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403 lines
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9 months ago
import os
import sys
import ast
import types
import warnings
import unittest
import contextlib
from re import Pattern
from import Callable, Iterable, Sequence
from typing import (
Literal as L,
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
from typing import ParamSpec
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
from numpy import generic, dtype, number, object_, bool_, _FloatValue
from numpy._typing import (
from import (
SkipTest as SkipTest,
_P = ParamSpec("_P")
_T = TypeVar("_T")
_ET = TypeVar("_ET", bound=BaseException)
_FT = TypeVar("_FT", bound=Callable[..., Any])
# Must return a bool or an ndarray/generic type
# that is supported by `np.logical_and.reduce`
_ComparisonFunc = Callable[
[NDArray[Any], NDArray[Any]],
NDArray[Union[bool_, number[Any], object_]],
__all__: list[str]
class KnownFailureException(Exception): ...
class IgnoreException(Exception): ...
class clear_and_catch_warnings(warnings.catch_warnings):
class_modules: ClassVar[tuple[types.ModuleType, ...]]
modules: set[types.ModuleType]
def __new__(
record: L[False] = ...,
modules: Iterable[types.ModuleType] = ...,
) -> _clear_and_catch_warnings_without_records: ...
def __new__(
record: L[True],
modules: Iterable[types.ModuleType] = ...,
) -> _clear_and_catch_warnings_with_records: ...
def __new__(
record: bool,
modules: Iterable[types.ModuleType] = ...,
) -> clear_and_catch_warnings: ...
def __enter__(self) -> None | list[warnings.WarningMessage]: ...
def __exit__(
__exc_type: None | type[BaseException] = ...,
__exc_val: None | BaseException = ...,
__exc_tb: None | types.TracebackType = ...,
) -> None: ...
# Type-check only `clear_and_catch_warnings` subclasses for both values of the
# `record` parameter. Copied from the stdlib `warnings` stubs.
class _clear_and_catch_warnings_with_records(clear_and_catch_warnings):
def __enter__(self) -> list[warnings.WarningMessage]: ...
class _clear_and_catch_warnings_without_records(clear_and_catch_warnings):
def __enter__(self) -> None: ...
class suppress_warnings:
log: list[warnings.WarningMessage]
def __init__(
forwarding_rule: L["always", "module", "once", "location"] = ...,
) -> None: ...
def filter(
category: type[Warning] = ...,
message: str = ...,
module: None | types.ModuleType = ...,
) -> None: ...
def record(
category: type[Warning] = ...,
message: str = ...,
module: None | types.ModuleType = ...,
) -> list[warnings.WarningMessage]: ...
def __enter__(self: _T) -> _T: ...
def __exit__(
__exc_type: None | type[BaseException] = ...,
__exc_val: None | BaseException = ...,
__exc_tb: None | types.TracebackType = ...,
) -> None: ...
def __call__(self, func: _FT) -> _FT: ...
verbose: int
IS_PYPY: Final[bool]
IS_PYSTON: Final[bool]
HAS_REFCOUNT: Final[bool]
HAS_LAPACK64: Final[bool]
def assert_(val: object, msg: str | Callable[[], str] = ...) -> None: ...
# Contrary to runtime we can't do `` checks while type checking,
# only `sys.platform` checks
if sys.platform == "win32" or sys.platform == "cygwin":
def memusage(processName: str = ..., instance: int = ...) -> int: ...
elif sys.platform == "linux":
def memusage(_proc_pid_stat: str | bytes | os.PathLike[Any] = ...) -> None | int: ...
def memusage() -> NoReturn: ...
if sys.platform == "linux":
def jiffies(
_proc_pid_stat: str | bytes | os.PathLike[Any] = ...,
_load_time: list[float] = ...,
) -> int: ...
def jiffies(_load_time: list[float] = ...) -> int: ...
def build_err_msg(
arrays: Iterable[object],
err_msg: str,
header: str = ...,
verbose: bool = ...,
names: Sequence[str] = ...,
precision: None | SupportsIndex = ...,
) -> str: ...
def assert_equal(
actual: object,
desired: object,
err_msg: str = ...,
verbose: bool = ...,
) -> None: ...
def print_assert_equal(
test_string: str,
actual: object,
desired: object,
) -> None: ...
def assert_almost_equal(
actual: _ArrayLikeNumber_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co,
desired: _ArrayLikeNumber_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co,
decimal: int = ...,
err_msg: str = ...,
verbose: bool = ...,
) -> None: ...
# Anything that can be coerced into `builtins.float`
def assert_approx_equal(
actual: _FloatValue,
desired: _FloatValue,
significant: int = ...,
err_msg: str = ...,
verbose: bool = ...,
) -> None: ...
def assert_array_compare(
comparison: _ComparisonFunc,
x: ArrayLike,
y: ArrayLike,
err_msg: str = ...,
verbose: bool = ...,
header: str = ...,
precision: SupportsIndex = ...,
equal_nan: bool = ...,
equal_inf: bool = ...,
strict: bool = ...
) -> None: ...
def assert_array_equal(
x: ArrayLike,
y: ArrayLike,
err_msg: str = ...,
verbose: bool = ...,
strict: bool = ...
) -> None: ...
def assert_array_almost_equal(
x: _ArrayLikeNumber_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co,
y: _ArrayLikeNumber_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co,
decimal: float = ...,
err_msg: str = ...,
verbose: bool = ...,
) -> None: ...
def assert_array_less(
x: _ArrayLikeNumber_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co,
y: _ArrayLikeNumber_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co,
err_msg: str = ...,
verbose: bool = ...,
) -> None: ...
def assert_array_less(
x: _ArrayLikeTD64_co,
y: _ArrayLikeTD64_co,
err_msg: str = ...,
verbose: bool = ...,
) -> None: ...
def assert_array_less(
x: _ArrayLikeDT64_co,
y: _ArrayLikeDT64_co,
err_msg: str = ...,
verbose: bool = ...,
) -> None: ...
def runstring(
astr: str | bytes | types.CodeType,
dict: None | dict[str, Any],
) -> Any: ...
def assert_string_equal(actual: str, desired: str) -> None: ...
def rundocs(
filename: None | str | os.PathLike[str] = ...,
raise_on_error: bool = ...,
) -> None: ...
def raises(*args: type[BaseException]) -> Callable[[_FT], _FT]: ...
def assert_raises( # type: ignore
expected_exception: type[BaseException] | tuple[type[BaseException], ...],
callable: Callable[_P, Any],
*args: _P.args,
**kwargs: _P.kwargs,
) -> None: ...
def assert_raises(
expected_exception: type[_ET] | tuple[type[_ET], ...],
msg: None | str = ...,
) ->[_ET]: ...
def assert_raises_regex(
expected_exception: type[BaseException] | tuple[type[BaseException], ...],
expected_regex: str | bytes | Pattern[Any],
callable: Callable[_P, Any],
*args: _P.args,
**kwargs: _P.kwargs,
) -> None: ...
def assert_raises_regex(
expected_exception: type[_ET] | tuple[type[_ET], ...],
expected_regex: str | bytes | Pattern[Any],
msg: None | str = ...,
) ->[_ET]: ...
def decorate_methods(
cls: type[Any],
decorator: Callable[[Callable[..., Any]], Any],
testmatch: None | str | bytes | Pattern[Any] = ...,
) -> None: ...
def measure(
code_str: str | bytes | ast.mod | ast.AST,
times: int = ...,
label: None | str = ...,
) -> float: ...
def assert_allclose(
actual: _ArrayLikeNumber_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co,
desired: _ArrayLikeNumber_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co,
rtol: float = ...,
atol: float = ...,
equal_nan: bool = ...,
err_msg: str = ...,
verbose: bool = ...,
) -> None: ...
def assert_allclose(
actual: _ArrayLikeTD64_co,
desired: _ArrayLikeTD64_co,
rtol: float = ...,
atol: float = ...,
equal_nan: bool = ...,
err_msg: str = ...,
verbose: bool = ...,
) -> None: ...
def assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(
x: _ArrayLikeNumber_co,
y: _ArrayLikeNumber_co,
nulp: float = ...,
) -> None: ...
def assert_array_max_ulp(
a: _ArrayLikeNumber_co,
b: _ArrayLikeNumber_co,
maxulp: float = ...,
dtype: DTypeLike = ...,
) -> NDArray[Any]: ...
def assert_warns(
warning_class: type[Warning],
) -> contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[None]: ...
def assert_warns(
warning_class: type[Warning],
func: Callable[_P, _T],
*args: _P.args,
**kwargs: _P.kwargs,
) -> _T: ...
def assert_no_warnings() -> contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[None]: ...
def assert_no_warnings(
func: Callable[_P, _T],
*args: _P.args,
**kwargs: _P.kwargs,
) -> _T: ...
def tempdir(
suffix: None = ...,
prefix: None = ...,
dir: None = ...,
) -> contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[str]: ...
def tempdir(
suffix: None | AnyStr = ...,
prefix: None | AnyStr = ...,
dir: None | AnyStr | os.PathLike[AnyStr] = ...,
) -> contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[AnyStr]: ...
def temppath(
suffix: None = ...,
prefix: None = ...,
dir: None = ...,
text: bool = ...,
) -> contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[str]: ...
def temppath(
suffix: None | AnyStr = ...,
prefix: None | AnyStr = ...,
dir: None | AnyStr | os.PathLike[AnyStr] = ...,
text: bool = ...,
) -> contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[AnyStr]: ...
def assert_no_gc_cycles() -> contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[None]: ...
def assert_no_gc_cycles(
func: Callable[_P, Any],
*args: _P.args,
**kwargs: _P.kwargs,
) -> None: ...
def break_cycles() -> None: ...