#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess import os IRBuild_ptn = '"{}" "-emit-ir" "-o" "{}" "{}"' ExeGen_ptn = '"clang" "{}" "-o" "{}" "{}" "../../lib/lib.c"' Exe_ptn = '"{}"' def eval(EXE_PATH, TEST_BASE_PATH, optimization): print('===========TEST START===========') print('now in {}'.format(TEST_BASE_PATH)) succ = True for case in testcases: print('Case %s:' % case, end='') TEST_PATH = TEST_BASE_PATH + case SY_PATH = TEST_BASE_PATH + case + '.sy' LL_PATH = TEST_BASE_PATH + case + '.ll' INPUT_PATH = TEST_BASE_PATH + case + '.in' OUTPUT_PATH = TEST_BASE_PATH + case + '.out' need_input = testcases[case] IRBuild_result = subprocess.run(IRBuild_ptn.format(EXE_PATH, LL_PATH, SY_PATH), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if IRBuild_result.returncode == 0: input_option = None if need_input: with open(INPUT_PATH, "rb") as fin: input_option = fin.read() try: subprocess.run(ExeGen_ptn.format(optimization, TEST_PATH, LL_PATH), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) result = subprocess.run(Exe_ptn.format(TEST_PATH), shell=True, input=input_option, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out = result.stdout.split(b'\n') if result.returncode != b'': out.append(str(result.returncode).encode()) for i in range(len(out)-1, -1, -1): out[i] = out[i].strip(b'\r') if out[i] == b'': out.remove(b'') with open(OUTPUT_PATH, "rb") as fout: i = 0 for line in fout.readlines(): line = line.strip(b'\r').strip(b'\n') if line == '': continue if out[i] != line: succ = False print(result.stdout[:100], result.returncode, out[i][:100], line[:100], end='') print('\t\033[31mWrong Answer\033[0m') i = i + 1 print(result.stderr.decode()) except Exception as _: succ = False print(_, end='') print('\t\033[31mCodeGen or CodeExecute Fail\033[0m') finally: subprocess.call(["rm", "-rf", TEST_PATH, TEST_PATH]) subprocess.call(["rm", "-rf", TEST_PATH, TEST_PATH + ".o"]) subprocess.call(["rm", "-rf", TEST_PATH, TEST_PATH + ".ll"]) else: succ = False print(IRBuild_result.stderr) print('\t\033[31mIRBuilder Fail\033[0m') if succ: print('\t\033[32mSuccess\033[0m in dir {}'.format(TEST_BASE_PATH)) else: print('\t\033[31mFail\033[0m in dir {}'.format(TEST_BASE_PATH)) print('============TEST END============') if __name__ == "__main__": # you can only modify this TEST_DIRS = [ './Test_H/Easy_H/', './Test_H/Medium_H/', './Test_H/Hard_H/', './Test/Easy/', './Test/Medium/', './Test/Hard/', ] # you can only modify this optimization = "-O0" # -O0 -O1 -O2 -O3 -O4(currently = -O3) -Ofast for TEST_BASE_PATH in TEST_DIRS: testcases = {} # { name: need_input } EXE_PATH = os.path.abspath('../../SysYF_TA/build/SysYFCompiler') testcase_list = list(map(lambda x: x.split('.'), os.listdir(TEST_BASE_PATH))) testcase_list.sort() for i in range(len(testcase_list)-1, -1, -1): if len(testcase_list[i]) == 1: testcase_list.remove(testcase_list[i]) for i in range(len(testcase_list)): testcases[testcase_list[i][0]] = False for i in range(len(testcase_list)): testcases[testcase_list[i][0]] = testcases[testcase_list[i][0]] | (testcase_list[i][1] == 'in') eval(EXE_PATH, TEST_BASE_PATH, optimization=optimization) testcase = set() for case_name in testcase_list: testcase = testcase | set(case_name) testcase = testcase - {'in', 'out', 'sy'} print(TEST_BASE_PATH, "\t", len(testcase)) # print(sorted(testcase))