#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers (https://sqlmap.org/) See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ # 尝试导入cPickle模块,如果失败则导入pickle模块 try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle import itertools import os import sys import tempfile import zlib # 从lib.core.compat模块中导入xrange函数 from lib.core.compat import xrange # 从lib.core.enums模块中导入MKSTEMP_PREFIX枚举 from lib.core.enums import MKSTEMP_PREFIX # 从lib.core.exception模块中导入SqlmapSystemException异常 from lib.core.exception import SqlmapSystemException # 从lib.core.settings模块中导入BIGARRAY_CHUNK_SIZE和BIGARRAY_COMPRESS_LEVEL常量 from lib.core.settings import BIGARRAY_CHUNK_SIZE from lib.core.settings import BIGARRAY_COMPRESS_LEVEL # 尝试获取object()对象的大小,如果失败则默认大小为16字节 try: DEFAULT_SIZE_OF = sys.getsizeof(object()) except TypeError: DEFAULT_SIZE_OF = 16 # 定义一个函数,用于返回给定实例/对象的总大小(以字节为单位) def _size_of(instance): """ Returns total size of a given instance / object (in bytes) """ # 获取实例/对象的大小 retval = sys.getsizeof(instance, DEFAULT_SIZE_OF) # 如果实例/对象是字典类型,则递归计算字典中所有元素的大小 if isinstance(instance, dict): retval += sum(_size_of(_) for _ in itertools.chain.from_iterable(instance.items())) # 如果实例/对象是可迭代类型,则递归计算可迭代对象中所有元素的大小 elif hasattr(instance, "__iter__"): retval += sum(_size_of(_) for _ in instance if _ != instance) return retval # 定义一个辅助类,用于存储缓存块 class Cache(object): """ Auxiliary class used for storing cached chunks """ # 初始化函数,接收三个参数:索引、数据和脏标记 def __init__(self, index, data, dirty): self.index = index self.data = data self.dirty = dirty class BigArray(list): """ List-like class used for storing large amounts of data (disk cached) >>> _ = BigArray(xrange(100000)) >>> _[20] = 0 >>> _[99999] 99999 >>> _ += [0] >>> _[100000] 0 >>> _ = _ + [1] >>> _[-1] 1 >>> len([_ for _ in BigArray(xrange(100000))]) 100000 """ def __init__(self, items=None): self.chunks = [[]] self.chunk_length = sys.maxsize self.cache = None self.filenames = set() self._os_remove = os.remove self._size_counter = 0 for item in (items or []): self.append(item) def __add__(self, value): retval = BigArray(self) for _ in value: retval.append(_) return retval def __iadd__(self, value): for _ in value: self.append(_) return self # 添加元素到BigArray中 def append(self, value): self.chunks[-1].append(value) # 如果当前chunk的大小超过了设定的chunk大小,则将当前chunk写入临时文件,并创建一个新的chunk if self.chunk_length == sys.maxsize: self._size_counter += _size_of(value) if self._size_counter >= BIGARRAY_CHUNK_SIZE: self.chunk_length = len(self.chunks[-1]) self._size_counter = None if len(self.chunks[-1]) >= self.chunk_length: filename = self._dump(self.chunks[-1]) self.chunks[-1] = filename self.chunks.append([]) # 扩展BigArray def extend(self, value): for _ in value: self.append(_) # 从BigArray中弹出元素 def pop(self): if len(self.chunks[-1]) < 1: self.chunks.pop() try: with open(self.chunks[-1], "rb") as f: self.chunks[-1] = pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(f.read())) except IOError as ex: errMsg = "exception occurred while retrieving data " errMsg += "from a temporary file ('%s')" % ex raise SqlmapSystemException(errMsg) return self.chunks[-1].pop() # 在BigArray中查找元素 def index(self, value): for index in xrange(len(self)): if self[index] == value: return index return ValueError, "%s is not in list" % value # 将chunk写入临时文件 def _dump(self, chunk): try: handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=MKSTEMP_PREFIX.BIG_ARRAY) self.filenames.add(filename) os.close(handle) with open(filename, "w+b") as f: f.write(zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(chunk, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL), BIGARRAY_COMPRESS_LEVEL)) return filename except (OSError, IOError) as ex: errMsg = "exception occurred while storing data " errMsg += "to a temporary file ('%s'). Please " % ex errMsg += "make sure that there is enough disk space left. If problem persists, " errMsg += "try to set environment variable 'TEMP' to a location " errMsg += "writeable by the current user" raise SqlmapSystemException(errMsg) # 检查缓存 def _checkcache(self, index): if (self.cache and self.cache.index != index and self.cache.dirty): filename = self._dump(self.cache.data) self.chunks[self.cache.index] = filename if not (self.cache and self.cache.index == index): try: with open(self.chunks[index], "rb") as f: self.cache = Cache(index, pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(f.read())), False) except Exception as ex: errMsg = "exception occurred while retrieving data " errMsg += "from a temporary file ('%s')" % ex raise SqlmapSystemException(errMsg) # 将BigArray序列化 def __getstate__(self): return self.chunks, self.filenames # 将BigArray反序列化 def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__() self.chunks, self.filenames = state # 获取BigArray中指定索引的元素 def __getitem__(self, y): while y < 0: y += len(self) index = y // self.chunk_length offset = y % self.chunk_length chunk = self.chunks[index] if isinstance(chunk, list): return chunk[offset] else: self._checkcache(index) return self.cache.data[offset] # 设置BigArray中指定索引的元素 def __setitem__(self, y, value): index = y // self.chunk_length offset = y % self.chunk_length chunk = self.chunks[index] if isinstance(chunk, list): chunk[offset] = value else: self._checkcache(index) self.cache.data[offset] = value self.cache.dirty = True # 返回BigArray的字符串表示 def __repr__(self): return "%s%s" % ("..." if len(self.chunks) > 1 else "", self.chunks[-1].__repr__()) # 返回BigArray的迭代器 def __iter__(self): for i in xrange(len(self)): try: yield self[i] except IndexError: break # 返回BigArray的长度 def __len__(self): return len(self.chunks[-1]) if len(self.chunks) == 1 else (len(self.chunks) - 1) * self.chunk_length + len(self.chunks[-1])