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Discrete Fourier Transform, Number Theoretic Transform,
Walsh Hadamard Transform, Mobius Transform
from sympy.core import S, Symbol, sympify
from sympy.core.function import expand_mul
from sympy.core.numbers import pi, I
from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import sin, cos
from sympy.ntheory import isprime, primitive_root
from sympy.utilities.iterables import ibin, iterable
from sympy.utilities.misc import as_int
# #
# Discrete Fourier Transform #
# #
def _fourier_transform(seq, dps, inverse=False):
"""Utility function for the Discrete Fourier Transform"""
if not iterable(seq):
raise TypeError("Expected a sequence of numeric coefficients "
"for Fourier Transform")
a = [sympify(arg) for arg in seq]
if any(x.has(Symbol) for x in a):
raise ValueError("Expected non-symbolic coefficients")
n = len(a)
if n < 2:
return a
b = n.bit_length() - 1
if n&(n - 1): # not a power of 2
b += 1
n = 2**b
a += [S.Zero]*(n - len(a))
for i in range(1, n):
j = int(ibin(i, b, str=True)[::-1], 2)
if i < j:
a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
ang = -2*pi/n if inverse else 2*pi/n
if dps is not None:
ang = ang.evalf(dps + 2)
w = [cos(ang*i) + I*sin(ang*i) for i in range(n // 2)]
h = 2
while h <= n:
hf, ut = h // 2, n // h
for i in range(0, n, h):
for j in range(hf):
u, v = a[i + j], expand_mul(a[i + j + hf]*w[ut * j])
a[i + j], a[i + j + hf] = u + v, u - v
h *= 2
if inverse:
a = [(x/n).evalf(dps) for x in a] if dps is not None \
else [x/n for x in a]
return a
def fft(seq, dps=None):
Performs the Discrete Fourier Transform (**DFT**) in the complex domain.
The sequence is automatically padded to the right with zeros, as the
*radix-2 FFT* requires the number of sample points to be a power of 2.
This method should be used with default arguments only for short sequences
as the complexity of expressions increases with the size of the sequence.
seq : iterable
The sequence on which **DFT** is to be applied.
dps : Integer
Specifies the number of decimal digits for precision.
>>> from sympy import fft, ifft
>>> fft([1, 2, 3, 4])
[10, -2 - 2*I, -2, -2 + 2*I]
>>> ifft(_)
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> ifft([1, 2, 3, 4])
[5/2, -1/2 + I/2, -1/2, -1/2 - I/2]
>>> fft(_)
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> ifft([1, 7, 3, 4], dps=15)
[3.75, -0.5 - 0.75*I, -1.75, -0.5 + 0.75*I]
>>> fft(_)
[1.0, 7.0, 3.0, 4.0]
.. [1]
.. [2]
return _fourier_transform(seq, dps=dps)
def ifft(seq, dps=None):
return _fourier_transform(seq, dps=dps, inverse=True)
ifft.__doc__ = fft.__doc__
# #
# Number Theoretic Transform #
# #
def _number_theoretic_transform(seq, prime, inverse=False):
"""Utility function for the Number Theoretic Transform"""
if not iterable(seq):
raise TypeError("Expected a sequence of integer coefficients "
"for Number Theoretic Transform")
p = as_int(prime)
if not isprime(p):
raise ValueError("Expected prime modulus for "
"Number Theoretic Transform")
a = [as_int(x) % p for x in seq]
n = len(a)
if n < 1:
return a
b = n.bit_length() - 1
if n&(n - 1):
b += 1
n = 2**b
if (p - 1) % n:
raise ValueError("Expected prime modulus of the form (m*2**k + 1)")
a += [0]*(n - len(a))
for i in range(1, n):
j = int(ibin(i, b, str=True)[::-1], 2)
if i < j:
a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
pr = primitive_root(p)
rt = pow(pr, (p - 1) // n, p)
if inverse:
rt = pow(rt, p - 2, p)
w = [1]*(n // 2)
for i in range(1, n // 2):
w[i] = w[i - 1]*rt % p
h = 2
while h <= n:
hf, ut = h // 2, n // h
for i in range(0, n, h):
for j in range(hf):
u, v = a[i + j], a[i + j + hf]*w[ut * j]
a[i + j], a[i + j + hf] = (u + v) % p, (u - v) % p
h *= 2
if inverse:
rv = pow(n, p - 2, p)
a = [x*rv % p for x in a]
return a
def ntt(seq, prime):
Performs the Number Theoretic Transform (**NTT**), which specializes the
Discrete Fourier Transform (**DFT**) over quotient ring `Z/pZ` for prime
`p` instead of complex numbers `C`.
The sequence is automatically padded to the right with zeros, as the
*radix-2 NTT* requires the number of sample points to be a power of 2.
seq : iterable
The sequence on which **DFT** is to be applied.
prime : Integer
Prime modulus of the form `(m 2^k + 1)` to be used for performing
**NTT** on the sequence.
>>> from sympy import ntt, intt
>>> ntt([1, 2, 3, 4], prime=3*2**8 + 1)
[10, 643, 767, 122]
>>> intt(_, 3*2**8 + 1)
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> intt([1, 2, 3, 4], prime=3*2**8 + 1)
[387, 415, 384, 353]
>>> ntt(_, prime=3*2**8 + 1)
[1, 2, 3, 4]
.. [1]
.. [2]
.. [3]
return _number_theoretic_transform(seq, prime=prime)
def intt(seq, prime):
return _number_theoretic_transform(seq, prime=prime, inverse=True)
intt.__doc__ = ntt.__doc__
# #
# Walsh Hadamard Transform #
# #
def _walsh_hadamard_transform(seq, inverse=False):
"""Utility function for the Walsh Hadamard Transform"""
if not iterable(seq):
raise TypeError("Expected a sequence of coefficients "
"for Walsh Hadamard Transform")
a = [sympify(arg) for arg in seq]
n = len(a)
if n < 2:
return a
if n&(n - 1):
n = 2**n.bit_length()
a += [S.Zero]*(n - len(a))
h = 2
while h <= n:
hf = h // 2
for i in range(0, n, h):
for j in range(hf):
u, v = a[i + j], a[i + j + hf]
a[i + j], a[i + j + hf] = u + v, u - v
h *= 2
if inverse:
a = [x/n for x in a]
return a
def fwht(seq):
Performs the Walsh Hadamard Transform (**WHT**), and uses Hadamard
ordering for the sequence.
The sequence is automatically padded to the right with zeros, as the
*radix-2 FWHT* requires the number of sample points to be a power of 2.
seq : iterable
The sequence on which WHT is to be applied.
>>> from sympy import fwht, ifwht
>>> fwht([4, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, -2, 0])
[8, 0, 8, 0, 8, 8, 0, 0]
>>> ifwht(_)
[4, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, -2, 0]
>>> ifwht([19, -1, 11, -9, -7, 13, -15, 5])
[2, 0, 4, 0, 3, 10, 0, 0]
>>> fwht(_)
[19, -1, 11, -9, -7, 13, -15, 5]
.. [1]
.. [2]
return _walsh_hadamard_transform(seq)
def ifwht(seq):
return _walsh_hadamard_transform(seq, inverse=True)
ifwht.__doc__ = fwht.__doc__
# #
# Mobius Transform for Subset Lattice #
# #
def _mobius_transform(seq, sgn, subset):
r"""Utility function for performing Mobius Transform using
Yate's Dynamic Programming method"""
if not iterable(seq):
raise TypeError("Expected a sequence of coefficients")
a = [sympify(arg) for arg in seq]
n = len(a)
if n < 2:
return a
if n&(n - 1):
n = 2**n.bit_length()
a += [S.Zero]*(n - len(a))
if subset:
i = 1
while i < n:
for j in range(n):
if j & i:
a[j] += sgn*a[j ^ i]
i *= 2
i = 1
while i < n:
for j in range(n):
if j & i:
a[j] += sgn*a[j ^ i]
i *= 2
return a
def mobius_transform(seq, subset=True):
Performs the Mobius Transform for subset lattice with indices of
sequence as bitmasks.
The indices of each argument, considered as bit strings, correspond
to subsets of a finite set.
The sequence is automatically padded to the right with zeros, as the
definition of subset/superset based on bitmasks (indices) requires
the size of sequence to be a power of 2.
seq : iterable
The sequence on which Mobius Transform is to be applied.
subset : bool
Specifies if Mobius Transform is applied by enumerating subsets
or supersets of the given set.
>>> from sympy import symbols
>>> from sympy import mobius_transform, inverse_mobius_transform
>>> x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
>>> mobius_transform([x, y, z])
[x, x + y, x + z, x + y + z]
>>> inverse_mobius_transform(_)
[x, y, z, 0]
>>> mobius_transform([x, y, z], subset=False)
[x + y + z, y, z, 0]
>>> inverse_mobius_transform(_, subset=False)
[x, y, z, 0]
>>> mobius_transform([1, 2, 3, 4])
[1, 3, 4, 10]
>>> inverse_mobius_transform(_)
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> mobius_transform([1, 2, 3, 4], subset=False)
[10, 6, 7, 4]
>>> inverse_mobius_transform(_, subset=False)
[1, 2, 3, 4]
.. [1]
.. [2]
.. [3]
return _mobius_transform(seq, sgn=+1, subset=subset)
def inverse_mobius_transform(seq, subset=True):
return _mobius_transform(seq, sgn=-1, subset=subset)
inverse_mobius_transform.__doc__ = mobius_transform.__doc__