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121 lines
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121 lines
4.3 KiB
4 years ago
import sys
import os.path as osp
this_dir = osp.dirname(__file__)
lib_path = osp.join(this_dir, '..')
sys.path.insert(0, lib_path)
from NCF.dataprocess import DataProcess
from import GMF,MLP,NeuMF
from NCF.trainer import Trainer
import numpy as np
import torch
gmf_config = {'num_epoch': 100,
'batch_size': 1024,
'optimizer': 'adam',
'adam_lr': 1e-3,
'num_users': 6040,
'num_items': 3706,
'latent_dim_gmf': 8,
'num_negative': 4,
'layers': [],
'l2_regularization': 0, # 0.01
'pretrain': False, # do not modify this
'use_cuda': True,
'device_id': 0,
'model_name': '../TrainedModels/NCF_GMF.model'
mlp_config = {'num_epoch': 100,
'batch_size': 1024, # 1024,
'optimizer': 'adam',
'adam_lr': 1e-3,
'num_users': 6040,
'num_items': 3706,
'latent_dim_mlp': 8,
'latent_dim_gmf': 8,
'num_negative': 4,
'layers': [16,64,32,16,8], # layers[0] is the concat of latent user vector & latent item vector
'l2_regularization': 0.0000001, # MLP model is sensitive to hyper params
'use_cuda': True,
'device_id': 0,
'pretrain': True,
'gmf_config': gmf_config,
'pretrain_gmf': '../TrainedModels/NCF_GMF.model',
'model_name': '../TrainedModels/NCF_MLP.model'
neumf_config = {'num_epoch': 100,
'batch_size': 1024, #1024
'optimizer': 'adam',
'adam_lr': 1e-3,
'num_users': 6040,
'num_items': 3706,
'latent_dim_gmf': 8,
'latent_dim_mlp': 8,
'num_negative': 4,
'layers': [16,32,16,8], # layers[0] 是用户和物品隐层表示concat的维度
'l2_regularization': 0.01,
'alpha': 0.5, # 用于控制GMF和MLP模型参数的权重
'use_cuda': True,
'device_id': 0,
'pretrain': False,
'gmf_config': gmf_config,
'pretrain_gmf': '../TrainedModels/NCF_GMF.model',
'mlp_config': mlp_config,
'pretrain_mlp': '../TrainedModels/NCF_MLP.model',
'model_name': '../TrainedModels/NCF_NeuMF.model'
if __name__ == "__main__":
# NCF 神经协同过滤算法
# 加载和预处理数据
dp = DataProcess("../Data/ml-1m/ratings.dat")
# 初始化GMP模型
config = gmf_config
model = GMF(config, config['latent_dim_gmf'])
# # 初始化MLP模型
config = mlp_config
model = MLP(config, config['latent_dim_mlp'])
# 初始化NeuMF模型
config = neumf_config
model = NeuMF(config, config['latent_dim_gmf'], config['latent_dim_mlp'])
# ###############################################################
# 模型训练阶段
# ###############################################################
trainer = Trainer(model=model, config=config)
# ###############################################################
# 模型测试阶段
# ###############################################################
# 加载数据集
# dp = DataProcess("../Data/ml-1m/ratings.dat")
config = neumf_config
neumf = NeuMF(config, config['latent_dim_gmf'], config['latent_dim_mlp'])
state_dict = torch.load("../TrainedModels/NCF_NeuMF.model", map_location=torch.device('cpu'))
neumf.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False)
# 对用户User_id喜好度进行预测
User_id = 1
result = np.zeros((3706))
for j in range(3706):
socre = neumf.forward(torch.LongTensor([User_id]), torch.LongTensor([j]))
score = socre.detach().numpy()
result[j] = socre[0][0]
# 选取User_id喜好度最高的N个电影id进行推荐
N = 5
indexs = np.argsort(-result)[:N]