XU 2 months ago
parent db96a2c87d
commit 2b074d91a2

@ -518,27 +518,32 @@ def main():
# 抛出SystemExit异常导致程序退出
raise SystemExit
# 检查错误信息中是否包含特定的错误关键词,如果包含,则认为是运行时环境错误,并提取错误信息的最后部分。
elif any(_ in excMsg for _ in ("ImportError", "ModuleNotFoundError", "<frozen", "Can't find file for module", "SAXReaderNotAvailable", "<built-in function compile> returned NULL without setting an exception", "source code string cannot contain null bytes", "No module named", "tp_name field", "module 'sqlite3' has no attribute 'OperationalError'")):
errMsg = "invalid runtime environment ('%s')" % excMsg.split("Error: ")[-1].strip()
raise SystemExit
# 如果错误信息包含非ASCII字符编码错误则认为是运行时环境错误并提取错误信息的最后部分。
elif all(_ in excMsg for _ in ("SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character", ".py on line", "but no encoding declared")):
errMsg = "invalid runtime environment ('%s')" % excMsg.split("Error: ")[-1].strip()
raise SystemExit
# 如果错误信息包含文件不存在的错误,则认为是运行时环境错误,并提取错误信息的最后部分。
elif all(_ in excMsg for _ in ("FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory", "cwd = os.getcwd()")):
errMsg = "invalid runtime environment ('%s')" % excMsg.split("Error: ")[-1].strip()
raise SystemExit
# 如果错误信息包含权限错误,则提示用户可能存在权限问题,并建议重新运行程序时禁用多进程。
elif all(_ in excMsg for _ in ("PermissionError: [WinError 5]", "multiprocessing")):
errMsg = "there is a permission problem in running multiprocessing on this system. "
errMsg += "Please rerun with '--disable-multi'"
raise SystemExit
# 如果错误信息包含文件不存在的错误则提示用户安装可能已损坏并建议从官方GitHub仓库获取最新开发版本。
elif all(_ in excMsg for _ in ("No such file", "_'")):
errMsg = "corrupted installation detected ('%s'). " % excMsg.strip().split('\n')[-1]
errMsg += "You should retrieve the latest development version from official GitHub "
@ -546,17 +551,20 @@ def main():
raise SystemExit
# 如果错误信息包含尝试在生产环境中运行开发测试的错误,则输出相应的错误信息。
elif all(_ in excMsg for _ in ("No such file", "sqlmap.conf", "Test")):
errMsg = "you are trying to run (hidden) development tests inside the production environment"
raise SystemExit
# 如果错误信息包含HTTP NTLM认证相关的兼容性问题则输出相应的错误信息并提供参考链接。
elif all(_ in excMsg for _ in ("HTTPNtlmAuthHandler", "'str' object has no attribute 'decode'")):
errMsg = "package 'python-ntlm' has a known compatibility issue with the "
errMsg += "Python 3 (Reference: 'https://github.com/mullender/python-ntlm/pull/61')"
errMsg += "Python 3 (Reference: 'https://github.com/mullender/python-ntlm/pull/61&#39;)&#34; "
raise SystemExit
# 如果错误信息包含字典对象属性错误,并且与枚举相关,则提示用户可能存在枚举问题,并建议重新运行程序时刷新会话。
elif "'DictObject' object has no attribute '" in excMsg and all(_ in errMsg for _ in ("(fingerprinted)", "(identified)")):
errMsg = "there has been a problem in enumeration. "
errMsg += "Because of a considerable chance of false-positive case "
@ -564,17 +572,20 @@ def main():
raise SystemExit
# 如果错误信息包含数据库磁盘映像损坏的错误,则提示用户会话文件可能损坏,并建议刷新会话。
elif "database disk image is malformed" in excMsg:
errMsg = "local session file seems to be malformed. Please rerun with '--flush-session'"
raise SystemExit
# 如果错误信息包含模块属性错误,则认为是运行时环境错误,并提取错误信息的最后部分。
elif "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'F_GETFD'" in excMsg:
errMsg = "invalid runtime (\"%s\") " % excMsg.split("Error: ")[-1].strip()
errMsg += "(Reference: 'https://stackoverflow.com/a/38841364' & 'https://bugs.python.org/issue24944#msg249231')"
errMsg += "(Reference: 'https://stackoverflow.com/a/38841364&#39; & 'https://bugs.python.org/issue24944#msg249231&#39;)&#34; "
raise SystemExit
# 如果错误信息包含marshal数据错误则提示用户.pyc文件可能损坏并建议删除.pyc文件来解决问题。
elif "bad marshal data (unknown type code)" in excMsg:
match = re.search(r"\s*(.+)\s+ValueError", excMsg)
errMsg = "one of your .pyc files are corrupted%s" % (" ('%s')" % match.group(1) if match else "")
