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200 lines
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200 lines
7.1 KiB
3 years ago
import os
from skimage import io, transform
import torch
import torchvision
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from import Dataset, DataLoader
from torchvision import transforms#, utils
# import torch.optim as optim
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import glob
from data_loader import RescaleT
from data_loader import ToTensor
from data_loader import ToTensorLab
from data_loader import SalObjDataset
from model import U2NET # full size version u2net 173.6 MB
from model import U2NETP # small version u2net 4.7 MB
from model import U2NETM # middle size version u2net 99MB
import cv2
def IOU(pred, label):
Iand1 = np.sum(label[:, :]*pred[:, :])
Ior1 = np.sum(label[:, :]) + np.sum(pred[:, :]) - Iand1
IoU1 = Iand1/Ior1
print(Iand1, Ior1)
return IoU1
# normalize the predicted SOD probability map
def normPRED(d):
ma = torch.max(d)
mi = torch.min(d)
dn = (d-mi)/(ma-mi)
return dn
def save_output(image_name, pred, d_dir):
predict = pred
predict = predict.squeeze()
predict_np = predict.cpu().data.numpy()
im = Image.fromarray(predict_np*255).convert('RGB')
img_name = image_name.split(os.sep)[-1]
image = io.imread(image_name)
imo = im.resize((image.shape[1],image.shape[0]),resample=Image.BILINEAR)
pb_np = np.array(imo)
aaa = img_name.split(".")
bbb = aaa[0:-1]
imidx = bbb[0]
for i in range(1,len(bbb)):
imidx = imidx + "." + bbb[i]
def main():
# --------- 1. get image path and name ---------
model_name='u2netp' # u2netm
print("Image name GOTTEN")
# image_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_data', 'test_images')
image_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'train_data', 'dataset1', 'img' + os.sep)
# prediction_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_data', model_name + '_results' + os.sep)
prediction_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test_data', model_name + 'iou_img' + os.sep)
model_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'saved_models', model_name, model_name + '.pth')
label_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'train_data', 'dataset1', 'lbl' + os.sep)
img_name_list = glob.glob(image_dir + os.sep + '*')
print('Image list GOTTEN:\n', img_name_list)
# lbl_name_list = []
# for img_path in img_name_list:
# img_name = img_path.split(os.sep)[-1]
# aaa = img_name.split(".")
# bbb = aaa[0:-1]
# imidx = bbb[0]
# for i in range(1, len(bbb)):
# imidx = imidx + "." + bbb[i]
# lbl_name_list.append(label_dir + imidx + '.png')
# --------- 2. dataloader ---------
# 1. dataloader
test_salobj_dataset = SalObjDataset(img_name_list = img_name_list,
lbl_name_list = [],
# test_salobj_dataset = SalObjDataset(img_name_list = img_name_list,
# lbl_name_list = [],
# transform=transforms.Compose([RescaleT(320),
# ])
# )
test_salobj_dataloader = DataLoader(test_salobj_dataset,
# --------- 3. model define ---------
if(model_name =='u2net'):
print("...load U2NET---173.6 MB")
net = U2NET(3, 1)
elif(model_name =='u2netp'):
print("...load U2NEP---4.7 MB")
net = U2NETP(3, 1)
elif(model_name == 'u2netm'):
net = U2NETM(3, 1)
print('...load U2NETM---91MB')
if torch.cuda.is_available():
# net.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_dir))
net = torch.load(model_dir)
net = torch.load(model_dir, map_location='cpu')
# --------- 4. inference for each image ---------
total_iou = 0
s = 1
lbl_name_list = []
for img_path in img_name_list:
img_name = img_path.split(os.sep)[-1]
aaa = img_name.split(".")
bbb = aaa[0:-1]
imidx = bbb[0]
for i in range(1, len(bbb)):
imidx = imidx + "." + bbb[i]
lbl_name_list.append(label_dir + imidx + '.png')
for i_test, data_test in enumerate(test_salobj_dataloader):
print("number : ", s)
inputs_test = data_test['image']
inputs_test = inputs_test.type(torch.FloatTensor)
# print(inputs_test.size())
if torch.cuda.is_available():
inputs_test = Variable(inputs_test.cuda())
inputs_test = Variable(inputs_test)
d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7= net(inputs_test)
# normalization
# print("d1.shape", d1.shape) # (1, 1, 320, 320)
pred = d1[:,0,:,:]
pred = normPRED(pred)
pred = pred.squeeze()
pred = pred.cpu().data.numpy()
pred = pred * 255 # (320, 320)
image_name = img_name_list[i_test]
# print(image_name)
# image_name = image_name.split(os.sep)[-1]
pri_image = cv2.imread(image_name, -1)
pri_image = pri_image[:, :, 0]
# pri_image = cv2.cvtColor(pri_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
h, w = pri_image.shape[1], pri_image.shape[0]
# print("h, w", h, w) # (400, 300)
pred = cv2.resize(pred, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
# 二值化处理
for i in range(h):
for j in range(w):
if pred[i][j] <= 127:
pred[i][j] = 0
if pred[i][j] > 127:
pred[i][j] = 1
pred_cv = pred * 255
cv2.imwrite("pred_iou.jpg", pred_cv)
# print("pred.shape", pred.shape)
label_iou = cv2.imread(lbl_name_list[i_test], 0)
# print("image name: ", image_name)
# print("label name: ", lbl_name_list[i_test])
label_iou = cv2.resize(label_iou, (w, h))
cv2.imwrite("label_iou.png", label_iou)
for i in range(h):
for j in range(w):
if label_iou[i][j] <= 127:
label_iou[i][j] = 0
if label_iou[i][j] > 127:
label_iou[i][j] = 1
# print("label_iou.shape", label_iou.shape)
iou = IOU(pred, label_iou)
total_iou += iou
miou = total_iou/s
print("IOU = %5f, MIOU = %5f" % (iou, miou))
# # save results to test_results folder
# if not os.path.exists(prediction_dir):
# os.makedirs(prediction_dir, exist_ok=True)
# save_output(img_name_list[i_test],pred,prediction_dir)
s += 1
del d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7
if __name__ == "__main__":