import random import sys import pygame.time from settings import * from dinosaur import Dinosaur from cloud import Cloud from bullet import Bullet pygame.init() # 初始化pygame pygame.display.set_caption('谷歌小游戏(小恐龙快跑)') # 设置标题 class Barrier: # 定义一个障碍物基类, 后面的各个障碍物都是Barrier的子类 def __init__(self, image, type): self.image = image self.type = type self.rect = self.image[self.type].get_rect() self.rect.x = SCREEN_WIDTH # 先把障碍物放到地图的右下角,然后出来 self.game_speed = game_speed self.hp = 100 # 血量 def update(self): self.rect.x -= self.game_speed # x坐标向左移动,即障碍物向左移动 if self.rect.x < -self.rect.width or self.hp <= 0: # 还需要判断障碍物是否移出了边界,如果越界的话我们要把该障碍物释放掉 barriers.pop() def draw(self, SCREEN): SCREEN.blit(self.image[self.type], self.rect) # 头顶显示血量 def showHp(self): font = pygame.font.SysFont(['方正粗黑宋简体','microsoftsansserif'], 30) text = font.render("Hp: " + str(self.hp), True, (0, 0, 0)) SCREEN.blit(text, (self.rect.x, self.rect.y - 20)) def showHit(self): font = pygame.font.SysFont(['方正粗黑宋简体', 'microsoftsansserif'], 30) text = font.render("┗|`O'|┛", True, (0, 0, 0)) SCREEN.blit(text, (self.rect.x, self.rect.y - 70)) # barriers的子类 class SmallCactus(Barrier): def __init__(self, image): self.type = random.randint(0, 2) #随机生成0-2下标,即随机生成3种小仙人掌中的一个 super().__init__(image, self.type) # super调用父类对象的方法 self.rect.y = 325 class LargeCactus(Barrier): def __init__(self, image): self.type = random.randint(0, 2) super().__init__(image, self.type) self.rect.y = 300 class Bird(Barrier): def __init__(self, image): self.type = 0 super().__init__(image, self.type) self.rect.y = 250 self.index = 0 self.ori_vy = 5 self.vy = self.ori_vy def draw(self, SCREEN): if self.index >= 9: self.index = 0 SCREEN.blit(self.image[self.index // 5], self.rect) self.index += 1 def update(self): # 多态实现鸟的上下移动 self.rect.x -= self.game_speed if self.rect.x < -self.rect.width or self.hp <= 0: # 还需要判断障碍物是否移出了边界,如果越界的话我们要把该障碍物释放掉 barriers.pop() self.rect.y -= self.vy * 3 self.vy -= 0.5 if self.rect.y <= 0: self.vy = self.ori_vy self.vy = -self.vy elif self.rect.y >= SCREEN_HEIGHT - 250: self.vy = 10 def menu(death_cnt): global points, max_score# 引入points, max_score全局变量 run = True while run: SCREEN.fill((255, 255, 255)) # 背景色设置为白色 font = pygame.font.SysFont('microsoftyahei', 50)# 微软雅黑 if death_cnt == 0: text = font.render("按任意键开始", True, (0, 0, 0)) elif death_cnt > 0: text = font.render("按任意键重新启动", True, (0, 0, 0)) score = font.render("你的分数: " + str(points), True, (0, 0, 0)) # 分数 if death_cnt == 1: max_score = points else: max_score = max(max_score, points) maxScore = font.render("最高分: " + str(max_score), True, (0, 0, 0)) # 最高分 scoreRect = score.get_rect() = (SCREEN_WIDTH // 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 + 50) # 将分数显示在游戏屏幕中间 SCREEN.blit(GAMEOVER, (SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 - 200, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 - 200)) # 显示GAMEOVER图片 SCREEN.blit(score, scoreRect) # 显示分数 SCREEN.blit(maxScore, (SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 - 170, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 + 70)) # 显示最高分数 textRect = text.get_rect() = (SCREEN_WIDTH // 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2) SCREEN.blit(text, textRect) SCREEN.blit(RUNNING[0], (SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 - 50, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 - 140)) #把恐龙的图片显示在菜单界面 # 添加作者信息 author_font = pygame.font.SysFont('microsoftyahei', 30)# 创建一个字体对象,使用 'microsoftyahei' 字体,字号大小为 30 author_text = author_font.render("作者: 袁恒", True, (0, 0, 0)) # render 方法的参数依次是:文本内容,是否开启抗锯齿(True 开启),文本颜色(黑色) author_text_rect = author_text.get_rect() = (SCREEN_WIDTH // 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 + 150) # 设置文本矩形的中心位置 SCREEN.blit(author_text, author_text_rect) # 使用 blit 方法将渲染后的文本表面绘制到屏幕上 pygame.display.update() # 更新画面 # 判断各个事件, 开始游戏 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() run = False if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: main() def main(): global game_speed, x_ori_bg, y_ori_bg, points, barriers, death_cnt, barrier, clock_cnt run = True clock = pygame.time.Clock() game_speed = 5 # 游戏的速度 player = Dinosaur(game_speed) # 实例化对象 cloud = Cloud(game_speed) # 设置背景图片的初始位置 x_ori_bg = 0 y_ori_bg = 380 points = 0 font = pygame.font.SysFont(['方正粗黑宋简体','microsoftsansserif'], 20) # 分数的字体 # 设置障碍物列表 barriers = [] # 设置子弹列表 bullets = [] def score(): global points, game_speed points += 1 if points % 150 == 0: # 分数每过150速度加1,时间越长速度越快 game_speed += 1 text = font.render("score: " + str(points), True, (0, 0, 0)) # render(内容,是否抗锯齿,字体颜色,字体背景颜色) textRect = text.get_rect() = (550, 40) SCREEN.blit(text, textRect) def background(): global x_ori_bg, y_ori_bg image_width = BG.get_width() SCREEN.blit(BG, (x_ori_bg, y_ori_bg)) SCREEN.blit(BG, (image_width + x_ori_bg, y_ori_bg)) # 保证图片连续 if x_ori_bg <= -image_width: # 越界 SCREEN.blit(BG, (image_width + x_ori_bg, y_ori_bg)) x_ori_bg = 0 x_ori_bg -= game_speed # 背景图片每帧往左移game_speed个单位 flag_hit = 0 # 标记恐龙是否被击中过 death_cnt = 0 # 记录死亡次数,death_cnt = 0显示开始界面,大于0的就会显示重开界面 last_timestamp = 0 # 记录时钟记录的上一个时刻 last_timestamp_hit = 0 # 记录恐龙受到伤害时钟记录的上一个时刻 last_timestamp_barr_hit = 0 # 记录障碍物受到伤害时钟记录的上一个时刻 flag_barr_hit = 0 # 记录障碍物有没有受得伤害 while run: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False SCREEN.fill((255, 255, 255)) # 背景填充为白色 userInput = pygame.key.get_pressed() # 从键盘读入按键 # 3s内显示血量的简单逻辑 if flag_hit == 1: if pygame.time.get_ticks() - last_timestamp_hit <= 3000: player.showHit() if pygame.time.get_ticks() - last_timestamp_hit > 3000: flag_hit = 0 background() # 画出背景 cloud.draw(SCREEN) # 画出云的图像 cloud.update() # 更新云的位置 score() # 显示分数 clock.tick(60) # 60fps # 如果还没有障碍物,那么生成一个障碍物 if len(barriers) <= 1: # 防止障碍物为0的情况下恐龙闪烁 player.draw(SCREEN) # 渲染恐龙画面 player.update(userInput) # 调用dinosaur的update函数每次渲染都判断一次是否按下相应的键位 player.showHp() # 随机等可能生成障碍物 if random.randint(0, 2) == 0: barriers.append(SmallCactus(SMALL_CACTUS)) # 向列表添加障碍物元素 elif random.randint(0, 2) == 1: barriers.append(LargeCactus(LARGE_CACTUS)) elif random.randint(0, 2) == 2: barriers.append(Bird(BIRD)) for barrier in barriers: barrier.draw(SCREEN) # 调用barrier类的draw函数,渲染画面 barrier.update() barrier.showHp() # 显示血量 if flag_barr_hit == 1: if barrier.hp < 100 and pygame.time.get_ticks() - last_timestamp_barr_hit <= 3000: barrier.showHit() if pygame.time.get_ticks() - last_timestamp_barr_hit > 3000: flag_barr_hit = 0 if player.dino_rect.colliderect(barrier.rect): # pygame的一个方法colliderect检测两个物体是否碰撞 last_timestamp_hit = pygame.time.get_ticks() player.hp -= 1 # 被击中生命值减1 flag_hit = 1 if not len(barriers) == 0: barriers.remove(barrier) else: player.draw(SCREEN) # 渲染恐龙画面 player.update(userInput) # 调用dinosaur的update函数每次渲染都判断一次是否按下相应的键位 player.showHp() if player.hp == 0: # 血量为0时 player.showDead() player.draw_death(SCREEN) pygame.display.update() # 显示死亡动画 pygame.time.delay(1000) death_cnt += 1 menu(death_cnt) # 调出死亡界面 # 子弹击中障碍物部分 for bullet in bullets: bullet.draw(SCREEN) bullet.update() if bullet.rect.x > SCREEN_WIDTH: if not len(bullets): bullets.remove(bullet) if bullet.rect.colliderect(barrier.rect): last_timestamp_barr_hit = pygame.time.get_ticks() barrier.hp -= 50 flag_barr_hit = 1 bullets.remove(bullet) if not len(barriers) == 0 and barrier.hp <= 0: points += 50 barriers.remove(barrier) # 发射子弹, 并且保证每个子弹的发射间隔小于200毫秒 if (userInput[pygame.K_SPACE] and pygame.time.get_ticks() - last_timestamp >= 200) or (userInput[pygame.K_SPACE] and last_timestamp == 0): last_timestamp = pygame.time.get_ticks() # 更新当前时间 bullets.append(Bullet(game_speed, player)) pygame.display.update() if __name__ == '__main__': menu(death_cnt = 0) main()