From 4881e3c4e189b6f98501bd113e9ba60954615f19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: wang <> Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 18:55:53 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] add comments to utils --- src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 60 ++++ src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 139 +++++++++ src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 49 ++- src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 20 ++ src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 27 +- src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 122 +++++--- src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 107 +++++++ src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 120 ++++++-- src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 75 +++-- src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 130 +++++--- src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 101 ++++--- src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 41 ++- src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 79 +++-- src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 48 ++- src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 284 ++++++++++-------- src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 77 +++-- src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 64 ++++ src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 16 + src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ | 25 +- 19 files changed, 1210 insertions(+), 374 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ index b3d4f38..61526d7 100644 --- a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ +++ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ class Database(object): class Task(object): def __init__(self, taskid, remote_addr): + # 初始化任务对象,设置远程地址、进程、输出目录、选项等属性 self.remote_addr = remote_addr self.process = None self.output_directory = None @@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ class Task(object): self.initialize_options(taskid) def initialize_options(self, taskid): + # 初始化选项,设置默认值 datatype = {"boolean": False, "string": None, "integer": None, "float": None} self.options = AttribDict() @@ -158,18 +160,23 @@ class Task(object): self._original_options = AttribDict(self.options) def set_option(self, option, value): + # 设置选项 self.options[option] = value def get_option(self, option): + # 获取选项 return self.options[option] def get_options(self): + # 获取所有选项 return self.options def reset_options(self): + # 重置选项为初始值 self.options = AttribDict(self._original_options) def engine_start(self): + # 启动sqlmap引擎 handle, configFile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=MKSTEMP_PREFIX.CONFIG, text=True) os.close(handle) saveConfig(self.options, configFile) @@ -184,6 +191,7 @@ class Task(object): self.process = Popen(["sqlmap", "--api", "-c", configFile], shell=False, close_fds=not IS_WIN) def engine_stop(self): + # 停止sqlmap引擎 if self.process: self.process.terminate() return self.process.wait() @@ -191,9 +199,11 @@ class Task(object): return None def engine_process(self): + # 获取sqlmap引擎进程 return self.process def engine_kill(self): + # 杀死sqlmap引擎进程 if self.process: try: self.process.kill() @@ -203,12 +213,14 @@ class Task(object): return None def engine_get_id(self): + # 获取sqlmap引擎进程ID if self.process: return else: return None def engine_get_returncode(self): + # 获取sqlmap引擎进程返回码 if self.process: self.process.poll() return self.process.returncode @@ -216,6 +228,7 @@ class Task(object): return None def engine_has_terminated(self): + # 判断sqlmap引擎进程是否已经终止 return isinstance(self.engine_get_returncode(), int) # Wrapper functions for sqlmap engine @@ -279,11 +292,14 @@ class LogRecorder(logging.StreamHandler): conf.databaseCursor.execute("INSERT INTO logs VALUES(NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (conf.taskid, time.strftime("%X"), record.levelname, str(record.msg % record.args if record.args else record.msg))) def setRestAPILog(): + # 如果配置文件中api字段为真 if conf.api: try: + # 连接数据库 conf.databaseCursor = Database(conf.database) conf.databaseCursor.connect("client") except sqlite3.OperationalError as ex: + # 如果连接数据库失败,抛出异常 raise SqlmapConnectionException("%s ('%s')" % (ex, conf.database)) # Set a logging handler that writes log messages to a IPC database @@ -297,24 +313,33 @@ def is_admin(token): @hook('before_request') def check_authentication(): + # 检查是否已经认证 if not any((DataStore.username, DataStore.password)): return + # 获取请求头中的Authorization字段 authorization = request.headers.get("Authorization", "") + # 使用正则表达式匹配Authorization字段中的Basic认证信息 match ="(?i)\ABasic\s+([^\s]+)", authorization) + # 如果没有匹配到Basic认证信息,则将请求路径设置为错误页面 if not match: request.environ["PATH_INFO"] = "/error/401" try: + # 解码Basic认证信息 creds = decodeBase64(, binary=False) except: + # 如果解码失败,则将请求路径设置为错误页面 request.environ["PATH_INFO"] = "/error/401" else: + # 如果解码后的认证信息中冒号的数量不等于1,则将请求路径设置为错误页面 if creds.count(':') != 1: request.environ["PATH_INFO"] = "/error/401" else: + # 将认证信息分割为用户名和密码 username, password = creds.split(':') + # 如果用户名或密码不匹配,则将请求路径设置为错误页面 if username.strip() != (DataStore.username or "") or password.strip() != (DataStore.password or ""): request.environ["PATH_INFO"] = "/error/401" @@ -480,18 +505,28 @@ def option_set(taskid): Set value of option(s) for a certain task ID """ + # Check if the task ID exists in the DataStore if taskid not in DataStore.tasks: + # Log a warning if the task ID does not exist logger.warning("[%s] Invalid task ID provided to option_set()" % taskid) + # Return a JSON response indicating failure return jsonize({"success": False, "message": "Invalid task ID"}) + # Check if the request JSON is None if request.json is None: + # Log a warning if the request JSON is None logger.warning("[%s] Invalid JSON options provided to option_set()" % taskid) + # Return a JSON response indicating failure return jsonize({"success": False, "message": "Invalid JSON options"}) + # Iterate through the request JSON for option, value in request.json.items(): + # Set the option for the task ID in the DataStore DataStore.tasks[taskid].set_option(option, value) + # Log a debug message indicating the options have been set logger.debug("(%s) Requested to set options" % taskid) + # Return a JSON response indicating success return jsonize({"success": True}) # Handle scans @@ -530,13 +565,18 @@ def scan_stop(taskid): Stop a scan """ + # 检查任务ID是否有效 if (taskid not in DataStore.tasks or DataStore.tasks[taskid].engine_process() is None or DataStore.tasks[taskid].engine_has_terminated()): + # 如果任务ID无效,记录警告日志并返回错误信息 logger.warning("[%s] Invalid task ID provided to scan_stop()" % taskid) return jsonize({"success": False, "message": "Invalid task ID"}) + # 停止任务 DataStore.tasks[taskid].engine_stop() + # 记录调试日志 logger.debug("(%s) Stopped scan" % taskid) + # 返回成功信息 return jsonize({"success": True}) @get("/scan//kill") @@ -609,14 +649,17 @@ def scan_log_limited(taskid, start, end): json_log_messages = list() + # Check if the taskid exists in the DataStore if taskid not in DataStore.tasks: logger.warning("[%s] Invalid task ID provided to scan_log_limited()" % taskid) return jsonize({"success": False, "message": "Invalid task ID"}) + # Check if the start and end values are digits and if the end value is greater than the start value if not start.isdigit() or not end.isdigit() or int(end) < int(start): logger.warning("[%s] Invalid start or end value provided to scan_log_limited()" % taskid) return jsonize({"success": False, "message": "Invalid start or end value, must be digits"}) + # Set the start and end values to a minimum of 1 start = max(1, int(start)) end = max(1, int(end)) @@ -635,6 +678,7 @@ def scan_log(taskid): json_log_messages = list() + # Check if the taskid exists in the DataStore if taskid not in DataStore.tasks: logger.warning("[%s] Invalid task ID provided to scan_log()" % taskid) return jsonize({"success": False, "message": "Invalid task ID"}) @@ -685,21 +729,27 @@ def server(host=RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, port=RESTAPI_DEFAULT_PORT, adapter=REST REST-JSON API server """ + # 生成一个随机的16字节的admin_token DataStore.admin_token = encodeHex(os.urandom(16), binary=False) + # 设置用户名和密码 DataStore.username = username DataStore.password = password + # 如果没有指定数据库,则创建一个临时数据库 if not database: _, Database.filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=MKSTEMP_PREFIX.IPC, text=False) os.close(_) else: + # 否则使用指定的数据库 Database.filepath = database + # 如果端口为0,则随机生成一个端口 if port == 0: # random with contextlib.closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as s: s.bind((host, 0)) port = s.getsockname()[1] + # 打印运行信息"Running REST-JSON API server at '%s:%d'.." % (host, port))"Admin (secret) token: %s" % DataStore.admin_token) logger.debug("IPC database: '%s'" % Database.filepath) @@ -737,25 +787,35 @@ def server(host=RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, port=RESTAPI_DEFAULT_PORT, adapter=REST logger.critical(errMsg) def _client(url, options=None): + # 打印正在调用的url logger.debug("Calling '%s'" % url) try: + # 设置请求头 headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} + # 如果options不为空,则将options转换为json格式 if options is not None: data = getBytes(jsonize(options)) else: data = None + # 如果DataStore中有用户名或密码,则将用户名和密码进行base64编码,并添加到请求头中 if DataStore.username or DataStore.password: headers["Authorization"] = "Basic %s" % encodeBase64("%s:%s" % (DataStore.username or "", DataStore.password or ""), binary=False) + # 创建请求对象 req = _urllib.request.Request(url, data, headers) + # 发送请求并获取响应 response = _urllib.request.urlopen(req) + # 将响应内容转换为文本 text = getText( except: + # 如果options不为空,则打印错误信息 if options: logger.error("Failed to load and parse %s" % url) + # 抛出异常 raise + # 返回文本 return text def client(host=RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, port=RESTAPI_DEFAULT_PORT, username=None, password=None): diff --git a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ index 89577ff..583db2d 100644 --- a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ +++ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ @@ -62,60 +62,77 @@ def _addPageTextWords(): @stackedmethod def tableExists(tableFile, regex=None): + # 检查是否需要使用表存在性检查 if kb.choices.tableExists is None and not any(_ for _ in if _ not in (PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.TIME, PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.STACKED)) and not + # 如果使用PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.TIME和PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.STACKED进行表存在性检查,则发出警告 warnMsg = "it's not recommended to use '%s' and/or '%s' " % (PAYLOAD.SQLINJECTION[PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.TIME], PAYLOAD.SQLINJECTION[PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.STACKED]) warnMsg += "for common table existence check" logger.warning(warnMsg) + # 提示用户是否继续 message = "are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] " kb.choices.tableExists = readInput(message, default='N', boolean=True) + # 如果用户选择不继续,则返回None if not kb.choices.tableExists: return None + # 检查表存在性 result = inject.checkBooleanExpression("%s" % safeStringFormat(BRUTE_TABLE_EXISTS_TEMPLATE, (randomInt(1), randomStr()))) + # 如果检查结果无效,则抛出异常 if result: errMsg = "can't use table existence check because of detected invalid results " errMsg += "(most likely caused by inability of the used injection " errMsg += "to distinguish erroneous results)" raise SqlmapDataException(errMsg) + # 将数据库信息推送到kb.injection.data中 pushValue(conf.db) + # 如果数据库信息存在,并且数据库类型为大写,则将数据库信息转换为大写 if conf.db and Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in UPPER_CASE_DBMSES: conf.db = conf.db.upper() + # 提示用户选择表存在性检查的文件 message = "which common tables (wordlist) file do you want to use?\n" message += "[1] default '%s' (press Enter)\n" % tableFile message += "[2] custom" choice = readInput(message, default='1') + # 如果用户选择自定义文件,则提示用户输入文件路径 if choice == '2': message = "what's the custom common tables file location?\n" tableFile = readInput(message) or tableFile + # 打印信息,表示正在使用文件进行表存在性检查 infoMsg = "performing table existence using items from '%s'" % tableFile + # 获取文件中的表名 tables = getFileItems(tableFile, lowercase=Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.ACCESS,), unique=True) tables.extend(_addPageTextWords()) tables = filterListValue(tables, regex) + # 遍历数据库信息 for conf.db in (conf.db.split(',') if conf.db else [conf.db]): + # 如果数据库信息存在,并且不是元数据库,则打印信息 if conf.db and METADB_SUFFIX not in conf.db: infoMsg = "checking database '%s'" % conf.db + # 获取当前线程数据 threadData = getCurrentThreadData() threadData.shared.count = 0 threadData.shared.limit = len(tables) threadData.shared.files = [] threadData.shared.unique = set() + # 定义线程函数 def tableExistsThread(): threadData = getCurrentThreadData() + # 循环检查表存在性 while kb.threadContinue: kb.locks.count.acquire() if threadData.shared.count < threadData.shared.limit: @@ -126,28 +143,33 @@ def tableExists(tableFile, regex=None): kb.locks.count.release() break + # 如果数据库信息存在,并且不是元数据库,并且数据库类型不是SQLite、Access、Firebird,则构建完整的表名 if conf.db and METADB_SUFFIX not in conf.db and Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() not in (DBMS.SQLITE, DBMS.ACCESS, DBMS.FIREBIRD): fullTableName = "%s.%s" % (conf.db, table) else: fullTableName = table + # 根据数据库类型,构建表存在性检查的SQL语句 if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MCKOI): _ = randomInt(1) result = inject.checkBooleanExpression("%s" % safeStringFormat("%d=(SELECT %d FROM %s)", (_, _, fullTableName))) else: result = inject.checkBooleanExpression("%s" % safeStringFormat(BRUTE_TABLE_EXISTS_TEMPLATE, (randomInt(1), fullTableName))) + # 将结果添加到线程数据中 if result and table.lower() not in threadData.shared.unique: threadData.shared.files.append(table) threadData.shared.unique.add(table.lower()) + # 如果verbose级别为1或2,并且不是API调用,则打印信息 if conf.verbose in (1, 2) and not conf.api: clearConsoleLine(True) infoMsg = "[%s] [INFO] retrieved: %s\n" % (time.strftime("%X"), unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table)) dataToStdout(infoMsg, True) + # 如果verbose级别为1或2,则打印状态信息 if conf.verbose in (1, 2): status = '%d/%d items (%d%%)' % (threadData.shared.count, threadData.shared.limit, round(100.0 * threadData.shared.count / threadData.shared.limit)) dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] tried %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), status), True) @@ -155,225 +177,342 @@ def tableExists(tableFile, regex=None): try: + # 尝试运行线程 runThreads(conf.threads, tableExistsThread, threadChoice=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: + # 捕获用户中断 warnMsg = "user aborted during table existence " warnMsg += "check. sqlmap will display partial output" logger.warning(warnMsg) + # 清除控制台行 clearConsoleLine(True) + # 输出换行符 dataToStdout("\n") + # 如果没有找到表 if not threadData.shared.files: warnMsg = "no table(s) found" + # 如果指定了数据库 if conf.db: warnMsg += " for database '%s'" % conf.db logger.warning(warnMsg) else: + # 遍历找到的表 for item in threadData.shared.files: + # 如果数据库不在缓存表中 if conf.db not in + # 将表添加到缓存表中[conf.db] = [item] else: + # 否则将表添加到缓存表的列表中[conf.db].append(item) + # 遍历找到的表 for _ in ((conf.db, item) for item in threadData.shared.files): + # 如果表不在暴力破解表中 if _ not in kb.brute.tables: + # 将表添加到暴力破解表中 kb.brute.tables.append(_) + # 从配置中弹出数据库 conf.db = popValue() + # 将暴力破解表写入哈希数据库 hashDBWrite(HASHDB_KEYS.KB_BRUTE_TABLES, kb.brute.tables, True) + # 返回缓存表 return def columnExists(columnFile, regex=None): + # 如果没有指定列存在性检查 if kb.choices.columnExists is None and not any(_ for _ in if _ not in (PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.TIME, PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.STACKED)) and not + # 警告信息 warnMsg = "it's not recommended to use '%s' and/or '%s' " % (PAYLOAD.SQLINJECTION[PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.TIME], PAYLOAD.SQLINJECTION[PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.STACKED]) warnMsg += "for common column existence check" logger.warning(warnMsg) + # 提示用户是否继续 message = "are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] " kb.choices.columnExists = readInput(message, default='N', boolean=True) + # 如果用户选择不继续 if not kb.choices.columnExists: return None + # 如果没有指定表 if not conf.tbl: + # 抛出缺少表参数异常 errMsg = "missing table parameter" raise SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg) + # 如果指定了数据库并且数据库管理系统是大写的 if conf.db and Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in UPPER_CASE_DBMSES: + # 将数据库转换为大写 conf.db = conf.db.upper() + # 注入检查布尔表达式 result = inject.checkBooleanExpression(safeStringFormat(BRUTE_COLUMN_EXISTS_TEMPLATE, (randomStr(), randomStr()))) + # 如果结果无效 if result: + # 抛出数据异常 errMsg = "can't use column existence check because of detected invalid results " errMsg += "(most likely caused by inability of the used injection " errMsg += "to distinguish erroneous results)" raise SqlmapDataException(errMsg) + # 提示用户选择列存在性检查文件 message = "which common columns (wordlist) file do you want to use?\n" message += "[1] default '%s' (press Enter)\n" % columnFile message += "[2] custom" choice = readInput(message, default='1') + # 如果用户选择自定义文件 if choice == '2': + # 提示用户输入自定义文件位置 message = "what's the custom common columns file location?\n" columnFile = readInput(message) or columnFile + # 输出信息 infoMsg = "checking column existence using items from '%s'" % columnFile + # 获取文件项 columns = getFileItems(columnFile, unique=True) + # 添加页面文本单词 columns.extend(_addPageTextWords()) + # 过滤列表值 columns = filterListValue(columns, regex) + # 获取表名 table = safeSQLIdentificatorNaming(conf.tbl, True) + # 如果指定了数据库并且数据库后缀不在配置中并且数据库管理系统不是SQLite、Access或Firebird if conf.db and METADB_SUFFIX not in conf.db and Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() not in (DBMS.SQLITE, DBMS.ACCESS, DBMS.FIREBIRD): + # 将表名转换为数据库表名 table = "%s.%s" % (safeSQLIdentificatorNaming(conf.db), table) + # 设置线程继续 kb.threadContinue = True + # 设置暴力破解模式 kb.bruteMode = True + # 获取当前线程数据 threadData = getCurrentThreadData() threadData.shared.count = 0 threadData.shared.limit = len(columns) threadData.shared.files = [] def columnExistsThread(): + # 获取当前线程的数据 threadData = getCurrentThreadData() + # 当kb.threadContinue为True时,循环执行 while kb.threadContinue: + # 获取count锁 kb.locks.count.acquire() + # 如果threadData.shared.count小于threadData.shared.limit if threadData.shared.count < threadData.shared.limit: + # 获取列名 column = safeSQLIdentificatorNaming(columns[threadData.shared.count]) + # 增加计数 threadData.shared.count += 1 + # 释放count锁 kb.locks.count.release() else: + # 释放count锁 kb.locks.count.release() + # 跳出循环 break + # 如果数据库类型是MCKOI if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MCKOI): + # 检查列是否存在 result = inject.checkBooleanExpression(safeStringFormat("0<(SELECT COUNT(%s) FROM %s)", (column, table))) else: + # 检查列是否存在 result = inject.checkBooleanExpression(safeStringFormat(BRUTE_COLUMN_EXISTS_TEMPLATE, (column, table))) + # 获取io锁 + # 如果列存在 if result: + # 将列名添加到threadData.shared.files中 threadData.shared.files.append(column) + # 如果verbose为1或2且不使用api if conf.verbose in (1, 2) and not conf.api: + # 清除控制台行 clearConsoleLine(True) + # 输出信息 infoMsg = "[%s] [INFO] retrieved: %s\n" % (time.strftime("%X"), unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(column)) dataToStdout(infoMsg, True) + # 如果verbose为1或2 if conf.verbose in (1, 2): + # 计算状态 status = "%d/%d items (%d%%)" % (threadData.shared.count, threadData.shared.limit, round(100.0 * threadData.shared.count / threadData.shared.limit)) + # 输出状态 dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] tried %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), status), True) + # 释放io锁 try: + # 运行线程 runThreads(conf.threads, columnExistsThread, threadChoice=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: + # 如果用户中断,输出警告信息 warnMsg = "user aborted during column existence " warnMsg += "check. sqlmap will display partial output" logger.warning(warnMsg) finally: + # 将bruteMode设置为False kb.bruteMode = False + # 清除控制台行 clearConsoleLine(True) + # 输出换行 dataToStdout("\n") + # 如果没有找到列 if not threadData.shared.files: + # 输出警告信息 warnMsg = "no column(s) found" logger.warning(warnMsg) else: + # 初始化columns字典 columns = {} + # 遍历threadData.shared.files中的列名 for column in threadData.shared.files: + # 如果数据库类型是MySQL if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL,): + # 检查列是否为数字 result = not inject.checkBooleanExpression("%s" % safeStringFormat("EXISTS(SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s REGEXP '[^0-9]')", (column, table, column))) + # 如果数据库类型是SQLite elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.SQLITE,): + # 检查列是否为数字 result = inject.checkBooleanExpression("%s" % safeStringFormat("EXISTS(SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s NOT GLOB '*[^0-9]*')", (column, table, column))) + # 如果数据库类型是MCKOI elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MCKOI,): + # 检查列是否为数字 result = inject.checkBooleanExpression("%s" % safeStringFormat("0=(SELECT MAX(%s)-MAX(%s) FROM %s)", (column, column, table))) else: + # 检查列是否为数字 result = inject.checkBooleanExpression("%s" % safeStringFormat("EXISTS(SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE ROUND(%s)=ROUND(%s))", (column, table, column, column))) + # 如果列是数字 if result: + # 将列名和类型添加到columns字典中 columns[column] = "numeric" else: + # 将列名和类型添加到columns字典中 columns[column] = "non-numeric" + # 将columns字典添加到中[conf.db] = {conf.tbl: columns} + # 遍历columns字典中的列名和类型 for _ in ((conf.db, conf.tbl, item[0], item[1]) for item in columns.items()): + # 如果列名和类型不在kb.brute.columns中 if _ not in kb.brute.columns: + # 将列名和类型添加到kb.brute.columns中 kb.brute.columns.append(_) + # 将kb.brute.columns写入hashDB hashDBWrite(HASHDB_KEYS.KB_BRUTE_COLUMNS, kb.brute.columns, True) + # 返回 return @stackedmethod def fileExists(pathFile): + # 定义一个空列表,用于存储文件路径 retVal = [] + # 提示用户选择要使用的公共文件 message = "which common files file do you want to use?\n" message += "[1] default '%s' (press Enter)\n" % pathFile message += "[2] custom" + # 读取用户输入,默认为1 choice = readInput(message, default='1') + # 如果用户选择自定义文件 if choice == '2': + # 提示用户输入自定义文件路径 message = "what's the custom common files file location?\n" pathFile = readInput(message) or pathFile + # 打印检查文件存在的信息 infoMsg = "checking files existence using items from '%s'" % pathFile + # 获取文件路径列表 paths = getFileItems(pathFile, unique=True) + # 设置暴力模式为True kb.bruteMode = True try: + # 读取随机字符串 conf.dbmsHandler.readFile(randomStr()) except SqlmapNoneDataException: pass except: + # 如果发生异常,将暴力模式设置为False kb.bruteMode = False raise + # 获取当前线程数据 threadData = getCurrentThreadData() + # 设置计数器为0 threadData.shared.count = 0 + # 设置限制为路径列表的长度 threadData.shared.limit = len(paths) + # 创建一个空列表,用于存储文件 threadData.shared.files = [] + # 定义一个线程函数,用于检查文件是否存在 def fileExistsThread(): + # 获取当前线程数据 threadData = getCurrentThreadData() + # 当线程继续时 while kb.threadContinue: + # 获取计数器的锁 kb.locks.count.acquire() + # 如果计数器小于限制 if threadData.shared.count < threadData.shared.limit: + # 获取路径 path = ntToPosixSlashes(paths[threadData.shared.count]) + # 计数器加1 threadData.shared.count += 1 + # 释放计数器的锁 kb.locks.count.release() else: + # 释放计数器的锁 kb.locks.count.release() + # 跳出循环 break try: + # 读取路径 result = unArrayizeValue(conf.dbmsHandler.readFile(path)) except SqlmapNoneDataException: + # 如果没有数据,将结果设置为None result = None + # 获取IO的锁 + # 如果结果不是None if not isNoneValue(result): + # 将结果添加到文件列表中 threadData.shared.files.append(result) + # 如果不是API模式 if not conf.api: clearConsoleLine(True) infoMsg = "[%s] [INFO] retrieved: '%s'\n" % (time.strftime("%X"), path) diff --git a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ index 43b24a2..cc52a3a 100644 --- a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ +++ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ @@ -42,10 +42,12 @@ from thirdparty.six.moves import http_client as _http_client from thirdparty.six.moves import urllib as _urllib def crawl(target, post=None, cookie=None): + # 如果目标为空,直接返回 if not target: return try: + # 创建一个已访问集合 visited = set() threadData = getCurrentThreadData() threadData.shared.value = OrderedSet() @@ -54,12 +56,16 @@ def crawl(target, post=None, cookie=None): def crawlThread(): threadData = getCurrentThreadData() + # 当线程继续时 while kb.threadContinue: with kb.locks.limit: + # 如果还有未处理的链接 if threadData.shared.unprocessed: current = threadData.shared.unprocessed.pop() + # 如果已经访问过,跳过 if current in visited: continue + # 如果有排除规则且当前链接符合排除规则,跳过 elif conf.crawlExclude and, current): dbgMsg = "skipping '%s'" % current logger.debug(dbgMsg) @@ -71,8 +77,10 @@ def crawl(target, post=None, cookie=None): content = None try: + # 发送请求获取页面内容 if current: content = Request.getPage(url=current, post=post, cookie=None, crawling=True, raise404=False)[0] + # 处理不同的异常 except SqlmapConnectionException as ex: errMsg = "connection exception detected ('%s'). skipping " % getSafeExString(ex) errMsg += "URL '%s'" % current @@ -88,8 +96,10 @@ def crawl(target, post=None, cookie=None): if not kb.threadContinue: break + # 如果内容是文本类型 if isinstance(content, six.text_type): try: + # 提取 HTML 内容 match ="(?si)]*>(.+)", content) if match: content = "%s" % @@ -97,6 +107,7 @@ def crawl(target, post=None, cookie=None): soup = BeautifulSoup(content) tags = soup('a') + # 查找其他可能的链接 tags += re.finditer(r'(?i)\s(href|src)=["\'](?P[^>"\']+)', content) tags += re.finditer(r'(?i)window\.open\(["\'](?P[^)"\']+)["\']', content) @@ -108,41 +119,47 @@ def crawl(target, post=None, cookie=None): current = threadData.lastRedirectURL[1] url = _urllib.parse.urljoin(current, htmlUnescape(href)) - # flag to know if we are dealing with the same target host + # 检查是否是同一主机 _ = checkSameHost(url, target) + # 检查是否在范围中 if conf.scope: if not, url, re.I): continue elif not _: continue + # 检查扩展是否在排除列表中 if (extractRegexResult(r"\A[^?]+\.(?P\w+)(\?|\Z)", url) or "").lower() not in CRAWL_EXCLUDE_EXTENSIONS: with kb.locks.value: threadData.shared.deeper.add(url) + # 筛选链接添加到不同集合 if"(.*?)\?(.+)", url) and not"\?(v=)?\d+\Z", url) and not"(?i)\.(js|css)(\?|\Z)", url): threadData.shared.value.add(url) - except UnicodeEncodeError: # for non-HTML files + except UnicodeEncodeError: # 处理非 HTML 文件异常 pass - except ValueError: # for non-valid links + except ValueError: # 处理无效链接异常 pass - except AssertionError: # for invalid HTML + except AssertionError: # 处理无效 HTML 异常 pass finally: + # 检查是否找到表单 if conf.forms: threadData.shared.formsFound |= len(findPageForms(content, current, False, True)) > 0 if conf.verbose in (1, 2): threadData.shared.count += 1 + # 输出状态信息 status = '%d/%d links visited (%d%%)' % (threadData.shared.count, threadData.shared.length, round(100.0 * threadData.shared.count / threadData.shared.length)) dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), status), True) threadData.shared.deeper = set() threadData.shared.unprocessed = set([target]) + # 处理目标 URL _ = re.sub(r"(?= 1.0.2 to work properly. " @@ -61,6 +66,7 @@ def checkDependencies(): elif dbmsName == DBMS.CLICKHOUSE: __import__("clickhouse_connect") except: + # 如果导入库失败,则发出警告,并将库添加到缺失库集合中 warnMsg = "sqlmap requires '%s' third-party library " % data[1] warnMsg += "in order to directly connect to the DBMS " warnMsg += "'%s'. Download from '%s'" % (dbmsName, data[2]) @@ -69,14 +75,17 @@ def checkDependencies(): continue + # 如果导入库成功,则发出调试信息 debugMsg = "'%s' third-party library is found" % data[1] logger.debug(debugMsg) try: + # 导入impacket库 __import__("impacket") debugMsg = "'python-impacket' third-party library is found" logger.debug(debugMsg) except ImportError: + # 如果导入失败,则发出警告,并将库添加到缺失库集合中 warnMsg = "sqlmap requires 'python-impacket' third-party library for " warnMsg += "out-of-band takeover feature. Download from " warnMsg += "''" @@ -84,10 +93,12 @@ def checkDependencies(): missing_libraries.add('python-impacket') try: + # 导入ntlm库 __import__("ntlm") debugMsg = "'python-ntlm' third-party library is found" logger.debug(debugMsg) except ImportError: + # 如果导入失败,则发出警告,并将库添加到缺失库集合中 warnMsg = "sqlmap requires 'python-ntlm' third-party library " warnMsg += "if you plan to attack a web application behind NTLM " warnMsg += "authentication. Download from ''" @@ -95,10 +106,12 @@ def checkDependencies(): missing_libraries.add('python-ntlm') try: + # 导入websocket._abnf库 __import__("websocket._abnf") debugMsg = "'websocket-client' library is found" logger.debug(debugMsg) except ImportError: + # 如果导入失败,则发出警告,并将库添加到缺失库集合中 warnMsg = "sqlmap requires 'websocket-client' third-party library " warnMsg += "if you plan to attack a web application using WebSocket. " warnMsg += "Download from ''" @@ -106,31 +119,37 @@ def checkDependencies(): missing_libraries.add('websocket-client') try: + # 导入tkinter库 __import__("tkinter") debugMsg = "'tkinter' library is found" logger.debug(debugMsg) except ImportError: + # 如果导入失败,则发出警告,并将库添加到缺失库集合中 warnMsg = "sqlmap requires 'tkinter' library " warnMsg += "if you plan to run a GUI" logger.warning(warnMsg) missing_libraries.add('tkinter') try: + # 导入tkinter.ttk库 __import__("tkinter.ttk") debugMsg = "'tkinter.ttk' library is found" logger.debug(debugMsg) except ImportError: + # 如果导入失败,则发出警告,并将库添加到缺失库集合中 warnMsg = "sqlmap requires 'tkinter.ttk' library " warnMsg += "if you plan to run a GUI" logger.warning(warnMsg) missing_libraries.add('tkinter.ttk') + # 如果是Windows系统,则导入pyreadline库 if IS_WIN: try: __import__("pyreadline") debugMsg = "'python-pyreadline' third-party library is found" logger.debug(debugMsg) except ImportError: + # 如果导入失败,则发出警告,并将库添加到缺失库集合中 warnMsg = "sqlmap requires 'pyreadline' third-party library to " warnMsg += "be able to take advantage of the sqlmap TAB " warnMsg += "completion and history support features in the SQL " @@ -139,6 +158,7 @@ def checkDependencies(): logger.warning(warnMsg) missing_libraries.add('python-pyreadline') + # 如果缺失库集合为空,则发出信息,表示所有依赖都已安装 if len(missing_libraries) == 0: infoMsg = "all dependencies are installed" diff --git a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ index 76739b3..4b4fb6d 100644 --- a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ +++ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ @@ -11,41 +11,62 @@ class _Getch(object): the screen (reference: """ def __init__(self): + # 尝试使用Windows系统的方法获取字符 try: self.impl = _GetchWindows() + # 如果Windows系统的方法不可用,则尝试使用Mac系统的方法获取字符 except ImportError: try: self.impl = _GetchMacCarbon() + # 如果Mac系统的方法不可用,则使用Unix系统的方法获取字符 except(AttributeError, ImportError): self.impl = _GetchUnix() def __call__(self): + # 调用获取字符的方法 return self.impl() class _GetchUnix(object): + """ + Unix implementation of _Getch + """ def __init__(self): + # 导入tty模块 __import__("tty") def __call__(self): + # 导入sys、termios、tty模块 import sys import termios import tty + # 获取标准输入的文件描述符 fd = sys.stdin.fileno() + # 获取当前终端的属性 old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: + # 设置终端为原始模式 tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) + # 读取一个字符 ch = finally: + # 恢复终端的属性 termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) + # 返回读取的字符 return ch class _GetchWindows(object): + """ + Windows implementation of _Getch + """ def __init__(self): + # 导入msvcrt模块 __import__("msvcrt") def __call__(self): + # 导入msvcrt模块 import msvcrt + # 调用msvcrt模块的getch函数,获取键盘输入 return msvcrt.getch() class _GetchMacCarbon(object): @@ -56,13 +77,17 @@ class _GetchMacCarbon(object): very helpful in figuring out how to do this. """ def __init__(self): + # 导入Carbon模块 import Carbon + # 检查Carbon模块中是否有Evt属性 getattr(Carbon, "Evt") # see if it has this (in Unix, it doesn't) def __call__(self): + # 导入Carbon模块 import Carbon + # 检查是否有按键按下 if Carbon.Evt.EventAvail(0x0008)[0] == 0: # 0x0008 is the keyDownMask return '' else: @@ -71,7 +96,7 @@ class _GetchMacCarbon(object): # (what,msg,when,where,mod)=Carbon.Evt.GetNextEvent(0x0008)[1] # # The message (msg) contains the ASCII char which is - # extracted with the 0x000000FF charCodeMask; this + # extracted with the 0x000000FF charCodeMask; this number is # number is converted to an ASCII character with chr() and # returned # diff --git a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ index bc9e881..9029336 100644 --- a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ +++ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ @@ -5,43 +5,52 @@ Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers ( See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ -import base64 -import datetime -import io -import re -import time - -from lib.core.bigarray import BigArray -from lib.core.convert import getBytes -from lib.core.convert import getText -from lib.core.settings import VERSION -from thirdparty.six.moves import BaseHTTPServer as _BaseHTTPServer -from thirdparty.six.moves import http_client as _http_client - +# 导入所需的Python标准库 +import base64 # 用于Base64编码解码 +import datetime # 处理日期和时间 +import io # 处理流式IO操作 +import re # 正则表达式支持 +import time # 时间相关功能 + +# 导入自定义和第三方库 +from lib.core.bigarray import BigArray # 用于处理大型数组 +from lib.core.convert import getBytes # 字符串转字节函数 +from lib.core.convert import getText # 字节转字符串函数 +from lib.core.settings import VERSION # 获取版本信息 +from thirdparty.six.moves import BaseHTTPServer as _BaseHTTPServer # HTTP服务器基类 +from thirdparty.six.moves import http_client as _http_client # HTTP客户端 + +# HAR(HTTP Archive)格式参考文档 # Reference: # class HTTPCollectorFactory(object): + """HTTP收集器工厂类,用于创建HTTP收集器实例""" def __init__(self, harFile=False): self.harFile = harFile def create(self): + """创建并返回一个新的HTTP收集器实例""" return HTTPCollector() class HTTPCollector(object): + """HTTP收集器类,用于收集HTTP请求和响应信息""" def __init__(self): - self.messages = BigArray() - self.extendedArguments = {} + self.messages = BigArray() # 存储请求-响应对 + self.extendedArguments = {} # 存储扩展参数 def setExtendedArguments(self, arguments): + """设置扩展参数""" self.extendedArguments = arguments def collectRequest(self, requestMessage, responseMessage, startTime=None, endTime=None): + """收集一对请求-响应消息""" self.messages.append(RawPair(requestMessage, responseMessage, startTime=startTime, endTime=endTime, extendedArguments=self.extendedArguments)) def obtain(self): + """获取HAR格式的日志数据""" return {"log": { "version": "1.2", "creator": {"name": "sqlmap", "version": VERSION}, @@ -49,54 +58,60 @@ class HTTPCollector(object): }} class RawPair(object): + """原始请求-响应对类""" def __init__(self, request, response, startTime=None, endTime=None, extendedArguments=None): - self.request = getBytes(request) - self.response = getBytes(response) - self.startTime = startTime - self.endTime = endTime - self.extendedArguments = extendedArguments or {} + self.request = getBytes(request) # 请求数据 + self.response = getBytes(response) # 响应数据 + self.startTime = startTime # 开始时间 + self.endTime = endTime # 结束时间 + self.extendedArguments = extendedArguments or {} # 扩展参数 def toEntry(self): + """转换为Entry对象""" return Entry(request=Request.parse(self.request), response=Response.parse(self.response), startTime=self.startTime, endTime=self.endTime, extendedArguments=self.extendedArguments) class Entry(object): + """HAR条目类,表示一个完整的请求-响应交互""" def __init__(self, request, response, startTime, endTime, extendedArguments): - self.request = request - self.response = response - self.startTime = startTime or 0 - self.endTime = endTime or 0 - self.extendedArguments = extendedArguments + self.request = request # 请求对象 + self.response = response # 响应对象 + self.startTime = startTime or 0 # 开始时间 + self.endTime = endTime or 0 # 结束时间 + self.extendedArguments = extendedArguments # 扩展参数 def toDict(self): + """转换为字典格式""" out = { "request": self.request.toDict(), "response": self.response.toDict(), - "cache": {}, - "timings": { + "cache": {}, # 缓存信息 + "timings": { # 时间统计 "send": -1, "wait": -1, "receive": -1, }, - "time": int(1000 * (self.endTime - self.startTime)), + "time": int(1000 * (self.endTime - self.startTime)), # 总耗时(毫秒) "startedDateTime": "%s%s" % (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.startTime).isoformat(), time.strftime("%z")) if self.startTime else None } out.update(self.extendedArguments) return out class Request(object): + """HTTP请求类""" def __init__(self, method, path, httpVersion, headers, postBody=None, raw=None, comment=None): - self.method = method - self.path = path - self.httpVersion = httpVersion - self.headers = headers or {} - self.postBody = postBody - self.comment = comment.strip() if comment else comment - self.raw = raw + self.method = method # 请求方法(GET/POST等) + self.path = path # 请求路径 + self.httpVersion = httpVersion # HTTP版本 + self.headers = headers or {} # 请求头 + self.postBody = postBody # POST请求体 + self.comment = comment.strip() if comment else comment # 注释 + self.raw = raw # 原始请求数据 @classmethod def parse(cls, raw): + """解析原始请求数据""" request = HTTPRequest(raw) return cls(method=request.command, path=request.path, @@ -108,10 +123,12 @@ class Request(object): @property def url(self): + """构建完整URL""" host = self.headers.get("Host", "unknown") return "http://%s%s" % (host, self.path) def toDict(self): + """转换为字典格式""" out = { "httpVersion": self.httpVersion, "method": self.method, @@ -134,22 +151,25 @@ class Request(object): return out class Response(object): - extract_status = re.compile(b'\\((\\d{3}) (.*)\\)') + """HTTP响应类""" + extract_status = re.compile(b'\\((\\d{3}) (.*)\\)') # 用于提取状态码的正则表达式 def __init__(self, httpVersion, status, statusText, headers, content, raw=None, comment=None): - self.raw = raw - self.httpVersion = httpVersion - self.status = status - self.statusText = statusText - self.headers = headers - self.content = content - self.comment = comment.strip() if comment else comment + self.raw = raw # 原始响应数据 + self.httpVersion = httpVersion # HTTP版本 + self.status = status # 状态码 + self.statusText = statusText # 状态描述 + self.headers = headers # 响应头 + self.content = content # 响应内容 + self.comment = comment.strip() if comment else comment # 注释 @classmethod def parse(cls, raw): + """解析原始响应数据""" altered = raw comment = b"" + # 处理特殊格式的响应 if altered.startswith(b"HTTP response [") or altered.startswith(b"HTTP redirect ["): stream = io.BytesIO(raw) first_line = stream.readline() @@ -176,12 +196,14 @@ class Response(object): raw=raw) def toDict(self): + """转换为字典格式""" content = { "mimeType": self.headers.get("Content-Type"), "text": self.content, "size": len(self.content or "") } + # 检测是否为二进制内容 binary = set([b'\0', b'\1']) if any(c in binary for c in self.content): content["encoding"] = "base64" @@ -203,9 +225,9 @@ class Response(object): } class FakeSocket(object): - # Original source: - # - + """模拟Socket类,用于HTTP响应解析 + 原始来源: + """ def __init__(self, response_text): self._file = io.BytesIO(response_text) @@ -213,14 +235,15 @@ class FakeSocket(object): return self._file class HTTPRequest(_BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): - # Original source: - # - + """HTTP请求处理类 + 原始来源: + """ def __init__(self, request_text): self.comment = None self.rfile = io.BytesIO(request_text) self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline() + # 处理特殊格式的请求 if self.raw_requestline.startswith(b"HTTP request ["): self.comment = self.raw_requestline self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline() @@ -229,5 +252,6 @@ class HTTPRequest(_BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): self.parse_request() def send_error(self, code, message): + """记录错误信息""" self.error_code = code self.error_message = message diff --git a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ index 2a4514d..c703d9a 100644 --- a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ +++ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ @@ -226,22 +226,28 @@ def oracle_old_passwd(password, username, uppercase=True): # prior to version ' IV, pad = b"\0" * 8, b"\0" + # 将用户名和密码转换为大写,并编码为UNICODE_ENCODING unistr = b"".join((b"\0" + _.encode(UNICODE_ENCODING)) if ord(_) < 256 else _.encode(UNICODE_ENCODING) for _ in (username + password).upper()) + # 如果使用的是Crypto.Cipher.DES模块,则进行加密 if des.__module__ == "Crypto.Cipher.DES": + # 如果unistr的长度不是8的倍数,则进行填充 unistr += b"\0" * ((8 - len(unistr) % 8) & 7) cipher = des(decodeHex("0123456789ABCDEF"), CBC, iv=IV) encrypted = cipher.encrypt(unistr) cipher = des(encrypted[-8:], CBC, iv=IV) encrypted = cipher.encrypt(unistr) else: + # 否则使用其他模块进行加密 cipher = des(decodeHex("0123456789ABCDEF"), CBC, IV, pad) encrypted = cipher.encrypt(unistr) cipher = des(encrypted[-8:], CBC, IV, pad) encrypted = cipher.encrypt(unistr) + # 将加密后的结果转换为十六进制字符串 retVal = encodeHex(encrypted[-8:], binary=False) + # 如果uppercase为True,则将结果转换为大写,否则转换为小写 return retVal.upper() if uppercase else retVal.lower() def md5_generic_passwd(password, uppercase=False): @@ -373,8 +379,10 @@ def unix_md5_passwd(password, salt, magic="$1$", **kwargs): >>> unix_md5_passwd(password='testpass', salt='aD9ZLmkp') '$1$aD9ZLmkp$DRM5a7rRZGyuuOPOjTEk61' """ + # 将value转换为64进制字符串 def _encode64(value, count): + # 将value转换为64进制字符串 output = "" while (count - 1 >= 0): @@ -388,16 +396,21 @@ def unix_md5_passwd(password, salt, magic="$1$", **kwargs): magic = getBytes(magic) salt = getBytes(salt) + # 取salt的前8个字节 salt = salt[:8] + # 将password、magic、salt拼接成ctx ctx = password + magic + salt + # 计算password + salt + password的md5值 final = md5(password + salt + password).digest() + # 将final的前16个字节与ctx拼接 for pl in xrange(len(password), 0, -16): if pl > 16: ctx = ctx + final[:16] else: ctx = ctx + final[:pl] + # 将password转换为二进制 i = len(password) while i: if i & 1: @@ -580,11 +593,13 @@ __functions__ = { } def _finalize(retVal, results, processes, attack_info=None): + # 如果使用多进程,则启用垃圾回收 if _multiprocessing: gc.enable() # NOTE: # NOTE: + # 遍历所有进程,尝试终止并加入 for process in processes: try: process.terminate() @@ -592,25 +607,31 @@ def _finalize(retVal, results, processes, attack_info=None): except (OSError, AttributeError): pass + # 如果retVal不为空,则执行以下操作 if retVal: removals = set() + # 如果使用哈希数据库,则开始事务 if conf.hashDB: conf.hashDB.beginTransaction() + # 从retVal中获取数据,并添加到results中 while not retVal.empty(): user, hash_, word = item = retVal.get(block=False) results.append(item) removals.add((user, hash_)) hashDBWrite(hash_, word) + # 如果attack_info不为空,则从attack_info中移除已经添加到results中的数据 for item in attack_info or []: if (item[0][0], item[0][1]) in removals: attack_info.remove(item) + # 如果使用哈希数据库,则结束事务 if conf.hashDB: conf.hashDB.endTransaction() + # 如果retVal有close方法,则调用close方法 if hasattr(retVal, "close"): retVal.close() @@ -654,55 +675,82 @@ def storeHashesToFile(attack_dict): pass def attackCachedUsersPasswords(): + # 如果缓存的用户密码不为空 if + # 使用字典攻击函数对缓存的用户密码进行攻击 results = dictionaryAttack( + # 创建一个空字典 lut = {} + # 遍历攻击结果 for (_, hash_, password) in results: + # 将哈希值转换为小写,并将其作为键,密码作为值存入字典 lut[hash_.lower()] = password + # 遍历缓存的用户密码 for user in + # 遍历每个用户的密码 for i in xrange(len([user])): + # 如果密码不为空 if ([user][i] or "").strip(): + # 将密码转换为小写,并取第一个单词作为值 value =[user][i].lower().split()[0] + # 如果值在字典中 if value in lut: + # 将密码和对应的明文密码添加到缓存的用户密码中[user][i] += "%s clear-text password: %s" % ('\n' if[user][i][-1] != '\n' else '', lut[value]) def attackDumpedTable(): + # 如果存在 if + # 获取dumpedTable table = + # 获取table的键值 columns = list(table.keys()) + # 获取table中__infos__键的值 count = table["__infos__"]["count"] + # 如果count不存在,则返回 if not count: return + # 打印debug信息 debugMsg = "analyzing table dump for possible password hashes" logger.debug(debugMsg) + # 初始化found为False found = False + # 初始化col_user为空字符串 col_user = '' + # 初始化col_passwords为空集合 col_passwords = set() + # 初始化attack_dict为空字典 attack_dict = {} + # 初始化binary_fields为空集合 binary_fields = OrderedSet() + # 初始化replacements为空字典 replacements = {} + # 遍历columns,找到col_user for column in sorted(columns, key=len, reverse=True): if column and column.lower() in COMMON_USER_COLUMNS: col_user = column break + # 遍历columns,找到binary_fields for column in columns: if column != "__infos__" and table[column]["values"]: if all(INVALID_UNICODE_CHAR_FORMAT.split('%')[0] in (value or "") for value in table[column]["values"]): binary_fields.add(column) + # 如果binary_fields存在,则打印警告信息 if binary_fields: _ = ','.join(binary_fields) warnMsg = "potential binary fields detected ('%s'). In case of any problems you are " % _ warnMsg += "advised to rerun table dump with '--fresh-queries --binary-fields=\"%s\"'" % _ logger.warning(warnMsg) + # 遍历count,找到found for i in xrange(count): if not found and i > HASH_RECOGNITION_QUIT_THRESHOLD: break @@ -719,22 +767,27 @@ def attackDumpedTable(): value = table[column]["values"][i] + # 如果column在binary_fields中,并且column符合HASH_BINARY_COLUMNS_REGEX,则进行编码 if column in binary_fields and, column) is not None: previous = value value = encodeHex(getBytes(value), binary=False) replacements[value] = previous + # 如果value符合hashRecognition,则进行攻击 if hashRecognition(value): found = True + # 如果col_user存在,并且i小于len(table[col_user]["values"]),则将value添加到attack_dict中 if col_user and i < len(table[col_user]["values"]): if table[col_user]["values"][i] not in attack_dict: attack_dict[table[col_user]["values"][i]] = [] attack_dict[table[col_user]["values"][i]].append(value) + # 否则,将value添加到attack_dict中 else: attack_dict["%s%d" % (DUMMY_USER_PREFIX, i)] = [value] + # 将column添加到col_passwords中 col_passwords.add(column) if attack_dict: @@ -812,67 +865,91 @@ def hashRecognition(value): return retVal def _bruteProcessVariantA(attack_info, hash_regex, suffix, retVal, proc_id, proc_count, wordlists, custom_wordlist, api): + # 初始化颜色 if IS_WIN: coloramainit() count = 0 rotator = 0 + # 获取所有哈希值 hashes = set(item[0][1] for item in attack_info) + # 创建Wordlist对象 wordlist = Wordlist(wordlists, proc_id, getattr(proc_count, "value", 0), custom_wordlist) try: + # 遍历Wordlist中的每个单词 for word in wordlist: + # 如果attack_info为空,则跳出循环 if not attack_info: break count += 1 + # 如果单词是二进制类型,则转换为Unicode if isinstance(word, six.binary_type): word = getUnicode(word) + # 如果单词不是字符串类型,则跳过 elif not isinstance(word, six.string_types): continue + # 如果suffix不为空,则将suffix添加到单词后面 if suffix: word = word + suffix try: + # 使用__functions__中的hash_regex函数对单词进行哈希 current = __functions__[hash_regex](password=word, uppercase=False) + # 如果哈希值在hashes中,则说明找到了匹配的密码 if current in hashes: + # 遍历attack_info中的每个元素 for item in attack_info[:]: ((user, hash_), _) = item + # 如果哈希值匹配,则将用户名、哈希值和密码放入retVal中 if hash_ == current: retVal.put((user, hash_, word)) + # 清除控制台行 clearConsoleLine() + # 输出破解的密码信息 infoMsg = "\r[%s] [INFO] cracked password '%s'" % (time.strftime("%X"), word) + # 如果用户名存在且不是DUMMY_USER_PREFIX,则输出用户名 if user and not user.startswith(DUMMY_USER_PREFIX): infoMsg += " for user '%s'\n" % user + # 否则输出哈希值 else: infoMsg += " for hash '%s'\n" % hash_ + # 输出信息 dataToStdout(infoMsg, True) + # 从attack_info中移除该元素 attack_info.remove(item) + # 如果proc_id为0或者proc_count为1,并且count能被HASH_MOD_ITEM_DISPLAY整除,或者hash_regex为HASH.ORACLE_OLD或者HASH.CRYPT_GENERIC且IS_WIN为True,则输出当前状态 elif (proc_id == 0 or getattr(proc_count, "value", 0) == 1) and count % HASH_MOD_ITEM_DISPLAY == 0 or hash_regex == HASH.ORACLE_OLD or hash_regex == HASH.CRYPT_GENERIC and IS_WIN: rotator += 1 + # 如果rotator大于等于ROTATING_CHARS的长度,则重置为0 if rotator >= len(ROTATING_CHARS): rotator = 0 + # 输出当前状态 status = "current status: %s... %s" % (word.ljust(5)[:5], ROTATING_CHARS[rotator]) + # 如果api为False,则输出状态 if not api: dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), status)) + # 捕获KeyboardInterrupt异常 except KeyboardInterrupt: raise + # 捕获UnicodeEncodeError和UnicodeDecodeError异常 except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError): pass # ignore possible encoding problems caused by some words in custom dictionaries @@ -969,8 +1046,10 @@ def _bruteProcessVariantB(user, hash_, kwargs, hash_regex, suffix, retVal, found proc_count.value -= 1 def dictionaryAttack(attack_dict): + # 定义一个全局变量_multiprocessing global _multiprocessing + # 定义一些变量 suffix_list = [""] custom_wordlist = [""] hash_regexes = [] @@ -980,11 +1059,13 @@ def dictionaryAttack(attack_dict): processException = False foundHash = False + # 如果禁用了多进程,则将_multiprocessing设置为None if conf.disableMulti: _multiprocessing = None else: # Note: try: + # 尝试导入multiprocessing模块 import multiprocessing # problems on FreeBSD (Reference: @@ -996,46 +1077,58 @@ def dictionaryAttack(attack_dict): pass else: try: + # 如果CPU数量大于1,则将_multiprocessing设置为multiprocessing if multiprocessing.cpu_count() > 1: _multiprocessing = multiprocessing except NotImplementedError: pass + # 遍历attack_dict中的每个hash for (_, hashes) in attack_dict.items(): for hash_ in hashes: if not hash_: continue + # 将hash_转换为字符串 hash_ = hash_.split()[0] if hash_ and hash_.strip() else hash_ + # 调用hashRecognition函数,获取hash_的正则表达式 regex = hashRecognition(hash_) + # 如果正则表达式存在且不在hash_regexes中,则将其添加到hash_regexes中 if regex and regex not in hash_regexes: hash_regexes.append(regex) infoMsg = "using hash method '%s'" % __functions__[regex].__name__ + # 遍历hash_regexes中的每个正则表达式 for hash_regex in hash_regexes: keys = set() attack_info = [] + # 遍历attack_dict中的每个hash for (user, hashes) in attack_dict.items(): for hash_ in hashes: if not hash_: continue + # 将hash_转换为字符串 foundHash = True hash_ = hash_.split()[0] if hash_ and hash_.strip() else hash_ + # 如果hash_匹配hash_regex,则执行以下操作 if re.match(hash_regex, hash_): try: item = None + # 如果hash_regex不在以下列表中,则将hash_转换为小写 if hash_regex not in (HASH.CRYPT_GENERIC, HASH.JOOMLA, HASH.PHPASS, HASH.UNIX_MD5_CRYPT, HASH.APACHE_MD5_CRYPT, HASH.APACHE_SHA1, HASH.VBULLETIN, HASH.VBULLETIN_OLD, HASH.SSHA, HASH.SSHA256, HASH.SSHA512, HASH.DJANGO_MD5, HASH.DJANGO_SHA1, HASH.MD5_BASE64, HASH.SHA1_BASE64, HASH.SHA256_BASE64, HASH.SHA512_BASE64): hash_ = hash_.lower() + # 如果hash_regex在以下列表中,则执行以下操作 if hash_regex in (HASH.MD5_BASE64, HASH.SHA1_BASE64, HASH.SHA256_BASE64, HASH.SHA512_BASE64): item = [(user, encodeHex(decodeBase64(hash_, binary=True))), {}] elif hash_regex in (HASH.MYSQL, HASH.MYSQL_OLD, HASH.MD5_GENERIC, HASH.SHA1_GENERIC, HASH.SHA224_GENERIC, HASH.SHA256_GENERIC, HASH.SHA384_GENERIC, HASH.SHA512_GENERIC, HASH.APACHE_SHA1): + # 如果hash_以"0x"开头,则将其去掉 if hash_.startswith("0x"): # Reference: hash_ = hash_[2:] item = [(user, hash_), {}] @@ -1060,23 +1153,29 @@ def dictionaryAttack(attack_dict): elif hash_regex in (HASH.DJANGO_MD5, HASH.DJANGO_SHA1): item = [(user, hash_), {"salt": hash_.split('$')[1]}] elif hash_regex in (HASH.PHPASS,): + # 如果hash_的第四个字符在ITOA64中索引小于32,则执行以下操作 if ITOA64.index(hash_[3]) < 32: item = [(user, hash_), {"salt": hash_[4:12], "count": 1 << ITOA64.index(hash_[3]), "prefix": hash_[:3]}] else: warnMsg = "invalid hash '%s'" % hash_ logger.warning(warnMsg) + # 如果item存在且hash_不在keys中,则执行以下操作 if item and hash_ not in keys: + # 调用hashDBRetrieve函数,获取hash_的密码 resumed = hashDBRetrieve(hash_) + # 如果resumed不存在,则将item添加到attack_info中,并将user_hash添加到user_hash中 if not resumed: attack_info.append(item) user_hash.append(item[0]) else: + # 如果user存在且不以DUMMY_USER_PREFIX开头,则将resumed添加到resumes中 infoMsg = "resuming password '%s' for hash '%s'" % (resumed, hash_) if user and not user.startswith(DUMMY_USER_PREFIX): infoMsg += " for user '%s'" % user resumes.append((user, hash_, resumed)) + # 将hash_添加到keys中 keys.add(hash_) except (binascii.Error, TypeError, IndexError): @@ -1298,15 +1397,23 @@ def dictionaryAttack(attack_dict): return results +# 定义一个函数,用于破解哈希文件 def crackHashFile(hashFile): + # 初始化计数器 i = 0 + # 初始化一个空字典,用于存储用户名和哈希值 attack_dict = {} + # 遍历哈希文件中的每一行 for line in getFileItems(conf.hashFile): + # 如果行中包含冒号 if ':' in line: + # 将行按照冒号分割,得到用户名和哈希值 user, hash_ = line.split(':', 1) + # 将用户名和哈希值存入字典中 attack_dict[user] = [hash_] else: + # 如果行中不包含冒号,则将行存入字典中,用户名为DUMMY_USER_PREFIX加上计数器的值 attack_dict["%s%d" % (DUMMY_USER_PREFIX, i)] = [line] i += 1 diff --git a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ index 4395236..268e07f 100644 --- a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ +++ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ @@ -5,44 +5,60 @@ Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers ( See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ -import hashlib -import os -import sqlite3 -import threading -import time - -from lib.core.common import getSafeExString -from lib.core.common import serializeObject -from lib.core.common import singleTimeWarnMessage -from lib.core.common import unserializeObject -from lib.core.compat import xrange -from lib.core.convert import getBytes -from lib.core.convert import getUnicode -from import logger -from lib.core.exception import SqlmapConnectionException -from lib.core.settings import HASHDB_END_TRANSACTION_RETRIES -from lib.core.settings import HASHDB_FLUSH_RETRIES -from lib.core.settings import HASHDB_FLUSH_THRESHOLD -from lib.core.settings import HASHDB_RETRIEVE_RETRIES -from lib.core.threads import getCurrentThreadData -from lib.core.threads import getCurrentThreadName -from thirdparty import six +# 导入所需的标准库和自定义模块 +import hashlib # 用于计算哈希值 +import os # 用于文件和路径操作 +import sqlite3 # SQLite数据库操作 +import threading # 多线程支持 +import time # 时间相关操作 + +# 导入自定义工具函数 +from lib.core.common import getSafeExString # 安全地获取异常字符串 +from lib.core.common import serializeObject # 对象序列化 +from lib.core.common import singleTimeWarnMessage # 单次警告消息 +from lib.core.common import unserializeObject # 对象反序列化 +from lib.core.compat import xrange # 兼容Python2/3的range函数 +from lib.core.convert import getBytes # 转换为字节 +from lib.core.convert import getUnicode # 转换为Unicode +from import logger # 日志记录器 +from lib.core.exception import SqlmapConnectionException # 自定义连接异常 +from lib.core.settings import HASHDB_END_TRANSACTION_RETRIES # 事务结束重试次数 +from lib.core.settings import HASHDB_FLUSH_RETRIES # 刷新重试次数 +from lib.core.settings import HASHDB_FLUSH_THRESHOLD # 刷新阈值 +from lib.core.settings import HASHDB_RETRIEVE_RETRIES # 检索重试次数 +from lib.core.threads import getCurrentThreadData # 获取当前线程数据 +from lib.core.threads import getCurrentThreadName # 获取当前线程名称 +from thirdparty import six # Python 2/3 兼容库 class HashDB(object): + """ + 哈希数据库类,用于管理SQLite数据库中的键值存储 + """ def __init__(self, filepath): - self.filepath = filepath - self._write_cache = {} - self._cache_lock = threading.Lock() - self._connections = [] + """ + 初始化哈希数据库 + @param filepath: 数据库文件路径 + """ + self.filepath = filepath # 数据库文件路径 + self._write_cache = {} # 写入缓存字典 + self._cache_lock = threading.Lock() # 缓存锁,用于线程同步 + self._connections = [] # 数据库连接列表 def _get_cursor(self): - threadData = getCurrentThreadData() + """ + 获取数据库游标 + @return: SQLite游标对象 + """ + threadData = getCurrentThreadData() # 获取当前线程数据 + # 如果当前线程没有游标,则创建新的连接和游标 if threadData.hashDBCursor is None: try: + # 创建SQLite连接,禁用事务自动提交 connection = sqlite3.connect(self.filepath, timeout=3, isolation_level=None) self._connections.append(connection) threadData.hashDBCursor = connection.cursor() + # 创建存储表(如果不存在) threadData.hashDBCursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS storage (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT)") connection.commit() except Exception as ex: @@ -53,12 +69,20 @@ class HashDB(object): return threadData.hashDBCursor def _set_cursor(self, cursor): + """ + 设置数据库游标 + @param cursor: SQLite游标对象 + """ threadData = getCurrentThreadData() threadData.hashDBCursor = cursor + # 游标属性 cursor = property(_get_cursor, _set_cursor) def close(self): + """ + 关闭当前线程的数据库连接 + """ threadData = getCurrentThreadData() try: if threadData.hashDBCursor: @@ -70,6 +94,9 @@ class HashDB(object): pass def closeAll(self): + """ + 关闭所有数据库连接 + """ for connection in self._connections: try: connection.commit() @@ -79,17 +106,30 @@ class HashDB(object): @staticmethod def hashKey(key): + """ + 计算键的哈希值 + @param key: 要哈希的键 + @return: 64位整数哈希值 + """ key = getBytes(key if isinstance(key, six.text_type) else repr(key), errors="xmlcharrefreplace") - retVal = int(hashlib.md5(key).hexdigest(), 16) & 0x7fffffffffffffff # Reference: + retVal = int(hashlib.md5(key).hexdigest(), 16) & 0x7fffffffffffffff # 确保返回64位正整数 return retVal def retrieve(self, key, unserialize=False): + """ + 从数据库检索值 + @param key: 要检索的键 + @param unserialize: 是否需要反序列化 + @return: 检索到的值 + """ retVal = None if key and (self._write_cache or os.path.isfile(self.filepath)): hash_ = HashDB.hashKey(key) + # 首先检查缓存 retVal = self._write_cache.get(hash_) if not retVal: + # 多次尝试从数据库检索 for _ in xrange(HASHDB_RETRIEVE_RETRIES): try: for row in self.cursor.execute("SELECT value FROM storage WHERE id=?", (hash_,)): @@ -109,6 +149,7 @@ class HashDB(object): time.sleep(1) + # 如果需要反序列化 if retVal and unserialize: try: retVal = unserializeObject(retVal) @@ -121,22 +162,35 @@ class HashDB(object): return retVal def write(self, key, value, serialize=False): + """ + 写入值到数据库 + @param key: 键 + @param value: 值 + @param serialize: 是否需要序列化 + """ if key: hash_ = HashDB.hashKey(key) self._cache_lock.acquire() self._write_cache[hash_] = getUnicode(value) if not serialize else serializeObject(value) self._cache_lock.release() + # 主线程自动刷新缓存 if getCurrentThreadName() in ('0', "MainThread"): self.flush() def flush(self, forced=False): + """ + 将缓存刷新到数据库 + @param forced: 是否强制刷新 + """ if not self._write_cache: return + # 如果未强制刷新且缓存未达到阈值,则不刷新 if not forced and len(self._write_cache) < HASHDB_FLUSH_THRESHOLD: return + # 获取并清空缓存 self._cache_lock.acquire() _ = self._write_cache self._write_cache = {} @@ -144,6 +198,7 @@ class HashDB(object): try: self.beginTransaction() + # 遍历缓存项写入数据库 for hash_, value in _.items(): retries = 0 while True: @@ -152,7 +207,7 @@ class HashDB(object): self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO storage VALUES (?, ?)", (hash_, value,)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: self.cursor.execute("UPDATE storage SET value=? WHERE id=?", (value, hash_,)) - except (UnicodeError, OverflowError): # e.g. surrogates not allowed (Issue #3851) + except (UnicodeError, OverflowError): # 处理编码错误 break except sqlite3.DatabaseError as ex: if not os.path.exists(self.filepath): @@ -176,13 +231,15 @@ class HashDB(object): self.endTransaction() def beginTransaction(self): + """ + 开始数据库事务 + """ threadData = getCurrentThreadData() if not threadData.inTransaction: try: self.cursor.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION") except: try: - # Reference: self.cursor.close() except sqlite3.ProgrammingError: pass @@ -192,6 +249,9 @@ class HashDB(object): threadData.inTransaction = True def endTransaction(self): + """ + 结束数据库事务 + """ threadData = getCurrentThreadData() if threadData.inTransaction: retries = 0 diff --git a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ index aba688d..b76f68f 100644 --- a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ +++ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ @@ -5,36 +5,42 @@ Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers ( See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ +# 导入需要的模块 from __future__ import print_function -import mimetypes -import gzip -import os -import re -import sys -import threading -import time -import traceback +import mimetypes # 用于猜测文件的MIME类型 +import gzip # 用于gzip压缩 +import os # 操作系统相关功能 +import re # 正则表达式 +import sys # 系统相关功能 +import threading # 多线程支持 +import time # 时间相关功能 +import traceback # 异常追踪 +# 将上级目录添加到Python路径中 sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", ".."))) -from lib.core.enums import HTTP_HEADER -from lib.core.settings import UNICODE_ENCODING -from lib.core.settings import VERSION_STRING -from thirdparty import six -from thirdparty.six.moves import BaseHTTPServer as _BaseHTTPServer -from thirdparty.six.moves import http_client as _http_client -from thirdparty.six.moves import socketserver as _socketserver -from thirdparty.six.moves import urllib as _urllib - -HTTP_ADDRESS = "" -HTTP_PORT = 8951 -DEBUG = True -HTML_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "data", "html")) -DISABLED_CONTENT_EXTENSIONS = (".py", ".pyc", ".md", ".txt", ".bak", ".conf", ".zip", "~") +# 导入自定义模块和第三方库 +from lib.core.enums import HTTP_HEADER # HTTP头部常量 +from lib.core.settings import UNICODE_ENCODING # 编码设置 +from lib.core.settings import VERSION_STRING # 版本信息 +from thirdparty import six # Python 2/3 兼容库 +from thirdparty.six.moves import BaseHTTPServer as _BaseHTTPServer # HTTP服务器基类 +from thirdparty.six.moves import http_client as _http_client # HTTP客户端 +from thirdparty.six.moves import socketserver as _socketserver # Socket服务器 +from thirdparty.six.moves import urllib as _urllib # URL处理 + +# 服务器配置 +HTTP_ADDRESS = "" # 监听所有网络接口 +HTTP_PORT = 8951 # 服务器端口 +DEBUG = True # 调试模式开关 +HTML_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "data", "html")) # HTML文件目录 +DISABLED_CONTENT_EXTENSIONS = (".py", ".pyc", ".md", ".txt", ".bak", ".conf", ".zip", "~") # 禁止访问的文件扩展名 class ThreadingServer(_socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, _BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer): + """多线程HTTP服务器类""" def finish_request(self, *args, **kwargs): + """处理请求完成时的回调""" try: _BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.finish_request(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception: @@ -42,48 +48,59 @@ class ThreadingServer(_socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, _BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer): traceback.print_exc() class ReqHandler(_BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): + """HTTP请求处理器类""" def do_GET(self): + """处理GET请求""" + # 解析URL和查询参数 path, query = self.path.split('?', 1) if '?' in self.path else (self.path, "") params = {} content = None + # 解析查询参数 if query: params.update(_urllib.parse.parse_qs(query)) + # 只保留每个参数的最后一个值 for key in params: if params[key]: params[key] = params[key][-1] self.url, self.params = path, params + # 处理根路径请求 if path == '/': path = "index.html" + # 处理文件路径 path = path.strip('/') - path = path.replace('/', os.path.sep) path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(HTML_DIR, path)).strip() + # 如果文件不存在但存在同名的.html文件,则使用.html文件 if not os.path.isfile(path) and os.path.isfile("%s.html" % path): path = "%s.html" % path + # 检查文件是否可访问并返回相应内容 if ".." not in os.path.relpath(path, HTML_DIR) and os.path.isfile(path) and not path.endswith(DISABLED_CONTENT_EXTENSIONS): content = open(path, "rb").read() self.send_response(_http_client.OK) self.send_header(HTTP_HEADER.CONNECTION, "close") self.send_header(HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_TYPE, mimetypes.guess_type(path)[0] or "application/octet-stream") else: + # 返回404错误页面 content = ("404 Not Found

Not Found

The requested URL %s was not found on this server.

" % self.path.split('?')[0]).encode(UNICODE_ENCODING) self.send_response(_http_client.NOT_FOUND) self.send_header(HTTP_HEADER.CONNECTION, "close") if content is not None: + # 处理模板标记 for match in re.finditer(b"", content): name = _ = getattr(self, "_%s" % name.lower(), None) if _: content = self._format(content, **{name: _()}) + # 如果客户端支持gzip压缩,则压缩内容 if "gzip" in self.headers.get(HTTP_HEADER.ACCEPT_ENCODING): self.send_header(HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_ENCODING, "gzip") _ = six.BytesIO() @@ -98,25 +115,29 @@ class ReqHandler(_BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): self.end_headers() + # 发送响应内容 if content: self.wfile.write(content) self.wfile.flush() def _format(self, content, **params): + """格式化响应内容,替换模板标记""" if content: for key, value in params.items(): content = content.replace("" % key, value) - return content def version_string(self): + """返回服务器版本信息""" return VERSION_STRING def log_message(self, format, *args): + """禁用日志记录""" return def finish(self): + """完成请求处理""" try: _BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.finish(self) except Exception: @@ -124,17 +145,19 @@ class ReqHandler(_BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): traceback.print_exc() def start_httpd(): + """启动HTTP服务器""" server = ThreadingServer((HTTP_ADDRESS, HTTP_PORT), ReqHandler) thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever) - thread.daemon = True + thread.daemon = True # 设置为守护线程 thread.start() print("[i] running HTTP server at '%s:%d'" % (HTTP_ADDRESS, HTTP_PORT)) if __name__ == "__main__": + """主程序入口""" try: start_httpd() - + # 保持程序运行 while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: diff --git a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ index ca7e37e..cec4e22 100644 --- a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ +++ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ @@ -5,73 +5,98 @@ Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers ( See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ -import re - -from lib.core.agent import agent -from lib.core.bigarray import BigArray -from lib.core.common import Backend -from lib.core.common import filterNone -from lib.core.common import getSafeExString -from lib.core.common import isNoneValue -from lib.core.common import isNumPosStrValue -from lib.core.common import singleTimeWarnMessage -from lib.core.common import unArrayizeValue -from lib.core.common import unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming -from lib.core.compat import xrange -from lib.core.convert import getUnicode -from import conf -from import kb -from import logger -from import queries -from lib.core.dicts import DUMP_REPLACEMENTS -from lib.core.enums import CHARSET_TYPE -from lib.core.enums import EXPECTED -from lib.core.exception import SqlmapConnectionException -from lib.core.exception import SqlmapNoneDataException -from lib.core.settings import MAX_INT -from lib.core.settings import NULL -from lib.core.settings import SINGLE_QUOTE_MARKER -from lib.core.unescaper import unescaper -from lib.request import inject -from lib.utils.safe2bin import safechardecode -from thirdparty.six import unichr as _unichr +# 导入所需的模块 +import re # 正则表达式模块 + +# 导入sqlmap自定义模块 +from lib.core.agent import agent # SQL语句处理代理 +from lib.core.bigarray import BigArray # 大数组数据结构 +from lib.core.common import Backend # 数据库后端 +from lib.core.common import filterNone # 过滤None值 +from lib.core.common import getSafeExString # 安全获取异常字符串 +from lib.core.common import isNoneValue # 判断是否为None值 +from lib.core.common import isNumPosStrValue # 判断是否为正数字符串 +from lib.core.common import singleTimeWarnMessage # 单次警告消息 +from lib.core.common import unArrayizeValue # 数组值转换 +from lib.core.common import unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming # SQL标识符命名 +from lib.core.compat import xrange # 兼容Python2/3的range +from lib.core.convert import getUnicode # 转换为Unicode +from import conf # 配置数据 +from import kb # 知识库数据 +from import logger # 日志记录器 +from import queries # SQL查询语句 +from lib.core.dicts import DUMP_REPLACEMENTS # 转储替换字典 +from lib.core.enums import CHARSET_TYPE # 字符集类型 +from lib.core.enums import EXPECTED # 期望值类型 +from lib.core.exception import SqlmapConnectionException # 连接异常 +from lib.core.exception import SqlmapNoneDataException # 空数据异常 +from lib.core.settings import MAX_INT # 最大整数值 +from lib.core.settings import NULL # NULL值 +from lib.core.settings import SINGLE_QUOTE_MARKER # 单引号标记 +from lib.core.unescaper import unescaper # SQL转义处理 +from lib.request import inject # SQL注入 +from lib.utils.safe2bin import safechardecode # 安全字符解码 +from thirdparty.six import unichr as _unichr # Unicode字符处理 def pivotDumpTable(table, colList, count=None, blind=True, alias=None): - lengths = {} - entries = {} - + """ + 数据透视表转储函数 + + 参数: + table - 要转储的表名 + colList - 列名列表 + count - 记录数(可选) + blind - 是否使用盲注(默认True) + alias - 表别名(可选) + """ + + # 初始化存储结构 + lengths = {} # 存储每列的最大长度 + entries = {} # 存储每列的数据 + + # 获取当前数据库对应的转储查询语句 dumpNode = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].dump_table.blind - validColumnList = False - validPivotValue = False + # 初始化验证标志 + validColumnList = False # 列表是否有效 + validPivotValue = False # 透视值是否有效 + # 如果没有提供记录数,则查询获取 if count is None: query = dumpNode.count % table - query = agent.whereQuery(query) + query = agent.whereQuery(query) # 添加WHERE子句 + # 根据注入方式获取记录数 count = inject.getValue(query, union=False, error=False, expected=EXPECTED.INT, charsetType=CHARSET_TYPE.DIGITS) if blind else inject.getValue(query, blind=False, time=False, expected=EXPECTED.INT) + # 验证记录数的有效性 if hasattr(count, "isdigit") and count.isdigit(): count = int(count) + # 处理空表情况 if count == 0: infoMsg = "table '%s' appears to be empty" % unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table) + # 初始化空表的返回结构 for column in colList: lengths[column] = len(column) entries[column] = [] return entries, lengths + # 检查记录数是否有效 elif not isNumPosStrValue(count): return None + # 初始化每列的数据结构 for column in colList: lengths[column] = 0 entries[column] = BigArray() + # 按列名长度排序列表 colList = filterNone(sorted(colList, key=lambda x: len(x) if x else MAX_INT)) + # 处理指定的透视列 if conf.pivotColumn: for _ in colList: if"(.+\.)?%s" % re.escape(conf.pivotColumn), _, re.I): @@ -79,23 +104,27 @@ def pivotDumpTable(table, colList, count=None, blind=True, alias=None): infoMsg += "for retrieving row data" + # 将透视列移到列表首位 colList.remove(_) colList.insert(0, _) validPivotValue = True break + # 透视列未找到时发出警告 if not validPivotValue: warnMsg = "column '%s' not " % conf.pivotColumn warnMsg += "found in table '%s'" % table logger.warning(warnMsg) + # 如果没有有效的透视值,则自动选择合适的透视列 if not validPivotValue: for column in colList: infoMsg = "fetching number of distinct " infoMsg += "values for column '%s'" % column.replace(("%s." % alias) if alias else "", "") + # 查询列的唯一值数量 query = dumpNode.count2 % (column, table) query = agent.whereQuery(query) value = inject.getValue(query, blind=blind, union=not blind, error=not blind, expected=EXPECTED.INT, charsetType=CHARSET_TYPE.DIGITS) @@ -103,6 +132,7 @@ def pivotDumpTable(table, colList, count=None, blind=True, alias=None): if isNumPosStrValue(value): validColumnList = True + # 如果唯一值数量等于记录数,则选为透视列 if value == count: infoMsg = "using column '%s' as a pivot " % column.replace(("%s." % alias) if alias else "", "") infoMsg += "for retrieving row data" @@ -113,37 +143,53 @@ def pivotDumpTable(table, colList, count=None, blind=True, alias=None): colList.insert(0, column) break + # 处理无效列名情况 if not validColumnList: errMsg = "all provided column name(s) are non-existent" raise SqlmapNoneDataException(errMsg) + # 没有合适的透视列时发出警告 if not validPivotValue: warnMsg = "no proper pivot column provided (with unique values)." warnMsg += " It won't be possible to retrieve all rows" logger.warning(warnMsg) - pivotValue = " " - breakRetrieval = False + pivotValue = " " # 初始透视值 + breakRetrieval = False # 中断检索标志 + # 内部查询函数 def _(column, pivotValue): + """ + 执行单个值的查询 + + 参数: + column - 列名 + pivotValue - 透视值 + """ if column == colList[0]: + # 透视列的查询 query = dumpNode.query.replace("'%s'" if unescaper.escape(pivotValue, False) != pivotValue else "%s", "%s") % (agent.preprocessField(table, column), table, agent.preprocessField(table, column), unescaper.escape(pivotValue, False)) else: + # 非透视列的查询 query = dumpNode.query2.replace("'%s'" if unescaper.escape(pivotValue, False) != pivotValue else "%s", "%s") % (agent.preprocessField(table, column), table, agent.preprocessField(table, colList[0]), unescaper.escape(pivotValue, False) if SINGLE_QUOTE_MARKER not in dumpNode.query2 else pivotValue) query = agent.whereQuery(query) return unArrayizeValue(inject.getValue(query, blind=blind, time=blind, union=not blind, error=not blind)) try: + # 主循环:遍历所有记录 for i in xrange(count): if breakRetrieval: break + # 遍历每一列 for column in colList: value = _(column, pivotValue) if column == colList[0]: + # 处理透视列的特殊情况 if isNoneValue(value): try: + # 尝试不同的透视值 for pivotValue in filterNone((" " if pivotValue == " " else None, "%s%s" % (pivotValue[0], _unichr(ord(pivotValue[1]) + 1)) if len(pivotValue) > 1 else None, _unichr(ord(pivotValue[0]) + 1))): value = _(column, pivotValue) if not isNoneValue(value): @@ -151,12 +197,14 @@ def pivotDumpTable(table, colList, count=None, blind=True, alias=None): except ValueError: pass + # 检查是否需要中断检索 if isNoneValue(value) or value == NULL: breakRetrieval = True break pivotValue = safechardecode(value) + # 处理LIMIT语句 if conf.limitStart or conf.limitStop: if conf.limitStart and (i + 1) < conf.limitStart: warnMsg = "skipping first %d pivot " % conf.limitStart @@ -167,12 +215,16 @@ def pivotDumpTable(table, colList, count=None, blind=True, alias=None): breakRetrieval = True break + # 处理获取到的值 value = "" if isNoneValue(value) else unArrayizeValue(value) + # 更新列的最大长度 lengths[column] = max(lengths[column], len(DUMP_REPLACEMENTS.get(getUnicode(value), getUnicode(value)))) + # 添加值到结果集 entries[column].append(value) except KeyboardInterrupt: + # 处理用户中断 kb.dumpKeyboardInterrupt = True warnMsg = "user aborted during enumeration. sqlmap " @@ -180,9 +232,11 @@ def pivotDumpTable(table, colList, count=None, blind=True, alias=None): logger.warning(warnMsg) except SqlmapConnectionException as ex: + # 处理连接异常 errMsg = "connection exception detected ('%s'). sqlmap " % getSafeExString(ex) errMsg += "will display partial output" logger.critical(errMsg) + # 返回结果 return entries, lengths diff --git a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ index 95f7568..ffc35c2 100644 --- a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ +++ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ @@ -5,42 +5,57 @@ Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers ( See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ -from __future__ import division +# 导入必要的模块 +from __future__ import division # 确保除法运算返回浮点数 -import time +import time # 用于计时功能 -from lib.core.common import dataToStdout -from lib.core.convert import getUnicode -from import conf -from import kb +# 导入自定义模块 +from lib.core.common import dataToStdout # 用于向标准输出写入数据 +from lib.core.convert import getUnicode # 用于字符串Unicode转换 +from import conf # 配置相关 +from import kb # 知识库相关 class ProgressBar(object): """ - This class defines methods to update and draw a progress bar + 这个类定义了更新和绘制进度条的方法 """ def __init__(self, minValue=0, maxValue=10, totalWidth=None): - self._progBar = "[]" - self._min = int(minValue) - self._max = int(maxValue) - self._span = max(self._max - self._min, 0.001) - self._width = totalWidth if totalWidth else conf.progressWidth - self._amount = 0 - self._start = None - self.update() + """ + 初始化进度条 + 参数: + minValue: 最小值(默认0) + maxValue: 最大值(默认10) + totalWidth: 进度条总宽度(如果为None则使用配置中的宽度) + """ + self._progBar = "[]" # 进度条的基本形状 + self._min = int(minValue) # 最小值 + self._max = int(maxValue) # 最大值 + self._span = max(self._max - self._min, 0.001) # 计算范围(避免除以0) + self._width = totalWidth if totalWidth else conf.progressWidth # 设置进度条宽度 + self._amount = 0 # 当前进度值 + self._start = None # 开始时间 + self.update() # 初始化时更新一次 def _convertSeconds(self, value): + """ + 将秒数转换为分:秒格式 + 例如: 90秒 -> "01:30" + """ seconds = value - minutes = seconds // 60 - seconds = seconds - (minutes * 60) + minutes = seconds // 60 # 计算分钟数 + seconds = seconds - (minutes * 60) # 计算剩余秒数 - return "%.2d:%.2d" % (minutes, seconds) + return "%.2d:%.2d" % (minutes, seconds) # 返回格式化的时间字符串 def update(self, newAmount=0): """ - This method updates the progress bar + 更新进度条的状态 + 参数: + newAmount: 新的进度值 """ - + # 确保进度值在合理范围内 if newAmount < self._min: newAmount = self._min elif newAmount > self._max: @@ -48,57 +63,67 @@ class ProgressBar(object): self._amount = newAmount - # Figure out the new percent done, round to an integer + # 计算完成百分比 diffFromMin = float(self._amount - self._min) percentDone = (diffFromMin / float(self._span)) * 100.0 percentDone = round(percentDone) percentDone = min(100, int(percentDone)) - # Figure out how many hash bars the percentage should be + # 计算需要显示多少个等号作为进度标记 allFull = self._width - len("100%% [] %s/%s (ETA 00:00)" % (self._max, self._max)) numHashes = (percentDone / 100.0) * allFull numHashes = int(round(numHashes)) - # Build a progress bar with an arrow of equal signs - if numHashes == 0: + # 构建进度条字符串 + if numHashes == 0: # 0%进度 self._progBar = "[>%s]" % (" " * (allFull - 1)) - elif numHashes == allFull: + elif numHashes == allFull: # 100%进度 self._progBar = "[%s]" % ("=" * allFull) - else: + else: # 部分进度 self._progBar = "[%s>%s]" % ("=" * (numHashes - 1), " " * (allFull - numHashes)) - # Add the percentage at the beginning of the progress bar + # 在进度条开头添加百分比 percentString = getUnicode(percentDone) + "%" self._progBar = "%s %s" % (percentString, self._progBar) def progress(self, newAmount): """ - This method saves item delta time and shows updated progress bar with calculated eta + 保存时间增量并显示更新后的进度条及预计完成时间 + 参数: + newAmount: 新的进度值 """ - + # 计算预计完成时间(ETA) if self._start is None or newAmount > self._max: self._start = time.time() eta = None else: - delta = time.time() - self._start - eta = (self._max - self._min) * (1.0 * delta / newAmount) - delta + delta = time.time() - self._start # 计算已经过时间 + eta = (self._max - self._min) * (1.0 * delta / newAmount) - delta # 估算剩余时间 - self.update(newAmount) - self.draw(eta) + self.update(newAmount) # 更新进度 + self.draw(eta) # 绘制进度条 def draw(self, eta=None): """ - This method draws the progress bar if it has changed + 如果进度发生变化则绘制进度条 + 参数: + eta: 预计完成时间(秒) """ - - dataToStdout("\r%s %d/%d%s" % (self._progBar, self._amount, self._max, (" (ETA %s)" % (self._convertSeconds(int(eta)) if eta is not None else "??:??")))) + # 在同一行更新进度条显示 + dataToStdout("\r%s %d/%d%s" % ( + self._progBar, # 进度条 + self._amount, # 当前进度 + self._max, # 最大值 + (" (ETA %s)" % (self._convertSeconds(int(eta)) if eta is not None else "??:??")) # 显示预计完成时间 + )) + + # 当进度达到最大值时清除进度条 if self._amount >= self._max: dataToStdout("\r%s\r" % (" " * self._width)) kb.prependFlag = False def __str__(self): """ - This method returns the progress bar string + 返回进度条的字符串表示 """ - return getUnicode(self._progBar) diff --git a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ index 9886fb0..75238f7 100644 --- a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ +++ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ @@ -5,40 +5,49 @@ Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers ( See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ -import functools -import os -import random -import shutil -import stat -import string +# 导入所需的标准库和自定义模块 +import functools # 用于高阶函数和操作 +import os # 提供与操作系统交互的功能 +import random # 用于生成随机数 +import shutil # 提供高级文件操作 +import stat # 提供文件属性相关常量 +import string # 提供字符串常量 -from lib.core.common import getSafeExString -from lib.core.common import openFile -from lib.core.compat import xrange -from lib.core.convert import getUnicode -from import logger -from thirdparty.six import unichr as _unichr +# 导入自定义工具函数 +from lib.core.common import getSafeExString # 安全地获取异常字符串 +from lib.core.common import openFile # 安全地打开文件 +from lib.core.compat import xrange # 兼容Python2/3的range函数 +from lib.core.convert import getUnicode # 转换为Unicode字符串 +from import logger # 日志记录器 +from thirdparty.six import unichr as _unichr # 兼容Python2/3的unichr函数 def purge(directory): """ - Safely removes content from a given directory + 安全地删除指定目录的所有内容 + 参数: + directory: 要清理的目录路径 """ + # 检查目录是否存在 if not os.path.isdir(directory): warnMsg = "skipping purging of directory '%s' as it does not exist" % directory logger.warning(warnMsg) return + # 输出开始清理的信息 infoMsg = "purging content of directory '%s'..." % directory + # 初始化存储文件路径和目录路径的列表 filepaths = [] dirpaths = [] + # 遍历目录树,收集所有文件和目录的绝对路径 for rootpath, directories, filenames in os.walk(directory): dirpaths.extend(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(rootpath, _)) for _ in directories) filepaths.extend(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(rootpath, _)) for _ in filenames) + # 第一步:修改所有文件的权限为可读可写 logger.debug("changing file attributes") for filepath in filepaths: try: @@ -46,6 +55,7 @@ def purge(directory): except: pass + # 第二步:用随机数据覆盖文件内容 logger.debug("writing random data to files") for filepath in filepaths: try: @@ -55,6 +65,7 @@ def purge(directory): except: pass + # 第三步:清空所有文件 logger.debug("truncating files") for filepath in filepaths: try: @@ -63,6 +74,7 @@ def purge(directory): except: pass + # 第四步:将文件名替换为随机字母组合 logger.debug("renaming filenames to random values") for filepath in filepaths: try: @@ -70,8 +82,10 @@ def purge(directory): except: pass + # 按目录深度排序,确保先处理最深的目录 dirpaths.sort(key=functools.cmp_to_key(lambda x, y: y.count(os.path.sep) - x.count(os.path.sep))) + # 第五步:将目录名替换为随机字母组合 logger.debug("renaming directory names to random values") for dirpath in dirpaths: try: @@ -79,6 +93,7 @@ def purge(directory): except: pass + # 最后一步:删除整个目录树 logger.debug("deleting the whole directory tree") try: shutil.rmtree(directory) diff --git a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ index b1da5db..52bd972 100644 --- a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ +++ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ @@ -5,44 +5,55 @@ Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers ( See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ -import binascii -import re -import string -import sys +# 导入所需的标准库 +import binascii # 用于二进制和ASCII转换 +import re # 用于正则表达式操作 +import string # 提供字符串常量和工具 +import sys # 提供系统相关的功能 +# 判断Python版本是否为Python 3及以上 PY3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0) +# 根据Python版本设置不同的类型别名 if PY3: - xrange = range - text_type = str - string_types = (str,) - unichr = chr + xrange = range # Python 3中range替代了xrange + text_type = str # Python 3中str即为文本类型 + string_types = (str,) # Python 3中字符串类型只有str + unichr = chr # Python 3中chr替代了unichr else: - text_type = unicode - string_types = (basestring,) + text_type = unicode # Python 2中使用unicode作为文本类型 + string_types = (basestring,) # Python 2中的字符串基类 -# Regex used for recognition of hex encoded characters +# 用于识别十六进制编码字符的正则表达式 HEX_ENCODED_CHAR_REGEX = r"(?P\\x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})" -# Raw chars that will be safe encoded to their slash (\) representations (e.g. newline to \n) +# 需要被安全编码为反斜杠表示的原始字符(如换行符编码为\n) SAFE_ENCODE_SLASH_REPLACEMENTS = "\t\n\r\x0b\x0c" -# Characters that don't need to be safe encoded +# 不需要安全编码的字符集合 +# 包含所有可打印字符,但不包含反斜杠和上面定义的需要特殊处理的字符 SAFE_CHARS = "".join([_ for _ in string.printable.replace('\\', '') if _ not in SAFE_ENCODE_SLASH_REPLACEMENTS]) -# Prefix used for hex encoded values +# 十六进制编码值的前缀 HEX_ENCODED_PREFIX = r"\x" -# Strings used for temporary marking of hex encoded prefixes (to prevent double encoding) +# 用于临时标记十六进制编码前缀的字符串(防止重复编码) HEX_ENCODED_PREFIX_MARKER = "__HEX_ENCODED_PREFIX__" -# String used for temporary marking of slash characters +# 用于临时标记反斜杠字符的字符串 SLASH_MARKER = "__SLASH__" def safecharencode(value): """ - Returns safe representation of a given basestring value - + 将给定的字符串值转换为安全的表示形式 + + 参数: + value: 需要编码的值,可以是字符串或列表 + + 返回: + 编码后的安全字符串或处理后的列表 + + 示例: >>> safecharencode(u'test123') == u'test123' True >>> safecharencode(u'test\x01\x02\xaf') == u'test\\\\x01\\\\x02\\xaf' @@ -51,35 +62,48 @@ def safecharencode(value): retVal = value - if isinstance(value, string_types): - if any(_ not in SAFE_CHARS for _ in value): + if isinstance(value, string_types): # 如果输入是字符串类型 + if any(_ not in SAFE_CHARS for _ in value): # 检查是否包含不安全字符 + # 临时替换已有的十六进制编码前缀和反斜杠 retVal = retVal.replace(HEX_ENCODED_PREFIX, HEX_ENCODED_PREFIX_MARKER) retVal = retVal.replace('\\', SLASH_MARKER) + # 处理特殊字符(如\n, \t等) for char in SAFE_ENCODE_SLASH_REPLACEMENTS: retVal = retVal.replace(char, repr(char).strip('\'')) + # 将不可打印字符转换为十六进制表示 for char in set(retVal): if not (char in string.printable or isinstance(value, text_type) and ord(char) >= 160): retVal = retVal.replace(char, '\\x%02x' % ord(char)) + # 恢复临时替换的标记 retVal = retVal.replace(SLASH_MARKER, "\\\\") retVal = retVal.replace(HEX_ENCODED_PREFIX_MARKER, HEX_ENCODED_PREFIX) - elif isinstance(value, list): + elif isinstance(value, list): # 如果输入是列表 for i in xrange(len(value)): - retVal[i] = safecharencode(value[i]) + retVal[i] = safecharencode(value[i]) # 递归处理列表中的每个元素 return retVal def safechardecode(value, binary=False): """ - Reverse function to safecharencode + safecharencode的反向函数,将安全编码的字符串解码回原始形式 + + 参数: + value: 需要解码的值,可以是字符串或列表 + binary: 是否返回二进制格式,默认为False + + 返回: + 解码后的原始字符串或处理后的列表 """ retVal = value - if isinstance(value, string_types): + if isinstance(value, string_types): # 如果输入是字符串类型 + # 临时替换反斜杠 retVal = retVal.replace('\\\\', SLASH_MARKER) + # 解码所有十六进制编码的字符 while True: match =, retVal) if match: @@ -87,17 +111,20 @@ def safechardecode(value, binary=False): else: break + # 还原特殊字符 for char in SAFE_ENCODE_SLASH_REPLACEMENTS[::-1]: retVal = retVal.replace(repr(char).strip('\''), char) + # 恢复反斜杠 retVal = retVal.replace(SLASH_MARKER, '\\') + # 如果需要二进制格式 if binary: if isinstance(retVal, text_type): retVal = retVal.encode("utf8", errors="surrogatepass" if PY3 else "strict") - elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): + elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): # 如果输入是列表或元组 for i in xrange(len(value)): - retVal[i] = safechardecode(value[i]) + retVal[i] = safechardecode(value[i]) # 递归处理每个元素 return retVal diff --git a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ index dd0b040..9aa04b8 100644 --- a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ +++ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ @@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers ( See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ +# 导入所需的标准库和第三方库 import re import socket +# 导入自定义工具函数 from lib.core.common import getSafeExString from lib.core.common import popValue from lib.core.common import pushValue @@ -39,50 +41,63 @@ from thirdparty.socks import socks def _search(dork): """ - This method performs the effective search on Google providing - the google dork and the Google session cookie + 该方法使用Google搜索引擎执行实际的搜索操作 + 参数: + dork: 搜索关键词 + 返回: + 搜索结果URL列表,如果搜索失败则返回None """ + # 如果搜索关键词为空则返回None if not dork: return None + # 初始化变量 page = None data = None requestHeaders = {} responseHeaders = {} + # 设置HTTP请求头 requestHeaders[HTTP_HEADER.USER_AGENT] = dict(conf.httpHeaders).get(HTTP_HEADER.USER_AGENT, DUMMY_SEARCH_USER_AGENT) requestHeaders[HTTP_HEADER.ACCEPT_ENCODING] = HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING_HEADER_VALUE requestHeaders[HTTP_HEADER.COOKIE] = GOOGLE_CONSENT_COOKIE try: + # 首先访问Google的NCR(No Country Redirect)页面 req = _urllib.request.Request("", headers=requestHeaders) conn = _urllib.request.urlopen(req) except Exception as ex: errMsg = "unable to connect to Google ('%s')" % getSafeExString(ex) raise SqlmapConnectionException(errMsg) + # 获取搜索结果页码 gpage = conf.googlePage if conf.googlePage > 1 else 1"using search result page #%d" % gpage) - url = "" # NOTE: if consent fails, try to use the "http://" + # 构造Google搜索URL + url = "" # 如果consent失败,尝试使用"http://" url += "q=%s&" % urlencode(dork, convall=True) url += "num=100&hl=en&complete=0&safe=off&filter=0&btnG=Search" url += "&start=%d" % ((gpage - 1) * 100) try: + # 发送搜索请求 req = _urllib.request.Request(url, headers=requestHeaders) conn = _urllib.request.urlopen(req) + # 记录请求日志 requestMsg = "HTTP request:\nGET %s" % url requestMsg += " %s" % _http_client.HTTPConnection._http_vsn_str logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.TRAFFIC_OUT, requestMsg) + # 获取响应内容 page = code = conn.code status = conn.msg responseHeaders = + # 记录响应日志 responseMsg = "HTTP response (%s - %d):\n" % (status, code) if conf.verbose <= 4: @@ -93,6 +108,7 @@ def _search(dork): logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.TRAFFIC_IN, responseMsg) except _urllib.error.HTTPError as ex: try: + # 处理HTTP错误 page = responseHeaders = except Exception as _: @@ -104,12 +120,15 @@ def _search(dork): errMsg = "unable to connect to Google" raise SqlmapConnectionException(errMsg) + # 解码页面内容 page = decodePage(page, responseHeaders.get(HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_ENCODING), responseHeaders.get(HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_TYPE)) - page = getUnicode(page) # Note: if decodePage call fails (Issue #4202) + page = getUnicode(page) # 如果decodePage调用失败的处理(Issue #4202) + # 使用正则表达式提取搜索结果URL retVal = [_urllib.parse.unquote( or for match in re.finditer(GOOGLE_REGEX, page, re.I)] + # 检查是否被Google检测为异常流量 if not retVal and "detected unusual traffic" in page: warnMsg = "Google has detected 'unusual' traffic from " warnMsg += "used IP address disabling further searches" @@ -119,6 +138,7 @@ def _search(dork): else: logger.critical(warnMsg) + # 如果Google搜索失败,提供备选搜索引擎选项 if not retVal: message = "no usable links found. What do you want to do?" message += "\n[1] (re)try with DuckDuckGo (default)" @@ -129,27 +149,33 @@ def _search(dork): if choice == '3': raise SqlmapUserQuitException elif choice == '2': + # 使用Bing搜索 url = "" % (urlencode(dork, convall=True), (gpage - 1) * 10 + 1) regex = BING_REGEX else: + # 使用DuckDuckGo搜索 url = "" data = "q=%s&s=%d" % (urlencode(dork, convall=True), (gpage - 1) * 30) regex = DUCKDUCKGO_REGEX try: + # 发送备选搜索引擎请求 req = _urllib.request.Request(url, data=getBytes(data), headers=requestHeaders) conn = _urllib.request.urlopen(req) + # 记录请求日志 requestMsg = "HTTP request:\nGET %s" % url requestMsg += " %s" % _http_client.HTTPConnection._http_vsn_str logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.TRAFFIC_OUT, requestMsg) + # 获取响应内容 page = code = conn.code status = conn.msg responseHeaders = page = decodePage(page, responseHeaders.get("Content-Encoding"), responseHeaders.get("Content-Type")) + # 记录响应日志 responseMsg = "HTTP response (%s - %d):\n" % (status, code) if conf.verbose <= 4: @@ -160,6 +186,7 @@ def _search(dork): logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.TRAFFIC_IN, responseMsg) except _urllib.error.HTTPError as ex: try: + # 处理HTTP错误 page = page = decodePage(page, ex.headers.get("Content-Encoding"), ex.headers.get("Content-Type")) except socket.timeout: @@ -171,10 +198,12 @@ def _search(dork): errMsg = "unable to connect" raise SqlmapConnectionException(errMsg) - page = getUnicode(page) # Note: if decodePage call fails (Issue #4202) + page = getUnicode(page) # 如果decodePage调用失败的处理(Issue #4202) + # 使用相应的正则表达式提取搜索结果URL retVal = [_urllib.parse.unquote("&", "&")) for match in re.finditer(regex, page, re.I | re.S)] + # 检查是否被DuckDuckGo检测为异常流量 if not retVal and "issue with the Tor Exit Node you are currently using" in page: warnMsg = "DuckDuckGo has detected 'unusual' traffic from " warnMsg += "used (Tor) IP address" @@ -188,6 +217,13 @@ def _search(dork): @stackedmethod def search(dork): + """ + 搜索函数的包装器,处理重定向和代理相关的逻辑 + 参数: + dork: 搜索关键词 + 返回: + 搜索结果URL列表 + """ pushValue(kb.choices.redirect) kb.choices.redirect = REDIRECTION.YES @@ -209,5 +245,5 @@ def search(dork): finally: kb.choices.redirect = popValue() -def setHTTPHandlers(): # Cross-referenced function +def setHTTPHandlers(): # 交叉引用的函数 raise NotImplementedError diff --git a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ index afcdff9..6d44582 100644 --- a/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ +++ b/src/sqlmap-master/lib/utils/ @@ -1,141 +1,165 @@ -"""A parser for SGML, using the derived class as a static DTD.""" +"""一个用于解析SGML的解析器,使用派生类作为静态DTD(文档类型定义)。""" -# Note: missing in Python3 +# 注意:Python3中已移除此模块 -# XXX This only supports those SGML features used by HTML. +# XXX 这个解析器只支持HTML中使用的SGML特性 -# XXX There should be a way to distinguish between PCDATA (parsed -# character data -- the normal case), RCDATA (replaceable character -# data -- only char and entity references and end tags are special) -# and CDATA (character data -- only end tags are special). RCDATA is -# not supported at all. +# XXX 应该有一种方法来区分以下三种数据类型: +# PCDATA(解析字符数据 - 正常情况) +# RCDATA(可替换字符数据 - 只有字符、实体引用和结束标签是特殊的) +# CDATA(字符数据 - 只有结束标签是特殊的) +# 目前不支持RCDATA from __future__ import print_function try: - import _markupbase as markupbase + import _markupbase as markupbase # 尝试导入_markupbase模块 except: - import markupbase + import markupbase # 如果失败则导入markupbase模块 -import re +import re # 导入正则表达式模块 -__all__ = ["SGMLParser", "SGMLParseError"] - -# Regular expressions used for parsing +__all__ = ["SGMLParser", "SGMLParseError"] # 指定可被导入的公共接口 +# 用于解析的正则表达式定义 +# 匹配有趣的字符(&和<) interesting = re.compile('[&<]') + +# 匹配不完整的标签或实体引用 incomplete = re.compile('&([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*|#[0-9]*)?|' '<([a-zA-Z][^<>]*|' '/([a-zA-Z][^<>]*)?|' '![^<>]*)?') +# 匹配实体引用,如& entityref = re.compile('&([a-zA-Z][-.a-zA-Z0-9]*)[^a-zA-Z0-9]') + +# 匹配字符引用,如  charref = re.compile('&#([0-9]+)[^0-9]') +# 匹配开始标签的开头 starttagopen = re.compile('<[>a-zA-Z]') + +# 匹配简写标签的开头,如 piclose = re.compile('>') + +# 匹配尖括号 endbracket = re.compile('[<>]') + +# 匹配标签名 tagfind = re.compile('[a-zA-Z][-_.a-zA-Z0-9]*') + +# 匹配属性 attrfind = re.compile( r'\s*([a-zA-Z_][-:.a-zA-Z_0-9]*)(\s*=\s*' r'(\'[^\']*\'|"[^"]*"|[][\-a-zA-Z0-9./,:;+*%?!&$\(\)_#=~\'"@]*))?') class SGMLParseError(RuntimeError): - """Exception raised for all parse errors.""" + """解析错误时抛出的异常类""" pass -# SGML parser base class -- find tags and call handler functions. -# Usage: p = SGMLParser(); p.feed(data); ...; p.close(). -# The dtd is defined by deriving a class which defines methods -# with special names to handle tags: start_foo and end_foo to handle -# and , respectively, or do_foo to handle by itself. -# (Tags are converted to lower case for this purpose.) The data -# between tags is passed to the parser by calling self.handle_data() -# with some data as argument (the data may be split up in arbitrary -# chunks). Entity references are passed by calling -# self.handle_entityref() with the entity reference as argument. - class SGMLParser(markupbase.ParserBase): - # Definition of entities -- derived classes may override + """SGML解析器基类 - 查找标签并调用处理函数 + + 用法: p = SGMLParser(); p.feed(data); ...; p.close() + + DTD通过派生类定义,派生类需要定义特殊名称的方法来处理标签: + - start_foo和end_foo分别处理 + - 或者do_foo单独处理 + (标签名会被转换为小写) + + 标签之间的数据通过调用self.handle_data(data)传递给解析器 + 实体引用通过调用self.handle_entityref(name)传递 + """ + + # 实体或字符引用的正则表达式 entity_or_charref = re.compile('&(?:' '([a-zA-Z][-.a-zA-Z0-9]*)|#([0-9]+)' ')(;?)') def __init__(self, verbose=0): - """Initialize and reset this instance.""" - self.verbose = verbose + """初始化并重置实例""" + self.verbose = verbose # 是否输出详细信息 self.reset() def reset(self): - """Reset this instance. Loses all unprocessed data.""" - self.__starttag_text = None - self.rawdata = '' - self.stack = [] - self.lasttag = '???' - self.nomoretags = 0 - self.literal = 0 + """重置实例状态,丢弃所有未处理的数据""" + self.__starttag_text = None # 开始标签的原始文本 + self.rawdata = '' # 原始数据 + self.stack = [] # 标签栈 + self.lasttag = '???' # 最后处理的标签 + self.nomoretags = 0 # 是否停止处理标签 + self.literal = 0 # 是否处于文字模式 markupbase.ParserBase.reset(self) def setnomoretags(self): - """Enter literal mode (CDATA) till EOF. - - Intended for derived classes only. + """进入文字模式(CDATA)直到文件结束 + + 仅供派生类使用 """ self.nomoretags = self.literal = 1 def setliteral(self, *args): - """Enter literal mode (CDATA). - - Intended for derived classes only. + """进入文字模式(CDATA) + + 仅供派生类使用 """ self.literal = 1 def feed(self, data): - """Feed some data to the parser. - - Call this as often as you want, with as little or as much text - as you want (may include '\n'). (This just saves the text, - all the processing is done by goahead().) + """向解析器提供数据 + + 可以多次调用,每次提供任意长度的文本(可以包含换行符) + 这个方法只是保存文本,实际处理由goahead()完成 """ - self.rawdata = self.rawdata + data self.goahead(0) def close(self): - """Handle the remaining data.""" + """处理剩余数据""" self.goahead(1) def error(self, message): + """抛出解析错误异常""" raise SGMLParseError(message) - # Internal -- handle data as far as reasonable. May leave state - # and data to be processed by a subsequent call. If 'end' is - # true, force handling all data as if followed by EOF marker. def goahead(self, end): + """内部方法 - 尽可能处理数据 + + 可能会留下状态和数据等待后续调用处理 + 如果end为True,则强制处理所有数据 + """ rawdata = self.rawdata - i = 0 + i = 0 # 当前处理位置 n = len(rawdata) while i < n: - if self.nomoretags: + if self.nomoretags: # 如果在文字模式下 self.handle_data(rawdata[i:n]) i = n break + # 查找下一个特殊字符(&或<) match =, i) if match: j = match.start() else: j = n + # 处理普通文本 if i < j: self.handle_data(rawdata[i:j]) i = j if i == n: break + # 处理标签和实体引用 if rawdata[i] == '<': - if starttagopen.match(rawdata, i): + if starttagopen.match(rawdata, i): # 开始标签 if self.literal: self.handle_data(rawdata[i]) i = i + 1 @@ -145,7 +169,7 @@ class SGMLParser(markupbase.ParserBase): break i = k continue - if rawdata.startswith(". - # This should be removed, - # and comments handled only in parse_declaration. + if rawdata.startswith("