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9 months ago
import pytest
from pandas._libs.tslibs.period import INVALID_FREQ_ERR_MSG
from pandas.errors import OutOfBoundsDatetime
from pandas import (
import pandas._testing as tm
bday_msg = "Period with BDay freq is deprecated"
class TestFreqConversion:
"""Test frequency conversion of date objects"""
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Period with BDay:FutureWarning")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("freq", ["Y", "Q", "M", "W", "B", "D"])
def test_asfreq_near_zero(self, freq):
# GH#19643, GH#19650
per = Period("0001-01-01", freq=freq)
tup1 = (per.year, per.hour,
prev = per - 1
assert prev.ordinal == per.ordinal - 1
tup2 = (prev.year, prev.month,
assert tup2 < tup1
def test_asfreq_near_zero_weekly(self):
# GH#19834
per1 = Period("0001-01-01", "D") + 6
per2 = Period("0001-01-01", "D") - 6
week1 = per1.asfreq("W")
week2 = per2.asfreq("W")
assert week1 != week2
assert week1.asfreq("D", "E") >= per1
assert week2.asfreq("D", "S") <= per2
def test_to_timestamp_out_of_bounds(self):
# GH#19643, used to incorrectly give Timestamp in 1754
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
per = Period("0001-01-01", freq="B")
msg = "Out of bounds nanosecond timestamp"
with pytest.raises(OutOfBoundsDatetime, match=msg):
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
def test_asfreq_corner(self):
val = Period(freq="Y", year=2007)
result1 = val.asfreq("5min")
result2 = val.asfreq("min")
expected = Period("2007-12-31 23:59", freq="min")
assert result1.ordinal == expected.ordinal
assert result1.freqstr == "5min"
assert result2.ordinal == expected.ordinal
assert result2.freqstr == "min"
def test_conv_annual(self):
# frequency conversion tests: from Annual Frequency
ival_A = Period(freq="Y", year=2007)
ival_AJAN = Period(freq="Y-JAN", year=2007)
ival_AJUN = Period(freq="Y-JUN", year=2007)
ival_ANOV = Period(freq="Y-NOV", year=2007)
ival_A_to_Q_start = Period(freq="Q", year=2007, quarter=1)
ival_A_to_Q_end = Period(freq="Q", year=2007, quarter=4)
ival_A_to_M_start = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=1)
ival_A_to_M_end = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=12)
ival_A_to_W_start = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_A_to_W_end = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=12, day=31)
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
ival_A_to_B_start = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_A_to_B_end = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=12, day=31)
ival_A_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_A_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=12, day=31)
ival_A_to_H_start = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0)
ival_A_to_H_end = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=12, day=31, hour=23)
ival_A_to_T_start = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0
ival_A_to_T_end = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=12, day=31, hour=23, minute=59
ival_A_to_S_start = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0
ival_A_to_S_end = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=12, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59
ival_AJAN_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=31)
ival_AJAN_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2006, month=2, day=1)
ival_AJUN_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=6, day=30)
ival_AJUN_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2006, month=7, day=1)
ival_ANOV_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=11, day=30)
ival_ANOV_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2006, month=12, day=1)
assert ival_A.asfreq("Q", "s") == ival_A_to_Q_start
assert ival_A.asfreq("Q", "e") == ival_A_to_Q_end
assert ival_A.asfreq("M", "s") == ival_A_to_M_start
assert ival_A.asfreq("M", "E") == ival_A_to_M_end
assert ival_A.asfreq("W", "s") == ival_A_to_W_start
assert ival_A.asfreq("W", "E") == ival_A_to_W_end
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
assert ival_A.asfreq("B", "s") == ival_A_to_B_start
assert ival_A.asfreq("B", "E") == ival_A_to_B_end
assert ival_A.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_A_to_D_start
assert ival_A.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_A_to_D_end
msg = "'H' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version."
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=msg):
assert ival_A.asfreq("H", "s") == ival_A_to_H_start
assert ival_A.asfreq("H", "E") == ival_A_to_H_end
assert ival_A.asfreq("min", "s") == ival_A_to_T_start
assert ival_A.asfreq("min", "E") == ival_A_to_T_end
msg = "'T' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version."
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=msg):
assert ival_A.asfreq("T", "s") == ival_A_to_T_start
assert ival_A.asfreq("T", "E") == ival_A_to_T_end
msg = "'S' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version."
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=msg):
assert ival_A.asfreq("S", "S") == ival_A_to_S_start
assert ival_A.asfreq("S", "E") == ival_A_to_S_end
assert ival_AJAN.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_AJAN_to_D_start
assert ival_AJAN.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_AJAN_to_D_end
assert ival_AJUN.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_AJUN_to_D_start
assert ival_AJUN.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_AJUN_to_D_end
assert ival_ANOV.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_ANOV_to_D_start
assert ival_ANOV.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_ANOV_to_D_end
assert ival_A.asfreq("Y") == ival_A
def test_conv_quarterly(self):
# frequency conversion tests: from Quarterly Frequency
ival_Q = Period(freq="Q", year=2007, quarter=1)
ival_Q_end_of_year = Period(freq="Q", year=2007, quarter=4)
ival_QEJAN = Period(freq="Q-JAN", year=2007, quarter=1)
ival_QEJUN = Period(freq="Q-JUN", year=2007, quarter=1)
ival_Q_to_A = Period(freq="Y", year=2007)
ival_Q_to_M_start = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=1)
ival_Q_to_M_end = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=3)
ival_Q_to_W_start = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_Q_to_W_end = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=3, day=31)
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
ival_Q_to_B_start = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_Q_to_B_end = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=3, day=30)
ival_Q_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_Q_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=3, day=31)
ival_Q_to_H_start = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0)
ival_Q_to_H_end = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=3, day=31, hour=23)
ival_Q_to_T_start = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0
ival_Q_to_T_end = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=3, day=31, hour=23, minute=59
ival_Q_to_S_start = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0
ival_Q_to_S_end = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=3, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59
ival_QEJAN_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2006, month=2, day=1)
ival_QEJAN_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2006, month=4, day=30)
ival_QEJUN_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2006, month=7, day=1)
ival_QEJUN_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2006, month=9, day=30)
assert ival_Q.asfreq("Y") == ival_Q_to_A
assert ival_Q_end_of_year.asfreq("Y") == ival_Q_to_A
assert ival_Q.asfreq("M", "s") == ival_Q_to_M_start
assert ival_Q.asfreq("M", "E") == ival_Q_to_M_end
assert ival_Q.asfreq("W", "s") == ival_Q_to_W_start
assert ival_Q.asfreq("W", "E") == ival_Q_to_W_end
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
assert ival_Q.asfreq("B", "s") == ival_Q_to_B_start
assert ival_Q.asfreq("B", "E") == ival_Q_to_B_end
assert ival_Q.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_Q_to_D_start
assert ival_Q.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_Q_to_D_end
assert ival_Q.asfreq("h", "s") == ival_Q_to_H_start
assert ival_Q.asfreq("h", "E") == ival_Q_to_H_end
assert ival_Q.asfreq("Min", "s") == ival_Q_to_T_start
assert ival_Q.asfreq("Min", "E") == ival_Q_to_T_end
assert ival_Q.asfreq("s", "s") == ival_Q_to_S_start
assert ival_Q.asfreq("s", "E") == ival_Q_to_S_end
assert ival_QEJAN.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_QEJAN_to_D_start
assert ival_QEJAN.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_QEJAN_to_D_end
assert ival_QEJUN.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_QEJUN_to_D_start
assert ival_QEJUN.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_QEJUN_to_D_end
assert ival_Q.asfreq("Q") == ival_Q
def test_conv_monthly(self):
# frequency conversion tests: from Monthly Frequency
ival_M = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=1)
ival_M_end_of_year = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=12)
ival_M_end_of_quarter = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=3)
ival_M_to_A = Period(freq="Y", year=2007)
ival_M_to_Q = Period(freq="Q", year=2007, quarter=1)
ival_M_to_W_start = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_M_to_W_end = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=1, day=31)
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
ival_M_to_B_start = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_M_to_B_end = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=1, day=31)
ival_M_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_M_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=31)
ival_M_to_H_start = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0)
ival_M_to_H_end = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=31, hour=23)
ival_M_to_T_start = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0
ival_M_to_T_end = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=31, hour=23, minute=59
ival_M_to_S_start = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0
ival_M_to_S_end = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59
assert ival_M.asfreq("Y") == ival_M_to_A
assert ival_M_end_of_year.asfreq("Y") == ival_M_to_A
assert ival_M.asfreq("Q") == ival_M_to_Q
assert ival_M_end_of_quarter.asfreq("Q") == ival_M_to_Q
assert ival_M.asfreq("W", "s") == ival_M_to_W_start
assert ival_M.asfreq("W", "E") == ival_M_to_W_end
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
assert ival_M.asfreq("B", "s") == ival_M_to_B_start
assert ival_M.asfreq("B", "E") == ival_M_to_B_end
assert ival_M.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_M_to_D_start
assert ival_M.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_M_to_D_end
assert ival_M.asfreq("h", "s") == ival_M_to_H_start
assert ival_M.asfreq("h", "E") == ival_M_to_H_end
assert ival_M.asfreq("Min", "s") == ival_M_to_T_start
assert ival_M.asfreq("Min", "E") == ival_M_to_T_end
assert ival_M.asfreq("s", "s") == ival_M_to_S_start
assert ival_M.asfreq("s", "E") == ival_M_to_S_end
assert ival_M.asfreq("M") == ival_M
def test_conv_weekly(self):
# frequency conversion tests: from Weekly Frequency
ival_W = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_WSUN = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=1, day=7)
ival_WSAT = Period(freq="W-SAT", year=2007, month=1, day=6)
ival_WFRI = Period(freq="W-FRI", year=2007, month=1, day=5)
ival_WTHU = Period(freq="W-THU", year=2007, month=1, day=4)
ival_WWED = Period(freq="W-WED", year=2007, month=1, day=3)
ival_WTUE = Period(freq="W-TUE", year=2007, month=1, day=2)
ival_WMON = Period(freq="W-MON", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_WSUN_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_WSUN_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=7)
ival_WSAT_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2006, month=12, day=31)
ival_WSAT_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=6)
ival_WFRI_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2006, month=12, day=30)
ival_WFRI_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=5)
ival_WTHU_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2006, month=12, day=29)
ival_WTHU_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=4)
ival_WWED_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2006, month=12, day=28)
ival_WWED_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=3)
ival_WTUE_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2006, month=12, day=27)
ival_WTUE_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=2)
ival_WMON_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2006, month=12, day=26)
ival_WMON_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_W_end_of_year = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=12, day=31)
ival_W_end_of_quarter = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=3, day=31)
ival_W_end_of_month = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=1, day=31)
ival_W_to_A = Period(freq="Y", year=2007)
ival_W_to_Q = Period(freq="Q", year=2007, quarter=1)
ival_W_to_M = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=1)
if Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=12, day=31).weekday == 6:
ival_W_to_A_end_of_year = Period(freq="Y", year=2007)
ival_W_to_A_end_of_year = Period(freq="Y", year=2008)
if Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=3, day=31).weekday == 6:
ival_W_to_Q_end_of_quarter = Period(freq="Q", year=2007, quarter=1)
ival_W_to_Q_end_of_quarter = Period(freq="Q", year=2007, quarter=2)
if Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=31).weekday == 6:
ival_W_to_M_end_of_month = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=1)
ival_W_to_M_end_of_month = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=2)
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
ival_W_to_B_start = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_W_to_B_end = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=1, day=5)
ival_W_to_D_start = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_W_to_D_end = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=7)
ival_W_to_H_start = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0)
ival_W_to_H_end = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=7, hour=23)
ival_W_to_T_start = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0
ival_W_to_T_end = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=7, hour=23, minute=59
ival_W_to_S_start = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0
ival_W_to_S_end = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=7, hour=23, minute=59, second=59
assert ival_W.asfreq("Y") == ival_W_to_A
assert ival_W_end_of_year.asfreq("Y") == ival_W_to_A_end_of_year
assert ival_W.asfreq("Q") == ival_W_to_Q
assert ival_W_end_of_quarter.asfreq("Q") == ival_W_to_Q_end_of_quarter
assert ival_W.asfreq("M") == ival_W_to_M
assert ival_W_end_of_month.asfreq("M") == ival_W_to_M_end_of_month
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
assert ival_W.asfreq("B", "s") == ival_W_to_B_start
assert ival_W.asfreq("B", "E") == ival_W_to_B_end
assert ival_W.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_W_to_D_start
assert ival_W.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_W_to_D_end
assert ival_WSUN.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_WSUN_to_D_start
assert ival_WSUN.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_WSUN_to_D_end
assert ival_WSAT.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_WSAT_to_D_start
assert ival_WSAT.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_WSAT_to_D_end
assert ival_WFRI.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_WFRI_to_D_start
assert ival_WFRI.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_WFRI_to_D_end
assert ival_WTHU.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_WTHU_to_D_start
assert ival_WTHU.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_WTHU_to_D_end
assert ival_WWED.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_WWED_to_D_start
assert ival_WWED.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_WWED_to_D_end
assert ival_WTUE.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_WTUE_to_D_start
assert ival_WTUE.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_WTUE_to_D_end
assert ival_WMON.asfreq("D", "s") == ival_WMON_to_D_start
assert ival_WMON.asfreq("D", "E") == ival_WMON_to_D_end
assert ival_W.asfreq("h", "s") == ival_W_to_H_start
assert ival_W.asfreq("h", "E") == ival_W_to_H_end
assert ival_W.asfreq("Min", "s") == ival_W_to_T_start
assert ival_W.asfreq("Min", "E") == ival_W_to_T_end
assert ival_W.asfreq("s", "s") == ival_W_to_S_start
assert ival_W.asfreq("s", "E") == ival_W_to_S_end
assert ival_W.asfreq("W") == ival_W
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
def test_conv_weekly_legacy(self):
# frequency conversion tests: from Weekly Frequency
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(freq="WK", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(freq="WK-SAT", year=2007, month=1, day=6)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(freq="WK-FRI", year=2007, month=1, day=5)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(freq="WK-THU", year=2007, month=1, day=4)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(freq="WK-WED", year=2007, month=1, day=3)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(freq="WK-TUE", year=2007, month=1, day=2)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(freq="WK-MON", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
def test_conv_business(self):
# frequency conversion tests: from Business Frequency"
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
ival_B = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_B_end_of_year = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=12, day=31)
ival_B_end_of_quarter = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=3, day=30)
ival_B_end_of_month = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=1, day=31)
ival_B_end_of_week = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=1, day=5)
ival_B_to_A = Period(freq="Y", year=2007)
ival_B_to_Q = Period(freq="Q", year=2007, quarter=1)
ival_B_to_M = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=1)
ival_B_to_W = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=1, day=7)
ival_B_to_D = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_B_to_H_start = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0)
ival_B_to_H_end = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23)
ival_B_to_T_start = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0
ival_B_to_T_end = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59
ival_B_to_S_start = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0
ival_B_to_S_end = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59, second=59
assert ival_B.asfreq("Y") == ival_B_to_A
assert ival_B_end_of_year.asfreq("Y") == ival_B_to_A
assert ival_B.asfreq("Q") == ival_B_to_Q
assert ival_B_end_of_quarter.asfreq("Q") == ival_B_to_Q
assert ival_B.asfreq("M") == ival_B_to_M
assert ival_B_end_of_month.asfreq("M") == ival_B_to_M
assert ival_B.asfreq("W") == ival_B_to_W
assert ival_B_end_of_week.asfreq("W") == ival_B_to_W
assert ival_B.asfreq("D") == ival_B_to_D
assert ival_B.asfreq("h", "s") == ival_B_to_H_start
assert ival_B.asfreq("h", "E") == ival_B_to_H_end
assert ival_B.asfreq("Min", "s") == ival_B_to_T_start
assert ival_B.asfreq("Min", "E") == ival_B_to_T_end
assert ival_B.asfreq("s", "s") == ival_B_to_S_start
assert ival_B.asfreq("s", "E") == ival_B_to_S_end
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
assert ival_B.asfreq("B") == ival_B
def test_conv_daily(self):
# frequency conversion tests: from Business Frequency"
ival_D = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_D_end_of_year = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=12, day=31)
ival_D_end_of_quarter = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=3, day=31)
ival_D_end_of_month = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=31)
ival_D_end_of_week = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=7)
ival_D_friday = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=5)
ival_D_saturday = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=6)
ival_D_sunday = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=7)
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
ival_B_friday = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=1, day=5)
ival_B_monday = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=1, day=8)
ival_D_to_A = Period(freq="Y", year=2007)
ival_Deoq_to_AJAN = Period(freq="Y-JAN", year=2008)
ival_Deoq_to_AJUN = Period(freq="Y-JUN", year=2007)
ival_Deoq_to_ADEC = Period(freq="Y-DEC", year=2007)
ival_D_to_QEJAN = Period(freq="Q-JAN", year=2007, quarter=4)
ival_D_to_QEJUN = Period(freq="Q-JUN", year=2007, quarter=3)
ival_D_to_QEDEC = Period(freq="Q-DEC", year=2007, quarter=1)
ival_D_to_M = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=1)
ival_D_to_W = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=1, day=7)
ival_D_to_H_start = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0)
ival_D_to_H_end = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23)
ival_D_to_T_start = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0
ival_D_to_T_end = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59
ival_D_to_S_start = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0
ival_D_to_S_end = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59, second=59
assert ival_D.asfreq("Y") == ival_D_to_A
assert ival_D_end_of_quarter.asfreq("Y-JAN") == ival_Deoq_to_AJAN
assert ival_D_end_of_quarter.asfreq("Y-JUN") == ival_Deoq_to_AJUN
assert ival_D_end_of_quarter.asfreq("Y-DEC") == ival_Deoq_to_ADEC
assert ival_D_end_of_year.asfreq("Y") == ival_D_to_A
assert ival_D_end_of_quarter.asfreq("Q") == ival_D_to_QEDEC
assert ival_D.asfreq("Q-JAN") == ival_D_to_QEJAN
assert ival_D.asfreq("Q-JUN") == ival_D_to_QEJUN
assert ival_D.asfreq("Q-DEC") == ival_D_to_QEDEC
assert ival_D.asfreq("M") == ival_D_to_M
assert ival_D_end_of_month.asfreq("M") == ival_D_to_M
assert ival_D.asfreq("W") == ival_D_to_W
assert ival_D_end_of_week.asfreq("W") == ival_D_to_W
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
assert ival_D_friday.asfreq("B") == ival_B_friday
assert ival_D_saturday.asfreq("B", "s") == ival_B_friday
assert ival_D_saturday.asfreq("B", "E") == ival_B_monday
assert ival_D_sunday.asfreq("B", "s") == ival_B_friday
assert ival_D_sunday.asfreq("B", "E") == ival_B_monday
assert ival_D.asfreq("h", "s") == ival_D_to_H_start
assert ival_D.asfreq("h", "E") == ival_D_to_H_end
assert ival_D.asfreq("Min", "s") == ival_D_to_T_start
assert ival_D.asfreq("Min", "E") == ival_D_to_T_end
assert ival_D.asfreq("s", "s") == ival_D_to_S_start
assert ival_D.asfreq("s", "E") == ival_D_to_S_end
assert ival_D.asfreq("D") == ival_D
def test_conv_hourly(self):
# frequency conversion tests: from Hourly Frequency"
ival_H = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0)
ival_H_end_of_year = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=12, day=31, hour=23)
ival_H_end_of_quarter = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=3, day=31, hour=23)
ival_H_end_of_month = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=31, hour=23)
ival_H_end_of_week = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=7, hour=23)
ival_H_end_of_day = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23)
ival_H_end_of_bus = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23)
ival_H_to_A = Period(freq="Y", year=2007)
ival_H_to_Q = Period(freq="Q", year=2007, quarter=1)
ival_H_to_M = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=1)
ival_H_to_W = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=1, day=7)
ival_H_to_D = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
ival_H_to_B = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_H_to_T_start = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0
ival_H_to_T_end = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=59
ival_H_to_S_start = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0
ival_H_to_S_end = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=59, second=59
assert ival_H.asfreq("Y") == ival_H_to_A
assert ival_H_end_of_year.asfreq("Y") == ival_H_to_A
assert ival_H.asfreq("Q") == ival_H_to_Q
assert ival_H_end_of_quarter.asfreq("Q") == ival_H_to_Q
assert ival_H.asfreq("M") == ival_H_to_M
assert ival_H_end_of_month.asfreq("M") == ival_H_to_M
assert ival_H.asfreq("W") == ival_H_to_W
assert ival_H_end_of_week.asfreq("W") == ival_H_to_W
assert ival_H.asfreq("D") == ival_H_to_D
assert ival_H_end_of_day.asfreq("D") == ival_H_to_D
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
assert ival_H.asfreq("B") == ival_H_to_B
assert ival_H_end_of_bus.asfreq("B") == ival_H_to_B
assert ival_H.asfreq("Min", "s") == ival_H_to_T_start
assert ival_H.asfreq("Min", "E") == ival_H_to_T_end
assert ival_H.asfreq("s", "s") == ival_H_to_S_start
assert ival_H.asfreq("s", "E") == ival_H_to_S_end
assert ival_H.asfreq("h") == ival_H
def test_conv_minutely(self):
# frequency conversion tests: from Minutely Frequency"
ival_T = Period(freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0)
ival_T_end_of_year = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=12, day=31, hour=23, minute=59
ival_T_end_of_quarter = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=3, day=31, hour=23, minute=59
ival_T_end_of_month = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=31, hour=23, minute=59
ival_T_end_of_week = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=7, hour=23, minute=59
ival_T_end_of_day = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59
ival_T_end_of_bus = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59
ival_T_end_of_hour = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=59
ival_T_to_A = Period(freq="Y", year=2007)
ival_T_to_Q = Period(freq="Q", year=2007, quarter=1)
ival_T_to_M = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=1)
ival_T_to_W = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=1, day=7)
ival_T_to_D = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
ival_T_to_B = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_T_to_H = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0)
ival_T_to_S_start = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0
ival_T_to_S_end = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=59
assert ival_T.asfreq("Y") == ival_T_to_A
assert ival_T_end_of_year.asfreq("Y") == ival_T_to_A
assert ival_T.asfreq("Q") == ival_T_to_Q
assert ival_T_end_of_quarter.asfreq("Q") == ival_T_to_Q
assert ival_T.asfreq("M") == ival_T_to_M
assert ival_T_end_of_month.asfreq("M") == ival_T_to_M
assert ival_T.asfreq("W") == ival_T_to_W
assert ival_T_end_of_week.asfreq("W") == ival_T_to_W
assert ival_T.asfreq("D") == ival_T_to_D
assert ival_T_end_of_day.asfreq("D") == ival_T_to_D
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
assert ival_T.asfreq("B") == ival_T_to_B
assert ival_T_end_of_bus.asfreq("B") == ival_T_to_B
assert ival_T.asfreq("h") == ival_T_to_H
assert ival_T_end_of_hour.asfreq("h") == ival_T_to_H
assert ival_T.asfreq("s", "s") == ival_T_to_S_start
assert ival_T.asfreq("s", "E") == ival_T_to_S_end
assert ival_T.asfreq("Min") == ival_T
def test_conv_secondly(self):
# frequency conversion tests: from Secondly Frequency"
ival_S = Period(freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
ival_S_end_of_year = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=12, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59
ival_S_end_of_quarter = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=3, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59
ival_S_end_of_month = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59
ival_S_end_of_week = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=7, hour=23, minute=59, second=59
ival_S_end_of_day = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59, second=59
ival_S_end_of_bus = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59, second=59
ival_S_end_of_hour = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=59, second=59
ival_S_end_of_minute = Period(
freq="s", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=59
ival_S_to_A = Period(freq="Y", year=2007)
ival_S_to_Q = Period(freq="Q", year=2007, quarter=1)
ival_S_to_M = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=1)
ival_S_to_W = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=1, day=7)
ival_S_to_D = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
ival_S_to_B = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
ival_S_to_H = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0)
ival_S_to_T = Period(freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0)
assert ival_S.asfreq("Y") == ival_S_to_A
assert ival_S_end_of_year.asfreq("Y") == ival_S_to_A
assert ival_S.asfreq("Q") == ival_S_to_Q
assert ival_S_end_of_quarter.asfreq("Q") == ival_S_to_Q
assert ival_S.asfreq("M") == ival_S_to_M
assert ival_S_end_of_month.asfreq("M") == ival_S_to_M
assert ival_S.asfreq("W") == ival_S_to_W
assert ival_S_end_of_week.asfreq("W") == ival_S_to_W
assert ival_S.asfreq("D") == ival_S_to_D
assert ival_S_end_of_day.asfreq("D") == ival_S_to_D
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
assert ival_S.asfreq("B") == ival_S_to_B
assert ival_S_end_of_bus.asfreq("B") == ival_S_to_B
assert ival_S.asfreq("h") == ival_S_to_H
assert ival_S_end_of_hour.asfreq("h") == ival_S_to_H
assert ival_S.asfreq("Min") == ival_S_to_T
assert ival_S_end_of_minute.asfreq("Min") == ival_S_to_T
assert ival_S.asfreq("s") == ival_S
def test_conv_microsecond(self):
# GH#31475 Avoid floating point errors dropping the start_time to
# before the beginning of the Period
per = Period("2020-01-30 15:57:27.576166", freq="us")
assert per.ordinal == 1580399847576166
start = per.start_time
expected = Timestamp("2020-01-30 15:57:27.576166")
assert start == expected
assert start._value == per.ordinal * 1000
per2 = Period("2300-01-01", "us")
msg = "2300-01-01"
with pytest.raises(OutOfBoundsDatetime, match=msg):
with pytest.raises(OutOfBoundsDatetime, match=msg):
def test_asfreq_mult(self):
# normal freq to mult freq
p = Period(freq="Y", year=2007)
# ordinal will not change
for freq in ["3Y", offsets.YearEnd(3)]:
result = p.asfreq(freq)
expected = Period("2007", freq="3Y")
assert result == expected
assert result.ordinal == expected.ordinal
assert result.freq == expected.freq
# ordinal will not change
for freq in ["3Y", offsets.YearEnd(3)]:
result = p.asfreq(freq, how="S")
expected = Period("2007", freq="3Y")
assert result == expected
assert result.ordinal == expected.ordinal
assert result.freq == expected.freq
# mult freq to normal freq
p = Period(freq="3Y", year=2007)
# ordinal will change because how=E is the default
for freq in ["Y", offsets.YearEnd()]:
result = p.asfreq(freq)
expected = Period("2009", freq="Y")
assert result == expected
assert result.ordinal == expected.ordinal
assert result.freq == expected.freq
# ordinal will not change
for freq in ["Y", offsets.YearEnd()]:
result = p.asfreq(freq, how="s")
expected = Period("2007", freq="Y")
assert result == expected
assert result.ordinal == expected.ordinal
assert result.freq == expected.freq
p = Period(freq="Y", year=2007)
for freq in ["2M", offsets.MonthEnd(2)]:
result = p.asfreq(freq)
expected = Period("2007-12", freq="2M")
assert result == expected
assert result.ordinal == expected.ordinal
assert result.freq == expected.freq
for freq in ["2M", offsets.MonthEnd(2)]:
result = p.asfreq(freq, how="s")
expected = Period("2007-01", freq="2M")
assert result == expected
assert result.ordinal == expected.ordinal
assert result.freq == expected.freq
p = Period(freq="3Y", year=2007)
for freq in ["2M", offsets.MonthEnd(2)]:
result = p.asfreq(freq)
expected = Period("2009-12", freq="2M")
assert result == expected
assert result.ordinal == expected.ordinal
assert result.freq == expected.freq
for freq in ["2M", offsets.MonthEnd(2)]:
result = p.asfreq(freq, how="s")
expected = Period("2007-01", freq="2M")
assert result == expected
assert result.ordinal == expected.ordinal
assert result.freq == expected.freq
def test_asfreq_combined(self):
# normal freq to combined freq
p = Period("2007", freq="h")
# ordinal will not change
expected = Period("2007", freq="25h")
for freq, how in zip(["1D1h", "1h1D"], ["E", "S"]):
result = p.asfreq(freq, how=how)
assert result == expected
assert result.ordinal == expected.ordinal
assert result.freq == expected.freq
# combined freq to normal freq
p1 = Period(freq="1D1h", year=2007)
p2 = Period(freq="1h1D", year=2007)
# ordinal will change because how=E is the default
result1 = p1.asfreq("h")
result2 = p2.asfreq("h")
expected = Period("2007-01-02", freq="h")
assert result1 == expected
assert result1.ordinal == expected.ordinal
assert result1.freq == expected.freq
assert result2 == expected
assert result2.ordinal == expected.ordinal
assert result2.freq == expected.freq
# ordinal will not change
result1 = p1.asfreq("h", how="S")
result2 = p2.asfreq("h", how="S")
expected = Period("2007-01-01", freq="h")
assert result1 == expected
assert result1.ordinal == expected.ordinal
assert result1.freq == expected.freq
assert result2 == expected
assert result2.ordinal == expected.ordinal
assert result2.freq == expected.freq
def test_asfreq_MS(self):
initial = Period("2013")
assert initial.asfreq(freq="M", how="S") == Period("2013-01", "M")
msg = "MS is not supported as period frequency"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
initial.asfreq(freq="MS", how="S")
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period("2013-01", "MS")