diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/.gitignore b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11e612e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Build and Release Folders
+[Oo]bj/ # FlashDevelop obj
+[Bb]in/ # FlashDevelop bin
+# Other files and folders
+# Executables
+# Project files, i.e. `.project`, `.actionScriptProperties` and `.flexProperties`
+# should NOT be excluded as they contain compiler settings and other important
+# information for Eclipse / Flash Builder.
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/README.md b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eefda45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# wechat-weapp-mapdemo
+微信web开发者工具 `v0.15.152900`
+## Screenshot
+## License 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/app.js b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/app.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51ce356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/app.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+  onLaunch: function () {
+    //调用API从本地缓存中获取数据
+    var logs = wx.getStorageSync('logs') || []
+    logs.unshift(Date.now())
+    wx.setStorageSync('logs', logs)
+  },
+  getUserInfo:function(cb){
+    var that = this;
+    if(this.globalData.userInfo){
+      typeof cb == "function" && cb(this.globalData.userInfo)
+    }else{
+      //调用登录接口
+      wx.login({
+        success: function () {
+          wx.getUserInfo({
+            success: function (res) {
+              that.globalData.userInfo = res.userInfo;
+              typeof cb == "function" && cb(that.globalData.userInfo)
+            }
+          })
+        }
+      });
+    }
+  },
+  globalData:{
+    userInfo:null
+  }
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/app.json b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/app.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2768917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/app.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  "pages":[
+    "pages/login/login",
+    "pages/location/location",
+    "pages/Find directions/Find directions",
+    "pages/text/text"
+  ],
+  "window":{
+    "backgroundTextStyle":"light",
+    "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#fff",
+    "navigationBarTitleText": "login",
+    "navigationBarTextStyle":"black"
+  },
+  "tabBar": {
+    "color": "#dddddd",
+    "selectedColor": "#3cc51f",
+    "borderStyle": "black",
+    "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
+    "list": [{
+      "pagePath": "pages/location/location",
+      "iconPath": "image/wechat.png",
+      "selectedIconPath": "image/locate.png",
+      "text": "导航"
+    },{
+      "pagePath": "pages/Find directions/Find directions",
+      "iconPath": "image/map.png",
+      "selectedIconPath": "image/map_active.png",
+      "text": "查询路线"
+    },{
+      "pagePath": "pages/text/text",
+      "iconPath": "image/locate.png",
+      "selectedIconPath": "image/locateHL.png",
+      "text": "信息栏"
+    }
+  ]
+  },
+  "debug": true
+  }
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/app.wxss b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/app.wxss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d3b114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/app.wxss
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+.container {
+  height: 100%;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  align-items: center;
+  justify-content: space-between;
+  padding: 200rpx 0;
+  box-sizing: border-box;
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/arrowright.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/icon64_appwx_logo.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/locate.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..119c934
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/locateHL.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a76333c
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/location-control.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..045971e
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/location.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/logo.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ac1474
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/map.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..119c934
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/map_active.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffbc1cf
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/navigator.jpg differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9acb73d
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/pause.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..982f2f2
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/play.png differ
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/plus.png b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/plus.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73ddfe3
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/plus.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a62ef81
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/record.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/screenshot-marker.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/screenshot1.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..586be04
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/screenshot2.png differ
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/stop.png b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/stop.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e65f3e
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/stop.png differ
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/trash.png b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/trash.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83d68f3
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/trash.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..470931c
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/wechat.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c5e52b
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/image/wechatHL.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3b3eda
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/images/dh.jpg differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..addd9dc
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/images/gps.jpg differ
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/images/hxLocation.png b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/images/hxLocation.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..308f101
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/images/hxLocation.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..396bc68
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/images/logo1.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..920fb36
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/images/sxaubg.jpg differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fda6731
Binary files /dev/null and b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/images/xm.jpg differ
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/package.json b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6120692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "name": "wechat-weapp-mapdemo",
+  "version": "1.0.0",
+  "description": "微信小程序demo,地图",
+  "main": "app.js",
+  "scripts": {
+    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
+  },
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+https://github.com/giscafer/wechat-weapp-mapdemo.git"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "微信小程序demo"
+  ],
+  "author": "giscafer",
+  "license": "ISC",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": "https://github.com/giscafer/wechat-weapp-mapdemo/issues"
+  },
+  "homepage": "https://github.com/giscafer/wechat-weapp-mapdemo#readme",
+  "dependencies": {
+    "mapbox-gl": "^0.24.0"
+  }
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/Find directions/Find directions.js b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/Find directions/Find directions.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e67c8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/Find directions/Find directions.js	
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+var app = getApp()
+  data: {
+    motto: '中航大查询路线系统',
+    userInfo: {},
+    appInfo:{
+      logoUrl:'../../image/logo.png',
+      title:'查询路线'
+    }
+  },
+  //事件处理函数
+  bindViewTap: function() {
+    wx.navigateTo({
+      url: '../location/location'
+    })
+  },
+  onLoad: function () {
+    console.log('onLoad')
+    var that = this
+    that.setData({
+        appInfo:this.data.appInfo
+    })
+  }
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/Find directions/Find directions.json b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/Find directions/Find directions.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8835af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/Find directions/Find directions.json	
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  "usingComponents": {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/Find directions/Find directions.wxml b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/Find directions/Find directions.wxml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a591f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/Find directions/Find directions.wxml	
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<view class="container">
+  <view  bindtap="bindViewTap" class="userinfo">
+    <image class="userinfo-avatar" src="{{appInfo.logoUrl}}" background-size="cover"></image>
+    <text class="userinfo-nickname">{{appInfo.title}}</text>
+  </view>
+  <view class="usermotto">
+    <text class="user-motto">{{motto}}</text>
+  </view>
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/Find directions/Find directions.wxss b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/Find directions/Find directions.wxss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce30de0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/Find directions/Find directions.wxss	
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+.userinfo {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  align-items: center;
+.userinfo-avatar {
+  width: 128rpx;
+  height: 128rpx;
+  margin: 20rpx;
+  border-radius: 50%;
+.userinfo-nickname {
+  color: #aaa;
+.usermotto {
+  margin-top: 200px;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/location/location.js b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/location/location.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce40122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/location/location.js
@@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
+var click =true
+  /**
+   * 页面的初始数据
+   */
+  data: {
+    longitude: 112.5840817937609,
+    latitude: 37.42334029843902,
+    scale:16,
+    ishow:true
+  },
+  // 校门
+  hx_door: function () {
+    this.setData({
+      hx_door: true,
+      hx_canteen: false,
+      hx_supermarket: false,
+      hx_teach: false,
+      hx_hospital: false,
+      hx_playground: false,
+      hx_library: false,
+      hx_dorm: false,
+      ishow:false,
+      latitude: 37.42334029843902, //经度
+      longitude: 112.5840817937609, //纬度
+      scale: 16,
+      markers: [{
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+          latitude: 37.42460923822909,
+          longitude: 112.57850807958519,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }, {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+          latitude: 37.42505982099957,
+          longitude: 112.58448746351345,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        },{
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+        latitude: 37.423356091749176,
+        longitude: 112.59020697584626,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      },{
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+          latitude: 37.420850652498494,
+          longitude: 112.58636394568849,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+        }, {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+          latitude: 37.42046830521278,
+          longitude: 112.59089438639249,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }]
+    })
+  },
+  // 餐厅
+  hx_canteen: function () {
+    this.setData({
+      hx_door: false,
+      hx_canteen: true,
+      hx_supermarket: false,
+      hx_teach: false,
+      hx_hospital: false,
+      hx_playground: false,
+      hx_library: false,
+      hx_dorm: false,
+      ishow: false,
+      latitude: 37.42334029843902, //经度
+      longitude: 112.5840817937609, //纬度
+      scale: 16,
+      markers: [{
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+        latitude: 37.42217098294637,
+        longitude: 112.58554120048987,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      },
+        {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+          latitude: 37.424741,
+          longitude: 112.580423,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }, {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+          latitude: 37.421674,
+          longitude: 112.591431,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }, {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+          latitude: 37.421563,
+          longitude: 112.585369,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }, {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+          latitude: 37.421137,
+          longitude: 112.585305,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }
+      ]
+    })
+  },
+  /******超市***/
+  hx_supermarket: function () {
+    this.setData({
+      hx_door: false,
+      hx_canteen: false,
+      hx_supermarket: true,
+      hx_teach: false,
+      hx_hospital: false,
+      hx_playground: false,
+      hx_library: false,
+      hx_dorm: false,
+      ishow: false,
+      latitude: 37.42334029843902, //经度
+      longitude: 112.5840817937609, //纬度
+      scale: 16,
+      markers: [{
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //大超市
+        latitude: 37.422066,  /**大超市 */
+        longitude: 112.585868,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      }, {
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //进门超市
+          latitude: 37.421014, /**进门超市*/
+          longitude: 112.585155,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+        }, {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //进门超市
+          latitude: 37.421546, /**进门超市*/
+          longitude: 112.591259,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }
+      ]
+    })
+  },
+  /****************************************教学楼***************************************** */
+  hx_teach: function () {
+    this.setData({
+      hx_door: false,
+      hx_canteen: false,
+      hx_supermarket: false,
+      hx_teach: true,
+      hx_hospital: false,
+      hx_playground: false,
+      hx_library: false,
+      hx_dorm: false,
+      ishow: false,
+      latitude: 37.42334029843902, //经度
+      longitude: 112.5840817937609, //纬度
+      scale: 16,
+      markers: [{
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //教学楼1
+        latitude: 37.423821,
+        longitude: 112.585863,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      }, {
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //教学楼2
+        latitude: 37.424622,
+        longitude: 112.581378,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      }, {
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //实验楼3
+          latitude: 37.425074,
+          longitude: 112.583610,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      }, {
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //实验楼4
+          latitude: 37.424545,
+          longitude: 112.585037,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      }, {
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //办公楼5
+          latitude: 37.424230,
+          longitude: 112.585917,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+        }, {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //办公楼6
+          latitude: 37.423016,
+          longitude: 112.586625,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }, {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //办公楼7
+          latitude: 37.421550,
+          longitude: 112.582945,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }, {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //办公楼8
+          latitude: 37.423335,
+          longitude: 112.584801,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }, {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //办公楼9
+          latitude: 37.421452,
+          longitude: 112.580155,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }, {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //办公楼10
+          latitude: 37.421555,
+          longitude: 112.579050,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }, {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //办公楼11
+          latitude: 37.422398,
+          longitude: 112.578599,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }, {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //办公楼12
+          latitude: 37.424882,
+          longitude: 112.582687,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }, {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',   //办公楼13
+          latitude: 37.421883,
+          longitude: 112.587698,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }
+      ]
+    })
+  },
+  /****************************************医 务 室***************************************** */
+  hx_hospital: function () {
+    this.setData({
+      hx_door: false,
+      hx_canteen: false,
+      hx_supermarket: false,
+      hx_teach: false,
+      hx_hospital: true,
+      hx_playground: false,
+      hx_library: false,
+      hx_dorm: false,
+      ishow: false,
+      latitude: 37.42334029843902, //经度
+      longitude: 112.5840817937609, //纬度
+      scale: 16,
+      markers: [{
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+        latitude: 37.425022,
+        longitude: 112.585133,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      }]
+    })
+  },
+  /****************************************农大 体 育 场***************************************** */
+  hx_playground: function () {
+    this.setData({
+      hx_door: false,
+      hx_canteen: false,
+      hx_supermarket: false,
+      hx_teach: false,
+      hx_hospital: false,
+      hx_playground: true,
+      hx_library: false,
+      hx_dorm: false,
+      ishow: false,
+      latitude: 37.42334029843902, //经度
+      longitude: 112.5840817937609, //纬度
+      scale: 16,
+      markers: [{
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+        latitude: 37.421947,  /**大操场 */
+        longitude: 112.589071,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      },
+      {
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+        latitude: 37.425636,
+        longitude: 112.582322,   /**小操场 */
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      }]
+    })
+  },
+  /****************************************农大 图 书 馆***************************************** */
+  hx_library: function () {
+    this.setData({
+      hx_door: false,
+      hx_canteen: false,
+      hx_supermarket: false,
+      hx_teach: false,
+      hx_hospital: false,
+      hx_playground: false,
+      hx_library: true,
+      hx_dorm: false,
+      ishow: false,
+      latitude: 37.42334029843902, //经度
+      longitude: 112.5840817937609, //纬度
+      scale: 16,
+      markers: [{
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+        latitude: 37.424051,  /**图书馆 */
+        longitude: 112.580541,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      }, {
+          iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+          latitude: 37.424524,  /**图书馆 */
+          longitude: 112.583980,
+          width: 20,
+          height: 30
+        }]
+    })
+  },
+  /****************************************农大 宿 舍***************************************** */
+  hx_dorm: function () {
+    this.setData({
+      hx_door: false,
+      hx_canteen: false,
+      hx_supermarket: false,
+      hx_teach: false,
+      hx_hospital: false,
+      hx_playground: false,
+      hx_library: false,
+      hx_dorm: true,
+      ishow: false,
+      latitude: 37.42334029843902, //经度
+      longitude: 112.5840817937609, //纬度
+      scale: 16,
+      markers: [{
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+        latitude: 37.422066,  /**学生公寓1 */
+        longitude: 112.584833,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      }, {
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+          latitude: 37.422394,   /**学生公寓2 */
+          longitude: 112.586399,
+        width:20,
+        height: 30
+      }, {
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+          latitude: 37.421751,   /**学生公寓3 */
+          longitude: 112.590798,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      }, {
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+          latitude: 37.425917,   /**学生公寓4 */
+          longitude: 112.580520,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      }, {
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+          latitude: 37.421261,  /**活动中心宿舍楼*/
+          longitude: 112.587896,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      }, {
+        iconPath: '../../images/hxLocation.png',
+          latitude: 37.421090,  /**洗浴中心宿舍楼 */
+          longitude: 112.589441,
+        width: 20,
+        height: 30
+      }
+      ]
+    })
+  },
+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
+   */
+  onLoad: function (options) {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
+   */
+  onReady: function () {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
+   */
+  onShow: function () {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏
+   */
+  onHide: function () {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载
+   */
+  onUnload: function () {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
+   */
+  onPullDownRefresh: function () {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
+   */
+  onReachBottom: function () {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 用户点击右上角分享
+   */
+  onShareAppMessage: function () {
+  },
+  go: function (e) {
+    var id = e.currentTarget.id; //获取id
+    switch (id) {
+      /*农大校门门*/
+      case "door1":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.42460923822909,
+          longitude: 112.57850807958519,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "door2":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.42505982099957,
+          longitude: 112.58448746351345,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "door3":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.423356091749176,
+          longitude: 112.59020697584626,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "door4":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.420850652498494,
+          longitude: 112.58636394568849,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "door5":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.42046830521278,
+          longitude: 112.59089438639249,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      /*农大餐饮*/
+      case "canteen1":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.42217098294637,
+          longitude: 112.58554120048987,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "canteen2":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.421674,
+          longitude: 112.591431,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "canteen3":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.424741,
+          longitude: 112.580423,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "canteen4":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.421563,
+          longitude: 112.585369,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "canteen5":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.421137,
+          longitude: 112.585305,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      /*农大超市*/
+      case "supermarket1":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.422066,  /**大超市 */
+          longitude: 112.585868,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "supermarket2":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.421014, /**进门超市*/
+          longitude: 112.585155,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "supermarket3":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.421546, /**进门超市*/
+          longitude: 112.591259,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      /**农大教学楼 */
+      case "teach1":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.423821,
+          longitude: 112.585863,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "teach2":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.424622,
+          longitude: 112.581378,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "teach3":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.425074,
+          longitude: 112.583610,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "teach4":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.424545,
+          longitude: 112.585037,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "teach5":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.424230,
+          longitude: 112.585917,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "teach6":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.423016,
+          longitude: 112.586625,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "teach7":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.421550,
+          longitude: 112.582945,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "teach8":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.423335,
+          longitude: 112.584801,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "teach9":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.421452,
+          longitude: 112.580155,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "teach10":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.421555,
+          longitude: 112.579050,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "teach11":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.422398,
+          longitude: 112.578599,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "teach12":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.424882,
+          longitude: 112.582687,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "teach13":
+        wx.openLocation({ /*使用微信内置地图查看位置*/
+          latitude: 37.421883,
+          longitude: 112.587698,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      /**农大医务室 */
+      case "hospital1":
+        wx.openLocation({
+          latitude: 37.425022,
+          longitude: 112.585133,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      /**农大体育场 */
+      case "playground1":
+        wx.openLocation({
+          latitude: 37.421947,  /**大操场 */
+          longitude: 112.589071,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "playground2":
+        wx.openLocation({
+          latitude: 37.425636,
+          longitude: 112.582322,   /**小操场 */
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      /**农大图书馆*/
+      case "library1":
+        wx.openLocation({
+          latitude: 37.424051,  /**图书馆 */
+          longitude: 112.580541,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "library2":
+        wx.openLocation({
+          latitude: 37.424524,  /**图书馆 */
+          longitude: 112.583980,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      /**农大宿舍楼*/
+      case "dorm1":
+        wx.openLocation({
+          latitude: 37.422066,  /**学生公寓1 */
+          longitude: 112.584833,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "dorm2":
+        wx.openLocation({
+          latitude: 37.422394,   /**学生公寓2 */
+          longitude: 112.586399,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "dorm3":
+        wx.openLocation({
+          latitude: 37.421751,   /**学生公寓3 */
+          longitude: 112.590798,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "dorm4":
+        wx.openLocation({
+          latitude: 37.425917,   /**学生公寓4 */
+          longitude: 112.580520,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "dorm5":
+        wx.openLocation({
+          latitude: 37.421261,  /**活动中心宿舍楼*/
+          longitude: 112.587896,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+      case "dorm6":
+        wx.openLocation({
+          latitude: 37.421090,  /**洗浴中心宿舍楼 */
+          longitude: 112.589441,
+          scale: 25
+        })
+        break;
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/location/location.json b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/location/location.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8835af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/location/location.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  "usingComponents": {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/location/location.wxml b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/location/location.wxml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76e898b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/location/location.wxml
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+<scroll-view scroll-x class='scrollx' >
+  <navigator  open-type="redirect" catchtap='hx_door'>校门</navigator>
+  <navigator  open-type="redirect" catchtap='hx_canteen'>餐饮</navigator>
+  <navigator  open-type="redirect" catchtap='hx_supermarket'>超市</navigator>
+  <navigator  open-type="redirect" catchtap='hx_teach'>教学楼</navigator>
+  <navigator   open-type="redirect" catchtap='hx_hospital'>医院</navigator>
+  <navigator  open-type="redirect" catchtap='hx_playground'>体育场</navigator>
+  <navigator  open-type="redirect" catchtap='hx_library'>图书馆</navigator>
+  <navigator  open-type="redirect" catchtap='hx_dorm'>学生公寓</navigator> 
+<!--longitude经度  latitude纬度 -->
+  id="map"
+  longitude="{{longitude}}"
+  latitude="{{latitude}}"
+  scale="{{scale}}"
+  style="width: 100%; height: 300px;"
+  markers='{{markers}}' 
+  show-location='true'  
+  bindcallouttap='click' 
+  bindmarkertap='background'
+<!-- 校门 -->
+<view  class='bottom' style='bottom:{{bootom}};' wx:if="{{hx_door}}"> 
+  <cover-view class='hx_bottomtext'>校门</cover-view>
+  <view class="page__bd">
+  <view class="weui-cells__title"></view>
+          <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
+              <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                  <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                      <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                  </view>
+                  <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 西门</view>      
+                  <cover-image id='door1' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+              </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                  <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                      <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                  </view>
+                  <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 旧北门</view>      
+                  <cover-image id='door2' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+              </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                  <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                      <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                  </view>
+                  <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 新北门</view>      
+                  <cover-image id='door3' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+              </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                  <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                      <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                  </view>
+                  <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 前南门(可过)</view>      
+                  <cover-image id='door4' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+              </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                  <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                      <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                  </view>
+                  <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 后南门(一般不开)</view>      
+                  <cover-image id='door5' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+              </navigator>
+          </view>
+  </view>
+<view class='bottom' style='bottom:{{bootom}};' wx:if="{{hx_canteen}}"> 
+        <cover-view class='hx_bottomtext'>餐饮</cover-view>
+<view class="page__bd">
+<view class="weui-cells__title"></view>
+        <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
+              <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 谷园</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='canteen1' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 碧桃园</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='canteen2' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 教职工餐厅</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='canteen3' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 小木屋</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='canteen4' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 怡膳园</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='canteen5' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+        </view>
+<view class='bottom' style='bottom:{{bootom}};' wx:if="{{hx_supermarket}}"> 
+        <cover-view class='hx_bottomtext'>超市</cover-view>
+<view class="page__bd">
+<view class="weui-cells__title"></view>
+        <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
+              <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 寸草心超市</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='supermarket1' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 周边小超市</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='supermarket2' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 周边小超市</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='supermarket3' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+        </view>
+<view class='bottom' style='bottom:{{bootom}};' wx:if="{{hx_teach}}"> 
+        <cover-view class='hx_bottomtext'>教学楼</cover-view>
+<view class="page__bd">
+<view class="weui-cells__title"></view>
+        <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
+              <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 农学楼(1号)</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='teach1' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 实验大楼</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='teach2' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+               <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 崇学楼</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='teach3' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+               <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 理化楼</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='teach4' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+               <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 教学北楼</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='teach5' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+               <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 教学主楼(5号楼)</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='teach6' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 6号楼</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='teach7' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 动物科技学院</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='teach8' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 崇实楼</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='teach9' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 工学院</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='teach10' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 资源环境学院</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='teach11' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 嘉桂教学楼</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='teach12' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 体育部</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='teach13' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+               </navigator>
+        </view>
+<view  class='bottom' style='bottom:{{bootom}};' wx:if="{{hx_hospital}}"> 
+        <cover-view class='hx_bottomtext'>医院</cover-view>
+<view class="page__bd">
+<view class="weui-cells__title"></view>
+        <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
+            <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 校医院</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='hospital1' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+            </navigator>
+        </view>
+<view  class='bottom' style='bottom:{{bootom}};' wx:if="{{hx_playground}}"> 
+        <cover-view class='hx_bottomtext'>体育场</cover-view>
+<view class="page__bd">
+<view class="weui-cells__title"></view>
+        <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
+            <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 大操场</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='playground1' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+            </navigator>
+             <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 小操场</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='playground2' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+            </navigator>
+        </view>
+<view  class='bottom' style='bottom:{{bootom}};' wx:if="{{hx_library}}"> 
+        <cover-view class='hx_bottomtext'>图书馆</cover-view>
+<view class="page__bd">
+<view class="weui-cells__title"></view>
+        <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
+            <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 图书馆</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='library1' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+            </navigator>
+                <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">山西农业大学 - 亭兰图书馆</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='library2' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+            </navigator>
+        </view>
+<view  class='bottom' style='bottom:{{bootom}};' wx:if="{{hx_dorm}}"> 
+        <cover-view class='hx_bottomtext'>学生公寓</cover-view>
+<view class="page__bd">
+    <view class="weui-cells__title"></view>
+        <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
+            <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">学生公寓 1-5</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='dorm1' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+            </navigator>
+            <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">学生公寓 6-10</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='dorm2' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+            </navigator>
+            <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">学生公寓 11-19</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='dorm3' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+            </navigator>
+            <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">学生公寓 21-23</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='dorm4' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+            </navigator>
+          <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">游泳馆 - (活动中心)</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='dorm5' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+            </navigator>
+           <navigator url="" class="weui-cell weui-cell_access" hover-class="weui-cell_active">
+                <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+                    <image src="../../images/xm.jpg" class='hx_img'></image>
+                </view>
+                <view class="weui-cell__bd">睿智体育馆 - (活动中心)</view>      
+                   <cover-image id='dorm6' style='width:25px;height:25px' catchtap='go' src='../../images/gps.jpg' mode='aspectFit'></cover-image>          
+            </navigator>
+      </view>
+    </view>
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/location/location.wxss b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/location/location.wxss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fd18e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/location/location.wxss
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* pages/sxauguide/sxauguide.wxss */
+  display: flex;  /*水平居中*/  
+  white-space: nowrap;  /*	文本不会换行,文本会在在同一行上继续,直到遇到 <br> 标签为止。*/
+.scrollx navigator{
+display: inline-block; /*垂直居中,多个孩子共享一行*/
+padding-left: 20rpx;
+padding-right: 20rpx;
+background: #2d572b;
+color: white;
+font-family: "微软雅黑";
+font-size: 15px;
+padding-top: 10px;
+padding-bottom: 10px;
+ position:relative; /*相对定位*/
+ float: left;
+ width: 100%;
+display: block;
+position: relative;
+font-family: "微软雅黑";
+font-size: 15px;
+width: 100%;
+top: 10px;
+left: 45%;
+color: #ed5e53;
+margin-bottom: 20px;
+position: relative;
+display: flex; /*水平居中*/
+width: 100%;
+height: 50px;
+margin-right: 10px;
+float: left;
+width: 80px;
+height: 40px;
+font-size: 16px;
+font-family: "微软雅黑";
+margin-left: 20rpx;
+margin-top: 5rpx;
+width:20px ;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/login/login.js b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/login/login.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce44869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/login/login.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+var app = getApp()
+  data: {
+      user_name:'',
+      user_password:''
+  },
+  userNameChange: function (e) {
+    this.data.user_name = e.detail.value;
+  },
+  //输入密码
+  userPasswordChange: function (e) {
+    this.data.user_password = e.detail.value;
+  },
+  showLive: function () {
+    wx.reLaunch({
+      url: '../Find directions/Find directions',
+    })
+  },
+  showpage: function(){
+    wx.reLaunch(
+      {
+        url:'../Find directions/Find directions'
+      }
+    )
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/login/login.json b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/login/login.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8835af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/login/login.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  "usingComponents": {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/login/login.wxml b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/login/login.wxml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..956bf07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/login/login.wxml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<view class="page">
+  <view class="page__bd">
+    <view class="weui-toptips weui-toptips_warn" wx:if="{{showTopTips}}">错误提示</view>
+    <view class="weui-cells__title">登录</view>
+    <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title">
+      <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input">
+        <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+          <view class="weui-label">用户名</view>
+        </view>
+        <view class="weui-cell__bd">
+          <input class="weui-input" placeholder="请输入用户名" name="user_name" value="{{user_name}}" bindblur="userNameChange" />
+        </view>
+      </view>
+      <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input weui-cell_vcode">
+        <view class="weui-cell__hd">
+          <view class="weui-label">密码</view>
+        </view>
+        <view class="weui-cell__bd">
+          <input password type="text" class="weui-input" placeholder="请输入密码" name="user_password" value="{{user_password}}" bindblur="userPasswordChange" />
+        </view>
+      </view>
+    </view>
+    <view class="weui-btn-area" bindtap="showLive">
+      <button class="weui-btn" type="primary">用户登陆</button>
+    </view>
+    <view class="weui-btn-area" bindtap="showpage">
+      <button class="weui-btn" type="primary">管理员登陆</button>
+    </view>
+     <view class="weui-cells__title" >注册,忘记密码请联系qq:xx</view>
+  </view>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/login/login.wxss b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/login/login.wxss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ac561b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/login/login.wxss
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+.userinfo {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  align-items: center;
+.userinfo-avatar {
+  width: 128rpx;
+  height: 128rpx;
+  margin: 20rpx;
+  border-radius: 50%;
+.userinfo-nickname {
+  color: red;
+.usermotto {
+  margin-top: 200px;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/logs/logs.js b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/logs/logs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26e868a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/logs/logs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// pages/logs/logs.js
+  /**
+   * 页面的初始数据
+   */
+  data: {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
+   */
+  onLoad(options) {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
+   */
+  onReady() {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
+   */
+  onShow() {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏
+   */
+  onHide() {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载
+   */
+  onUnload() {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
+   */
+  onPullDownRefresh() {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
+   */
+  onReachBottom() {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 用户点击右上角分享
+   */
+  onShareAppMessage() {
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/logs/logs.wxml b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/logs/logs.wxml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c49f50c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/logs/logs.wxml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/map/map.js b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/map/map.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e90359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/pages/map/map.js
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// map.js
+let schoolData = require('../../resources/gis-school')
+  data: {
+    centerX:113.3245211,
+    centerY:23.10229,
+    markers: [],
+    controls: [{
+      id: 1,
+      iconPath: '/image/location-control.png',
+      position: {
+        left: 0,
+        top:10,
+        width: 40,
+        height: 40
+      },
+      clickable: true
+    }]
+  },
+  onReady: function (e) {
+    // 使用 wx.createMapContext 获取 map 上下文 
+    this.mapCtx = wx.createMapContext('myMap')
+  },
+  onLoad: function () {
+    console.log('地图定位!')
+    let that = this
+    wx.getLocation({
+        type: 'gcj02', //返回可以用于wx.openLocation的经纬度
+        success:(res)=>{
+          console.log(res)
+            let latitude = res.latitude; 
+            let longitude = res.longitude; 
+            let marker=this.createMarker(res);
+            this.setData({
+                centerX:longitude,
+                centerY:latitude,
+                markers:this.getSchoolMarkers()
+            })
+        }
+    });
+  },
+  regionchange(e) {
+    console.log(e.type)
+  },
+  markertap(e) {
+    console.log(e)
+  },
+  controltap(e) {
+    console.log(e.controlId)
+    this.moveToLocation()
+  },
+  getSchoolMarkers(){
+    let markers=[];
+    for(let item of schoolData){
+      let marker=this.createMarker(item);
+      markers.push(marker)
+    }
+    return markers;
+  },
+  moveToLocation: function () {
+    this.mapCtx.moveToLocation()
+  },
+  createMarker(point){
+    let latitude = point.latitude; 
+    let longitude = point.longitude; 
+    let marker= {
+      iconPath: "/image/location.png",
+      id:point.id || 0,
+      name:point.name || '',
+      latitude: latitude,
+      longitude: longitude,
+      width: 25,
+      height: 48
+    };
+    return marker;
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
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+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
+   */
+  onReady() {
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+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
+   */
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+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏
+   */
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+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载
+   */
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+   * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
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+  },
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+   * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
+   */
+  onReachBottom() {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 用户点击右上角分享
+   */
+  onShareAppMessage() {
+  }
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+    {
+        "id": 1,
+        "name": "北京大学",
+        "longitude": "116.316176",
+        "latitude": "39.997741"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 2,
+        "name": "西安科技大学",
+        "longitude": "108.968176",
+        "latitude": "34.239638"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 3,
+        "name": "西北农林科技大学",
+        "longitude": "108.075936",
+        "latitude": "34.270661"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 4,
+        "name": "陕西师范大学",
+        "longitude": "108.902888",
+        "latitude": "34.159134"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 5,
+        "name": "咸阳师范学院",
+        "longitude": "108.734502",
+        "latitude": "34.366822"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 6,
+        "name": "西北大学(太白校区)",
+        "longitude": "108.934224",
+        "latitude": "34.253588"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 7,
+        "name": "长安大学",
+        "longitude": "108.962926",
+        "latitude": "34.238489"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 8,
+        "name": "兰州大学",
+        "longitude": "103.86663",
+        "latitude": "36.051997"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 9,
+        "name": "甘肃农业大学",
+        "longitude": "103.707241",
+        "latitude": "36.096718"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 10,
+        "name": "西北师范大学",
+        "longitude": "103.744761",
+        "latitude": "36.104394"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 11,
+        "name": "甘肃林业职业技术学院",
+        "longitude": "105.918299",
+        "latitude": "34.48885"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 12,
+        "name": "兰州交通大学",
+        "longitude": "103.730911",
+        "latitude": "36.111356"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 13,
+        "name": "青海师范大学",
+        "longitude": "101.74888",
+        "latitude": "36.645819"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 14,
+        "name": "青海师范大学",
+        "longitude": "101.74888",
+        "latitude": "36.645819"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 15,
+        "name": "宁夏大学",
+        "longitude": "106.14383",
+        "latitude": "38.502388"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 16,
+        "name": "新疆农业大学",
+        "longitude": "87.573015",
+        "latitude": "43.818545"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 17,
+        "name": "新疆师范大学",
+        "longitude": "87.600303",
+        "latitude": "43.839824"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 18,
+        "name": "新疆大学",
+        "longitude": "87.622704",
+        "latitude": "43.772078"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 19,
+        "name": "昆明理工大学莲花校区",
+        "longitude": "102.70396",
+        "latitude": "25.066269"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 20,
+        "name": "西南林业大学",
+        "longitude": "102.75875",
+        "latitude": "25.063838"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 21,
+        "name": "昆明理工大学津桥学院",
+        "longitude": "102.660574",
+        "latitude": "25.078567"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 22,
+        "name": "昆明理工大学津桥学院",
+        "longitude": "102.660574",
+        "latitude": "25.078567"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 23,
+        "name": "云南师范大学本部",
+        "longitude": "102.702368",
+        "latitude": "25.060959"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 24,
+        "name": "昆明冶金高等专科学校(石江)",
+        "longitude": "102.448038",
+        "latitude": "24.888587"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 25,
+        "name": "云南大学",
+        "longitude": "102.709377",
+        "latitude": "25.06064"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 26,
+        "name": "云南能源职业技术学院",
+        "longitude": "103.834979",
+        "latitude": "25.549237"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 27,
+        "name": "云南国土资源职业学院小板桥校区",
+        "longitude": "102.797673",
+        "latitude": "24.976261"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 28,
+        "name": "贵州师范大学",
+        "longitude": "106.727435",
+        "latitude": "26.594053"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 29,
+        "name": "贵州大学",
+        "longitude": "106.679274",
+        "latitude": "26.450557"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 30,
+        "name": "西南交通大学(九里校区)",
+        "longitude": "104.059612",
+        "latitude": "30.704212"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 31,
+        "name": "成都信息工程学院",
+        "longitude": "103.996398",
+        "latitude": "30.585144"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 32,
+        "name": "西华师范大学华凤校区",
+        "longitude": "106.075406",
+        "latitude": "30.826496"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 33,
+        "name": "四川师范大学",
+        "longitude": "103.661761",
+        "latitude": "30.656568"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 34,
+        "name": "四川农业大学",
+        "longitude": "103.007339",
+        "latitude": "29.984534"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 35,
+        "name": "成都理工大学工程技术学院",
+        "longitude": "103.736131",
+        "latitude": "29.56571"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 36,
+        "name": "西南石油大学(成都校区)",
+        "longitude": "104.190488",
+        "latitude": "30.831667"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 37,
+        "name": "成都理工大学",
+        "longitude": "104.150675",
+        "latitude": "30.679034"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 38,
+        "name": "西南科技大学",
+        "longitude": "104.701712",
+        "latitude": "31.54063"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 39,
+        "name": "四川水利职业技术学院",
+        "longitude": "103.784939",
+        "latitude": "30.637554"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 40,
+        "name": "西南大学",
+        "longitude": "106.435313",
+        "latitude": "29.827724"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 41,
+        "name": "重庆交通大学",
+        "longitude": "106.578179",
+        "latitude": "29.49622"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 42,
+        "name": "重庆邮电大学",
+        "longitude": "106.613922",
+        "latitude": "29.53832"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 43,
+        "name": "重庆师范学院",
+        "longitude": "106.465916",
+        "latitude": "29.562619"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 44,
+        "name": "重庆师范学院",
+        "longitude": "106.465916",
+        "latitude": "29.562619"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 45,
+        "name": "广西师范学院",
+        "longitude": "108.354617",
+        "latitude": "22.839659"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 46,
+        "name": "桂林理工大学",
+        "longitude": "110.322879",
+        "latitude": "25.286816"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 47,
+        "name": "桂林理工大学博文管理学院",
+        "longitude": "110.312315",
+        "latitude": "25.071391"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 48,
+        "name": "钦州学院",
+        "longitude": "108.639405",
+        "latitude": "21.982842"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 49,
+        "name": "国立中山大学",
+        "longitude": "113.304724",
+        "latitude": "23.102257"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 50,
+        "name": "华南农业大学",
+        "longitude": "113.357925",
+        "latitude": "23.163307"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 51,
+        "name": "华南师范大学(正门)",
+        "longitude": "113.354527",
+        "latitude": "23.142099"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 52,
+        "name": "佛山科学技术学院",
+        "longitude": "113.113966",
+        "latitude": "23.024999"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 53,
+        "name": "广东嘉应学院",
+        "longitude": "116.134827",
+        "latitude": "24.33214"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 54,
+        "name": "广州大学",
+        "longitude": "113.3778",
+        "latitude": "23.043873"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 55,
+        "name": "广东工贸职业技术学院",
+        "longitude": "113.462491",
+        "latitude": "23.407151"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 56,
+        "name": "中南大学",
+        "longitude": "112.942655",
+        "latitude": "28.165898"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 57,
+        "name": "湖南科技大学",
+        "longitude": "112.929134",
+        "latitude": "27.89923"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 58,
+        "name": "衡阳师范学院",
+        "longitude": "112.63191",
+        "latitude": "26.874344"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 59,
+        "name": "湖南师范大学",
+        "longitude": "112.956563",
+        "latitude": "28.193059"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 60,
+        "name": "湖南城市学院",
+        "longitude": "112.396856",
+        "latitude": "28.547046"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 61,
+        "name": "中南林业科技大学",
+        "longitude": "113.004217",
+        "latitude": "28.138946"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 62,
+        "name": "武汉大学",
+        "longitude": "114.37139",
+        "latitude": "30.544742"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 63,
+        "name": "中国地质大学(武汉)",
+        "longitude": "114.409031",
+        "latitude": "30.526561"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 64,
+        "name": "武汉理工大学",
+        "longitude": "114.358518",
+        "latitude": "30.525667"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 65,
+        "name": "湖北大学",
+        "longitude": "114.3386",
+        "latitude": "30.584771"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 66,
+        "name": "华中农业大学",
+        "longitude": "114.364494",
+        "latitude": "30.480121"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 67,
+        "name": "湖北科技职业学院",
+        "longitude": "114.411275",
+        "latitude": "30.477686"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 68,
+        "name": "湖北科技职业学院",
+        "longitude": "114.411275",
+        "latitude": "30.477686"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 69,
+        "name": "湖北科技职业学院",
+        "longitude": "114.411275",
+        "latitude": "30.477686"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 70,
+        "name": "湖北科技职业学院",
+        "longitude": "114.411275",
+        "latitude": "30.477686"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 71,
+        "name": "中国地质大学江城学院",
+        "longitude": "114.341805",
+        "latitude": "30.355516"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 72,
+        "name": "长江大学",
+        "longitude": "112.221968",
+        "latitude": "30.338725"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 73,
+        "name": "湖北国土资源职业学院(东北门)",
+        "longitude": "114.057401",
+        "latitude": "30.325205"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 74,
+        "name": "许昌学院",
+        "longitude": "113.875257",
+        "latitude": "34.04855"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 75,
+        "name": "河南城建学院",
+        "longitude": "113.19581",
+        "latitude": "33.775585"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 76,
+        "name": "黄河水利职业技术学院",
+        "longitude": "114.340122",
+        "latitude": "34.812714"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 77,
+        "name": "南阳师院教育学院",
+        "longitude": "112.522623",
+        "latitude": "32.995848"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 78,
+        "name": "华北水利水电大学",
+        "longitude": "113.801654",
+        "latitude": "34.791358"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 79,
+        "name": "信阳师范学院-华锐学院",
+        "longitude": "114.045518",
+        "latitude": "32.147236"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 80,
+        "name": "信阳师范学院-华锐学院",
+        "longitude": "114.045518",
+        "latitude": "32.147236"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 81,
+        "name": "河南农业大学",
+        "longitude": "113.669781",
+        "latitude": "34.79138"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 82,
+        "name": "郑州大学(新校区)",
+        "longitude": "113.542962",
+        "latitude": "34.822975"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 83,
+        "name": "河南理工大学万方科技学院",
+        "longitude": "113.240591",
+        "latitude": "35.248056"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 84,
+        "name": "河南大学",
+        "longitude": "114.31496",
+        "latitude": "34.82336"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 85,
+        "name": "河南财经政法大学",
+        "longitude": "113.826659",
+        "latitude": "34.787689"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 86,
+        "name": "河南理工大学",
+        "longitude": "113.272211",
+        "latitude": "35.194323"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 87,
+        "name": "鲁东大学",
+        "longitude": "121.365593",
+        "latitude": "37.528502"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 88,
+        "name": "山东交通学院",
+        "longitude": "116.803805",
+        "latitude": "36.54318"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 89,
+        "name": "枣庄学院",
+        "longitude": "117.542936",
+        "latitude": "34.906593"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 90,
+        "name": "滨州学院",
+        "longitude": "117.995681",
+        "latitude": "37.391121"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 91,
+        "name": "聊城大学",
+        "longitude": "116.00266",
+        "latitude": "36.440279"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 92,
+        "name": "山东建筑大学",
+        "longitude": "117.191719",
+        "latitude": "36.688677"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 93,
+        "name": "山东农业大学(本部)",
+        "longitude": "117.125149",
+        "latitude": "36.20079"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 94,
+        "name": "山东师范大学",
+        "longitude": "117.048643",
+        "latitude": "36.657842"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 95,
+        "name": "山东科技大学",
+        "longitude": "120.13158",
+        "latitude": "36.005974"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 96,
+        "name": "山东科技大学",
+        "longitude": "120.13158",
+        "latitude": "36.005974"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 97,
+        "name": "中国石油大学",
+        "longitude": "120.182287",
+        "latitude": "35.951212"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 98,
+        "name": "江西农业大学",
+        "longitude": "115.839315",
+        "latitude": "28.768197"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 99,
+        "name": "赣南师范学院",
+        "longitude": "114.893787",
+        "latitude": "25.801247"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 100,
+        "name": "江西师范大学",
+        "longitude": "115.930063",
+        "latitude": "28.683728"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 101,
+        "name": "东华理工大学(广兰校区)",
+        "longitude": "115.832359",
+        "latitude": "28.725326"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 102,
+        "name": "江西理工大学",
+        "longitude": "114.935558",
+        "latitude": "25.860808"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 103,
+        "name": "江西信息应用职业技术学院",
+        "longitude": "115.913581",
+        "latitude": "28.59398"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 104,
+        "name": "福建师范大学",
+        "longitude": "119.315693",
+        "latitude": "26.042134"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 105,
+        "name": "福建师范大学协和学院",
+        "longitude": "119.213145",
+        "latitude": "26.028946"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 106,
+        "name": "闽江学院工业路校区",
+        "longitude": "119.286411",
+        "latitude": "26.071289"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 107,
+        "name": "集美大学",
+        "longitude": "118.106347",
+        "latitude": "24.577286"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 108,
+        "name": "泉州师范学院",
+        "longitude": "118.676072",
+        "latitude": "24.873525"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 109,
+        "name": "安徽农业大学",
+        "longitude": "117.264855",
+        "latitude": "31.86668"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 110,
+        "name": "安徽建筑大学南区",
+        "longitude": "117.229423",
+        "latitude": "31.749981"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 111,
+        "name": "合肥工业大学(屯溪路校区)",
+        "longitude": "117.302545",
+        "latitude": "31.849275"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 112,
+        "name": "池州学院",
+        "longitude": "117.572812",
+        "latitude": "30.650029"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 113,
+        "name": "安徽大学",
+        "longitude": "117.262098",
+        "latitude": "31.85077"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 114,
+        "name": "铜陵学院新校区",
+        "longitude": "117.852676",
+        "latitude": "30.97003"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 115,
+        "name": "安徽理工大学",
+        "longitude": "117.017248",
+        "latitude": "32.639648"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 116,
+        "name": "滁州学院(北校区)",
+        "longitude": "118.310258",
+        "latitude": "32.299393"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 117,
+        "name": "安徽科技学院(东华路)",
+        "longitude": "117.572961",
+        "latitude": "32.878498"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 118,
+        "name": "安徽师范大学南校区",
+        "longitude": "118.385586",
+        "latitude": "31.289755"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 119,
+        "name": "黑龙江信息技术职业学院(学院路...",
+        "longitude": "126.528409",
+        "latitude": "45.877985"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 120,
+        "name": "哈尔滨铁道职业技术学院",
+        "longitude": "126.633171",
+        "latitude": "45.706801"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 121,
+        "name": "哈尔滨师范大学",
+        "longitude": "126.566119",
+        "latitude": "45.867041"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 122,
+        "name": "黑龙江工程学院",
+        "longitude": "126.69621",
+        "latitude": "45.789833"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 123,
+        "name": "东北林业大学",
+        "longitude": "126.644728",
+        "latitude": "45.72658"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 124,
+        "name": "吉林大学",
+        "longitude": "125.269766",
+        "latitude": "43.912027"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 125,
+        "name": "东北师范大学",
+        "longitude": "125.337277",
+        "latitude": "43.867238"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 126,
+        "name": "吉林建筑大学",
+        "longitude": "125.413674",
+        "latitude": "43.801768"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 127,
+        "name": "长春师范大学",
+        "longitude": "125.402986",
+        "latitude": "43.921203"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 128,
+        "name": "吉林工程技术师范学院",
+        "longitude": "125.414453",
+        "latitude": "43.889344"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 129,
+        "name": "吉林工程技术师范学院",
+        "longitude": "125.414453",
+        "latitude": "43.889344"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 130,
+        "name": "吉林师范大学",
+        "longitude": "124.350798",
+        "latitude": "43.162921"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 131,
+        "name": "延边大学",
+        "longitude": "129.499039",
+        "latitude": "42.916793"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 132,
+        "name": "东北大学",
+        "longitude": "123.426007",
+        "latitude": "41.770841"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 133,
+        "name": "辽宁工程技术大学",
+        "longitude": "121.67119",
+        "latitude": "42.029827"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 134,
+        "name": "大连海事大学",
+        "longitude": "121.538757",
+        "latitude": "38.877552"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 135,
+        "name": "辽宁师范大学",
+        "longitude": "121.570587",
+        "latitude": "38.922313"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 136,
+        "name": "太原师范学院",
+        "longitude": "112.583794",
+        "latitude": "37.870068"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 137,
+        "name": "太原理工大学",
+        "longitude": "112.531074",
+        "latitude": "37.859706"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 138,
+        "name": "山西师范大学",
+        "longitude": "111.51236",
+        "latitude": "36.086532"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 139,
+        "name": "山西农业大学",
+        "longitude": "112.588682",
+        "latitude": "37.430004"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 140,
+        "name": "燕山大学",
+        "longitude": "119.544697",
+        "latitude": "39.910159"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 141,
+        "name": "河北工程大学",
+        "longitude": "114.507632",
+        "latitude": "36.577973"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 142,
+        "name": "河北师范大学(新校区)",
+        "longitude": "114.527955",
+        "latitude": "38.002"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 143,
+        "name": "河北联合大学",
+        "longitude": "114.43145",
+        "latitude": "38.094956"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 144,
+        "name": "河北联合大学",
+        "longitude": "114.43145",
+        "latitude": "38.094956"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 145,
+        "name": "中国地质大学长城学院",
+        "longitude": "115.493827",
+        "latitude": "38.820215"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 146,
+        "name": "邢台学院",
+        "longitude": "114.511934",
+        "latitude": "37.096848"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 147,
+        "name": "石家庄经济学院",
+        "longitude": "114.555047",
+        "latitude": "38.025888"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 148,
+        "name": "张家口学院",
+        "longitude": "114.875186",
+        "latitude": "40.848254"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 149,
+        "name": "河北联合大学轻工学院",
+        "longitude": "118.166972",
+        "latitude": "39.68311"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 150,
+        "name": "天津城建大学",
+        "longitude": "117.102435",
+        "latitude": "39.101432"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 151,
+        "name": "天津师范大学",
+        "longitude": "117.134162",
+        "latitude": "39.078287"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 152,
+        "name": "北京林业大学",
+        "longitude": "116.350675",
+        "latitude": "40.007593"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 153,
+        "name": "北京师范大学",
+        "longitude": "116.37377",
+        "latitude": "39.967216"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 154,
+        "name": "中国地质大学(北京)",
+        "longitude": "116.354123",
+        "latitude": "39.997161"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 155,
+        "name": "中国农业大学",
+        "longitude": "116.36421",
+        "latitude": "40.010529"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 156,
+        "name": "北京联合大学",
+        "longitude": "116.433812",
+        "latitude": "39.996166"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 157,
+        "name": "北京建筑大学",
+        "longitude": "116.34892",
+        "latitude": "39.941021"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 158,
+        "name": "北京工业职业技术学院",
+        "longitude": "116.128658",
+        "latitude": "39.965537"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 159,
+        "name": "首都师范大学",
+        "longitude": "116.31305",
+        "latitude": "39.936754"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 160,
+        "name": "北京北大方正软件技术学院第三教学楼",
+        "longitude": "116.747548",
+        "latitude": "39.621014"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 161,
+        "name": "浙江大学(玉泉校区)",
+        "longitude": "120.129649",
+        "latitude": "30.270067"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 162,
+        "name": "杭州师范大学(东南门)",
+        "longitude": "120.020273",
+        "latitude": "30.294339"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 163,
+        "name": "浙江农林大学",
+        "longitude": "119.735539",
+        "latitude": "30.262074"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 164,
+        "name": "华东师范大学",
+        "longitude": "121.45944",
+        "latitude": "31.034692"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 165,
+        "name": "同济大学",
+        "longitude": "121.507102",
+        "latitude": "31.288675"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 166,
+        "name": "上海师范大学(桂林路)",
+        "longitude": "121.423228",
+        "latitude": "31.167505"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 167,
+        "name": "南京大学",
+        "longitude": "118.783661",
+        "latitude": "32.064172"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 168,
+        "name": "东南大学",
+        "longitude": "118.800002",
+        "latitude": "32.061518"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 169,
+        "name": "南京航空航天大学",
+        "longitude": "118.823973",
+        "latitude": "32.040752"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 170,
+        "name": "南京林业大学",
+        "longitude": "118.819924",
+        "latitude": "32.08331"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 171,
+        "name": "南京师范大学(随园校区)",
+        "longitude": "118.775625",
+        "latitude": "32.059536"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 172,
+        "name": "南京工业大学",
+        "longitude": "118.650869",
+        "latitude": "32.077849"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 173,
+        "name": "南京信息工程大学(宁六路校区)",
+        "longitude": "118.729585",
+        "latitude": "32.210505"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 174,
+        "name": "南京晓庄学院(莫愁校区)",
+        "longitude": "118.75911",
+        "latitude": "32.042803"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 175,
+        "name": "南京邮电大学",
+        "longitude": "118.937391",
+        "latitude": "32.11451"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 176,
+        "name": "中国矿业大学(文昌校区)",
+        "longitude": "117.205304",
+        "latitude": "34.226185"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 177,
+        "name": "中国矿业大学(文昌校区)",
+        "longitude": "117.205304",
+        "latitude": "34.226185"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 178,
+        "name": "淮阴师范学院",
+        "longitude": "119.013622",
+        "latitude": "33.647564"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 179,
+        "name": "淮海工学院",
+        "longitude": "119.228426",
+        "latitude": "34.611902"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 180,
+        "name": "南京师范大学泰州学院",
+        "longitude": "119.947592",
+        "latitude": "32.481954"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 181,
+        "name": "江苏师范大学",
+        "longitude": "117.185967",
+        "latitude": "34.201676"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 182,
+        "name": "南通大学",
+        "longitude": "120.915932",
+        "latitude": "31.978858"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 183,
+        "name": "扬州职业大学",
+        "longitude": "119.387026",
+        "latitude": "32.401189"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 184,
+        "name": "扬州环境资源职业技术学院(念四校区)",
+        "longitude": "119.427223",
+        "latitude": "32.404161"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 185,
+        "name": "苏州科技学院",
+        "longitude": "120.583218",
+        "latitude": "31.255356"
+    },
+    {
+        "id": 186,
+        "name": "地图说明",
+        "longitude": "103.053633",
+        "latitude": "44.733374"
+    }
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diff --git a/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/utils/util.js b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/utils/util.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54ea2f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/wechat-weapp-mapdemo-master/utils/util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+function formatTime(date) {
+  var year = date.getFullYear()
+  var month = date.getMonth() + 1
+  var day = date.getDate()
+  var hour = date.getHours()
+  var minute = date.getMinutes()
+  var second = date.getSeconds();
+  return [year, month, day].map(formatNumber).join('/') + ' ' + [hour, minute, second].map(formatNumber).join(':')
+function formatNumber(n) {
+  n = n.toString()
+  return n[1] ? n : '0' + n
+module.exports = {
+  formatTime: formatTime