@ -5,114 +5,114 @@ Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers (https://sqlmap.org/)
See the file ' LICENSE ' for copying permission
import sys
import sys # 导入sys模块, 用于处理与Python解释器相关的操作
sys . dont_write_bytecode = True
sys . dont_write_bytecode = True # 设置不生成.pyc字节码文件, 以减少磁盘空间占用和加载时间
__import__ ( " lib.utils.versioncheck " ) # this has to be the first non-standard import
__import__ ( " lib.utils.versioncheck " ) # 动态导入lib.utils.versioncheck模块, 通常用于检查版本兼容性
import logging
import os
import warnings
import logging # 导入logging模块, 用于记录日志信息
import os # 导入os模块, 用于与操作系统进行交互
import warnings # 导入warnings模块, 用于处理警告信息
warnings . filterwarnings ( action = " ignore " , category = UserWarning )
warnings . filterwarnings ( action = " ignore " , category = DeprecationWarning )
warnings . filterwarnings ( action = " ignore " , category = UserWarning ) # 忽略所有UserWarning类别的警告
warnings . filterwarnings ( action = " ignore " , category = DeprecationWarning ) # 忽略所有DeprecationWarning类别的警告
try :
from optparse import OptionGroup
from optparse import OptionParser as ArgumentParser
from optparse import OptionGroup # 从optparse模块导入OptionGroup类, 用于处理命令行选项组
from optparse import OptionParser as ArgumentParser # 从optparse模块导入OptionParser类, 并将其重命名为ArgumentParser
ArgumentParser . add_argument = ArgumentParser . add_option
ArgumentParser . add_argument = ArgumentParser . add_option # 将ArgumentParser的add_option方法重命名为add_argument, 以兼容argparse的API
def _add_argument ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
def _add_argument ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) : # 定义一个辅助函数_add_argument, 用于将add_argument方法映射到add_option方法
return self . add_option ( * args , * * kwargs )
OptionGroup . add_argument = _add_argument
except ImportError :
from argparse import ArgumentParser
finally :
def get_actions ( instance ) :
for attr in ( " option_list " , " _group_actions " , " _actions " ) :
if hasattr ( instance , attr ) :
return getattr ( instance , attr )
def get_groups ( parser ) :
return getattr ( parser , " option_groups " , None ) or getattr ( parser , " _action_groups " )
def get_all_options ( parser ) :
retVal = set ( )
for option in get_actions ( parser ) :
if hasattr ( option , " option_strings " ) :
retVal . update ( option . option_strings )
else :
retVal . update ( option . _long_opts )
retVal . update ( option . _short_opts )
for group in get_groups ( parser ) :
for option in get_actions ( group ) :
if hasattr ( option , " option_strings " ) :
retVal . update ( option . option_strings )
else :
retVal . update ( option . _long_opts )
retVal . update ( option . _short_opts )
return retVal
from lib . core . common import getUnicode
from lib . core . common import setPaths
from lib . core . data import logger
from lib . core . patch import dirtyPatches
from lib . core . patch import resolveCrossReferences
from lib . core . settings import RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADAPTER
from lib . core . settings import RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADDRESS
from lib . core . settings import RESTAPI_DEFAULT_PORT
from lib . core . settings import UNICODE_ENCODING
from lib . utils . api import client
from lib . utils . api import server
OptionGroup . add_argument = _add_argument # 将OptionGroup的add_argument方法映射到_add_argument函数
except ImportError : # 如果导入optparse模块失败( 例如在Python 3中) , 则执行以下代码
from argparse import ArgumentParser # 从argparse模块导入ArgumentParser类, 用于处理命令行参数
finally : # 无论try块中的代码是否成功执行, finally块中的代码都会执行
def get_actions ( instance ) : # 定义一个函数get_actions, 用于获取命令行解析器实例中的选项列表
for attr in ( " option_list " , " _group_actions " , " _actions " ) : # 遍历可能的属性名称
if hasattr ( instance , attr ) : # 如果实例具有该属性
return getattr ( instance , attr ) # 返回该属性的值
def get_groups ( parser ) : # 定义一个函数get_groups, 用于获取命令行解析器中的选项组
return getattr ( parser , " option_groups " , None ) or getattr ( parser , " _action_groups " ) # 返回解析器中的选项组, 如果不存在则返回None
def get_all_options ( parser ) : # 定义一个函数get_all_options, 用于获取命令行解析器中的所有选项
retVal = set ( ) # 创建一个空集合,用于存储所有选项
for option in get_actions ( parser ) : # 遍历解析器中的选项
if hasattr ( option , " option_strings " ) : # 如果选项具有option_strings属性
retVal . update ( option . option_strings ) # 将选项字符串添加到集合中
else : # 否则
retVal . update ( option . _long_opts ) # 将长选项添加到集合中
retVal . update ( option . _short_opts ) # 将短选项添加到集合中
for group in get_groups ( parser ) : # 遍历解析器中的选项组
for option in get_actions ( group ) : # 遍历选项组中的选项
if hasattr ( option , " option_strings " ) : # 如果选项具有option_strings属性
retVal . update ( option . option_strings ) # 将选项字符串添加到集合中
else : # 否则
retVal . update ( option . _long_opts ) # 将长选项添加到集合中
retVal . update ( option . _short_opts ) # 将短选项添加到集合中
return retVal # 返回包含所有选项的集合
from lib . core . common import getUnicode # 从lib.core.common模块导入getUnicode函数, 用于将字符串转换为Unicode格式
from lib . core . common import setPaths # 从lib.core.common模块导入setPaths函数, 用于设置文件路径
from lib . core . data import logger # 从lib.core.data模块导入logger对象, 用于记录日志信息
from lib . core . patch import dirtyPatches # 从lib.core.patch模块导入dirtyPatches函数, 用于应用临时补丁
from lib . core . patch import resolveCrossReferences # 从lib.core.patch模块导入resolveCrossReferences函数, 用于解决交叉引用问题
from lib . core . settings import RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADAPTER # 从lib.core.settings模块导入RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADAPTER常量, 表示默认的服务器适配器
from lib . core . settings import RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADDRESS # 从lib.core.settings模块导入RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADDRESS常量, 表示默认的服务器地址
from lib . core . settings import RESTAPI_DEFAULT_PORT # 从lib.core.settings模块导入RESTAPI_DEFAULT_PORT常量, 表示默认的服务器端口
from lib . core . settings import UNICODE_ENCODING # 从lib.core.settings模块导入UNICODE_ENCODING常量, 表示默认的Unicode编码
from lib . utils . api import client # 从lib.utils.api模块导入client函数, 用于启动REST-JSON API客户端
from lib . utils . api import server # 从lib.utils.api模块导入server函数, 用于启动REST-JSON API服务器
try :
from sqlmap import modulePath
except ImportError :
def modulePath ( ) :
return getUnicode ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . realpath ( __file__ ) ) , encoding = sys . getfilesystemencoding ( ) or UNICODE_ENCODING )
from sqlmap import modulePath # 从sqlmap模块导入modulePath函数, 用于获取模块路径
except ImportError : # 如果导入失败( 例如sqlmap模块不存在) , 则执行以下代码
def modulePath ( ) : # 定义一个函数modulePath, 用于获取当前模块的路径
return getUnicode ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . realpath ( __file__ ) ) , encoding = sys . getfilesystemencoding ( ) or UNICODE_ENCODING ) # 返回当前文件的目录路径, 并将其转换为Unicode格式
def main ( ) :
def main ( ) : # 定义main函数, 作为REST-JSON API的入口函数
REST - JSON API main function
dirtyPatches ( )
resolveCrossReferences ( )
dirtyPatches ( ) # 应用临时补丁
resolveCrossReferences ( ) # 解决交叉引用问题
# Set default logging level to debug
logger . setLevel ( logging . DEBUG )
logger . setLevel ( logging . DEBUG ) # 设置日志记录级别为DEBUG, 以便记录详细信息
# Initialize paths
setPaths ( modulePath ( ) )
setPaths ( modulePath ( ) ) # 初始化文件路径, 使用modulePath函数获取当前模块路径
# Parse command line options
apiparser = ArgumentParser ( )
apiparser . add_argument ( " -s " , " --server " , help = " Run as a REST-JSON API server " , action = " store_true " )
apiparser . add_argument ( " -c " , " --client " , help = " Run as a REST-JSON API client " , action = " store_true " )
apiparser . add_argument ( " -H " , " --host " , help = " Host of the REST-JSON API server (default \" %s \" ) " % RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADDRESS , default = RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADDRESS )
apiparser . add_argument ( " -p " , " --port " , help = " Port of the REST-JSON API server (default %d ) " % RESTAPI_DEFAULT_PORT , default = RESTAPI_DEFAULT_PORT , type = int )
apiparser . add_argument ( " --adapter " , help = " Server (bottle) adapter to use (default \" %s \" ) " % RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADAPTER , default = RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADAPTER )
apiparser . add_argument ( " --database " , help = " Set IPC database filepath (optional) " )
apiparser . add_argument ( " --username " , help = " Basic authentication username (optional) " )
apiparser . add_argument ( " --password " , help = " Basic authentication password (optional) " )
( args , _ ) = apiparser . parse_known_args ( ) if hasattr ( apiparser , " parse_known_args " ) else apiparser . parse_args ( )
apiparser = ArgumentParser ( ) # 创建一个ArgumentParser对象, 用于解析命令行参数
apiparser . add_argument ( " -s " , " --server " , help = " Run as a REST-JSON API server " , action = " store_true " ) # 添加一个命令行选项,用于启动服务器
apiparser . add_argument ( " -c " , " --client " , help = " Run as a REST-JSON API client " , action = " store_true " ) # 添加一个命令行选项,用于启动客户端
apiparser . add_argument ( " -H " , " --host " , help = " Host of the REST-JSON API server (default \" %s \" ) " % RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADDRESS , default = RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADDRESS ) # 添加一个命令行选项, 用于指定服务器主机地址, 默认值为RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADDRESS
apiparser . add_argument ( " -p " , " --port " , help = " Port of the REST-JSON API server (default %d ) " % RESTAPI_DEFAULT_PORT , default = RESTAPI_DEFAULT_PORT , type = int ) # 添加一个命令行选项, 用于指定服务器端口, 默认值为RESTAPI_DEFAULT_PORT
apiparser . add_argument ( " --adapter " , help = " Server (bottle) adapter to use (default \" %s \" ) " % RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADAPTER , default = RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADAPTER ) # 添加一个命令行选项, 用于指定服务器适配器, 默认值为RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADAPTER
apiparser . add_argument ( " --database " , help = " Set IPC database filepath (optional) " ) # 添加一个命令行选项, 用于指定IPC数据库文件路径( 可选)
apiparser . add_argument ( " --username " , help = " Basic authentication username (optional) " ) # 添加一个命令行选项,用于指定基本认证的用户名(可选)
apiparser . add_argument ( " --password " , help = " Basic authentication password (optional) " ) # 添加一个命令行选项,用于指定基本认证的密码(可选)
( args , _ ) = apiparser . parse_known_args ( ) if hasattr ( apiparser , " parse_known_args " ) else apiparser . parse_args ( ) # 解析命令行参数, 如果支持parse_known_args方法则使用它, 否则使用parse_args方法
# Start the client or the server
if args . server :
server ( args . host , args . port , adapter = args . adapter , username = args . username , password = args . password , database = args . database )
elif args . client :
client ( args . host , args . port , username = args . username , password = args . password )
else :
apiparser . print_help ( )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
main ( )
if args . server : # 如果命令行参数中指定了启动服务器
server ( args . host , args . port , adapter = args . adapter , username = args . username , password = args . password , database = args . database ) # 调用server函数启动服务器
elif args . client : # 如果命令行参数中指定了启动客户端
client ( args . host , args . port , username = args . username , password = args . password ) # 调用client函数启动客户端
else : # 如果未指定启动服务器或客户端
apiparser . print_help ( ) # 打印命令行帮助信息
if __name__ == " __main__ " : # 如果当前脚本作为主程序运行
main ( ) # 调用main函数