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from import (purestr, styleof, attrprint, dotnode,
dotedges, dotprint)
from sympy.core.basic import Basic
from sympy.core.expr import Expr
from sympy.core.numbers import (Float, Integer)
from sympy.core.singleton import S
from sympy.core.symbol import (Symbol, symbols)
from sympy.printing.repr import srepr
from import x
def test_purestr():
assert purestr(Symbol('x')) == "Symbol('x')"
assert purestr(Basic(S(1), S(2))) == "Basic(Integer(1), Integer(2))"
assert purestr(Float(2)) == "Float('2.0', precision=53)"
assert purestr(Symbol('x'), with_args=True) == ("Symbol('x')", ())
assert purestr(Basic(S(1), S(2)), with_args=True) == \
('Basic(Integer(1), Integer(2))', ('Integer(1)', 'Integer(2)'))
assert purestr(Float(2), with_args=True) == \
("Float('2.0', precision=53)", ())
def test_styleof():
styles = [(Basic, {'color': 'blue', 'shape': 'ellipse'}),
(Expr, {'color': 'black'})]
assert styleof(Basic(S(1)), styles) == {'color': 'blue', 'shape': 'ellipse'}
assert styleof(x + 1, styles) == {'color': 'black', 'shape': 'ellipse'}
def test_attrprint():
assert attrprint({'color': 'blue', 'shape': 'ellipse'}) == \
'"color"="blue", "shape"="ellipse"'
def test_dotnode():
assert dotnode(x, repeat=False) == \
'"Symbol(\'x\')" ["color"="black", "label"="x", "shape"="ellipse"];'
assert dotnode(x+2, repeat=False) == \
'"Add(Integer(2), Symbol(\'x\'))" ' \
'["color"="black", "label"="Add", "shape"="ellipse"];', \
assert dotnode(x + x**2, repeat=False) == \
'"Add(Symbol(\'x\'), Pow(Symbol(\'x\'), Integer(2)))" ' \
'["color"="black", "label"="Add", "shape"="ellipse"];'
assert dotnode(x + x**2, repeat=True) == \
'"Add(Symbol(\'x\'), Pow(Symbol(\'x\'), Integer(2)))_()" ' \
'["color"="black", "label"="Add", "shape"="ellipse"];'
def test_dotedges():
assert sorted(dotedges(x+2, repeat=False)) == [
'"Add(Integer(2), Symbol(\'x\'))" -> "Integer(2)";',
'"Add(Integer(2), Symbol(\'x\'))" -> "Symbol(\'x\')";'
assert sorted(dotedges(x + 2, repeat=True)) == [
'"Add(Integer(2), Symbol(\'x\'))_()" -> "Integer(2)_(0,)";',
'"Add(Integer(2), Symbol(\'x\'))_()" -> "Symbol(\'x\')_(1,)";'
def test_dotprint():
text = dotprint(x+2, repeat=False)
assert all(e in text for e in dotedges(x+2, repeat=False))
assert all(
n in text for n in [dotnode(expr, repeat=False)
for expr in (x, Integer(2), x+2)])
assert 'digraph' in text
text = dotprint(x+x**2, repeat=False)
assert all(e in text for e in dotedges(x+x**2, repeat=False))
assert all(
n in text for n in [dotnode(expr, repeat=False)
for expr in (x, Integer(2), x**2)])
assert 'digraph' in text
text = dotprint(x+x**2, repeat=True)
assert all(e in text for e in dotedges(x+x**2, repeat=True))
assert all(
n in text for n in [dotnode(expr, pos=())
for expr in [x + x**2]])
text = dotprint(x**x, repeat=True)
assert all(e in text for e in dotedges(x**x, repeat=True))
assert all(
n in text for n in [dotnode(x, pos=(0,)), dotnode(x, pos=(1,))])
assert 'digraph' in text
def test_dotprint_depth():
text = dotprint(3*x+2, depth=1)
assert dotnode(3*x+2) in text
assert dotnode(x) not in text
text = dotprint(3*x+2)
assert "depth" not in text
def test_Matrix_and_non_basics():
from sympy.matrices.expressions.matexpr import MatrixSymbol
n = Symbol('n')
assert dotprint(MatrixSymbol('X', n, n)) == \
# Graph style
# Nodes #
"MatrixSymbol(Str('X'), Symbol('n'), Symbol('n'))_()" ["color"="black", "label"="MatrixSymbol", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Str('X')_(0,)" ["color"="blue", "label"="X", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Symbol('n')_(1,)" ["color"="black", "label"="n", "shape"="ellipse"];
"Symbol('n')_(2,)" ["color"="black", "label"="n", "shape"="ellipse"];
# Edges #
"MatrixSymbol(Str('X'), Symbol('n'), Symbol('n'))_()" -> "Str('X')_(0,)";
"MatrixSymbol(Str('X'), Symbol('n'), Symbol('n'))_()" -> "Symbol('n')_(1,)";
"MatrixSymbol(Str('X'), Symbol('n'), Symbol('n'))_()" -> "Symbol('n')_(2,)";
def test_labelfunc():
text = dotprint(x + 2, labelfunc=srepr)
assert "Symbol('x')" in text
assert "Integer(2)" in text
def test_commutative():
x, y = symbols('x y', commutative=False)
assert dotprint(x + y) == dotprint(y + x)
assert dotprint(x*y) != dotprint(y*x)