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#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers (
See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission
# 导入所需的系统模块和时间模块
import sys
import time
# 获取当前Python版本号(如"3.8.0")
PYVERSION = sys.version.split()[0]
# 检查Python版本是否低于2.6
# 如果是,则输出错误信息并退出程序
# 错误信息包含当前时间和检测到的Python版本
if PYVERSION < "2.6":
sys.exit("[%s] [CRITICAL] incompatible Python version detected ('%s'). To successfully run sqlmap you'll have to use version 2.6, 2.7 or 3.x (visit '')" % (time.strftime("%X"), PYVERSION))
# 初始化错误列表
errors = []
# 定义需要检查的核心扩展模块元组
extensions = ("bz2", "gzip", "pyexpat", "ssl", "sqlite3", "zlib")
# 遍历所有需要的扩展模块
for _ in extensions:
# 尝试导入每个扩展模块
except ImportError:
# 如果导入失败,将该模块名添加到错误列表中
# 如果存在任何缺失的扩展模块
if errors:
# 构建错误信息,包含:
# 1. 当前时间
# 2. 所有缺失的模块名称(以逗号分隔)
errMsg = "[%s] [CRITICAL] missing one or more core extensions (%s) " % (time.strftime("%X"), ", ".join("'%s'" % _ for _ in errors))
# 补充说明可能的原因:Python安装时缺少相应的开发包
errMsg += "most likely because current version of Python has been "
errMsg += "built without appropriate dev packages"
# 输出错误信息并退出程序