
zhang 2 months ago
parent ddf9ac7477
commit 542726fc1a

@ -19,22 +19,25 @@ import sys
def parse_args():
parse args .
>>> parse_args()
# 创建一个ArgumentParser对象用于解析命令行参数描述信息为"MindSpore dependency packages version checker."
parser = ArgumentParser(description="MindSpore dependency packages version checker.")
# 添加一个命令行参数--mindspore_version类型为字符串帮助信息为"MindSpore version."
parser.add_argument("--mindspore_version", type=str, help="MindSpore version.")
# 添加一个命令行参数--supported_version类型为字符串可以多次指定帮助信息为"Supported environment version."
parser.add_argument("--supported_version", type=str, action='append', help="Supported environment version.")
# 解析命令行参数并返回结果
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def check_deps_version(mindspore_version, supported_version):
check te/hccl/topi version
@ -46,6 +49,7 @@ def check_deps_version(mindspore_version, supported_version):
# 尝试导入并检查 hccl、te 和 topi 包的版本是否与支持的版本匹配
from hccl import sys_version as hccl_version
v = '.'.join(hccl_version.__sys_version__.split('.')[0:2])
@ -63,18 +67,20 @@ def check_deps_version(mindspore_version, supported_version):
print(f"MindSpore version {mindspore_version} and \"topi\" wheel package version {v} does not "
"match, reference to the match info on:")
# 捕获导入错误并打印相应的检查失败信息
except ImportError as e:
print("CheckFailed: ", e.args)
print("MindSpore relies on the 3 whl packages of \"te\", \"topi\" and \"hccl\" in the \"fwkacllib\" "
"folder of the Ascend AI software package (Ascend Data Center Solution), please check whether they are "
"installed correctly or not, reference to the match info on:")
def main():
# 解析命令行参数
args = parse_args()
# 检查 mindspore 的版本是否在支持的版本范围内
check_deps_version(args.mindspore_version, args.supported_version)
if __name__ == "__main__":
sys.path = sys.path[1:] # avoid the impact of relative path env, only affect this process
# 避免相对路径环境的影响,仅影响当前进程
sys.path = sys.path[1:]

@ -31,47 +31,58 @@ class EnvChecker(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def check_env(self, e):
def set_env(self):
def check_version(self):
class GPUEnvChecker(EnvChecker):
"""GPU environment check."""
def __init__(self):
# 初始化版本列表
self.version = ["10.1", "11.1"]
# 初始化库键到库名的映射字典
self.lib_key_to_lib_name = {'libcu': ''}
# env
# 获取系统环境变量 PATH 的值
self.path = os.getenv("PATH")
# 获取系统环境变量 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 的值
self.ld_lib_path = os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")
# check
# 初始化版本号为 "0"
self.v = "0"
# 获取 CUDA 库的路径
self.cuda_lib_path = self._get_lib_path("libcu")
# 获取 CUDA 可执行文件的路径
self.cuda_bin_path = self._get_bin_path("cuda")
# 获取 cuDNN 库的路径
self.cudnn_lib_path = self._get_lib_path("libcudnn")
def check_env(self, e):
# 抛出传入的异常 e
raise e
def set_env(self):
# 设置环境变量,当前实现为空
def _get_bin_path(self, bin_name):
"""Get bin path by bin name."""
# 如果二进制名称为 "cuda",则调用获取 CUDA 二进制路径的方法
if bin_name == "cuda":
return self._get_cuda_bin_path()
# 否则返回空列表
return []
def _get_cuda_bin_path(self):
"""Get cuda bin path by lib path."""
# Get cuda bin path by lib path.
path_list = []
for path in self.cuda_lib_path:
path = os.path.abspath(path.strip()+"/bin/")
@ -81,56 +92,87 @@ class GPUEnvChecker(EnvChecker):
def _get_nvcc_version(self, is_set_env):
"""Get cuda version by nvcc command."""
# 运行 nvcc 命令获取 CUDA 版本信息
nvcc_result =["nvcc", "--version | grep release"],
timeout=3, text=True, capture_output=True, check=False)
# 如果命令返回非零值,表示命令执行失败
if nvcc_result.returncode:
# 如果尚未设置环境变量
if not is_set_env:
# 遍历预设的 CUDA 二进制路径
for path in self.cuda_bin_path:
# 检查路径中是否存在 nvcc 文件
if Path(path + "/nvcc").is_file():
# 将路径添加到环境变量 PATH 中
os.environ['PATH'] = path + ":" + os.environ['PATH']
# 递归调用以重新尝试获取版本信息
return self._get_nvcc_version(True)
# 如果命令执行失败且未找到 nvcc 文件,返回空字符串
return ""
# 获取命令输出结果
result = nvcc_result.stdout
# 遍历输出结果的每一行
for line in result.split('\n'):
if line:
# 提取并返回 CUDA 版本号
return line.strip().split("release")[1].split(",")[0].strip()
# 如果未找到版本信息,返回空字符串
return ""
def _get_cudnn_version(self):
"""Get cudnn version by"""
# 初始化cudnn版本列表为空
cudnn_version = []
# 遍历cudnn库路径
for path in self.cudnn_lib_path:
# 查找路径下所有的libcudnn.so文件
real_path = glob.glob(path + "/lib*/*.*")
# 如果没有找到对应的文件,继续下一个路径
if real_path == []:
# 使用ls命令获取文件信息
ls_cudnn =["ls", real_path[0]], timeout=10, text=True,
capture_output=True, check=False)
# 如果ls命令执行成功解析输出以获取版本号
if ls_cudnn.returncode == 0:
cudnn_version = ls_cudnn.stdout.split('/')[-1].strip('').strip().split('.')
# 如果版本号只有两个部分,添加一个'.0'作为第三部分
if len(cudnn_version) == 2:
# 找到版本号后跳出循环
# 将版本号列表转换为字符串
version_str = ''.join([n for n in cudnn_version])
# 返回版本号的前三位
return version_str[0:3]
def _get_cudart_version(self):
"""Get cuda runtime version by"""
# 遍历可能的 CUDA 库路径
for path in self.cuda_lib_path:
# 查找路径下所有可能的 文件
real_path = glob.glob(path + "/lib*/*.*.*")
# 如果没有找到任何文件,则跳过当前路径
if real_path == []:
# 获取文件名信息以确定 CUDA 版本
ls_cudart =["ls", real_path[0]], timeout=10, text=True,
capture_output=True, check=False)
# 如果命令成功执行,则解析输出以提取版本号
if ls_cudart.returncode == 0:
self.v = ls_cudart.stdout.split('/')[-1].strip('').strip()
# 找到版本号后跳出循环
# 返回找到的 CUDA 版本号
return self.v
def check_version(self):
"""Check cuda version."""
version_match = False
# 调用私有方法检查版本是否匹配并根据结果设置version_match标志
if self._check_version():
version_match = True
# 如果版本不匹配根据CUDA版本号输出不同的警告信息
if not version_match:
if self.v == "0":
logger.warning("Can not found cuda libs, please confirm that the correct "
@ -140,17 +182,20 @@ class GPUEnvChecker(EnvChecker):
logger.warning(f"MindSpore version {__version__} and cuda version {self.v} does not match, "
"please refer to the installation guide for version matching "
# 获取nvcc版本号并检查是否与MindSpore支持的版本匹配
nvcc_version = self._get_nvcc_version(False)
if nvcc_version and (nvcc_version not in self.version):
logger.warning(f"MindSpore version {__version__} and nvcc(cuda bin) version {nvcc_version} "
"does not match, please refer to the installation guide for version matching "
# 获取cudnn版本号并检查是否符合最低要求
cudnn_version = self._get_cudnn_version()
if cudnn_version and int(cudnn_version) < 760:
logger.warning(f"MindSpore version {__version__} and cudDNN version {cudnn_version} "
"does not match, please refer to the installation guide for version matching "
"information: The recommended version is "
"CUDA10.1 with cuDNN7.6.x and CUDA11.1 with cuDNN8.0.x")
# 检查cudnn版本号与CUDA版本号的兼容性对于CUDA 11.0以上版本cudnn版本需要至少为8.0
if cudnn_version and int(cudnn_version) < 800 and int(str(self.v).split('.')[0]) > 10:
logger.warning(f"CUDA version {self.v} and cuDNN version {cudnn_version} "
"does not match, please refer to the installation guide for version matching "
@ -159,45 +204,58 @@ class GPUEnvChecker(EnvChecker):
def _check_version(self):
"""Check cuda version"""
# 获取 CUDA 运行时版本
v = self._get_cudart_version()
# 解析版本字符串为版本对象
v = version.parse(v)
# 构造版本号字符串,格式为 "主版本.次版本"
v_str = str(v.major) + "." + str(v.minor)
# 检查构造的版本号字符串是否在预定义的版本列表中
if v_str not in self.version:
return False
# 版本号匹配,返回 True
return True
def _get_lib_path(self, lib_name):
"""Get gpu lib path by ldd command."""
path_list = []
current_path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]
mindspore_path = os.path.join(current_path, "../")
path_list = [] # 初始化一个空列表用于存储路径
current_path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] # 获取当前文件的绝对路径并分割以获取目录部分
mindspore_path = os.path.join(current_path, "../") # 构建mindspore路径通常是当前文件的上一级目录
# 使用glob模块查找mindspore_path目录下所有以_c_expression.so开头的文件路径
real_path = glob.glob(mindspore_path + "/_c_expression*.so*")
if real_path == []:
logger.error(f"{self.lib_key_to_lib_name[lib_name]} (need by mindspore-gpu) is not found, please "
f"confirm that is in directory:{mindspore_path} and the correct cuda "
"version has been installed, you can refer to the installation "
return path_list
if real_path == []: # 如果没有找到任何文件
# 记录错误日志提示用户确认_c_expression.so文件是否存在以及是否安装了正确的cuda版本
logger.error(f"{self.lib_key_to_lib_name[lib_name]} (mindspore-gpu所需的库) 未找到,请确认 "
return path_list # 返回空路径列表
# 使用subprocess.Popen执行ldd命令以获取依赖库的信息
ldd_r = subprocess.Popen(['ldd', real_path[0]], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# 使用subprocess.Popen的stdin参数从ldd_r.stdout接收输出并执行grep命令以过滤出包含指定库名的信息
ldd_result = subprocess.Popen(['grep', lib_name], stdin=ldd_r.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# 获取grep命令的输出结果并解码为字符串
result = ldd_result.communicate()[0].decode()
for i in result.split('\n'):
for i in result.split('\n'): # 按行分割结果字符串
# 使用partition方法从每一行中提取出库文件的路径
path = i.partition("=>")[2]
if path.lower().find("not found") > 0:
logger.warning(f"Cuda {self.version} version(need by mindspore-gpu) is not found, please confirm "
"that the path of cuda is set to the env LD_LIBRARY_PATH, please refer to the "
"installation guidelines:")
if path.lower().find("not found") > 0: # 如果路径中包含"not found"
# 记录警告日志提示用户确认cuda路径是否已添加到环境变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH中
logger.warning(f"Cuda {self.version}版本(由mindspore-gpu要求的) 未找到请确认cuda路径已设置到环境变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH中"
continue # 继续下一次循环
# 从路径中去除库名部分
path = path.partition(lib_name)[0]
if path:
if path: # 如果路径非空
# 将路径的绝对路径并去除末尾斜杠后添加到path_list中
path_list.append(os.path.abspath(path.strip() + "../"))
# 返回path_list中唯一的路径
return np.unique(path_list)
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
logger.warning("Failed to check cuda version due to the ldd command timeout, please confirm that "
"the correct cuda version has been installed, you can refer to the "
"installation guidelines:")
return path_list
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # 捕获subprocess.TimeoutExpired异常
# 记录警告日志提示用户确认cuda版本是否正确安装因为ldd命令超时
return path_list # 返回空路径列表
def _read_version(self, file_path):
"""Get gpu version info in version.txt."""
@ -211,70 +269,80 @@ class GPUEnvChecker(EnvChecker):
class AscendEnvChecker(EnvChecker):
"""ascend environment check"""
"""Ascend 环境检查类"""
def __init__(self):
# 初始化 Ascend 环境检查器的版本列表
self.version = ["1.81"]
# 定义不同路径下的 文件位置
atlas_nnae_version = "/usr/local/Ascend/nnae/latest/fwkacllib/"
atlas_toolkit_version = "/usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest/fwkacllib/"
hisi_fwk_version = "/usr/local/Ascend/latest/fwkacllib/"
# 检查 Atlas NNAE 环境是否存在
if os.path.exists(atlas_nnae_version):
# atlas default path
self.fwk_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/nnae/latest/fwkacllib"
self.op_impl_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/nnae/latest/opp/op_impl/built-in/ai_core/tbe"
self.tbe_path = self.fwk_path + "/lib64"
self.cce_path = self.fwk_path + "/ccec_compiler/bin"
self.fwk_version = atlas_nnae_version
self.op_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/nnae/latest/opp"
self.aicpu_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/nnae/latest"
# 如果存在,设置默认路径
self.fwk_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/nnae/latest/fwkacllib" # Framework 路径
self.op_impl_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/nnae/latest/opp/op_impl/built-in/ai_core/tbe" # Operator 实现路径
self.tbe_path = self.fwk_path + "/lib64" # TBE 库路径
self.cce_path = self.fwk_path + "/ccec_compiler/bin" # CCE 编译器路径
self.fwk_version = atlas_nnae_version # Framework 版本文件路径
self.op_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/nnae/latest/opp" # Operator 路径
self.aicpu_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/nnae/latest" # AI CPU 路径
# 检查 Atlas Toolkit 环境是否存在
elif os.path.exists(atlas_toolkit_version):
# atlas default path
self.fwk_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest/fwkacllib"
self.op_impl_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest/opp/op_impl/built-in/ai_core/tbe"
self.tbe_path = self.fwk_path + "/lib64"
self.cce_path = self.fwk_path + "/ccec_compiler/bin"
self.fwk_version = atlas_toolkit_version
self.op_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest/opp"
self.aicpu_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest"
# 如果存在,设置默认路径
self.fwk_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest/fwkacllib" # Framework 路径
self.op_impl_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest/opp/op_impl/built-in/ai_core/tbe" # Operator 实现路径
self.tbe_path = self.fwk_path + "/lib64" # TBE 库路径
self.cce_path = self.fwk_path + "/ccec_compiler/bin" # CCE 编译器路径
self.fwk_version = atlas_toolkit_version # Framework 版本文件路径
self.op_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest/opp" # Operator 路径
self.aicpu_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/ascend-toolkit/latest" # AI CPU 路径
# 检查 Hisi 环境是否存在
elif os.path.exists(hisi_fwk_version):
# hisi default path
self.fwk_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/latest/fwkacllib"
self.op_impl_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/latest/opp/op_impl/built-in/ai_core/tbe"
self.tbe_path = self.fwk_path + "/lib64"
self.cce_path = self.fwk_path + "/ccec_compiler/bin"
self.fwk_version = hisi_fwk_version
self.op_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/latest/opp"
self.aicpu_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/latest"
# 如果存在,设置默认路径
self.fwk_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/latest/fwkacllib" # Framework 路径
self.op_impl_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/latest/opp/op_impl/built-in/ai_core/tbe" # Operator 实现路径
self.tbe_path = self.fwk_path + "/lib64" # TBE 库路径
self.cce_path = self.fwk_path + "/ccec_compiler/bin" # CCE 编译器路径
self.fwk_version = hisi_fwk_version # Framework 版本文件路径
self.op_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/latest/opp" # Operator 路径
self.aicpu_path = "/usr/local/Ascend/latest" # AI CPU 路径
# custom or unknown environment
self.fwk_path = ""
self.op_impl_path = ""
self.tbe_path = ""
self.cce_path = ""
self.fwk_version = ""
self.op_path = ""
self.aicpu_path = ""
# env
# 如果以上环境都不存在,设置为空路径
self.fwk_path = "" # Framework 路径
self.op_impl_path = "" # Operator 实现路径
self.tbe_path = "" # TBE 库路径
self.cce_path = "" # CCE 编译器路径
self.fwk_version = "" # Framework 版本文件路径
self.op_path = "" # Operator 路径
self.aicpu_path = "" # AI CPU 路径
# 初始化环境变量
self.path = os.getenv("PATH")
self.python_path = os.getenv("PYTHONPATH")
self.ld_lib_path = os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")
self.ascend_opp_path = os.getenv("ASCEND_OPP_PATH")
self.ascend_aicpu_path = os.getenv("ASCEND_AICPU_PATH")
# check content
# 设置需要检查的路径内容
self.path_check = "/fwkacllib/ccec_compiler/bin"
self.python_path_check = "opp/op_impl/built-in/ai_core/tbe"
self.ld_lib_path_check_fwk = "/fwkacllib/lib64"
self.ld_lib_path_check_addons = "/add-ons"
self.ascend_opp_path_check = "/op"
self.v = ""
def check_env(self, e):
raise e
def check_version(self):
# 检查指定路径的版本文件是否存在,如果不存在则跳过版本检查
if not Path(self.fwk_version).is_file():
logger.warning("Using custom Ascend AI software package (Ascend Data Center Solution) path, package "
"version checking is skipped, please make sure Ascend AI software package (Ascend Data "
@ -282,40 +350,47 @@ class AscendEnvChecker(EnvChecker):
# 读取版本文件中的版本信息
v = self._read_version(self.fwk_version)
# 如果读取的版本不在支持的版本列表中,则记录警告信息
if v not in self.version:
v_list = str([x for x in self.version])
logger.warning(f"MindSpore version {__version__} and Ascend AI software package (Ascend Data Center "
f"Solution)version {v} does not match, the version of software package expect one of "
f"{v_list}, please reference to the match info on:")
def check_deps_version(self):
te, topi, hccl wheel package version check
in order to update the change of 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' env, run a sub process
# 构建输入参数列表包含mindspore版本和受支持的版本列表
input_args = ["--mindspore_version=" + __version__]
for v in self.version:
input_args.append("--supported_version=" + v)
# 获取依赖版本检查脚本的路径
deps_version_checker = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0],
# 构建调用命令包括python解释器路径、脚本路径和输入参数
call_cmd = [sys.executable, deps_version_checker] + input_args
# 运行子进程进行版本检查设置超时时间为3秒并捕获输出
process =, timeout=3, text=True, capture_output=True, check=False)
# 如果子进程的输出不为空,则记录警告信息并进行倒计时提醒
if process.stdout.strip() != "":
warning_countdown = 3
for i in range(warning_countdown, 0, -1):
logger.warning(f"Please pay attention to the above warning, countdown: {i}")
# 如果版本检查超时,则记录信息并跳过
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:"Package te, topi, hccl version check timed out, skip.")
def set_env(self):
# 设置Ascend环境变量
if not self.tbe_path:
import te # pylint: disable=unused-import
# pylint: disable=broad-except
@ -329,32 +404,35 @@ class AscendEnvChecker(EnvChecker):
raise EnvironmentError(
f"No such directory: {self.tbe_path}, Please check if Ascend AI software package (Ascend Data "
"Center Solution) is installed correctly.")
# check te version after set te env
# 检查te版本
# 设置op实现路径环境变量
if Path(self.op_impl_path).is_dir():
# python path for sub process
# python路径用于子进程
if os.getenv('PYTHONPATH'):
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = self.op_impl_path + ":" + os.environ['PYTHONPATH']
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = self.op_impl_path
# sys path for this process
# sys路径用于当前进程
os.environ['TBE_IMPL_PATH'] = self.op_impl_path
raise EnvironmentError(
f"No such directory: {self.op_impl_path}, Please check if Ascend AI software package (Ascend Data "
"Center Solution) is installed correctly.")
f"No such directory: {self.op_impl_path}, Please check if Ascend AI software package (Ascend Data Center "
"Solution) is installed correctly.")
# 设置CCE路径环境变量
if Path(self.cce_path).is_dir():
os.environ['PATH'] = self.cce_path + ":" + os.environ['PATH']
raise EnvironmentError(
f"No such directory: {self.cce_path}, Please check if Ascend AI software package (Ascend Data Center "
"Solution) is installed correctly.")
# 设置OP路径环境变量
if self.op_path is None:
elif Path(self.op_path).is_dir():
@ -363,7 +441,8 @@ class AscendEnvChecker(EnvChecker):
raise EnvironmentError(
f"No such directory: {self.op_path}, Please check if Ascend AI software package (Ascend Data Center "
"Solution) is installed correctly.")
# 设置AICPU路径环境变量
if self.aicpu_path is None:
elif Path(self.aicpu_path).is_dir():
@ -372,44 +451,54 @@ class AscendEnvChecker(EnvChecker):
raise EnvironmentError(
f"No such directory: {self.aicpu_path}, Please check if Ascend AI software package (Ascend Data Center"
" Solution) is installed correctly.")
def _check_env(self):
"""ascend dependence path check"""
# 检查是否设置正确的PATH环境变量
if self.path is None or self.path_check not in self.path:
logger.warning("Can not find ccec_compiler(need by mindspore-ascend), please check if you have set env "
"PATH, you can reference to the installation guidelines")
# 检查是否设置正确的PYTHONPATH环境变量
if self.python_path is None or self.python_path_check not in self.python_path:
"Can not find tbe op implement(need by mindspore-ascend), please check if you have set env "
"PYTHONPATH, you can reference to the installation guidelines "
# 检查是否设置正确的LD_LIBRARY_PATH环境变量
if self.ld_lib_path is None or not (self.ld_lib_path_check_fwk in self.ld_lib_path and
self.ld_lib_path_check_addons in self.ld_lib_path):
logger.warning("Can not find driver so(need by mindspore-ascend), please check if you have set env "
"LD_LIBRARY_PATH, you can reference to the installation guidelines "
# 检查是否设置正确的ASCEND_OPP_PATH环境变量
if self.ascend_opp_path is None or self.ascend_opp_path_check not in self.ascend_opp_path:
"Can not find opp path (need by mindspore-ascend), please check if you have set env ASCEND_OPP_PATH, "
"you can reference to the installation guidelines")
def _read_version(self, file_path):
"""get ascend version info"""
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
all_info = f.readlines()
# 遍历文件中的每一行
for line in all_info:
# 检查行是否以 "Version=" 开头
if line.startswith("Version="):
# 去除行末的换行符并按 "=" 分割, 获取版本号
full_version = line.strip().split("=")[1]
# 提取主版本号和次版本号, 并用 "." 连接
self.v = '.'.join(full_version.split('.')[0:2])
# 返回版本号
return self.v
# 如果未找到版本信息, 返回 None 或默认值
return self.v
def check_version_and_env_config():
"""check version and env config"""
# 检查包名以确定使用哪种环境检查器
if __package_name__.lower() == "mindspore-ascend":
env_checker = AscendEnvChecker()
# Note: pre-load to solve error like "cannot allocate memory in statis TLS block"
@ -425,19 +514,21 @@ def check_version_and_env_config():
else:"Package version {__package_name__} does not need to check any environment variable, skipping.")
# 检查是否关闭版本检查,如果已关闭则直接返回
if os.getenv("MS_DEV_CLOSE_VERSION_CHECK") == "ON":
# 设置环境变量以关闭版本检查
# check version of ascend site or cuda
# 检查 ascend site 或 cuda 的版本
from .. import _c_expression # pylint: disable=unused-import
# 设置环境
except ImportError as e:
# 处理导入错误,检查环境
def _set_pb_env():
"""Set env variable `PROTOCOL_BUFFERS` to prevent memory overflow."""
@ -449,7 +540,9 @@ def _set_pb_env():"Setting the env `PROTOCOL_BUFFERS_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION=python` to prevent memory overflow "
"during save or load checkpoint file.")
# 检查版本和环境配置
# 设置协议缓冲区的环境变量, 防止内存溢出

@ -26,23 +26,26 @@ def _check_mul():
from importlib import import_module
import numpy as np
ms = import_module("mindspore")
except ModuleNotFoundError:
ms = None
# 打印MindSpore版本信息
print(f"MindSpore version: ", ms.__version__)
# 创建两个MindSpore张量分别包含数组[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]和[4.0, 5.0, 6.0]
input_x = ms.Tensor(np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), ms.float32)
input_y = ms.Tensor(np.array([4.0, 5.0, 6.0]), ms.float32)
# 创建一个乘法操作对象
mul = ms.ops.Mul()
# 执行乘法操作
mul(input_x, input_y)
# 打印乘法计算结果正确MindSpore安装成功的信息
print(f"The result of multiplication calculation is correct, MindSpore has been installed successfully!")
def run_check():
Provide a convenient API to check if the installation is successful or failed.
@ -55,10 +58,13 @@ def run_check():
The result of multiplication calculation is correct, MindSpore has been installed successfully!
# 尝试执行检查乘法操作的函数
# pylint: disable=broad-except
# 捕获所有异常并打印错误信息
except Exception as e:
print("MindSpore running check failed.")
# 无论是否发生异常,都会执行此部分代码
pass # 执行乘法检查的函数,并处理可能的异常情况。如果检查失败,打印错误信息。