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62 lines
1.5 KiB
62 lines
1.5 KiB
try {
$binDir = '..\..\Bin'
$pluginsDir = $binDir + '\plugins'
$pluginsSaveDir = $binDir + '\plugins_save'
if (Test-Path -Path $pluginsDir -PathType Container)
if (Test-Path -Path $pluginsSaveDir -PathType Container)
"Backup for plugins directory already exists"
exit -1
"Backing up plugin directory ..."
Move-Item $pluginsDir $pluginsSaveDir
"Installing Lua plugin for testing ..."
Copy-Item -Path .\plugins -Destination $binDir -Recurse
"Testing ..."
Invoke-Expression ($binDir + "\notepad++.exe | Out-Null")
if (Test-Path -Path $pluginsSaveDir -PathType Container)
"Removing Lua plugin ..."
Remove-Item -Path $pluginsDir -Recurse -Force
"Restoring plugin directory ..."
Move-Item $pluginsSaveDir $pluginsDir
$expectedRes = Get-Content .\verifyUrlDetection_1a.expected.result
$generatedRes = Get-Content .\verifyUrlDetection_1a.result
if (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $expectedRes -DifferenceObject $generatedRes)
"Unexpected test results for verifyUrlDetection_1a"
exit -1
Remove-Item .\verifyUrlDetection_1a.result
$expectedRes = Get-Content .\verifyUrlDetection_1b.expected.result
$generatedRes = Get-Content .\verifyUrlDetection_1b.result
if (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $expectedRes -DifferenceObject $generatedRes)
"Unexpected test results for verifyUrlDetection_1b"
exit -1
Remove-Item .\verifyUrlDetection_1b.result
"URL detection test OK"
exit 0
"Unexpected behavior while URL detection test"
exit -1