/* * VenoBox - jQuery Plugin * version: 1.8.6 * @requires jQuery >= 1.7.0 * * Examples at http://veno.es/venobox/ * License: MIT License * License URI: https://github.com/nicolafranchini/VenoBox/blob/master/LICENSE * Copyright 2013-2019 Nicola Franchini - @nicolafranchini * */ /* global jQuery */ (function($){ "use strict"; var autoplay, bgcolor, blocknum, blocktitle, border, core, container, content, dest, extraCss, framewidth, frameheight, gallItems, infinigall, items, keyNavigationDisabled, margine, numeratio, overlayColor, overlay, title, thisgall, thenext, theprev, nextok, prevok, preloader, $preloader, navigation, obj, gallIndex, startouch, vbheader, images, startY, startX, endY, endX, diff, diffX, diffY, threshold; $.fn.extend({ //plugin name - venobox venobox: function(options) { var plugin = this; // default options var defaults = { arrowsColor : '#B6B6B6', autoplay : false, // same as data-autoplay - thanks @codibit bgcolor: '#fff', border: '0', closeBackground : '#161617', closeColor : "#d2d2d2", framewidth: '', frameheight: '', gallItems: false, infinigall: false, htmlClose : '×', htmlNext : 'Next', htmlPrev : 'Prev', numeratio: false, numerationBackground : '#161617', numerationColor : '#d2d2d2', numerationPosition : 'top', // 'top' || 'bottom' overlayClose: true, // disable overlay click-close - thanx @martybalandis overlayColor : 'rgba(23,23,23,0.85)', spinner : 'double-bounce', // available: 'rotating-plane' | 'double-bounce' | 'wave' | 'wandering-cubes' | 'spinner-pulse' | 'chasing-dots' | 'three-bounce' | 'circle' | 'cube-grid' | 'fading-circle' | 'folding-cube' spinColor : '#d2d2d2', titleattr: 'title', // specific attribute to get a title (e.g. [data-title]) - thanx @mendezcode titleBackground: '#161617', titleColor: '#d2d2d2', titlePosition : 'top', // 'top' || 'bottom' cb_pre_open: function(){ return true; }, // Callbacks - thanx @garyee cb_post_open: function(){}, cb_pre_close: function(){ return true; }, cb_post_close: function(){}, cb_post_resize: function(){}, cb_after_nav: function(){}, cb_content_loaded: function(){}, cb_init: function(){} }; var option = $.extend(defaults, options); // callback plugin initialization option.cb_init(plugin); return this.each(function() { obj = $(this); // Prevent double initialization - thanx @matthistuff if (obj.data('venobox')) { return true; } // method to be used outside the plugin plugin.VBclose = function() { closeVbox(); }; obj.addClass('vbox-item'); obj.data('framewidth', option.framewidth); obj.data('frameheight', option.frameheight); obj.data('border', option.border); obj.data('bgcolor', option.bgcolor); obj.data('numeratio', option.numeratio); obj.data('gallItems', option.gallItems); obj.data('infinigall', option.infinigall); obj.data('overlaycolor', option.overlayColor); obj.data('titleattr', option.titleattr); obj.data('venobox', true); obj.on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); obj = $(this); // callback plugin initialization var cb_pre_open = option.cb_pre_open(obj); if (cb_pre_open === false) { return false; } // methods to be used outside the plugin plugin.VBnext = function() { navigateGall(thenext); }; plugin.VBprev = function() { navigateGall(theprev); }; overlayColor = obj.data('overlay') || obj.data('overlaycolor'); framewidth = obj.data('framewidth'); frameheight = obj.data('frameheight'); // set data-autoplay="true" for vimeo and youtube videos - thanx @zehfernandes autoplay = obj.data('autoplay') || option.autoplay; border = obj.data('border'); bgcolor = obj.data('bgcolor'); nextok = false; prevok = false; keyNavigationDisabled = false; // set a different url to be loaded using data-href="" - thanx @pixeline dest = obj.data('href') || obj.attr('href'); extraCss = obj.data( 'css' ) || ''; title = obj.attr(obj.data('titleattr')) || ''; preloader = '
'; switch (option.spinner) { case 'rotating-plane': preloader += '
'; break; case 'double-bounce': preloader += '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'; break; case 'wave': preloader += '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'; break; case 'wandering-cubes': preloader += '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'; break; case 'spinner-pulse': preloader += '
'; break; case 'chasing-dots': preloader += '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'; break; case 'three-bounce': preloader += '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'; break; case 'circle': preloader += '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'; break; case 'cube-grid': preloader += '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'; break; case 'fading-circle': preloader += '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'; break; case 'folding-cube': preloader += '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'; break; } preloader += '
'; navigation = '' + option.htmlNext + '' + option.htmlPrev + ''; vbheader = '
' + option.htmlClose + '
'; core = '
'+ preloader + '
' + vbheader + navigation + '
'; $('body').append(core).addClass('vbox-open'); $('.vbox-preloader div:not(.sk-circle) .sk-child, .vbox-preloader .sk-rotating-plane, .vbox-preloader .sk-rect, .vbox-preloader div:not(.sk-folding-cube) .sk-cube, .vbox-preloader .sk-spinner-pulse').css('background-color', option.spinColor); overlay = $('.vbox-overlay'); container = $('.vbox-container'); content = $('.vbox-content'); blocknum = $('.vbox-num'); blocktitle = $('.vbox-title'); $preloader = $('.vbox-preloader'); $preloader.show(); blocktitle.css(option.titlePosition, '-1px'); blocktitle.css({ 'color' : option.titleColor, 'background-color' : option.titleBackground }); $('.vbox-close').css({ 'color' : option.closeColor, 'background-color' : option.closeBackground }); $('.vbox-num').css(option.numerationPosition, '-1px'); $('.vbox-num').css({ 'color' : option.numerationColor, 'background-color' : option.numerationBackground }); $('.vbox-next span, .vbox-prev span').css({ 'border-top-color' : option.arrowsColor, 'border-right-color' : option.arrowsColor }); content.html(''); content.css('opacity', '0'); overlay.css('opacity', '0'); checknav(); // fade in overlay overlay.animate({opacity:1}, 250, function(){ if (obj.data('vbtype') == 'iframe') { loadIframe(); } else if (obj.data('vbtype') == 'inline') { loadInline(); } else if (obj.data('vbtype') == 'ajax') { loadAjax(); } else if (obj.data('vbtype') == 'video') { loadVid(autoplay); } else { content.html(''); preloadFirst(); } option.cb_post_open(obj, gallIndex, thenext, theprev); }); /* -------- KEYBOARD ACTIONS -------- */ $('body').keydown(keyboardHandler); /* -------- PREVGALL -------- */ $('.vbox-prev').on('click', function(){ navigateGall(theprev); }); /* -------- NEXTGALL -------- */ $('.vbox-next').on('click', function(){ navigateGall(thenext); }); return false; }); // click /* -------- CHECK NEXT / PREV -------- */ function checknav(){ thisgall = obj.data('gall'); numeratio = obj.data('numeratio'); gallItems = obj.data('gallItems'); infinigall = obj.data('infinigall'); if (gallItems) { items = gallItems; } else { items = $('.vbox-item[data-gall="' + thisgall + '"]'); } thenext = items.eq( items.index(obj) + 1 ); theprev = items.eq( items.index(obj) - 1 ); if (!thenext.length && infinigall === true) { thenext = items.eq(0); } // update gall numeration if (items.length >= 1) { gallIndex = items.index(obj)+1; blocknum.html(gallIndex + ' / ' + items.length); } else { gallIndex = 1; } if (numeratio === true) { blocknum.show(); } else { blocknum.hide(); } // update title if (title !== '') { blocktitle.show(); } else { blocktitle.hide(); } // update navigation arrows if (!thenext.length && infinigall !== true) { $('.vbox-next').css('display', 'none'); nextok = false; } else { $('.vbox-next').css('display', 'block'); nextok = true; } if (items.index(obj) > 0 || infinigall === true) { $('.vbox-prev').css('display', 'block'); prevok = true; } else { $('.vbox-prev').css('display', 'none'); prevok = false; } // activate swipe if (prevok === true || nextok === true) { content.on(TouchMouseEvent.DOWN, onDownEvent); content.on(TouchMouseEvent.MOVE, onMoveEvent); content.on(TouchMouseEvent.UP, onUpEvent); } } /* -------- gallery navigation -------- */ function navigateGall(destination) { if (destination.length < 1) { return false; } if (keyNavigationDisabled) { return false; } keyNavigationDisabled = true; overlayColor = destination.data('overlay') || destination.data('overlaycolor'); framewidth = destination.data('framewidth'); frameheight = destination.data('frameheight'); border = destination.data('border'); bgcolor = destination.data('bgcolor'); dest = destination.data('href') || destination.attr('href'); autoplay = destination.data('autoplay'); title = (destination.data('titleattr') && destination.attr(destination.data('titleattr'))) || ''; // swipe out item if (destination === theprev) { content.addClass('vbox-animated').addClass('swipe-right'); } if (destination === thenext) { content.addClass('vbox-animated').addClass('swipe-left'); } $preloader.show(); content.animate({ opacity : 0, }, 500, function(){ overlay.css('background',overlayColor); content .removeClass('vbox-animated') .removeClass('swipe-left') .removeClass('swipe-right') .css({'margin-left': 0,'margin-right': 0}); if (destination.data('vbtype') == 'iframe') { loadIframe(); } else if (destination.data('vbtype') == 'inline') { loadInline(); } else if (destination.data('vbtype') == 'ajax') { loadAjax(); } else if (destination.data('vbtype') == 'video') { loadVid(autoplay); } else { content.html(''); preloadFirst(); } obj = destination; checknav(); keyNavigationDisabled = false; option.cb_after_nav(obj, gallIndex, thenext, theprev); }); } /* -------- KEYBOARD HANDLER -------- */ function keyboardHandler(e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { // esc closeVbox(); } if (e.keyCode == 37 && prevok === true) { // left navigateGall(theprev); } if (e.keyCode == 39 && nextok === true) { // right navigateGall(thenext); } } /* -------- CLOSE VBOX -------- */ function closeVbox(){ var cb_pre_close = option.cb_pre_close(obj, gallIndex, thenext, theprev); if (cb_pre_close === false) { return false; } $('body').off('keydown', keyboardHandler).removeClass('vbox-open'); obj.focus(); overlay.animate({opacity:0}, 500, function(){ overlay.remove(); keyNavigationDisabled = false; option.cb_post_close(); }); } /* -------- CLOSE CLICK -------- */ var closeclickclass = '.vbox-overlay'; if(!option.overlayClose){ closeclickclass = '.vbox-close'; // close only on X } $('body').on('click touchstart', closeclickclass, function(e){ if ($(e.target).is('.vbox-overlay') || $(e.target).is('.vbox-content') || $(e.target).is('.vbox-close') || $(e.target).is('.vbox-preloader') || $(e.target).is('.vbox-container') ) { closeVbox(); } }); startX = 0; endX = 0; diff = 0; threshold = 50; startouch = false; function onDownEvent(e){ content.addClass('vbox-animated'); startY = endY = e.pageY; startX = endX = e.pageX; startouch = true; } function onMoveEvent(e){ if (startouch === true) { endX = e.pageX; endY = e.pageY; diffX = endX - startX; diffY = endY - startY; var absdiffX = Math.abs(diffX); var absdiffY = Math.abs(diffY); if ((absdiffX > absdiffY) && (absdiffX <= 100)) { e.preventDefault(); content.css('margin-left', diffX); } } } function onUpEvent(e){ if (startouch === true) { startouch = false; var subject = obj; var change = false; diff = endX - startX; if (diff < 0 && nextok === true) { subject = thenext; change = true; } if (diff > 0 && prevok === true) { subject = theprev; change = true; } if (Math.abs(diff) >= threshold && change === true) { navigateGall(subject); } else { content.css({'margin-left': 0,'margin-right': 0}); } } } /* == GLOBAL DECLERATIONS == */ var TouchMouseEvent = { DOWN: "touchmousedown", UP: "touchmouseup", MOVE: "touchmousemove" }; /* == EVENT LISTENERS == */ var onMouseEvent = function(event) { var type; switch (event.type) { case "mousedown": type = TouchMouseEvent.DOWN; break; case "mouseup": type = TouchMouseEvent.UP; break; case "mouseout": type = TouchMouseEvent.UP; break; case "mousemove": type = TouchMouseEvent.MOVE; break; default: return; } var touchMouseEvent = normalizeEvent(type, event, event.pageX, event.pageY); $(event.target).trigger(touchMouseEvent); }; var onTouchEvent = function(event) { var type; switch (event.type) { case "touchstart": type = TouchMouseEvent.DOWN; break; case "touchend": type = TouchMouseEvent.UP; break; case "touchmove": type = TouchMouseEvent.MOVE; break; default: return; } var touch = event.originalEvent.touches[0]; var touchMouseEvent; if (type == TouchMouseEvent.UP) { touchMouseEvent = normalizeEvent(type, event, null, null); } else { touchMouseEvent = normalizeEvent(type, event, touch.pageX, touch.pageY); } $(event.target).trigger(touchMouseEvent); }; /* == NORMALIZE == */ var normalizeEvent = function(type, original, x, y) { return $.Event(type, { pageX: x, pageY: y, originalEvent: original }); }; /* == LISTEN TO ORIGINAL EVENT == */ if ("ontouchstart" in window) { $(document).on("touchstart", onTouchEvent); $(document).on("touchmove", onTouchEvent); $(document).on("touchend", onTouchEvent); } else { $(document).on("mousedown", onMouseEvent); $(document).on("mouseup", onMouseEvent); $(document).on("mouseout", onMouseEvent); $(document).on("mousemove", onMouseEvent); } /* -------- LOAD AJAX -------- */ function loadAjax(){ $.ajax({ url: dest, cache: false }).done(function( msg ) { content.html('
'+ msg +'
'); preloadFirst(); }).fail(function() { content.html('

Error retrieving contents, please retry

'); updateoverlay(); }); } /* -------- LOAD IFRAME -------- */ function loadIframe(){ content.html(''); // $('.venoframe').load(function(){ // valid only for iFrames in same domain updateoverlay(); // }); } /* -------- LOAD VIDEOs -------- */ function loadVid(autoplay){ var player; var videoObj = parseVideo(dest); // set rel=0 to hide related videos at the end of YT + optional autoplay var stringAutoplay = autoplay ? "?rel=0&autoplay=1" : "?rel=0"; var queryvars = stringAutoplay + getUrlParameter(dest); if (videoObj.type == 'vimeo') { player = 'https://player.vimeo.com/video/'; } else if (videoObj.type == 'youtube') { player = 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/'; } content.html(''); updateoverlay(); } /** * Parse Youtube or Vimeo videos and get host & ID */ function parseVideo (url) { url.match(/(http:|https:|)\/\/(player.|www.)?(vimeo\.com|youtu(be\.com|\.be|be\.googleapis\.com))\/(video\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|v\/)?([A-Za-z0-9._%-]*)(\&\S+)?/); var type; if (RegExp.$3.indexOf('youtu') > -1) { type = 'youtube'; } else if (RegExp.$3.indexOf('vimeo') > -1) { type = 'vimeo'; } return { type: type, id: RegExp.$6 }; } /** * get additional video url parameters */ function getUrlParameter(name) { var result = ''; var sPageURL = decodeURIComponent(name); var firstsplit = sPageURL.split('?'); if (firstsplit[1] !== undefined) { var sURLVariables = firstsplit[1].split('&'); var sParameterName; var i; for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); result = result + '&'+ sParameterName[0]+'='+ sParameterName[1]; } } return encodeURI(result); } /* -------- LOAD INLINE -------- */ function loadInline(){ content.html('
'); updateoverlay(); } /* -------- PRELOAD IMAGE -------- */ function preloadFirst(){ images = content.find('img'); if (images.length) { images.each(function(){ $(this).one('load', function() { updateoverlay(); }); }); } else { updateoverlay(); } } /* -------- FADE-IN THE NEW CONTENT -------- */ function updateoverlay(){ blocktitle.html(title); content.find(">:first-child").addClass('vbox-figlio').css({ 'width': framewidth, 'height': frameheight, 'padding': border, 'background': bgcolor }); $('img.vbox-figlio').on('dragstart', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); }); updateOL(); content.animate({ 'opacity': '1' },'slow', function(){ $preloader.hide(); }); option.cb_content_loaded(obj, gallIndex, thenext, theprev); } /* -------- CENTER FRAME -------- */ function updateOL(){ var sonH = content.outerHeight(); var finH = $(window).height(); if (sonH + 60 < finH) { margine = (finH - sonH)/2; } else { margine = '30px'; } content.css('margin-top', margine); content.css('margin-bottom', margine); option.cb_post_resize(); } $(window).resize(function(){ if($('.vbox-content').length){ setTimeout(updateOL(), 800); } }); }); // each } // venobox }); // extend })(jQuery);