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# import cv2
# import numpy as np
# laplacian filter
from function.GrayscaleTrans.BGR2GRAY import rgbToGray
from numpy import zeros,sum,clip,float,uint8
def laplacian_filter(img, K_size=3):
H, W, C = img.shape
gray = rgbToGray(img)
# zero padding
pad = K_size // 2
out = zeros((H + pad * 2, W + pad * 2), dtype=float)
out[pad: pad + H, pad: pad + W] = gray.copy().astype(float)
tmp = out.copy()
# laplacian kernle
K = [[0., 1., 0.],[1., -4., 1.], [0., 1., 0.]]
# filtering
for y in range(H):
for x in range(W):
out[pad + y, pad + x] = sum(K * (tmp[y: y + K_size, x: x + K_size]))
out = clip(out, 0, 255)
out = out[pad: pad + H, pad: pad + W].astype(uint8)
return out