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Maple code printer
The MapleCodePrinter converts single SymPy expressions into single
Maple expressions, using the functions defined in the Maple objects where possible.
FIXME: This module is still under actively developed. Some functions may be not completed.
from sympy.core import S
from sympy.core.numbers import Integer, IntegerConstant, equal_valued
from sympy.printing.codeprinter import CodePrinter
from sympy.printing.precedence import precedence, PRECEDENCE
import sympy
_known_func_same_name = (
'sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'sec', 'csc', 'cot', 'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh', 'sech',
'csch', 'coth', 'exp', 'floor', 'factorial', 'bernoulli', 'euler',
'fibonacci', 'gcd', 'lcm', 'conjugate', 'Ci', 'Chi', 'Ei', 'Li', 'Si', 'Shi',
'erf', 'erfc', 'harmonic', 'LambertW',
'sqrt', # For automatic rewrites
known_functions = {
# SymPy -> Maple
'Abs': 'abs',
'log': 'ln',
'asin': 'arcsin',
'acos': 'arccos',
'atan': 'arctan',
'asec': 'arcsec',
'acsc': 'arccsc',
'acot': 'arccot',
'asinh': 'arcsinh',
'acosh': 'arccosh',
'atanh': 'arctanh',
'asech': 'arcsech',
'acsch': 'arccsch',
'acoth': 'arccoth',
'ceiling': 'ceil',
'Max' : 'max',
'Min' : 'min',
'factorial2': 'doublefactorial',
'RisingFactorial': 'pochhammer',
'besseli': 'BesselI',
'besselj': 'BesselJ',
'besselk': 'BesselK',
'bessely': 'BesselY',
'hankelh1': 'HankelH1',
'hankelh2': 'HankelH2',
'airyai': 'AiryAi',
'airybi': 'AiryBi',
'appellf1': 'AppellF1',
'fresnelc': 'FresnelC',
'fresnels': 'FresnelS',
'lerchphi' : 'LerchPhi',
for _func in _known_func_same_name:
known_functions[_func] = _func
number_symbols = {
# SymPy -> Maple
S.Pi: 'Pi',
S.Exp1: 'exp(1)',
S.Catalan: 'Catalan',
S.EulerGamma: 'gamma',
S.GoldenRatio: '(1/2 + (1/2)*sqrt(5))'
spec_relational_ops = {
# SymPy -> Maple
'==': '=',
'!=': '<>'
not_supported_symbol = [
class MapleCodePrinter(CodePrinter):
Printer which converts a SymPy expression into a maple code.
printmethod = "_maple"
language = "maple"
_default_settings = {
'order': None,
'full_prec': 'auto',
'human': True,
'inline': True,
'allow_unknown_functions': True,
def __init__(self, settings=None):
if settings is None:
settings = {}
self.known_functions = dict(known_functions)
userfuncs = settings.get('user_functions', {})
def _get_statement(self, codestring):
return "%s;" % codestring
def _get_comment(self, text):
return "# {}".format(text)
def _declare_number_const(self, name, value):
return "{} := {};".format(name,
def _format_code(self, lines):
return lines
def _print_tuple(self, expr):
return self._print(list(expr))
def _print_Tuple(self, expr):
return self._print(list(expr))
def _print_Assignment(self, expr):
lhs = self._print(expr.lhs)
rhs = self._print(expr.rhs)
return "{lhs} := {rhs}".format(lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs)
def _print_Pow(self, expr, **kwargs):
PREC = precedence(expr)
if equal_valued(expr.exp, -1):
return '1/%s' % (self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC))
elif equal_valued(expr.exp, 0.5):
return 'sqrt(%s)' % self._print(expr.base)
elif equal_valued(expr.exp, -0.5):
return '1/sqrt(%s)' % self._print(expr.base)
return '{base}^{exp}'.format(
base=self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC),
exp=self.parenthesize(expr.exp, PREC))
def _print_Piecewise(self, expr):
if (expr.args[-1].cond is not True) and (expr.args[-1].cond != S.BooleanTrue):
# We need the last conditional to be a True, otherwise the resulting
# function may not return a result.
raise ValueError("All Piecewise expressions must contain an "
"(expr, True) statement to be used as a default "
"condition. Without one, the generated "
"expression may not evaluate to anything under "
"some condition.")
_coup_list = [
("{c}, {e}".format(c=self._print(c),
e=self._print(e)) if c is not True and c is not S.BooleanTrue else "{e}".format(
for e, c in expr.args]
_inbrace = ', '.join(_coup_list)
return 'piecewise({_inbrace})'.format(_inbrace=_inbrace)
def _print_Rational(self, expr):
p, q = int(expr.p), int(expr.q)
return "{p}/{q}".format(p=str(p), q=str(q))
def _print_Relational(self, expr):
lhs_code = self.parenthesize(expr.lhs, PREC)
rhs_code = self.parenthesize(expr.rhs, PREC)
op = expr.rel_op
if op in spec_relational_ops:
op = spec_relational_ops[op]
return "{lhs} {rel_op} {rhs}".format(lhs=lhs_code, rel_op=op, rhs=rhs_code)
def _print_NumberSymbol(self, expr):
return number_symbols[expr]
def _print_NegativeInfinity(self, expr):
return '-infinity'
def _print_Infinity(self, expr):
return 'infinity'
def _print_Idx(self, expr):
return self._print(expr.label)
def _print_BooleanTrue(self, expr):
return "true"
def _print_BooleanFalse(self, expr):
return "false"
def _print_bool(self, expr):
return 'true' if expr else 'false'
def _print_NaN(self, expr):
return 'undefined'
def _get_matrix(self, expr, sparse=False):
if S.Zero in expr.shape:
_strM = 'Matrix([], storage = {storage})'.format(
storage='sparse' if sparse else 'rectangular')
_strM = 'Matrix({list}, storage = {storage})'.format(
storage='sparse' if sparse else 'rectangular')
return _strM
def _print_MatrixElement(self, expr):
return "{parent}[{i_maple}, {j_maple}]".format(
parent=self.parenthesize(expr.parent, PRECEDENCE["Atom"], strict=True),
i_maple=self._print(expr.i + 1),
j_maple=self._print(expr.j + 1))
def _print_MatrixBase(self, expr):
return self._get_matrix(expr, sparse=False)
def _print_SparseRepMatrix(self, expr):
return self._get_matrix(expr, sparse=True)
def _print_Identity(self, expr):
if isinstance(expr.rows, (Integer, IntegerConstant)):
return self._print(sympy.SparseMatrix(expr))
return "Matrix({var_size}, shape = identity)".format(var_size=self._print(expr.rows))
def _print_MatMul(self, expr):
_fact_list = list(expr.args)
_const = None
if not isinstance(_fact_list[0], (sympy.MatrixBase, sympy.MatrixExpr,
sympy.MatrixSlice, sympy.MatrixSymbol)):
_const, _fact_list = _fact_list[0], _fact_list[1:]
if _const is None or _const == 1:
return '.'.join(self.parenthesize(_m, PREC) for _m in _fact_list)
return '{c}*{m}'.format(c=_const, m='.'.join(self.parenthesize(_m, PREC) for _m in _fact_list))
def _print_MatPow(self, expr):
# This function requires LinearAlgebra Function in Maple
return 'MatrixPower({A}, {n})'.format(A=self._print(expr.base), n=self._print(expr.exp))
def _print_HadamardProduct(self, expr):
PREC = precedence(expr)
_fact_list = list(expr.args)
return '*'.join(self.parenthesize(_m, PREC) for _m in _fact_list)
def _print_Derivative(self, expr):
_f, (_var, _order) = expr.args
if _order != 1:
_second_arg = '{var}${order}'.format(var=self._print(_var),
_second_arg = '{var}'.format(var=self._print(_var))
return 'diff({func_expr}, {sec_arg})'.format(func_expr=self._print(_f), sec_arg=_second_arg)
def maple_code(expr, assign_to=None, **settings):
r"""Converts ``expr`` to a string of Maple code.
expr : Expr
A SymPy expression to be converted.
assign_to : optional
When given, the argument is used as the name of the variable to which
the expression is assigned. Can be a string, ``Symbol``,
``MatrixSymbol``, or ``Indexed`` type. This can be helpful for
expressions that generate multi-line statements.
precision : integer, optional
The precision for numbers such as pi [default=16].
user_functions : dict, optional
A dictionary where keys are ``FunctionClass`` instances and values are
their string representations. Alternatively, the dictionary value can
be a list of tuples i.e. [(argument_test, cfunction_string)]. See
below for examples.
human : bool, optional
If True, the result is a single string that may contain some constant
declarations for the number symbols. If False, the same information is
returned in a tuple of (symbols_to_declare, not_supported_functions,
code_text). [default=True].
contract: bool, optional
If True, ``Indexed`` instances are assumed to obey tensor contraction
rules and the corresponding nested loops over indices are generated.
Setting contract=False will not generate loops, instead the user is
responsible to provide values for the indices in the code.
inline: bool, optional
If True, we try to create single-statement code instead of multiple
statements. [default=True].
return MapleCodePrinter(settings).doprint(expr, assign_to)
def print_maple_code(expr, **settings):
"""Prints the Maple representation of the given expression.
See :func:`maple_code` for the meaning of the optional arguments.
>>> from sympy import print_maple_code, symbols
>>> x, y = symbols('x y')
>>> print_maple_code(x, assign_to=y)
y := x
print(maple_code(expr, **settings))