/** * Theme: Velonic Admin Template * Author: Coderthemes * Todo Application */ !function($) { "use strict"; var TodoApp = function() { this.$body = $("body"), this.$todoContainer = $('#todo-container'), this.$todoMessage = $("#todo-message"), this.$todoRemaining = $("#todo-remaining"), this.$todoTotal = $("#todo-total"), this.$archiveBtn = $("#btn-archive"), this.$todoList = $("#todo-list"), this.$todoDonechk = ".todo-done", this.$todoForm = $("#todo-form"), this.$todoInput = $("#todo-input-text"), this.$todoBtn = $("#todo-btn-submit"), this.$todoData = [ { 'id': '1', 'text': '今天处理报障事宜', 'done': false }, { 'id': '2', 'text': '处理委托书录入', 'done': true }, { 'id': '3', 'text': '处理打印工单事宜', 'done': true }, { 'id': '4', 'text': '召开相关会议', 'done': true }, { 'id': '5', 'text': '统计设施区域数量', 'done': false }, { 'id': '6', 'text': '关于设施系统项目', 'done': true }]; this.$todoCompletedData = []; this.$todoUnCompletedData = []; }; //mark/unmark - you can use ajax to save data on server side TodoApp.prototype.markTodo = function(todoId, complete) { for(var count=0; count' + todoItem.text + ''); else { remaining = remaining + 1; this.$todoList.prepend('
  • ' + todoItem.text + '
  • '); } } //set total in ui this.$todoTotal.text(this.$todoData.length); //set remaining this.$todoRemaining.text(remaining); }, //init todo app TodoApp.prototype.init = function () { var $this = this; //generating todo list this.generate(); //binding archive this.$archiveBtn.on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $this.archives(); return false; }); //binding todo done chk $(document).on("change", this.$todoDonechk, function() { if(this.checked) $this.markTodo($(this).attr('id'), true); else $this.markTodo($(this).attr('id'), false); //regenerate list $this.generate(); }); //binding the new todo button this.$todoBtn.on("click", function() { if ($this.$todoInput.val() == "" || typeof($this.$todoInput.val()) == 'undefined' || $this.$todoInput.val() == null) { sweetAlert("Oops...", "You forgot to enter todo text", "error"); $this.$todoInput.focus(); } else { $this.addTodo($this.$todoInput.val()); } }); }, //init TodoApp $.TodoApp = new TodoApp, $.TodoApp.Constructor = TodoApp }(window.jQuery), //initializing todo app function($) { "use strict"; $.TodoApp.init() }(window.jQuery);