@ -4,135 +4,457 @@ from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter . font as tkFont
import tkinter . messagebox as messagebox #弹窗
class StartPage :
def __init__ ( self , parent_window ) :
parent_window . destroy ( ) #销毁子界面
#parent_window.destroy() #销毁子界面
self . window = tk . Tk ( )
self . window . title ( ' 某期刊的在线投稿审稿管理系统 ' )
self . window . geometry ( ' 300x47 0' )
self . window . geometry ( ' 500x60 0' )
label = Label ( self . window , text = " 某期刊的在线投稿审稿管理系统 " , font = ( " Verdana " , 20 ) )
label . pack ( pady = 100 ) #pady=100界面的长度
Button ( self . window , text = " 作者登录 " , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 16 ) , command = lambda : Authorlogin ,
height = 2 , fg = ' white ' , bg = ' gray ' , activebackground = ' black ' , activeforeground = ' white ' ) . p lace ( pady = 25 )
Button ( self . window , text = " 审稿人登录 " , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 16 ) , command = lambda : Reviewerlogin ,
height = 2 , fg = ' white ' , bg = ' gray ' , activebackground = ' black ' , activeforeground = ' white ' ) . p lace ( pady = 25 )
Button ( self . window , text = " 作者登录 " , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 16 ) , command = Authorlogin ,
height = 2 , fg = ' white ' , bg = ' gray ' , activebackground = ' black ' , activeforeground = ' white ' ) . p ack ( pady = 25 )
Button ( self . window , text = " 审稿人登录 " , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 16 ) , command = Reviewerlogin ,
height = 2 , fg = ' white ' , bg = ' gray ' , activebackground = ' black ' , activeforeground = ' white ' ) . p ack ( pady = 25 )
self . window . mainloop ( ) #主消息循环
def login ( self ) :
print ( str ( self . author_account . get ( ) ) )
print ( str ( self . author_password . get ( ) ) )
author_password = None
#数据库操作 查询作者表
db = pymysql . connect (
host = ' ' ,
port = 3306 ,
user = ' root ' ,
passwd = ' 123456 ' ,
database = ' 投稿 ' ,
charset = ' utf8 ' ,
#cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor # 游标类型默认为元组,现在我们设置为字典类型
cursor = db . cursor ( ) #使用cursor( ) 方法获取操作游标
sql = " select * from author where author_account= ' %s ' " % self . author_account . get ( )
try :
cursor . execute ( sql )
result = cursor . fetchall ( )
for row in result :
author_id = row [ 0 ]
author_password = row [ 1 ]
print ( " author_id= %s ,author_password= %s " % ( author_id , author_password ) )
except :
print ( " Error:unable to fecth date " )
messagebox . showinfo ( " Error " , " Author not found. " )
db . close ( )
print ( " 正在登录作者界面 " )
print ( " self " , self . author_password )
print ( " local " , author_password )
if self . author_password . get ( ) == author_password :
AuthorManage ( self . window ) #进入作者操作界面
else :
messagebox . showinfo ( " Error " , " Author not found. " )
def back ( self ) :
StartPage ( self . window ) #显示主窗口 销毁本窗口
def login ( self ) :
print ( str ( self . reviewer_account . get ( ) ) )
print ( str ( self . reviewer_password . get ( ) ) )
reviewer_password = None
#数据库操作 查询作者表
db = pymysql . connect (
host = ' ' ,
port = 3306 ,
user = ' root ' ,
passwd = ' 123456 ' ,
database = ' 投稿 ' ,
charset = ' utf8 ' ,
#cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor # 游标类型默认为元组,现在我们设置为字典类型
cursor = db . cursor ( ) #使用cursor( ) 方法获取操作游标
sql = " select * from reviewer where author_account= ' %s ' " % self . reviewer_account . get ( )
try :
cursor . execute ( sql )
result = cursor . fetchall ( )
for row in result :
reviewer_id = row [ 0 ]
reviewer_password = row [ 1 ]
print ( " author_id= %s ,reviewer_password= %s " % ( reviewer_id , reviewer_password ) )
except :
print ( " Error:unable to fecth date " )
messagebox . showinfo ( " Error " , " Author not found. " )
db . close ( )
print ( " 正在登录作者界面 " )
print ( " self " , self . reviewer_password )
print ( " local " , reviewer_password )
if self . reviewer_password . get ( ) == reviewer_password :
ReviewerManage ( self . window ) #进入作者操作界面
else :
messagebox . showinfo ( " " )
def back ( self ) :
StartPage ( self . window ) #显示主窗口 销毁本窗口
def back ( self ) :
#parent_window.destroy() # 销毁子界面
StartPage ( self . window )
class Authorlogin :
def __init__ ( self , parent_window ) :
parent_window . destroy ( )
self . window = tk . Tk ( ) #初始框的声明
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . window = tk . Tk ( ) # 初始窗口的声明
self . window . title ( ' 请先登录作者账户 ' )
self . window . geometry ( ' 500x500 ' )
label = tk . Label ( self . window , text = ' 作者登录 ' , bg = ' pink ' , r ont= ( ' Verdana ' , 20 ) , width = 30 , height = 4 0 )
label = tk . Label ( self . window , text = ' 作者登录 ' , bg = ' pink ' , font = ( ' Verdana ' , 20 ) , width = 30 , height = 4 )
label . pack ( )
label ( self . window , text = ' 作者账号: ' , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
self . author_account = tk . Entry ( self . window , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) )
# 注意: 这里应使用tk.Label而不是label( 它是一个已经定义的变量)
tk . Label ( self . window , text = ' 作者账号: ' , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
self . author_account = tk . Entry ( self . window , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) )
self . author_account . pack ( )
Label( self . window , text = ' 作者密码: ' , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
self . author_password = tk . Entry ( self . window , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) , bg = ' Ivory ' , show = ' * ' )
tk . Label ( self . window , text = ' 作者密码: ' , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
self . author_password = tk . Entry ( self . window , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) , bg = ' Ivory ' , show = ' * ' )
self . author_password . pack ( )
Button ( self . window , text = " 修改密码 " , width = 8 , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 12 ) , command = self . login_change ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
Button ( self . window , text = " 创建账号 " , width = 8 , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 12 ) , command = self . login_create ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
Button ( self . window , text = " 返回首页 " , width = 8 , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 12 ) , command = self . back ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
self . window . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . back ) #捕捉右上角关闭点击
self . window . mainloop ( ) #进入消息循环
# 使用lambda表达式传递无参数的函数给command
tk . Button ( self . window , text = " 登录 " , width = 8 , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 12 ) , command = lambda : self . login ( ) ) . pack (
pady = 25 )
# 您可能还想添加一个“取消”或“返回”按钮
tk . Button ( self . window , text = " 返回首页 " , width = 8 , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 12 ) , command = lambda : self . back ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
self . window . mainloop ( ) # 进入消息循环
def login ( self ) :
account = self . author_account . get ( )
password_input = self . author_password . get ( )
# 数据库操作 查询作者表
db = pymysql . connect (
host = ' ' ,
port = 3306 ,
user = ' root ' ,
passwd = ' 123456 ' ,
database = ' 投稿 ' ,
charset = ' utf8 '
# cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor # 游标类型默认为元组,现在我们设置为字典类型
cursor = db . cursor ( ) # 使用cursor( ) 方法获取操作游标
sql = " select * from author where author_account= ' %s ' " % self . author_account . get ( )
try :
# 执行sql语句
cursor . execute ( sql )
# 获取所有记录列表
result = cursor . fetchall ( )
for row in result :
author_account = row [ 4 ]
author_password = row [ 5 ]
# 打印结果
print ( " author_account= %s ,author_password= %s " % ( author_account , author_password ) )
except :
print ( " Error:unable to fecth date " )
messagebox . showinfo ( " Error " , " Author not found. " )
db . close ( )
print ( " 正在登录作者界面 " )
print ( " local " , author_password )
if self . author_password . get ( ) == author_password :
Authormanage ( self . window ) # 进入作者操作界面
else :
messagebox . showinfo ( " Error " , " Author not found. " )
def back ( self ) :
self . window . destroy ( ) # 销毁窗口, 结束Tkinter消息循环
# 设置WM_DELETE_WINDOW协议以调用back方法
self . window . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . back ( ) )
class Reviewerlogin :
def __init__ ( self , parent_window ) :
parent_window . destroy ( )
self . window = tk . Tk ( ) #初始框的声明
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . window = tk . Tk ( ) # 初始窗口的声明
self . window . title ( ' 请先登录审稿人账户 ' )
self . window . geometry ( ' 500x500 ' )
label = tk . Label ( self . window , text = ' 审稿人登录 ' , bg = ' green ' , ront = ( ' Verdana ' , 20 ) , width = 30 , height = 40 )
label = tk . Label ( self . window , text = ' 作者登录 ' , bg = ' green ' , font = ( ' Verdana ' , 20 ) , width = 30 , height = 4 )
label . pack ( )
label ( self . window , text = ' 审稿人账号: ' , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
self . reviewer_account = tk . Entry ( self . window , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) )
# 注意: 这里应使用tk.Label而不是label( 它是一个已经定义的变量)
tk . Label ( self . window , text = ' 审稿人账号: ' , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
self . reviewer_account = tk . Entry ( self . window , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) )
self . reviewer_account . pack ( )
Label ( self . window , text = ' 作者密码: ' , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
self . reviewer_password = tk . Entry ( self . window , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) , bg = ' Ivory ' , show = ' * ' )
tk . Label ( self . window , text = ' 审稿人密码: ' , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
self . reviewer_password = tk . Entry ( self . window , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) , bg = ' Ivory ' , show = ' * ' )
self . reviewer_password . pack ( )
Button ( self . window , text = " 修改密码 " , width = 8 , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 12 ) , command = self . login_change ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
Button ( self . window , text = " 创建账号 " , width = 8 , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 12 ) , command = self . login_create ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
Button ( self . window , text = " 返回首页 " , width = 8 , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 12 ) , command = self . back ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
self . window . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . back ) #捕捉右上角关闭点击
self . window . mainloop ( ) #进入消息循环
# 使用lambda表达式传递无参数的函数给command
tk . Button ( self . window , text = " 登录 " , width = 8 , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 12 ) , command = lambda : self . login ( ) ) . pack (
pady = 25 )
# 您可能还想添加一个“取消”或“返回”按钮
tk . Button ( self . window , text = " 返回首页 " , width = 8 , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 12 ) , command = self . back ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
self . window . mainloop ( ) # 进入消息循环
def login ( self ) :
account = self . reviewer_account . get ( )
password_input = self . reviewer_password . get ( )
# 数据库操作 查询作者表
db = pymysql . connect (
host = ' ' ,
port = 3306 ,
user = ' root ' ,
passwd = ' 123456 ' ,
database = ' 投稿 ' ,
charset = ' utf8 ' ,
# cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor # 游标类型默认为元组,现在我们设置为字典类型
cursor = db . cursor ( ) # 使用cursor( ) 方法获取操作游标
sql = " select * from reviewer where reviewer_account= ' %s ' " % self . reviewer_account . get ( )
try :
# 执行sql语句
cursor . execute ( sql )
# 获取所有记录列表
result = cursor . fetchall ( )
for row in result :
reviewer_account = row [ 4 ]
reviewer_password = row [ 5 ]
# 打印结果
print ( " reviewer_account= %s ,reviewer_password= %s " % ( reviewer_account , reviewer_password ) )
except :
print ( " Error:unable to fecth date " )
messagebox . showinfo ( " Error " , " Author not found. " )
db . close ( )
print ( " 正在登录审稿人界面 " )
print ( " self " , self . reviewer_name )
print ( " local " , reviewer_password )
if self . reviewer_password . get ( ) == reviewer_password :
Reviewermaanage ( self . window ) # 进入审稿人操作界面
else :
messagebox . showinfo ( " Error " , " Author not found. " )
def back ( self ) :
self . window . destroy ( ) # 销毁窗口, 结束Tkinter消息循环
# 设置WM_DELETE_WINDOW协议以调用back方法
self . window . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . back ( ) )
self . window . mainloop ( ) # 进入消息循环
class Authormanage :
def __init__ ( self , parent_window ) :
parent_window . destroy ( ) #销毁主界面
self . window = tk . Tk ( ) #初始框的声明
self . window . title ( ' 作者操作界面 ' )
self . frame_left_top = tk . Frame ( height = 200 , width = 300 ) . pack ( pady = 10 )
self . frame_right_top = tk . Frame ( height = 200 , width = 200 ) . pack ( pady = 10 )
self . frame_center = tk . Frame ( height = 400 , width = 500 ) . pack ( pady = 10 )
self . frame_bottom = tk . Frame ( height = 50 , width = 650 ) . pack ( pady = 10 )
self . columns = ( " 编号 " , " 内容 " , " 类型 " , " 标题 " )
self . tree = ttk . Treeview ( self . frame_center )
self . vbar = ttk . Scrollbar ( self . frame_center , orient = tk . VERTICAL )
self . vbar . pack ( side = tk . RIGHT , fill = tk . Y )
self . tree . configure ( yscrollcommand = self . vbar . set )
self . tree . column ( " 编号 " , width = 150 , anchor = ' center ' )
self . tree . column ( " 内容 " , width = 150 , anchor = ' center ' )
self . tree . column ( " 类型 " , width = 100 , anchor = ' center ' )
self . tree . column ( " 标题 " , width = 100 , anchor = ' center ' )
self . tree . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , sticky = NSEW )
self . vbar . grid ( row = 0 , column = 1 , sticky = NS )
self . manuscript_id = [ ]
self . manuscript_content = [ ]
self . manuscript_type = [ ]
self . manuscript_title = [ ]
db = pymysql . connect (
host = ' ' ,
port = 3306 ,
user = ' root ' ,
passwd = ' 123456 ' ,
database = ' 投稿 ' ,
charset = ' utf8 '
cursor = db . cursor ( )
sql = " SELECT * FROM manuscript " #查询稿件表
try :
cursor . execute ( sql )
result = cursor . fetchall ( )
for row in result :
self . manuscript_id . append ( row [ 0 ] )
self . manuscript_content . append ( row [ 1 ] )
self . manuscript_type . append ( row [ 2 ] )
self . manuscript_title . append ( row [ 3 ] )
except :
print ( " Error:unable to fetch data " )
messagebox . showinfo ( ' 警告! ' , ' 数据库连接失败! ' )
db . close ( )
print ( " test********************************************* " )
for i in range ( len ( min ( len ( self . manuscript_id ) ) ) , len ( self . manuscript_content ) , len ( self . manuscript_type ) , len ( self . manuscript_title ) ) :
self . tree . insert ( ' ' , i ,
values = ( self . manuscript_id [ i ] ,
self . manuscript_content [ i ] ,
self . manuscript_type [ i ] ,
self . manuscript_title [ i ] ) )
for col in self . columns : #绑定函数,使表头可排序
self . tree . heading ( col , text = col ,
command = lambda _col = col : self . tree_sort_column ( self . tree , _col ) )
self . top_title = Label ( self . frame_left_top , text = " 稿件信息: " , font = ( ' Verdana ' , 20 ) )
self . top_title . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , sticky = NSEW , columnspan = 2 , padx = 50 , pady = 10 )
self . left_top_frame = tk . Frame ( self . frame_left_top )
self . var_manuscript_id = StringVar ( ) #声明稿件编号
self . var_manuscript_content = StringVar ( )
self . var_manuscript_type = StringVar ( )
self . var_manuscript_title = StringVar ( )
self . right_top_manuscript_id_label = Label ( self . frame_left_top , text = " 编号: " , font = ( ' Verdana ' , 15 ) )
self . right_top_manuscript_id_entry = Entry ( self . frame_right_top , textvariable = self . var_manuscript_id , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) )
self . right_top_manuscript_id_label . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 ) #位置设置
self . right_top_manuscript_id_entry . grid ( row = 1 , column = 1 )
self . right_top_manuscript_content_label = Label ( self . frame_left_top , text = " 内容: " , font = ( ' Verdana ' , 15 ) )
self . right_top_manuscript_content_entry = Entry ( self . frame_right_top , textvariable = self . var_manuscript_content , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) )
self . right_top_manuscript_content_label . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 ) # 位置设置
self . right_top_manuscript_content_entry . grid ( row = 2 , column = 1 )
self . right_top_manuscript_type_label = Label ( self . frame_left_top , text = " 类型: " , font = ( ' Verdana ' , 15 ) )
self . right_top_manuscript_type_entry = Entry ( self . frame_right_top , textvariable = self . var_manuscript_type ,
font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) )
self . right_top_manuscript_type_label . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 ) # 位置设置
self . right_top_manuscript_type_entry . grid ( row = 3 , column = 1 )
self . right_top_manuscript_title_label = Label ( self . frame_left_top , text = " 标题: " , font = ( ' Verdana ' , 15 ) )
self . right_top_manuscript_title_entry = Entry ( self . frame_right_top , textvariable = self . var_manuscript_title ,
font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) )
self . right_top_manuscript_title_label . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 ) # 位置设置
self . right_top_manuscript_title_entry . grid ( row = 4 , column = 1 )
self . right_top_title = Label ( self . frame_right_top , text = " 操作: " , font = ( ' Verdana ' , 20 ) )
self . tree . bind ( ' <Button-1> ' , self . click ) #左键获取
self . right_top_button1 = ttk . Button ( self . frame_right_top , text = ' 添加 ' , width = 20 , command = self . new_row )
self . right_top_button1 = ttk . Button ( self . frame_right_top , text = ' 更新 ' , width = 20 , command = self . update_row )
self . right_top_button1 = ttk . Button ( self . frame_right_top , text = ' 删除 ' , width = 20 , command = self . del_row )
self . right_top_title . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , pady = 10 )
self . right_top_button1 . grid ( row = 2 , column = 0 , pady = 10 , padx = 10 )
self . right_top_button2 . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , pady = 10 , padx = 10 )
self . right_top_button3 . grid ( row = 4 , column = 0 , pady = 10 , padx = 10 )
self . frame_left_top . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , columnspan = 2 , padx = 2 , pady = 5 )
self . frame_right_top . grid ( row = 0 , column = 1 , columnspan = 2 , padx = 30 , pady = 30 )
self . frame_center . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , columnspan = 2 , padx = 4 , pady = 5 )
self . frame_bottom . grid ( row = 1 , column = 0 , columnspan = 2 )
self . frame_left_top . grid_propagate ( 0 )
self . frame_right_top . grid_propagate ( 0 )
self . frame_center . grid_propagate ( 0 )
self . frame_bottom . grid_propagate ( 0 )
self . frame_left_top . tkraise ( ) #开始显示主菜单
self . frame_right_top . tkraise ( )
self . frame_center . tkraise ( )
self . frame_bottom . tkraise ( )
self . window . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . back ) #捕捉右上方关闭点击
def back ( self ) :
StartPage ( self . window ) #显示主窗口 销毁本窗口
def click ( self , event ) :
self . col = self . tree . identify_column ( event . x ) #列
self . row = self . tree . identify_row ( event . y ) #行
print ( self . col )
print ( self . row )
self . row_info = self . tree . item ( self . row , " values " )
self . var_manuscript_id . set ( self . row_info [ 0 ] )
self . var_manuscript_content . set ( self . row_info [ 1 ] )
self . var_manuscript_type . set ( self . row_info [ 2 ] )
self . var_manuscript_title . set ( self . row_info [ 3 ] )
self . right_top_manuscript_id_entry = Entry ( self . frame_left_top , textvariable = self . var_manuscript_id , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 14 ) )
print ( ' ' )
def tree_sort_column_by_id ( self , tv , col , reverse = False ) :
# 假设id是Treeview条目中的一个值, 并且我们想要根据这个id进行排序
def get_id ( manuscript_id ) :
# 获取条目的id值, 这里假设id是Treeview条目的一个值
return int ( tv . item ( manuscript_id , ' values ' ) [ manuscript_id ] ) # index_of_id是id在values中的索引
# 获取所有子项的id和它们的id-item_id对
items = [ ( get_id ( k ) , k ) for k in tv . get_children ( ' ' ) ]
# 根据id进行排序
items . sort ( key = lambda x : x [ 0 ] , reverse = reverse )
# 清空Treeview以重新插入排序后的条目( 可选, 取决于你的需求)
# for item in tv.get_children(''):
# tv.delete(item)
# 根据排序后的顺序重新插入或移动条目
for index , ( id_value , item_id ) in enumerate ( items ) :
# 如果Treeview是空的或者我们需要重新插入所有条目, 则使用insert
# 否则, 只使用move方法移动现有的条目
if index == 0 :
# 第一个条目或者Treeview是空的, 使用insert
tv . insert ( ' ' , ' end ' , item_id , values = tv . item ( item_id , ' values ' ) )
else :
# 其他条目, 使用move
prev_item_id = items [ index - 1 ] [ 1 ]
tv . move ( item_id , ' ' , tv . index ( prev_item_id ) + 1 ) # +1是因为index是从0开始的, 但Treeview的索引是从1开始的
# 更新列标题的排序箭头和点击事件(如果需要)
def sort_command ( ) :
self . tree_sort_column_by_id ( tv , col , not reverse )
tv . heading ( col , text = col , command = sort_command )
# 注意: 你需要知道id在values中的索引, 这里用index_of_id表示
# 例如, 如果你的Treeview条目的values是(id, name, date), 那么index_of_id就是0
def update_row ( self ) :
res = messagebox . askyesnocancel ( ' 警告! ' , ' 是否更新所填写的数据? ' )
if res == True :
if self . var_manuscript_id . get ( ) == self . row_info [ 0 ] : #如果所填编号和所选编号相同则打开数据库
db = pymysql . connect (
host = ' ' ,
port = 3306 ,
user = ' root ' ,
passwd = ' 123456 ' ,
database = ' 投稿 ' ,
charset = ' utf8 ' ,
# cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor # 游标类型默认为元组,现在我们设置为字典类型
db = db . cursor ( )
sql_update = " UPDATE manuscript SET manuscript_content= %s ,manuscript_type= %s ,manuscript_title= %s WHERE manuscript_id= %s " % ( self . var_manuscript_content . get ( ) , self . var_manuscript_type . get ( ) , self . var_manuscript_title . get ( ) , self . var_manuscript_id )
try :
cursor = db . cursor ( )
cursor . execute ( sql_update )
db . commit ( )
messagebox . showinfo ( ' 提交! ' , ' 更新成功! ' )
except :
db . rollback ( )
messagebox . showinfo ( ' 警告! ' , ' 更新失败,数据库连接失败! ' )
db . close ( )
id_index = self . manuscript_id . index ( self . row_info [ 0 ] )
self . manuscript_content [ id_index ] = self . var_manuscript_content . get ( )
self . manuscript_type [ id_index ] = self . var_manuscript_type . get ( )
self . manuscript_title [ id_index ] = self . var_manuscript_title . get ( )
self . tree . item ( self . tree . selection ( ) [ 0 ] , values = (
self . var_manuscript_id . get ( ) , self . var_manuscript_content . get ( ) , self . manuscript_type . get ( ) , self . manuscript_title . get ( ) ) ) #修改对于行信息
else :
messagebox . showinfo ( ' 警告! ' , ' 不能修改稿件编号 ' )
def del_row ( self ) :
res = messagebox . askyesnocancel ( ' 警告! ' , ' 是否删除所选数据? ' )
if res == True :
print ( self . row_info [ 0 ] ) #鼠标选中的编号
print ( self . tree . selection ( ) [ 0 ] ) #行号
print ( self . tree . get_children ( ) ) #所有行
db = pymysql . connect (
host = ' ' ,
port = 3306 ,
user = ' root ' ,
passwd = ' 123456 ' ,
database = ' 投稿 ' ,
charset = ' utf8 ' ,
# cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor # 游标类型默认为元组,现在我们设置为字典类型
cursor = db . cursor ( )
sql_delete = " DELETE FROM manuscript WHERE manuscript_id= %s " % ( self . row_info [ 0 ] )
#sql_deletes="DELETE FROM stu_login_k WHERE manuscript_id=%s"%(self.row_info[0])
try :
cursor . execute ( sql_delete )
db . commit ( )
messagebox . showinfo ( ' 提示! ' , ' 删除成功! ' )
except :
db . rollback ( )
messagebox . showinfo ( ' 警告! ' , ' 删除失败,数据库连接失败! ' )
db . close ( )
id_index = self . manuscript_id . index ( self . row_info [ 0 ] )
print ( id_index )
del self . manuscript_id [ id_index ]
del self . manuscript_content [ id_index ]
del self . manuscript_type [ id_index ]
del self . manuscript_title [ id_index ]
print ( self . manuscript_id )
self . tree . delete ( self . tree . selection ( ) [ 0 ] ) #删除所选行
print ( self . tree . get_children ( ) )
class Reviewermaanage :
def __init__ ( self , parent_window , manuscript_id ) :
parent_window . destroy ( ) #销毁主界面
self . window = tk . Tk ( ) #初始框的声明
self . window . title ( ' 查看稿件 ' )
self . window . geometry ( ' 300x480 ' )
label = tk . Label ( self . window , text = ' 稿件查看 ' , bg = ' silver ' , font = ( ' Verdana ' , 20 ) , width = 20 , height = 2 )
label . pack ( pady = 20 )
self . manuscript_id = ' 编号: ' + ' '
self . manuscript_content = ' 内容: ' + ' '
self . manuscript_type = ' 类型: ' + ' '
self . manuscript_title = ' 标题 ' + ' '
db = pymysql . connect (
host = ' ' ,
port = 3306 ,
user = ' root ' ,
passwd = ' 123456 ' ,
database = ' 投稿 ' ,
charset = ' utf8 ' ,
# cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor # 游标类型默认为元组,现在我们设置为字典类型
cursor = db . cursor ( )
sql = " SELECT * FROM manuscript WHERE manuscript_id= ' % $ ' " % ( manuscript_id )
try :
cursor . execute ( sql )
result = cursor . fetchall ( )
for row in result :
self . manuscript_id = ' 编号: ' + row [ 0 ]
self . manuscript_content = ' 内容: ' + row [ 1 ]
self . manuscript_type = ' 类型: ' + row [ 2 ]
self . manuscript_title = ' 标题 ' + row [ 3 ]
except :
print ( " Error:unable to fetch data " )
db . close ( )
Label ( self . window , text = self . manuscript_id , font = ( ' Verdana ' , 18 ) ) . pack ( pady = 5 )
Label ( self . window , text = self . manuscript_content , font = ( ' Verdana ' , 18 ) ) . pack ( pady = 5 )
Label ( self . window , text = self . manuscript_type , font = ( ' Verdana ' , 18 ) ) . pack ( pady = 5 )
Label ( self . window , text = self . manuscript_title , font = ( ' Verdana ' , 18 ) ) . pack ( pady = 5 )
Button ( self . window , text = " 通过 " , width = 8 , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 16 ) ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
Button ( self . window , text = " 不通过 " , width = 8 , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 16 ) ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
Button ( self . window , text = " 返回首页 " , width = 8 , font = tkFont . Font ( size = 16 ) , command = self . back ) . pack ( pady = 25 )
self . window . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . back )
self . window . mainloop ( )
def back ( self ) :
StartPage ( self . window )
# 使用 StartPage 类(这里假设没有父窗口,所以传入 None)
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
StartPage ( None )
#class Review:
#def __init__(self,window):