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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using RSG;
using Unity.UIWidgets.animation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering;
using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets {
public delegate Widget ViewportBuilder(BuildContext context, ViewportOffset position);
public class Scrollable : StatefulWidget {
public Scrollable(
Key key = null,
AxisDirection axisDirection = AxisDirection.down,
ScrollController controller = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
ViewportBuilder viewportBuilder = null,
DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start
) : base(key: key) {
D.assert(viewportBuilder != null);
this.axisDirection = axisDirection;
this.controller = controller;
this.physics = physics;
this.viewportBuilder = viewportBuilder;
this.dragStartBehavior = dragStartBehavior;
public readonly AxisDirection axisDirection;
public readonly ScrollController controller;
public readonly ScrollPhysics physics;
public readonly ViewportBuilder viewportBuilder;
public readonly DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior;
public Axis axis {
get { return AxisUtils.axisDirectionToAxis(this.axisDirection); }
public override State createState() {
return new ScrollableState();
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new EnumProperty<AxisDirection>("axisDirection", this.axisDirection));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<ScrollPhysics>("physics", this.physics));
public static ScrollableState of(BuildContext context) {
_ScrollableScope widget = (_ScrollableScope) context.inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(typeof(_ScrollableScope));
return widget == null ? null : widget.scrollable;
public static IPromise ensureVisible(BuildContext context,
float alignment = 0.0f,
TimeSpan? duration = null,
Curve curve = null
) {
duration = duration ?? TimeSpan.Zero;
curve = curve ?? Curves.ease;
List<IPromise> futures = new List<IPromise>();
ScrollableState scrollable = of(context);
while (scrollable != null) {
alignment: alignment,
duration: duration,
curve: curve
context = scrollable.context;
scrollable = of(context);
if (futures.isEmpty() || duration == TimeSpan.Zero) {
return Promise.Resolved();
if (futures.Count == 1) {
return futures.Single();
return Promise.All(futures);
class _ScrollableScope : InheritedWidget {
internal _ScrollableScope(
Key key = null,
ScrollableState scrollable = null,
ScrollPosition position = null,
Widget child = null
) : base(key: key, child: child) {
D.assert(scrollable != null);
D.assert(child != null);
this.scrollable = scrollable;
this.position = position;
public readonly ScrollableState scrollable;
public readonly ScrollPosition position;
public override bool updateShouldNotify(InheritedWidget old) {
return this.position != ((_ScrollableScope) old).position;
public class ScrollableState : TickerProviderStateMixin<Scrollable>, ScrollContext {
public ScrollPosition position {
get { return this._position; }
ScrollPosition _position;
public AxisDirection axisDirection {
get { return this.widget.axisDirection; }
ScrollBehavior _configuration;
ScrollPhysics _physics;
void _updatePosition() {
this._configuration = ScrollConfiguration.of(this.context);
this._physics = this._configuration.getScrollPhysics(this.context);
if (this.widget.physics != null) {
this._physics = this.widget.physics.applyTo(this._physics);
ScrollController controller = this.widget.controller;
ScrollPosition oldPosition = this.position;
if (oldPosition != null) {
if (controller != null) {
this._position = controller == null
? null
: controller.createScrollPosition(this._physics, this, oldPosition);
this._position = this._position
?? new ScrollPositionWithSingleContext(physics: this._physics, context: this,
oldPosition: oldPosition);
D.assert(this.position != null);
if (controller != null) {
public override void didChangeDependencies() {
bool _shouldUpdatePosition(Scrollable oldWidget) {
ScrollPhysics newPhysics = this.widget.physics;
ScrollPhysics oldPhysics = oldWidget.physics;
do {
Type newPhysicsType = newPhysics != null ? newPhysics.GetType() : null;
Type oldPhysicsType = oldPhysics != null ? oldPhysics.GetType() : null;
if (newPhysicsType != oldPhysicsType) {
return true;
if (newPhysics != null) {
newPhysics = newPhysics.parent;
if (oldPhysics != null) {
oldPhysics = oldPhysics.parent;
} while (newPhysics != null || oldPhysics != null);
Type controllerType = this.widget.controller == null ? null : this.widget.controller.GetType();
Type oldControllerType = oldWidget.controller == null ? null : oldWidget.controller.GetType();
return controllerType != oldControllerType;
public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget oldWidgetRaw) {
Scrollable oldWidget = (Scrollable) oldWidgetRaw;
if (this.widget.controller != oldWidget.controller) {
if (oldWidget.controller != null) {
if (this.widget.controller != null) {
if (this._shouldUpdatePosition(oldWidget)) {
public override void dispose() {
if (this.widget.controller != null) {
readonly GlobalKey<RawGestureDetectorState> _gestureDetectorKey = GlobalKey<RawGestureDetectorState>.key();
readonly GlobalKey _ignorePointerKey = GlobalKey.key();
Dictionary<Type, GestureRecognizerFactory> _gestureRecognizers =
new Dictionary<Type, GestureRecognizerFactory>();
bool _shouldIgnorePointer = false;
bool _lastCanDrag;
Axis _lastAxisDirection;
public void setCanDrag(bool canDrag) {
if (canDrag == this._lastCanDrag && (!canDrag || this.widget.axis == this._lastAxisDirection)) {
if (!canDrag) {
this._gestureRecognizers = new Dictionary<Type, GestureRecognizerFactory>();
else {
switch (this.widget.axis) {
case Axis.vertical:
this._gestureRecognizers = new Dictionary<Type, GestureRecognizerFactory>();
new GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers<VerticalDragGestureRecognizer>(
() => new VerticalDragGestureRecognizer(),
instance => {
instance.onDown = this._handleDragDown;
instance.onStart = this._handleDragStart;
instance.onUpdate = this._handleDragUpdate;
instance.onEnd = this._handleDragEnd;
instance.onCancel = this._handleDragCancel;
instance.minFlingDistance =
this._physics == null ? (float?) null : this._physics.minFlingDistance;
instance.minFlingVelocity =
this._physics == null ? (float?) null : this._physics.minFlingVelocity;
instance.maxFlingVelocity =
this._physics == null ? (float?) null : this._physics.maxFlingVelocity;
instance.dragStartBehavior = this.widget.dragStartBehavior;
case Axis.horizontal:
this._gestureRecognizers = new Dictionary<Type, GestureRecognizerFactory>();
new GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers<HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer>(
() => new HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer(),
instance => {
instance.onDown = this._handleDragDown;
instance.onStart = this._handleDragStart;
instance.onUpdate = this._handleDragUpdate;
instance.onEnd = this._handleDragEnd;
instance.onCancel = this._handleDragCancel;
instance.minFlingDistance =
this._physics == null ? (float?) null : this._physics.minFlingDistance;
instance.minFlingVelocity =
this._physics == null ? (float?) null : this._physics.minFlingVelocity;
instance.maxFlingVelocity =
this._physics == null ? (float?) null : this._physics.maxFlingVelocity;
instance.dragStartBehavior = this.widget.dragStartBehavior;
this._lastCanDrag = canDrag;
this._lastAxisDirection = this.widget.axis;
if (this._gestureDetectorKey.currentState != null) {
public TickerProvider vsync {
get { return this; }
public void setIgnorePointer(bool value) {
if (this._shouldIgnorePointer == value) {
this._shouldIgnorePointer = value;
if (this._ignorePointerKey.currentContext != null) {
var renderBox = (RenderIgnorePointer) this._ignorePointerKey.currentContext.findRenderObject();
renderBox.ignoring = this._shouldIgnorePointer;
public BuildContext notificationContext {
get { return this._gestureDetectorKey.currentContext; }
public BuildContext storageContext {
get { return this.context; }
Drag _drag;
ScrollHoldController _hold;
void _handleDragDown(DragDownDetails details) {
D.assert(this._drag == null);
D.assert(this._hold == null);
this._hold = this.position.hold(this._disposeHold);
void _handleDragStart(DragStartDetails details) {
D.assert(this._drag == null);
this._drag = this.position.drag(details, this._disposeDrag);
D.assert(this._drag != null);
D.assert(this._hold == null);
void _handleDragUpdate(DragUpdateDetails details) {
D.assert(this._hold == null || this._drag == null);
if (this._drag != null) {
void _handleDragEnd(DragEndDetails details) {
D.assert(this._hold == null || this._drag == null);
if (this._drag != null) {
D.assert(this._drag == null);
void _handleDragCancel() {
D.assert(this._hold == null || this._drag == null);
if (this._hold != null) {
if (this._drag != null) {
D.assert(this._hold == null);
D.assert(this._drag == null);
float _targetScrollOffsetForPointerScroll(PointerScrollEvent e) {
float delta = this.widget.axis == Axis.horizontal ? :;
return Mathf.Min(Mathf.Max(this.position.pixels + delta, this.position.minScrollExtent),
void _receivedPointerSignal(PointerSignalEvent e) {
if (e is PointerScrollEvent && this.position != null) {
float targetScrollOffset = this._targetScrollOffsetForPointerScroll(e as PointerScrollEvent);
if (targetScrollOffset != this.position.pixels) {
GestureBinding.instance.pointerSignalResolver.register(e, this._handlePointerScroll);
void _handlePointerScroll(PointerEvent e) {
D.assert(e is PointerScrollEvent);
float targetScrollOffset = this._targetScrollOffsetForPointerScroll(e as PointerScrollEvent);
if (targetScrollOffset != this.position.pixels) {
void _disposeHold() {
this._hold = null;
void _disposeDrag() {
this._drag = null;
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
D.assert(this.position != null);
Widget result = new _ScrollableScope(
scrollable: this,
position: this.position,
child: new Listener(
onPointerSignal: this._receivedPointerSignal,
child: new RawGestureDetector(
key: this._gestureDetectorKey,
gestures: this._gestureRecognizers,
behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,
child: new IgnorePointer(
key: this._ignorePointerKey,
ignoring: this._shouldIgnorePointer,
child: this.widget.viewportBuilder(context, this.position)
return this._configuration.buildViewportChrome(context, result, this.widget.axisDirection);
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<ScrollPosition>("position", this.position));