del != value);
this._del = value;
void _maybeLoseMomentum(float offset, TimeSpan? timestamp) {
if (this._retainMomentum &&
offset == 0.0 &&
(timestamp == null ||
timestamp - this._lastNonStationaryTimestamp >
momentumRetainStationaryDurationThreshold)) {
this._retainMomentum = false;
float _adjustForScrollStartThreshold(float offset, TimeSpan? timestamp) {
if (timestamp == null) {
return offset;
if (offset == 0.0) {
if (this.motionStartDistanceThreshold != null &&
this._offsetSinceLastStop == null &&
timestamp - this._lastNonStationaryTimestamp >
motionStoppedDurationThreshold) {
this._offsetSinceLastStop = 0.0f;
return 0.0f;
else {
if (this._offsetSinceLastStop == null) {
return offset;
else {
this._offsetSinceLastStop += offset;
if (this._offsetSinceLastStop.Value.abs() > this.motionStartDistanceThreshold) {
this._offsetSinceLastStop = null;
if (offset.abs() > _bigThresholdBreakDistance) {
return offset;
else {
return Mathf.Min(
this.motionStartDistanceThreshold.Value / 3.0f,
) * offset.sign();
else {
return 0.0f;
public void update(DragUpdateDetails details) {
D.assert(details.primaryDelta != null);
this._lastDetails = details;
float offset = details.primaryDelta.Value;
if (details.isScroll) {
if (offset == 0.0) {
if (this._reversed) {
offset = -offset;
if (offset != 0.0) {
this._lastNonStationaryTimestamp = details.sourceTimeStamp;
this._maybeLoseMomentum(offset, details.sourceTimeStamp);
offset = this._adjustForScrollStartThreshold(offset, details.sourceTimeStamp);
if (offset == 0.0) {
if (this._reversed) {
offset = -offset;
public void end(DragEndDetails details) {
D.assert(details.primaryVelocity != null);
float velocity = -details.primaryVelocity.Value;
if (this._reversed) {
velocity = -velocity;
this._lastDetails = details;
if (this._retainMomentum && velocity.sign() == this.carriedVelocity.Value.sign()) {
velocity += this.carriedVelocity.Value;
public void cancel() {
public virtual void dispose() {
this._lastDetails = null;
if (this.onDragCanceled != null) {
public object lastDetails {
get { return this._lastDetails; }
object _lastDetails;
public override string ToString() {
return Diagnostics.describeIdentity(this);
public class DragScrollActivity : ScrollActivity {
public DragScrollActivity(
ScrollActivityDelegate del,
ScrollDragController controller
) : base(del) {
this._controller = controller;
ScrollDragController _controller;
public override void dispatchScrollStartNotification(ScrollMetrics metrics, BuildContext context) {
object lastDetails = this._controller.lastDetails;
D.assert(lastDetails is DragStartDetails);
new ScrollStartNotification(metrics: metrics, context: context, dragDetails: (DragStartDetails) lastDetails)
public override void dispatchScrollUpdateNotification(ScrollMetrics metrics, BuildContext context,
float scrollDelta) {
object lastDetails = this._controller.lastDetails;
D.assert(lastDetails is DragUpdateDetails);
new ScrollUpdateNotification(metrics: metrics, context: context, scrollDelta: scrollDelta,
dragDetails: (DragUpdateDetails) lastDetails).dispatch(context);
public override void dispatchOverscrollNotification(ScrollMetrics metrics, BuildContext context,
float overscroll) {
object lastDetails = this._controller.lastDetails;
D.assert(lastDetails is DragUpdateDetails);
new OverscrollNotification(metrics: metrics, context: context, overscroll: overscroll,
dragDetails: (DragUpdateDetails) lastDetails).dispatch(context);
public override void dispatchScrollEndNotification(ScrollMetrics metrics, BuildContext context) {
object lastDetails = this._controller.lastDetails;
new ScrollEndNotification(
metrics: metrics,
context: context,
dragDetails: lastDetails as DragEndDetails
public override bool shouldIgnorePointer {
get { return true; }
public override bool isScrolling {
get { return true; }
public override float velocity {
get { return 0.0f; }
public override void dispose() {
this._controller = null;
public override string ToString() {
return $"{Diagnostics.describeIdentity(this)}({this._controller})";
public class BallisticScrollActivity : ScrollActivity {
public BallisticScrollActivity(
ScrollActivityDelegate del,
Simulation simulation,
TickerProvider vsync
) : base(del) {
this._controller = AnimationController.unbounded(
debugLabel: this.GetType().ToString(),
vsync: vsync
this._controller.animateWith(simulation).Then(() => this._end());
public override float velocity {
get { return this._controller.velocity; }
readonly AnimationController _controller;
public override void resetActivity() {
public override void applyNewDimensions() {
void _tick() {
if (!this.applyMoveTo(this._controller.value)) {
protected virtual bool applyMoveTo(float value) {
return this.del.setPixels(value) == 0.0;
void _end() {
if (this.del != null) {
public override void dispatchOverscrollNotification(
ScrollMetrics metrics, BuildContext context, float overscroll) {
new OverscrollNotification(metrics: metrics, context: context, overscroll: overscroll,
velocity: this.velocity).dispatch(context);
public override bool shouldIgnorePointer {
get { return true; }
public override bool isScrolling {
get { return true; }
public override void dispose() {
public override string ToString() {
return $"{Diagnostics.describeIdentity(this)}({this._controller})";
public class DrivenScrollActivity : ScrollActivity {
public DrivenScrollActivity(
ScrollActivityDelegate del,
float from,
float to,
TimeSpan duration,
Curve curve,
TickerProvider vsync
) : base(del) {
D.assert(duration > TimeSpan.Zero);
D.assert(curve != null);
this._completer = new Promise();
this._controller = AnimationController.unbounded(
value: from,
debugLabel: this.GetType().ToString(),
vsync: vsync
this._controller.animateTo(to, duration: duration, curve: curve)
.Then(() => this._end());
readonly Promise _completer;
readonly AnimationController _controller;
public IPromise done {
get { return this._completer; }
public override float velocity {
get { return this._controller.velocity; }
void _tick() {
if (this.del.setPixels(this._controller.value) != 0.0) {
void _end() {
if (this.del != null) {
public override void dispatchOverscrollNotification(
ScrollMetrics metrics, BuildContext context, float overscroll) {
new OverscrollNotification(metrics: metrics, context: context, overscroll: overscroll,
velocity: this.velocity).dispatch(context);
public override bool shouldIgnorePointer {
get { return true; }
public override bool isScrolling {
get { return true; }
public override void dispose() {
public override string ToString() {
return $"{Diagnostics.describeIdentity(this)}({this._controller})";