You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

311 lines
9.7 KiB

4 years ago
* 公共函数
* @author [MC]
* @date 2018-05-11
define(['constant'], function(constant) {
function execParentFun(funName, paraJson) {
var para = "t=" + Math.random() + "&funName=" + funName;
$.each(paraJson, function(name, value) {
para += (para == "" ? "" : "&");
para += name + "=" + escape(value);
if (typeof(exec_obj) == 'undefined') {
exec_obj = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'tmp_frame';
exec_obj.src = constant.URL.WEB_URL + 'cn/components/execJs.html?' + para; = 'none';
} else {
exec_obj.src = constant.URL.WEB_URL + 'cn/components/execJs.html?' + para;
function G(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
var UI = new Object();
UI.register = function(id, even, fun, arr) {
if (G(id)) {
G(id)["on" + even] = function() {
* @desc 页面路径跳转
* @param [url] 跳转路径
* @param [parameterList] 参数对象集合 {name value}
* @author [张君培]
* @date 2018/08/13
function goUrlModule(url, parameterList) {
var parameter = '';
for (var i = 0; i < parameterList.length; i++) {
var symbol = i === 0 ? '?' : '&';
var o = parameterList[i];
parameter += symbol + + '=' + o.value;
window.location.href = url + parameter;
return {
'UI': UI,
'goUrlModule': goUrlModule,
'execParentFun': execParentFun
function open_initTab() {
// 关闭 off防止多次绑定重复执行。最好是使用事件委托
$(".icon-close").off('click').click(function() {
var v = $(this).parent().attr("for");
$("#" + v).remove();
var fordiv = $(this).parent().attr("fordiv");
$("#" + fordiv).remove();
$("input[name='grp']").eq($("input[name='grp']").length - 1).prop("checked", "checked");
// 弹出右键菜单 off防止多次绑定重复执行。最好是使用事件委托
$('.ifr').find('label').off('contextmenu').contextmenu(function(e) {
window.currentRightClickLabel = this;
// 获取窗口尺寸
var winWidth = $(document).width();
// ul标签的宽高
var menuWidth = $("#contextmenu").width();
// 最小边缘margin(具体窗口边缘最小的距离)
var minEdgeMargin = 10;
var mouseX = e.clientX,
mouseY = e.clientY;
var menuLeft;
var menuTop;
if (mouseX + menuWidth + minEdgeMargin >= winWidth) {
menuLeft = mouseX - menuWidth - minEdgeMargin + "px";
menuTop = mouseY + minEdgeMargin + "px";
} else {
menuLeft = mouseX + minEdgeMargin + "px";
menuTop = mouseY + minEdgeMargin + "px";
var oMenu = $('#contextmenu')[0]; = "block"; = menuLeft; = menuTop;
function open_addTab(url, title, tabid, refresh) {
var titleName = activeMenu(url);
if (title == null || title == "null" || title == undefined) {
title = titleName;
var id = "tab-" + tabid;
var isHas = false;
if (sessionStorage.pageMenus) {
var pageMenus = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.pageMenus) || [];
for (var i = 0; i < pageMenus.length; i++) {
var urlList = url.split('/');
var lastUrl = urlList[urlList.length - 1].split('?')[0];
var urlText = urlList[urlList.length - 2] + '/' + lastUrl;
var menuList = pageMenus[i].menuUrl.split('/');
var menuText = menuList[menuList.length - 2] + '/' + menuList[menuList.length - 1];
if (urlText == menuText) {
id = "tab-" + 'menu-' + pageMenus[i].id;
$('input[name="grp"]').each(function(index, obj) {
if ($(obj).attr("id") == id && $(obj).css("display") == "none") {
$("#" + id).prop("checked", "checked");
$("#" + id).next().css("display", "");
$("#" + id).next().next().css("display", "");
isHas = true;
if (isHas) {
if (refresh == 'new') { //新的数据,参数切换
$('#' + id).attr('h', url);
var iframe = document.getElementById("iframe-" + id);
$('#iframe-' + id).attr('src', url);
if (refresh) {
var iframe = document.getElementById("iframe-" + id);
iframe.src = url;
$("#operateTab").before("<input id=\"" + id + "\" type=\"radio\" name=\"grp\" h=\"" + url + "\" checked=\"\">" +
"<label for=\"" + id + "\" fordiv=\"tabdiv-" + id + "\">" +
"<div class=\"ifr-tab-title\">" + title + "</div>" +
"<div class=\"icon-list ionicon-list icon-close\"><div class=\"col-md-3 col-sm-4\"><i class=\"ion-ios7-close-empty\"></i></div></div>" +
"</label> " +
"<div class=\"tab-item\" id=\"tabdiv-" + id + "\">" +
"<iframe src=\"" + url + "\" id=\"iframe-" + id + "\" frameborder=\"0\" class=\"fw-admin-iframe\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" allow=\"autoplay; fullscreen\"></iframe>" +
$("#" + id).attr('checked', 'true');
function activeMenu(url) {
var aList = $(".list-unstyled").find("a");
for (var i = 0; i < aList.length; i++) {
if (url.split('?')[0] === $(aList[i]).attr("h")) {
return $(aList[i]).html();
// 关闭选项卡
function close_tab(closeTabId, openTabId) {
var $tab = $("#tab-" + closeTabId); // 必须先删除子元素
$('#tabdiv-tab-' + closeTabId).remove();
if (openTabId) {
$('#tab-' + openTabId).prop("checked", true);
} else {
$("input[name='grp']").eq($("input[name='grp']").length - 1).prop("checked", "checked");
// 关闭未选中的选项卡
function close_other_tab() {
var $tabs = $('.ifr').find('input[name="grp"]:not(:checked)');
$tabs.each(function() {
// 右键关闭其他选项卡
function close_other_tab2() {
var currentRightClickLabel = window.currentRightClickLabel; // 右键点击的label
var input = $(currentRightClickLabel).prev();
var $tabs = $('.ifr').find('input[name="grp"]');
$tabs.each(function() {
if ($(input)[0].id !== {
// 右键关闭当前选项卡
function close_current_tab() {
var currentRightClickLabel = window.currentRightClickLabel; // 右键点击的label
var input = $(currentRightClickLabel).prev();
var currTabId = $(input)[0].id;
var $tab = $('#' + currTabId);
$('#tabdiv-' + currTabId).remove();
// 隐藏当前选项卡,并打开新的选项卡
function open_close_tab(url, title, openTabId) {
var currTabId = "";
$('input[name="grp"]').each(function(index, obj) {
if ($(obj).prop("checked")) {
currTabId = $(obj).attr("id").substring(4);
var $tab = $("#tab-" + currTabId);
$('#tabdiv-tab-' + currTabId).hide();
open_addTab(url, title, openTabId, true);
// 关闭当前选项卡,打开新的选项卡
function close_single_tab(openTabId, url, title, refresh) {
var currTabId = "";
$('input[name="grp"]').each(function(index, obj) {
if ($(obj).prop("checked")) {
currTabId = $(obj).attr("id").substring(4);
refresh = (refresh === "true") ? true : false;
open_addTab(url, title, openTabId, refresh);
var $tab2 = $("#tab-" + openTabId);
$"display", "");
// $;
$('#tabdiv-tab-' + openTabId).css("display", "");
$('#tabdiv-tab-' + openTabId).removeAttr("style");
var $tab = $("#tab-" + currTabId);
$('#tabdiv-tab-' + currTabId).remove();
// 关闭所有选项卡
function close_all_tab() {
var $tabs = $('.ifr').find('input[name="grp"]');
$tabs.each(function() {
function close_frame(func, url, title, tabid, refresh) {
if (func == "addTab") {
open_addTab(url, title, tabid, refresh);