#include #include #include #include #include #include "menu.h" void insertStudentInfo(Student students[], int* count) { if (*count >= MAX_STUDENTS) { printf("学生已满,无法添加新学生。\n"); return; } Student newStudent; int validInput; do { validInput = 1; printf("Id: "); scanf_s("%9s", newStudent.id, (unsigned)_countof(newStudent.id)); // 验证学号是否只由数字组成 for (int i = 0; i < strlen(newStudent.id); i++) { if (!isdigit(newStudent.id[i])) { validInput = 0; break; } } if (!validInput) { printf("学号只能由数字组成,请重新输入。\n"); } } while (!validInput); printf("Class: "); scanf_s("%9s", newStudent.clas, (unsigned)_countof(newStudent.clas)); printf("Name: "); scanf_s("%9s", newStudent.name, (unsigned)_countof(newStudent.name)); printf("Score1: "); scanf_s("%lf", &newStudent.score1); printf("Score2: "); scanf_s("%lf", &newStudent.score2); printf("Score3: "); scanf_s("%lf", &newStudent.score3); newStudent.score = newStudent.score1 + newStudent.score2 + newStudent.score3; int i = *count; while (i > 0 && (strcmp(students[i - 1].clas, newStudent.clas) > 0 || (strcmp(students[i - 1].clas, newStudent.clas) == 0 && students[i - 1].score < newStudent.score))) { students[i] = students[i - 1]; i--; } students[i] = newStudent; (*count)++; } void deleteStudentInfo(Student students[], int* count) { char input[20]; printf("Enter the student ID or name to delete: "); scanf_s("%19s", input, (unsigned)_countof(input)); int i = 0; while (i < *count && (strcmp(students[i].id, input) != 0 && strcmp(students[i].name, input) != 0)) { i++; } if (i == *count) { printf("Student not found.\n"); } else { for (int j = i; j < *count - 1; j++) { students[j] = students[j + 1]; } (*count)--; printf("Student deleted successfully.\n"); } } void modifyStudentInfo(Student students[], int count) { char input[20]; printf("Enter the student ID to modify: "); scanf_s("%19s", input, (unsigned)_countof(input)); int i = 0; while (i < count && strcmp(students[i].id, input) != 0) { i++; } if (i == count) { printf("Student not found.\n"); } else { printf("Id: "); scanf_s("%9s", students[i].id, (unsigned)_countof(students[i].id)); printf("Class: "); scanf_s("%9s", students[i].clas, (unsigned)_countof(students[i].clas)); printf("Name: "); scanf_s("%9s", students[i].name, (unsigned)_countof(students[i].name)); printf("Score1: "); scanf_s("%lf", &students[i].score1); printf("Score2: "); scanf_s("%lf", &students[i].score2); printf("Score3: "); scanf_s("%lf", &students[i].score3); students[i].score = students[i].score1 + students[i].score2 + students[i].score3; // Fixed here printf("Student information updated successfully.\n"); } } void queryStudentInfo(Student students[], int count) { char queryClass[MAX_STRING]; printf("请输入要查询的班级: "); scanf_s("%9s", queryClass, (unsigned)_countof(queryClass)); printf("查询结果:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (strcmp(students[i].clas, queryClass) == 0) { printf("%s %s %s %.1lf %.1lf %.1lf %.1lf\n", students[i].id, students[i].clas, students[i].name, students[i].score1, students[i].score2, students[i].score3, students[i].score); } } }