""" A geometry module for the SymPy library. This module contains all of the entities and functions needed to construct basic geometrical data and to perform simple informational queries. Usage: ====== Examples ======== """ from sympy.geometry.point import Point, Point2D, Point3D from sympy.geometry.line import Line, Ray, Segment, Line2D, Segment2D, Ray2D, \ Line3D, Segment3D, Ray3D from sympy.geometry.plane import Plane from sympy.geometry.ellipse import Ellipse, Circle from sympy.geometry.polygon import Polygon, RegularPolygon, Triangle, rad, deg from sympy.geometry.util import are_similar, centroid, convex_hull, idiff, \ intersection, closest_points, farthest_points from sympy.geometry.exceptions import GeometryError from sympy.geometry.curve import Curve from sympy.geometry.parabola import Parabola __all__ = [ 'Point', 'Point2D', 'Point3D', 'Line', 'Ray', 'Segment', 'Line2D', 'Segment2D', 'Ray2D', 'Line3D', 'Segment3D', 'Ray3D', 'Plane', 'Ellipse', 'Circle', 'Polygon', 'RegularPolygon', 'Triangle', 'rad', 'deg', 'are_similar', 'centroid', 'convex_hull', 'idiff', 'intersection', 'closest_points', 'farthest_points', 'GeometryError', 'Curve', 'Parabola', ]