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5 months ago
"""Tests for tools for manipulation of expressions using paths. """
from sympy.simplify.epathtools import epath, EPath
from sympy.testing.pytest import raises
from sympy.core.numbers import E
from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import (cos, sin)
from import x, y, z, t
def test_epath_select():
expr = [((x, 1, t), 2), ((3, y, 4), z)]
assert epath("/*", expr) == [((x, 1, t), 2), ((3, y, 4), z)]
assert epath("/*/*", expr) == [(x, 1, t), 2, (3, y, 4), z]
assert epath("/*/*/*", expr) == [x, 1, t, 3, y, 4]
assert epath("/*/*/*/*", expr) == []
assert epath("/[:]", expr) == [((x, 1, t), 2), ((3, y, 4), z)]
assert epath("/[:]/[:]", expr) == [(x, 1, t), 2, (3, y, 4), z]
assert epath("/[:]/[:]/[:]", expr) == [x, 1, t, 3, y, 4]
assert epath("/[:]/[:]/[:]/[:]", expr) == []
assert epath("/*/[:]", expr) == [(x, 1, t), 2, (3, y, 4), z]
assert epath("/*/[0]", expr) == [(x, 1, t), (3, y, 4)]
assert epath("/*/[1]", expr) == [2, z]
assert epath("/*/[2]", expr) == []
assert epath("/*/int", expr) == [2]
assert epath("/*/Symbol", expr) == [z]
assert epath("/*/tuple", expr) == [(x, 1, t), (3, y, 4)]
assert epath("/*/__iter__?", expr) == [(x, 1, t), (3, y, 4)]
assert epath("/*/int|tuple", expr) == [(x, 1, t), 2, (3, y, 4)]
assert epath("/*/Symbol|tuple", expr) == [(x, 1, t), (3, y, 4), z]
assert epath("/*/int|Symbol|tuple", expr) == [(x, 1, t), 2, (3, y, 4), z]
assert epath("/*/int|__iter__?", expr) == [(x, 1, t), 2, (3, y, 4)]
assert epath("/*/Symbol|__iter__?", expr) == [(x, 1, t), (3, y, 4), z]
assert epath(
"/*/int|Symbol|__iter__?", expr) == [(x, 1, t), 2, (3, y, 4), z]
assert epath("/*/[0]/int", expr) == [1, 3, 4]
assert epath("/*/[0]/Symbol", expr) == [x, t, y]
assert epath("/*/[0]/int[1:]", expr) == [1, 4]
assert epath("/*/[0]/Symbol[1:]", expr) == [t, y]
assert epath("/Symbol", x + y + z + 1) == [x, y, z]
assert epath("/*/*/Symbol", t + sin(x + 1) + cos(x + y + E)) == [x, x, y]
def test_epath_apply():
expr = [((x, 1, t), 2), ((3, y, 4), z)]
func = lambda expr: expr**2
assert epath("/*", expr, list) == [[(x, 1, t), 2], [(3, y, 4), z]]
assert epath("/*/[0]", expr, list) == [([x, 1, t], 2), ([3, y, 4], z)]
assert epath("/*/[1]", expr, func) == [((x, 1, t), 4), ((3, y, 4), z**2)]
assert epath("/*/[2]", expr, list) == expr
assert epath("/*/[0]/int", expr, func) == [((x, 1, t), 2), ((9, y, 16), z)]
assert epath("/*/[0]/Symbol", expr, func) == [((x**2, 1, t**2), 2),
((3, y**2, 4), z)]
assert epath(
"/*/[0]/int[1:]", expr, func) == [((x, 1, t), 2), ((3, y, 16), z)]
assert epath("/*/[0]/Symbol[1:]", expr, func) == [((x, 1, t**2),
2), ((3, y**2, 4), z)]
assert epath("/Symbol", x + y + z + 1, func) == x**2 + y**2 + z**2 + 1
assert epath("/*/*/Symbol", t + sin(x + 1) + cos(x + y + E), func) == \
t + sin(x**2 + 1) + cos(x**2 + y**2 + E)
def test_EPath():
assert EPath("/*/[0]")._path == "/*/[0]"
assert EPath(EPath("/*/[0]"))._path == "/*/[0]"
assert isinstance(epath("/*/[0]"), EPath) is True
assert repr(EPath("/*/[0]")) == "EPath('/*/[0]')"
raises(ValueError, lambda: EPath(""))
raises(ValueError, lambda: EPath("/"))
raises(ValueError, lambda: EPath("/|x"))
raises(ValueError, lambda: EPath("/["))
raises(ValueError, lambda: EPath("/[0]%"))
raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: EPath("Symbol"))