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11 months ago
import time
class BilibiliVideo:
def __init__(self, bvId, title, url, uploadTime, topNo, viewCount, likeCount, coinCount,
favoriteCount, commentCount, bulletCount, creatorId, creatorName, creatorFanCount):
self.bvId = bvId # 视频bv号
11 months ago
self.title = title # 视频标题
11 months ago
self.url = url # 指向视频的url
self.uploadTime = uploadTime # 视频上传时间 时间统一至时间戳(秒)
timeArray = time.localtime(uploadTime)
otherStyleTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timeArray)
self.uploadTimeText = otherStyleTime # 视频上传时间(文本型) 由时间戳转换而来
self.topNo = topNo # 视频热门榜排名
self.viewCount = viewCount # 视频播放量
self.likeCount = likeCount # 视频点赞
self.coinCount = coinCount # 视频投币
self.favoriteCount = favoriteCount # 视频收藏
self.commentCount = commentCount # 视频评论数
self.bulletCount = bulletCount # 视频弹幕数
self.creatorId = creatorId # up主账号
self.creatorName = creatorName # up主昵称
self.creatorFanCount = creatorFanCount # up主粉丝量