yk 1 year ago
parent 862f1a236c
commit e1ed67a1cf

@ -17,123 +17,178 @@ static void roguejoin(coordxy, coordxy, coordxy, coordxy, int);
static void roguecorr(coordxy, coordxy, int);
static void miniwalk(coordxy, coordxy);
roguejoin(coordxy x1, coordxy y1, coordxy x2, coordxy y2, int horiz)
static void roguejoin(coordxy x1, coordxy y1, coordxy x2, coordxy y2, int horiz)
register coordxy x, y, middle;
if (horiz) {
// Calculate the midpoint for the horizontal corridor
middle = x1 + rn2(x2 - x1 + 1);
// Create the first segment of the corridor along the x-axis
for (x = min(x1, middle); x <= max(x1, middle); x++)
corr(x, y1);
// Create the vertical segment of the corridor
for (y = min(y1, y2); y <= max(y1, y2); y++)
corr(middle, y);
// Create the second segment of the corridor along the x-axis
for (x = min(middle, x2); x <= max(middle, x2); x++)
corr(x, y2);
} else {
// Calculate the midpoint for the vertical corridor
middle = y1 + rn2(y2 - y1 + 1);
// Create the first segment of the corridor along the y-axis
for (y = min(y1, middle); y <= max(y1, middle); y++)
corr(x1, y);
// Create the horizontal segment of the corridor
for (x = min(x1, x2); x <= max(x1, x2); x++)
corr(x, middle);
// Create the second segment of the corridor along the y-axis
for (y = min(middle, y2); y <= max(middle, y2); y++)
corr(x2, y);
roguecorr(coordxy x, coordxy y, int dir)
static void roguecorr(coordxy x, coordxy y, int dir)
register coordxy fromx, fromy, tox, toy;
if (dir == XL_DOWN) {
// Disable the down door in the current room
gr.r[x][y].doortable &= ~XL_DOWN;
if (!gr.r[x][y].real) {
// If the current room is not a real room, calculate the starting coordinates for the virtual room
fromx = gr.r[x][y].rlx;
fromy = gr.r[x][y].rly;
fromx += 1 + 26 * x;
fromy += 7 * y;
} else {
// If the current room is a real room, calculate the starting coordinates based on the room size and position
fromx = gr.r[x][y].rlx + rn2(gr.r[x][y].dx);
fromy = gr.r[x][y].rly + gr.r[x][y].dy;
fromx += 1 + 26 * x;
fromy += 7 * y;
// Check if there is a wall at the starting coordinates. If not, output an error message.
if (!IS_WALL(levl[fromx][fromy].typ))
impossible("down: no wall at %d,%d?", fromx, fromy);
// Create a door at the starting coordinates and mark it as no door
dodoor(fromx, fromy, &gr.rooms[gr.r[x][y].nroom]);
levl[fromx][fromy].doormask = D_NODOOR;
if (y >= 2) {
// If the current row is greater than or equal to 2, output an error message
impossible("down door from %d,%d going nowhere?", x, y);
// Move to the next row
// Disable the up door in the next room
gr.r[x][y].doortable &= ~XL_UP;
if (!gr.r[x][y].real) {
// If the next room is not a real room, calculate the ending coordinates for the virtual room
tox = gr.r[x][y].rlx;
toy = gr.r[x][y].rly;
tox += 1 + 26 * x;
toy += 7 * y;
} else {
// If the next room is a real room, calculate the ending coordinates based on the room size and position
tox = gr.r[x][y].rlx + rn2(gr.r[x][y].dx);
toy = gr.r[x][y].rly - 1;
tox += 1 + 26 * x;
toy += 7 * y;
// Check if there is a wall at the ending coordinates. If not, output an error message.
if (!IS_WALL(levl[tox][toy].typ))
impossible("up: no wall at %d,%d?", tox, toy);
// Create a door at the ending coordinates and mark it as no door
dodoor(tox, toy, &gr.rooms[gr.r[x][y].nroom]);
levl[tox][toy].doormask = D_NODOOR;
// Call the `roguejoin` function to create a corridor connecting the starting and ending coordinates
roguejoin(fromx, fromy, tox, toy, FALSE);
} else if (dir == XL_RIGHT) {
gr.r[x][y].doortable &= ~XL_RIGHT;
if (!gr.r[x][y].real) {
fromx = gr.r[x][y].rlx;
fromy = gr.r[x][y].rly;
fromx += 1 + 26 * x;
fromy += 7 * y;
} else {
fromx = gr.r[x][y].rlx + gr.r[x][y].dx;
fromy = gr.r[x][y].rly + rn2(gr.r[x][y].dy);
fromx += 1 + 26 * x;
fromy += 7 * y;
if (!IS_WALL(levl[fromx][fromy].typ))
impossible("down: no wall at %d,%d?", fromx, fromy);
dodoor(fromx, fromy, &gr.rooms[gr.r[x][y].nroom]);
levl[fromx][fromy].doormask = D_NODOOR;
if (x >= 2) {
impossible("right door from %d,%d going nowhere?", x, y);
gr.r[x][y].doortable &= ~XL_LEFT;
if (!gr.r[x][y].real) {
tox = gr.r[x][y].rlx;
toy = gr.r[x][y].rly;
tox += 1 + 26 * x;
toy += 7 * y;
} else {
tox = gr.r[x][y].rlx - 1;
toy = gr.r[x][y].rly + rn2(gr.r[x][y].dy);
tox += 1 + 26 * x;
toy += 7 * y;
if (!IS_WALL(levl[tox][toy].typ))
impossible("left: no wall at %d,%d?", tox, toy);
dodoor(tox, toy, &gr.rooms[gr.r[x][y].nroom]);
levl[tox][toy].doormask = D_NODOOR;
roguejoin(fromx, fromy, tox, toy, TRUE);
} else
impossible("corridor in direction %d?", dir);
} else if (dir == XL_RIGHT) {
// Disable the right door in the current room
gr.r[x][y].doortable &= ~XL_RIGHT;
if (!gr.r[x][y].real) {
// If the current room is not a real room, calculate the starting coordinates for the virtual room
fromx = gr.r[x][y].rlx;
fromy = gr.r[x][y].rly;
fromx += 1 + 26 * x;
fromy += 7 * y;
} else {
// If the current room is a real room, calculate the starting coordinates based on the room size and position
fromx = gr.r[x][y].rlx + gr.r[x][y].dx;
fromy = gr.r[x][y].rly + rn2(gr.r[x][y].dy);
fromx += 1 + 26 * x;
fromy += 7 * y;
// Check if there is a wall at the starting coordinates. If not, output an error message.
if (!IS_WALL(levl[fromx][fromy].typ))
impossible("down: no wall at %d,%d?", fromx, fromy);
// Create a door at the starting coordinates and mark it as no door
dodoor(fromx, fromy, &gr.rooms[gr.r[x][y].nroom]);
levl[fromx][fromy].doormask = D_NODOOR;
if (x >= 2) {
impossible("right door from %d,%d going nowhere?", x, y);
// Move to the next column
// Disable the left door in the next room
gr.r[x][y].doortable &= ~XL_LEFT;
if (!gr.r[x][y].real) {
// If the next room is not a real room, calculate the ending coordinates for the virtual room
tox = gr.r[x][y].rlx;
toy = gr.r[x][y].rly;
tox += 1 + 26 * x;
toy += 7 * y;
} else {
// If the next room is a real room, calculate the ending coordinates based on the room size and position
tox = gr.r[x][y].rlx - 1;
toy = gr.r[x][y].rly + rn2(gr.r[x][y].dy);
tox += 1 + 26 * x;
toy += 7 * y;
// Check if there is a wall at the ending coordinates. If not, output an error message.
if (!IS_WALL(levl[tox][toy].typ))
impossible("left: no wall at %d,%d?", tox, toy);
// Create a door at the ending coordinates and mark it as no door
dodoor(tox, toy, &gr.rooms[gr.r[x][y].nroom]);
levl[tox][toy].doormask = D_NODOOR;
// Call the `roguejoin` function to create a corridor connecting the starting and ending coordinates
roguejoin(fromx, fromy, tox, toy, TRUE);
} else {
impossible("corridor in direction %d?", dir);
/* Modified walkfrom() from mkmaze.c */
@ -287,9 +342,9 @@ corr(coordxy x, coordxy y)
void makerogueghost(void)
// Declare variables
register struct monst *ghost;
struct obj *ghostobj;
struct mkroom *croom;
@ -297,14 +352,23 @@ makerogueghost(void)
if (!gn.nroom)
return; /* Should never happen */
// Select a random room
croom = &gr.rooms[rn2(gn.nroom)];
// Select a random coordinate within the room
x = somex(croom);
y = somey(croom);
// Create a ghost monster at the selected coordinates
if (!(ghost = makemon(&mons[PM_GHOST], x, y, NO_MM_FLAGS)))
// Make the ghost sleep and give it a name
ghost->msleeping = 1;
ghost = christen_monst(ghost, roguename());
// Randomly create and place different items near the ghost
if (rn2(4)) {
ghostobj = mksobj_at(FOOD_RATION, x, y, FALSE, FALSE);
ghostobj->quan = (long) rnd(7);
@ -354,4 +418,5 @@ makerogueghost(void)
