#include #include #include #define MAX_LEN 10 // 字符串最大长度 #define STU_NUM 30 // 最多的学生人数 #define COURSE_NUM 6 // 最多的考试科目数 typedef struct student { long num; // 每个学生的学号 char name[MAX_LEN]; // 每个学生的姓名 float score[COURSE_NUM]; // 每个学生COURSE_NUM门功课的成绩 float sum; // 每个学生的总成绩 float aver; // 每个学生的平均成绩 }STU; int Menu(void); void ReadScore(STU stu[], int n, int m); void AverSumofEveryStudent(STU stu[], int n, int m); void AverSumofEveryCourse(STU stu[], int n, int m); void SortbyScore(STU stu[],int n,int m,int (*compare)(float a,float b)); int Ascending(float a, float b); int Descending(float a, float b); void SwapFloat(float *x, float *y); void SwapLong(long *x, long *y); void SwapChar(char x[], char y[]); void AsSortbyNum(STU stu[], int n, int m); void SortbyName(STU stu[], int n, int m); void SearchbyNum(STU stu[], int n, int m); void SearchbyName(STU stu[], int n, int m); void StatisticAnalysis(STU stu[], int n, int m); void PrintScore(STU stu[], int n, int m); void WritetoFile(STU record[], int n, int m); void ReadfromFile(STU record[], int *n, int *m); int main(void) { char ch; int n = 0, m = 0; STU stu[STU_NUM]; printf("Input student number(n<%d):", STU_NUM); scanf("%d", &n); printf("Input course number(m<=%d):",COURSE_NUM); scanf("%d", &m); while (1) { ch = Menu(); // 显示菜单,并读取用户输入 switch (ch) { case 1:ReadScore(stu, n, m); break; case 2: AverSumofEveryCourse(stu, n, m); break; case 3: AverSumofEveryStudent(stu, n, m); break; case 4: SortbyScore(stu, n, m, Descending); printf("\nSort in descending order by score:\n"); PrintScore(stu, n, m); break; case 5: SortbyScore(stu, n, m, Ascending); printf("\nSort in ascending order by score:\n"); PrintScore(stu, n, m); break; case 6: AsSortbyNum(stu, n, m); printf("\nSort in ascending order by number:\n"); PrintScore(stu, n, m); break; case 7: SortbyName(stu, n, m); printf("\nSort in dictionary order by name:\n"); PrintScore(stu, n, m); break; case 8: SearchbyNum(stu, n, m); break; case 9: SearchbyName(stu, n, m); break; case 10: StatisticAnalysis(stu, n, m); break; case 11:PrintScore(stu, n, m); break; case 12:WritetoFile(stu, n, m); break; case 13:ReadfromFile(stu, &n, &m); break; case 0: printf("End of program!"); exit(0); default:printf("Input error!"); } } return 0;} // 函数功能:显示菜单并获得用户键盘输入的选项 int Menu(void) { int itemSelected; printf("Management for Students' scores\n"); printf("1.Input record\n"); printf("2.Calculate total and average score of every course\n"); printf("3.Calculate total and average score of every student\n"); printf("4.Sort in descending order by score\n"); printf("5.Sort in ascending order by score\n"); printf("6.Sort in ascending order by number\n"); printf("7.Sort in dictionary order by name\n"); printf("8.Search by number\n"); printf("9.Search by name\n"); printf("10.Statistic analysis\n"); printf("11.List record\n"); printf("12.Write to a file\n"); printf("13.Read from a file\n"); printf("0.Exit\n"); printf("Please Input your choice:"); scanf("%d", &itemSelected); // 读入用户输入 return itemSelected; }