# CVS default ignores begin tags TAGS .make.state .nse_depinfo *~ \#* .#* ,* _$* *$ *.old *.bak *.BAK *.orig *.rej .del-* *.a *.olb *.o *.obj *.so *.exe *.Z *.elc *.ln core # CVS default ignores end .*.swp # We generate makefiles by shell script Makefile # Win32-specific ignores Debug/ Release/ binary/ build/ ipch/ lib/* Nethack.sln Nethack.sdf Nethack.opensdf Makefile.bcc Makefile.gcc Makefile-orig Makefile.bcc-orig Makefile.gcc-orig *.suo *.pdb *.ilk # VS2013 extension to auto-whine about questionable code generates these *.lastcodeanalysissucceeded # VS 2017 caches data into the hidden directory .vs .vs # Win32-specific ignores end .DS_Store # ms-dos # resulting zip NH*DOS.ZIP # 8.3 versions dat/data.bas sys/share/posixreg.c include/patchlev.h doc/guidebk.txt # folders compiler, target objs, binary results djgpp/ src/msdos_o/ msdos-binary/ dat/NHTILES.BMP dat/msdoshlp.txt src/host_o/ util/djgpp-linux64-gcc550.tar.bz2 util/djgpp-osx-gcc550.tar.bz2 util/djgpp-mingw-gcc550-standalone.zip util/dlb_main util/thintile util/til2bin2 util/tile2bin win/share/monthin.txt win/share/objthin.txt win/share/oththin.txt # end of ms-dos #libnethack targets/* bundle/* #test.js #sys/lib/npm-package/build/nethack.js #sys/lib/npm-package/build/nethack.wasm *.user util/*.lib util/*.exp