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from sympy.concrete.summations import Sum
from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import log
from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import sqrt
from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify
from import x, i, a, b
from sympy.codegen.numpy_nodes import logaddexp
from sympy.printing.numpy import CuPyPrinter, _cupy_known_constants, _cupy_known_functions
from sympy.testing.pytest import skip
from sympy.external import import_module
cp = import_module('cupy')
def test_cupy_print():
prntr = CuPyPrinter()
assert prntr.doprint(logaddexp(a, b)) == 'cupy.logaddexp(a, b)'
assert prntr.doprint(sqrt(x)) == 'cupy.sqrt(x)'
assert prntr.doprint(log(x)) == 'cupy.log(x)'
assert prntr.doprint("acos(x)") == 'cupy.arccos(x)'
assert prntr.doprint("exp(x)") == 'cupy.exp(x)'
assert prntr.doprint("Abs(x)") == 'abs(x)'
def test_not_cupy_print():
prntr = CuPyPrinter()
assert "Not supported" in prntr.doprint("abcd(x)")
def test_cupy_sum():
if not cp:
skip("CuPy not installed")
s = Sum(x ** i, (i, a, b))
f = lambdify((a, b, x), s, 'cupy')
a_, b_ = 0, 10
x_ = cp.linspace(-1, +1, 10)
assert cp.allclose(f(a_, b_, x_), sum(x_ ** i_ for i_ in range(a_, b_ + 1)))
s = Sum(i * x, (i, a, b))
f = lambdify((a, b, x), s, 'numpy')
a_, b_ = 0, 10
x_ = cp.linspace(-1, +1, 10)
assert cp.allclose(f(a_, b_, x_), sum(i_ * x_ for i_ in range(a_, b_ + 1)))
def test_cupy_known_funcs_consts():
assert _cupy_known_constants['NaN'] == 'cupy.nan'
assert _cupy_known_constants['EulerGamma'] == 'cupy.euler_gamma'
assert _cupy_known_functions['acos'] == 'cupy.arccos'
assert _cupy_known_functions['log'] == 'cupy.log'
def test_cupy_print_methods():
prntr = CuPyPrinter()
assert hasattr(prntr, '_print_acos')
assert hasattr(prntr, '_print_log')