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651 lines
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Tests for the functionalities
import codecs
import errno
from functools import partial
from io import (
import mmap
import os
from pathlib import Path
import pickle
import tempfile
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pandas.compat import is_platform_windows
import pandas.util._test_decorators as td
import pandas as pd
import pandas._testing as tm
import as icom
pytestmark = pytest.mark.filterwarnings(
"ignore:Passing a BlockManager to DataFrame:DeprecationWarning"
class CustomFSPath:
"""For testing fspath on unknown objects"""
def __init__(self, path) -> None:
self.path = path
def __fspath__(self):
return self.path
# Functions that consume a string path and return a string or path-like object
path_types = [str, CustomFSPath, Path]
from py.path import local as LocalPath
except ImportError:
HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
class TestCommonIOCapabilities:
data1 = """index,A,B,C,D
def test_expand_user(self):
filename = "~/sometest"
expanded_name = icom._expand_user(filename)
assert expanded_name != filename
assert os.path.isabs(expanded_name)
assert os.path.expanduser(filename) == expanded_name
def test_expand_user_normal_path(self):
filename = "/somefolder/sometest"
expanded_name = icom._expand_user(filename)
assert expanded_name == filename
assert os.path.expanduser(filename) == expanded_name
def test_stringify_path_pathlib(self):
rel_path = icom.stringify_path(Path("."))
assert rel_path == "."
redundant_path = icom.stringify_path(Path("foo//bar"))
assert redundant_path == os.path.join("foo", "bar")
def test_stringify_path_localpath(self):
path = os.path.join("foo", "bar")
abs_path = os.path.abspath(path)
lpath = LocalPath(path)
assert icom.stringify_path(lpath) == abs_path
def test_stringify_path_fspath(self):
p = CustomFSPath("foo/bar.csv")
result = icom.stringify_path(p)
assert result == "foo/bar.csv"
def test_stringify_file_and_path_like(self):
# GH 38125: do not stringify file objects that are also path-like
fsspec = pytest.importorskip("fsspec")
with tm.ensure_clean() as path:
with"file://{path}", mode="wb") as fsspec_obj:
assert fsspec_obj == icom.stringify_path(fsspec_obj)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("path_type", path_types)
def test_infer_compression_from_path(self, compression_format, path_type):
extension, expected = compression_format
path = path_type("foo/bar.csv" + extension)
compression = icom.infer_compression(path, compression="infer")
assert compression == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("path_type", [str, CustomFSPath, Path])
def test_get_handle_with_path(self, path_type):
# ignore LocalPath: it creates strange paths: /absolute/~/sometest
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=Path.home()) as tmp:
filename = path_type("~/" + Path(tmp).name + "/sometest")
with icom.get_handle(filename, "w") as handles:
assert Path(
assert os.path.expanduser(filename) ==
def test_get_handle_with_buffer(self):
with StringIO() as input_buffer:
with icom.get_handle(input_buffer, "r") as handles:
assert handles.handle == input_buffer
assert not input_buffer.closed
assert input_buffer.closed
# Test that BytesIOWrapper(get_handle) returns correct amount of bytes every time
def test_bytesiowrapper_returns_correct_bytes(self):
# Test latin1, ucs-2, and ucs-4 chars
data = """a,b,c
Look,a snake,🐍"""
with icom.get_handle(StringIO(data), "rb", is_text=False) as handles:
result = b""
chunksize = 5
while True:
chunk =
# Make sure each chunk is correct amount of bytes
assert len(chunk) <= chunksize
if len(chunk) < chunksize:
# Can be less amount of bytes, but only at EOF
# which happens when read returns empty
assert len( == 0
result += chunk
result += chunk
assert result == data.encode("utf-8")
# Test that pyarrow can handle a file opened with get_handle
def test_get_handle_pyarrow_compat(self):
pa_csv = pytest.importorskip("pyarrow.csv")
# Test latin1, ucs-2, and ucs-4 chars
data = """a,b,c
Look,a snake,🐍"""
expected = pd.DataFrame(
{"a": ["1", "©", "Look"], "b": ["2", "®", "a snake"], "c": ["3", "®", "🐍"]}
s = StringIO(data)
with icom.get_handle(s, "rb", is_text=False) as handles:
df = pa_csv.read_csv(handles.handle).to_pandas()
tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected)
assert not s.closed
def test_iterator(self):
with pd.read_csv(StringIO(self.data1), chunksize=1) as reader:
result = pd.concat(reader, ignore_index=True)
expected = pd.read_csv(StringIO(self.data1))
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
# GH12153
with pd.read_csv(StringIO(self.data1), chunksize=1) as it:
first = next(it)
tm.assert_frame_equal(first, expected.iloc[[0]])
tm.assert_frame_equal(pd.concat(it), expected.iloc[1:])
"reader, module, error_class, fn_ext",
(pd.read_csv, "os", FileNotFoundError, "csv"),
(pd.read_fwf, "os", FileNotFoundError, "txt"),
(pd.read_excel, "xlrd", FileNotFoundError, "xlsx"),
(pd.read_feather, "pyarrow", OSError, "feather"),
(pd.read_hdf, "tables", FileNotFoundError, "h5"),
(pd.read_stata, "os", FileNotFoundError, "dta"),
(pd.read_sas, "os", FileNotFoundError, "sas7bdat"),
(pd.read_json, "os", FileNotFoundError, "json"),
(pd.read_pickle, "os", FileNotFoundError, "pickle"),
def test_read_non_existent(self, reader, module, error_class, fn_ext):
path = os.path.join(HERE, "data", "does_not_exist." + fn_ext)
msg1 = rf"File (b')?.+does_not_exist\.{fn_ext}'? does not exist"
msg2 = rf"\[Errno 2\] No such file or directory: '.+does_not_exist\.{fn_ext}'"
msg3 = "Expected object or value"
msg4 = "path_or_buf needs to be a string file path or file-like"
msg5 = (
rf"\[Errno 2\] File .+does_not_exist\.{fn_ext} does not exist: "
msg6 = rf"\[Errno 2\] 没有那个文件或目录: '.+does_not_exist\.{fn_ext}'"
msg7 = (
rf"\[Errno 2\] File o directory non esistente: '.+does_not_exist\.{fn_ext}'"
msg8 = rf"Failed to open local file.+does_not_exist\.{fn_ext}"
with pytest.raises(
"method, module, error_class, fn_ext",
(pd.DataFrame.to_csv, "os", OSError, "csv"),
(pd.DataFrame.to_html, "os", OSError, "html"),
(pd.DataFrame.to_excel, "xlrd", OSError, "xlsx"),
(pd.DataFrame.to_feather, "pyarrow", OSError, "feather"),
(pd.DataFrame.to_parquet, "pyarrow", OSError, "parquet"),
(pd.DataFrame.to_stata, "os", OSError, "dta"),
(pd.DataFrame.to_json, "os", OSError, "json"),
(pd.DataFrame.to_pickle, "os", OSError, "pickle"),
# NOTE: Missing parent directory for pd.DataFrame.to_hdf is handled by PyTables
def test_write_missing_parent_directory(self, method, module, error_class, fn_ext):
dummy_frame = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [2, 3, 4], "c": [3, 4, 5]})
path = os.path.join(HERE, "data", "missing_folder", "does_not_exist." + fn_ext)
with pytest.raises(
match=r"Cannot save file into a non-existent directory: .*missing_folder",
method(dummy_frame, path)
"reader, module, error_class, fn_ext",
(pd.read_csv, "os", FileNotFoundError, "csv"),
(pd.read_table, "os", FileNotFoundError, "csv"),
(pd.read_fwf, "os", FileNotFoundError, "txt"),
(pd.read_excel, "xlrd", FileNotFoundError, "xlsx"),
(pd.read_feather, "pyarrow", OSError, "feather"),
(pd.read_hdf, "tables", FileNotFoundError, "h5"),
(pd.read_stata, "os", FileNotFoundError, "dta"),
(pd.read_sas, "os", FileNotFoundError, "sas7bdat"),
(pd.read_json, "os", FileNotFoundError, "json"),
(pd.read_pickle, "os", FileNotFoundError, "pickle"),
def test_read_expands_user_home_dir(
self, reader, module, error_class, fn_ext, monkeypatch
path = os.path.join("~", "does_not_exist." + fn_ext)
monkeypatch.setattr(icom, "_expand_user", lambda x: os.path.join("foo", x))
msg1 = rf"File (b')?.+does_not_exist\.{fn_ext}'? does not exist"
msg2 = rf"\[Errno 2\] No such file or directory: '.+does_not_exist\.{fn_ext}'"
msg3 = "Unexpected character found when decoding 'false'"
msg4 = "path_or_buf needs to be a string file path or file-like"
msg5 = (
rf"\[Errno 2\] File .+does_not_exist\.{fn_ext} does not exist: "
msg6 = rf"\[Errno 2\] 没有那个文件或目录: '.+does_not_exist\.{fn_ext}'"
msg7 = (
rf"\[Errno 2\] File o directory non esistente: '.+does_not_exist\.{fn_ext}'"
msg8 = rf"Failed to open local file.+does_not_exist\.{fn_ext}"
with pytest.raises(
"reader, module, path",
(pd.read_csv, "os", ("io", "data", "csv", "iris.csv")),
(pd.read_table, "os", ("io", "data", "csv", "iris.csv")),
("io", "data", "fixed_width", "fixed_width_format.txt"),
(pd.read_excel, "xlrd", ("io", "data", "excel", "test1.xlsx")),
("io", "data", "feather", "feather-0_3_1.feather"),
("io", "data", "legacy_hdf", "datetimetz_object.h5"),
(pd.read_stata, "os", ("io", "data", "stata", "stata10_115.dta")),
(pd.read_sas, "os", ("io", "sas", "data", "test1.sas7bdat")),
(pd.read_json, "os", ("io", "json", "data", "tsframe_v012.json")),
("io", "data", "pickle", "categorical.0.25.0.pickle"),
def test_read_fspath_all(self, reader, module, path, datapath):
path = datapath(*path)
mypath = CustomFSPath(path)
result = reader(mypath)
expected = reader(path)
if path.endswith(".pickle"):
# categorical
tm.assert_categorical_equal(result, expected)
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
"writer_name, writer_kwargs, module",
("to_csv", {}, "os"),
("to_excel", {"engine": "openpyxl"}, "openpyxl"),
("to_feather", {}, "pyarrow"),
("to_html", {}, "os"),
("to_json", {}, "os"),
("to_latex", {}, "os"),
("to_pickle", {}, "os"),
("to_stata", {"time_stamp": pd.to_datetime("2019-01-01 00:00")}, "os"),
def test_write_fspath_all(self, writer_name, writer_kwargs, module):
if writer_name in ["to_latex"]: # uses Styler implementation
p1 = tm.ensure_clean("string")
p2 = tm.ensure_clean("fspath")
df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2]})
with p1 as string, p2 as fspath:
mypath = CustomFSPath(fspath)
writer = getattr(df, writer_name)
writer(string, **writer_kwargs)
writer(mypath, **writer_kwargs)
with open(string, "rb") as f_str, open(fspath, "rb") as f_path:
if writer_name == "to_excel":
# binary representation of excel contains time creation
# data that causes flaky CI failures
result = pd.read_excel(f_str, **writer_kwargs)
expected = pd.read_excel(f_path, **writer_kwargs)
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
result =
expected =
assert result == expected
def test_write_fspath_hdf5(self):
# Same test as write_fspath_all, except HDF5 files aren't
# necessarily byte-for-byte identical for a given dataframe, so we'll
# have to read and compare equality
df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2]})
p1 = tm.ensure_clean("string")
p2 = tm.ensure_clean("fspath")
with p1 as string, p2 as fspath:
mypath = CustomFSPath(fspath)
df.to_hdf(mypath, key="bar")
df.to_hdf(string, key="bar")
result = pd.read_hdf(fspath, key="bar")
expected = pd.read_hdf(string, key="bar")
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
def mmap_file(datapath):
return datapath("io", "data", "csv", "test_mmap.csv")
class TestMMapWrapper:
def test_constructor_bad_file(self, mmap_file):
non_file = StringIO("I am not a file")
non_file.fileno = lambda: -1
# the error raised is different on Windows
if is_platform_windows():
msg = "The parameter is incorrect"
err = OSError
msg = "[Errno 22]"
err = mmap.error
with pytest.raises(err, match=msg):
icom._maybe_memory_map(non_file, True)
with open(mmap_file, encoding="utf-8") as target:
msg = "I/O operation on closed file"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
icom._maybe_memory_map(target, True)
def test_next(self, mmap_file):
with open(mmap_file, encoding="utf-8") as target:
lines = target.readlines()
with icom.get_handle(
target, "r", is_text=True, memory_map=True
) as wrappers:
wrapper = wrappers.handle
assert isinstance(wrapper.buffer.buffer, mmap.mmap)
for line in lines:
next_line = next(wrapper)
assert next_line.strip() == line.strip()
with pytest.raises(StopIteration, match=r"^$"):
def test_unknown_engine(self):
with tm.ensure_clean() as path:
df = pd.DataFrame(
1.1 * np.arange(120).reshape((30, 4)),
columns=pd.Index(list("ABCD"), dtype=object),
index=pd.Index([f"i-{i}" for i in range(30)], dtype=object),
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Unknown engine"):
pd.read_csv(path, engine="pyt")
def test_binary_mode(self):
'encoding' shouldn't be passed to 'open' in binary mode.
GH 35058
with tm.ensure_clean() as path:
df = pd.DataFrame(
1.1 * np.arange(120).reshape((30, 4)),
columns=pd.Index(list("ABCD"), dtype=object),
index=pd.Index([f"i-{i}" for i in range(30)], dtype=object),
df.to_csv(path, mode="w+b")
tm.assert_frame_equal(df, pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("encoding", ["utf-16", "utf-32"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("compression_", ["bz2", "xz"])
def test_warning_missing_utf_bom(self, encoding, compression_):
bz2 and xz do not write the byte order mark (BOM) for utf-16/32.
GH 35681
df = pd.DataFrame(
1.1 * np.arange(120).reshape((30, 4)),
columns=pd.Index(list("ABCD"), dtype=object),
index=pd.Index([f"i-{i}" for i in range(30)], dtype=object),
with tm.ensure_clean() as path:
with tm.assert_produces_warning(UnicodeWarning):
df.to_csv(path, compression=compression_, encoding=encoding)
# reading should fail (otherwise we wouldn't need the warning)
msg = r"UTF-\d+ stream does not start with BOM"
with pytest.raises(UnicodeError, match=msg):
pd.read_csv(path, compression=compression_, encoding=encoding)
def test_is_fsspec_url():
assert icom.is_fsspec_url("gcs://pandas/")
assert icom.is_fsspec_url("gs://pandas/")
# the following is the only remote URL that is handled without fsspec
assert not icom.is_fsspec_url("http://pandas/")
assert not icom.is_fsspec_url("random:pandas/")
assert not icom.is_fsspec_url("/local/path")
assert not icom.is_fsspec_url("relative/local/path")
# fsspec URL in string should not be recognized
assert not icom.is_fsspec_url("this is not fsspec://url")
assert not icom.is_fsspec_url("{'url': 'gs://pandas/'}")
# accept everything that conforms to RFC 3986 schema
assert icom.is_fsspec_url("RFC-3986+compliant.spec://something")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("encoding", [None, "utf-8"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("format", ["csv", "json"])
def test_codecs_encoding(encoding, format):
# GH39247
expected = pd.DataFrame(
1.1 * np.arange(120).reshape((30, 4)),
columns=pd.Index(list("ABCD"), dtype=object),
index=pd.Index([f"i-{i}" for i in range(30)], dtype=object),
with tm.ensure_clean() as path:
with, mode="w", encoding=encoding) as handle:
getattr(expected, f"to_{format}")(handle)
with, mode="r", encoding=encoding) as handle:
if format == "csv":
df = pd.read_csv(handle, index_col=0)
df = pd.read_json(handle)
tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, df)
def test_codecs_get_writer_reader():
# GH39247
expected = pd.DataFrame(
1.1 * np.arange(120).reshape((30, 4)),
columns=pd.Index(list("ABCD"), dtype=object),
index=pd.Index([f"i-{i}" for i in range(30)], dtype=object),
with tm.ensure_clean() as path:
with open(path, "wb") as handle:
with codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(handle) as encoded:
with open(path, "rb") as handle:
with codecs.getreader("utf-8")(handle) as encoded:
df = pd.read_csv(encoded, index_col=0)
tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, df)
(BytesIO, "t", "a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'"),
(StringIO, "b", "string argument expected, got 'bytes'"),
def test_explicit_encoding(io_class, mode, msg):
# GH39247; this test makes sure that if a user provides mode="*t" or "*b",
# it is used. In the case of this test it leads to an error as intentionally the
# wrong mode is requested
expected = pd.DataFrame(
1.1 * np.arange(120).reshape((30, 4)),
columns=pd.Index(list("ABCD"), dtype=object),
index=pd.Index([f"i-{i}" for i in range(30)], dtype=object),
with io_class() as buffer:
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
expected.to_csv(buffer, mode=f"w{mode}")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("encoding_errors", [None, "strict", "replace"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("format", ["csv", "json"])
def test_encoding_errors(encoding_errors, format):
# GH39450
msg = "'utf-8' codec can't decode byte"
bad_encoding = b"\xe4"
if format == "csv":
content = b"," + bad_encoding + b"\n" + bad_encoding * 2 + b"," + bad_encoding
reader = partial(pd.read_csv, index_col=0)
content = (
+ bad_encoding * 2
+ b'": {"'
+ bad_encoding
+ b'":"'
+ bad_encoding
+ b'"}}'
reader = partial(pd.read_json, orient="index")
with tm.ensure_clean() as path:
file = Path(path)
if encoding_errors != "replace":
with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError, match=msg):
reader(path, encoding_errors=encoding_errors)
df = reader(path, encoding_errors=encoding_errors)
decoded = bad_encoding.decode(errors=encoding_errors)
expected = pd.DataFrame({decoded: [decoded]}, index=[decoded * 2])
tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected)
def test_bad_encdoing_errors():
# GH 39777
with tm.ensure_clean() as path:
with pytest.raises(LookupError, match="unknown error handler name"):
icom.get_handle(path, "w", errors="bad")
def test_errno_attribute():
# GH 13872
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError, match="\\[Errno 2\\]") as err:
assert err.errno == errno.ENOENT
def test_fail_mmap():
with pytest.raises(UnsupportedOperation, match="fileno"):
with BytesIO() as buffer:
icom.get_handle(buffer, "rb", memory_map=True)
def test_close_on_error():
# GH 47136
class TestError:
def close(self):
raise OSError("test")
with pytest.raises(OSError, match="test"):
with BytesIO() as buffer:
with icom.get_handle(buffer, "rb") as handles:
def test_pickle_reader(reader):
# GH 22265
with BytesIO() as buffer:
pickle.dump(reader, buffer)