* @class ActiveUsers 活跃用户模型 - 每日跑批合并,仅添加本周/本月首次访问的用户。
const BaseMod = require('./base')
const Platform = require('./platform')
const Channel = require('./channel')
const Version = require('./version')
const UserSessionLog = require('./userSessionLog')
const {
} = require('../lib')
module.exports = class ActiveUsers extends BaseMod {
constructor() {
this.tableName = 'active-users'
this.platforms = []
this.channels = []
this.versions = []
async stat(date, reset) {
const dateTime = new DateTime()
const dateDimension = dateTime.getTimeDimensionByType('day', -1, date)
this.startTime = dateDimension.startTime
// 查看当前时间段数据是否已存在,防止重复生成
if (!reset) {
const checkRes = await this.getCollection(this.tableName).where({
create_time: {
$gte: dateDimension.startTime,
$lte: dateDimension.endTime
if (checkRes.data.length > 0) {
console.log('data have exists')
return {
code: 1003,
msg: 'Users data in this time have already existed'
} else {
const delRes = await this.delete(this.tableName, {
create_time: {
$gte: dateDimension.startTime,
$lte: dateDimension.endTime
console.log('Delete old data result:', JSON.stringify(delRes))
const userSessionLog = new UserSessionLog()
const statRes = await this.aggregate(userSessionLog.tableName, {
project: {
appid: 1,
version: 1,
platform: 1,
channel: 1,
create_time: 1,
uid: 1
match: {
create_time: {
$gte: dateDimension.startTime,
$lte: dateDimension.endTime
group: {
_id: {
appid: '$appid',
version: '$version',
platform: '$platform',
channel: '$channel',
uid: '$uid'
create_time: {
$min: '$create_time'
sort: {
create_time: 1
getAll: true
let res = {
code: 0,
msg: 'success'
// if (this.debug) {
// console.log('statRes', JSON.stringify(statRes))
// }
if (statRes.data.length > 0) {
const uniCrypto = new UniCrypto()
// 同应用、平台、渠道、版本的数据合并
const statData = [];
let statKey;
let data
for (const sti in statRes.data) {
data = statRes.data[sti]
statKey = uniCrypto.md5(data._id.appid + data._id.platform + data._id.version + data._id
if (!statData[statKey]) {
statData[statKey] = {
appid: data._id.appid,
platform: data._id.platform,
version: data._id.version,
channel: data._id.channel,
uids: [],
info: []
statData[statKey].info[data._id.uid] = {
create_time: data.create_time
} else {
statData[statKey].info[data._id.uid] = {
create_time: data.create_time
this.fillData = []
for (const sk in statData) {
await this.getFillData(statData[sk])
if (this.fillData.length > 0) {
res = await this.batchInsert(this.tableName, this.fillData)
return res
async getFillData(data) {
// 平台信息
let platformInfo = null
if (this.platforms && this.platforms[data.platform]) {
platformInfo = this.platforms[data.platform]
} else {
const platform = new Platform()
platformInfo = await platform.getPlatformAndCreate(data.platform, null)
if (!platformInfo || platformInfo.length === 0) {
platformInfo._id = ''
this.platforms[data.platform] = platformInfo
if (this.debug) {
console.log('platformInfo', JSON.stringify(platformInfo))
// 渠道信息
let channelInfo = null
const channelKey = data.appid + '_' + platformInfo._id + '_' + data.channel
if (this.channels && this.channels[channelKey]) {
channelInfo = this.channels[channelKey]
} else {
const channel = new Channel()
channelInfo = await channel.getChannelAndCreate(data.appid, platformInfo._id, data.channel)
if (!channelInfo || channelInfo.length === 0) {
channelInfo._id = ''
this.channels[channelKey] = channelInfo
if (this.debug) {
console.log('channelInfo', JSON.stringify(channelInfo))
// 版本信息
let versionInfo = null
const versionKey = data.appid + '_' + data.platform + '_' + data.version
if (this.versions && this.versions[versionKey]) {
versionInfo = this.versions[versionKey]
} else {
const version = new Version()
versionInfo = await version.getVersionAndCreate(data.appid, data.platform, data.version)
if (!versionInfo || versionInfo.length === 0) {
versionInfo._id = ''
this.versions[versionKey] = versionInfo
if (this.debug) {
console.log('versionInfo', JSON.stringify(versionInfo))
// 是否在本周内已存在
const datetime = new DateTime()
const dateDimension = datetime.getTimeDimensionByType('week', 0, this.startTime)
// 取出本周已经存储的uid
const weekHaveUserList = []
const haveWeekList = await this.selectAll(this.tableName, {
appid: data.appid,
version_id: versionInfo._id,
platform_id: platformInfo._id,
channel_id: channelInfo._id,
uid: {
$in: data.uids
dimension: 'week',
create_time: {
$gte: dateDimension.startTime,
$lte: dateDimension.endTime
}, {
uid: 1
if (this.debug) {
console.log('haveWeekList', JSON.stringify(haveWeekList))
if (haveWeekList.data.length > 0) {
for (const hui in haveWeekList.data) {
// 取出本月已经存储的uid
const dateMonthDimension = datetime.getTimeDimensionByType('month', 0, this.startTime)
const monthHaveUserList = []
const haveMonthList = await this.selectAll(this.tableName, {
appid: data.appid,
version_id: versionInfo._id,
platform_id: platformInfo._id,
channel_id: channelInfo._id,
uid: {
$in: data.uids
dimension: 'month',
create_time: {
$gte: dateMonthDimension.startTime,
$lte: dateMonthDimension.endTime
}, {
uid: 1
if (this.debug) {
console.log('haveMonthList', JSON.stringify(haveMonthList))
if (haveMonthList.data.length > 0) {
for (const hui in haveMonthList.data) {
for (const ui in data.uids) {
if (!weekHaveUserList.includes(data.uids[ui])) {
appid: data.appid,
platform_id: platformInfo._id,
channel_id: channelInfo._id,
version_id: versionInfo._id,
uid: data.uids[ui],
dimension: 'week',
create_time: data.info[data.uids[ui]].create_time
if (!monthHaveUserList.includes(data.uids[ui])) {
appid: data.appid,
platform_id: platformInfo._id,
channel_id: channelInfo._id,
version_id: versionInfo._id,
uid: data.uids[ui],
dimension: 'month',
create_time: data.info[data.uids[ui]].create_time
return true
* 日志清理,此处日志为临时数据并不需要自定义清理,默认为固定值即可
async clean() {
// 清除周数据,周留存统计最高需要10周数据,多余的为无用数据
const weeks = 10
console.log('Clean user\'s weekly logs - week:', weeks)
const dateTime = new DateTime()
const res = await this.delete(this.tableName, {
dimension: 'week',
create_time: {
$lt: dateTime.getTimeBySetWeek(0 - weeks)
if (!res.code) {
console.log('Clean user\'s weekly logs - res:', res)
// 清除月数据,月留存统计最高需要10个月数据,多余的为无用数据
const monthes = 10
console.log('Clean user\'s monthly logs - month:', monthes)
const monthRes = await this.delete(this.tableName, {
dimension: 'month',
create_time: {
$lt: dateTime.getTimeBySetMonth(0 - monthes)
if (!monthRes.code) {
console.log('Clean user\'s monthly logs - res:', res)
return monthRes