from settings import * from bullet import Bullet class Dinosaur: X_ori = 80 # 恐龙的初始x坐标 Y_ori = 310 # 恐龙的初始y坐标 Y_ori_DUCK = 340 # 恐龙的初始低头y坐标 ori_vy = 7 # 恐龙的初始跳跃速度 def __init__(self, game_speed): # 读入setting中恐龙三种状态所属的列表图片 self.duck_img = DUCKING self.run_img = RUNNING self.jump_img = JUMPING self.game_speed = game_speed self.gravity = 9.8 self.hp = 2 # 恐龙的三种状态:低头,奔跑,跳跃 self.status = 1 # 状态机:0表示低头, 1表示奔跑, 2表示跳跃状态, 3表示往左移动, 4表示往右移动 self.index = 0 self.vy = self.ori_vy # 设定初始速度为ori_vy self.image = self.run_img[0] # 初始的跑步动作下标为0 self.dino_rect = self.image.get_rect() # get_rect是获取图像的位置信息以及宽度高度 self.dino_rect.x = self.X_ori self.dino_rect.y = self.Y_ori def update(self, userInput): # userInput <== 键盘输入 # 三种状态不断切换 if self.status == 0: if self.status == 1: if self.status == 2: self.jump() if self.index >= 10: self.index = 0 # 读入按键,要额外判定恐龙是否处于跳跃状态,不然就会连跳 if userInput[pygame.K_UP] and not self.status == 2: self.status = 2 elif userInput[pygame.K_DOWN] and not self.status == 2: self.status = 0 elif not (userInput[pygame.K_DOWN] or self.status == 2): self.status = 1 def duck(self): self.image = self.duck_img[self.index // 5] self.dino_rect = self.image.get_rect() self.dino_rect.x = self.X_ori self.dino_rect.y = self.Y_ori_DUCK self.index += 1 def run(self): self.image = self.run_img[self.index // 5] self.dino_rect = self.image.get_rect() self.dino_rect.x = self.X_ori self.dino_rect.y = self.Y_ori self.index += 1 def jump(self): self.image = self.jump_img if self.status == 2: # 抛物线公式 self.dino_rect.y -= self.vy * 4 # 在空中下降,注意y轴是向下的,所以需要是-= self.vy -= 0.5 # 加速度为-0.5 if self.vy < - self.ori_vy: # 恢复初始跳跃速度 self.status = 1 self.vy = self.ori_vy # 定义draw函数以刷新画面 def draw(self, SCREEN): SCREEN.blit(self.image, (self.dino_rect.x, self.dino_rect.y)) # 死亡动画 def draw_death(self,SCREEN): SCREEN.blit(DEAD, (self.dino_rect.x, self.dino_rect.y)) def showHp(self): font = pygame.font.SysFont(['方正粗黑宋简体', 'microsoftsansserif'], 30) text = font.render("Hp: " + str(self.hp), True, (0, 0, 0)) SCREEN.blit(text, (self.dino_rect.x, self.dino_rect.y - 20)) def showHit(self): font = pygame.font.SysFont(['方正粗黑宋简体', 'microsoftsansserif'], 30) text = font.render("OAO", True, (0, 0, 0)) SCREEN.blit(text, (self.dino_rect.x, self.dino_rect.y - 50)) def showDead(self): font = pygame.font.SysFont(['方正粗黑宋简体', 'microsoftsansserif'], 30) text = font.render("TAT", True, (0, 0, 0)) SCREEN.blit(text, (self.dino_rect.x, self.dino_rect.y - 50))