Page({ clickBtn(){ let that = this wx.chooseMessageFile({ count: 1, type: 'file', success:res=>{ wx.showLoading({ title: '正在上传', }) let filePath=res.tempFiles[0].path; console.log("选择execl成功",filePath) that.clearDatabase(); that.cloudFile(filePath); } }) }, clearDatabase() { const db ={ env:'software-9g3qgled9f6190ea' }); const stu = db.collection('users'); // 替换为你的集合名称 stu.where({ _id: db.command.exists(true) }).remove().then(res=>{ console.log('删除成功') this.setData({ number:'' }) }).catch(err => { console.log('删除失败',err)//失败提示错误信息 }) }, cloudFile(path){ let that = this{ cloudPath:"stu/test.xlsx", filePath: path, success: res=>{ wx.hideLoading() console.log("上传成功",res.fileID) that.jiexi(res.fileID) }, fail: err=>{ console.log("上传失败",err) } }) }, jiexi(fileId){{ name:"excel", data:{ fileID: fileId }, success(res) { console.log("success",res) } , fail(res) { console.log("failed",res) } }) }, clickBtn2(){ wx.downloadFile({ url:"", success:res=>{ var filePath=res. tempFilePath this.opfile(filePath) } }) }, opfile(path){ wx.openDocument({ filePath:path, fileType:"xlsx" }).then(res=>{ console.log(res) }) } });