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46 lines
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46 lines
1.8 KiB
;ModuleID =
source_filename = ""
target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
;the above is copied
define dso_local i32 @main() {
; Allocate memory for the integer array of size 2
%a = alloca [2 x i32]
; Store the float value 1.8 in %fconst
%fconst = alloca float
store float 0x3ffcccccc0000000, float *%fconst
; Store the integer value 2 in the first element of the array
%1 = getelementptr inbounds [2 x i32], [2 x i32]* %a, i64 0, i64 0
store i32 2, i32* %1
; Transfer 2 from integer to float
%2 = load i32, i32 *%1
%3 = sitofp i32 %2 to float
; Multiply the first element of the array with the float value 1.8
%4 = load float, float *%fconst
%5 = fmul float %3, %4
; Transfer %5 from float to integer
%6 = fptosi float %5 to i32
; Store the result of the multiplication in the second element of the array
%7 = getelementptr inbounds [2 x i32], [2 x i32]* %a, i64 0, i64 1
store i32 %6, i32* %7
; Load and return the value stored in the second element of the array
%8 = load i32, i32* %7
ret i32 %8
; the coming code is copied
attributes #0 = { noinline nounwind optnone uwtable "correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt-fp-math"="false" "disable-tail-calls"="false" "frame-pointer"="all" "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "min-legal-vector-width"="0" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-jump-tables"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "no-signed-zeros-fp-math"="false" "no-trapping-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="x86-64" "target-features"="+cx8,+fxsr,+mmx,+sse,+sse2,+x87" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
!llvm.module.flags = !{!0}
!llvm.ident = !{!1}
!0 = !{i32 1, !"wchar_size", i32 4}
!1 = !{!"clang version 10.0.1 "}