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1213 lines
34 KiB
1213 lines
34 KiB
2 years ago
import { mockIp, mockReqId } from '../../utils/mock';
const orderResps = [
data: {
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code: 'Success',
msg: null,
requestId: mockReqId(),
clientIp: mockIp(),
rt: 89,
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data: {
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itemTotalAmount: '538000',
itemDiscountAmount: '29800',
itemPaymentAmount: '508200',
goodsPaymentPrice: '25410',
tagPrice: null,
tagText: null,
outCode: null,
labelVOs: null,
buttonVOs: null,
logisticsVO: {
logisticsType: 1,
logisticsNo: '123',
logisticsStatus: null,
logisticsCompanyCode: 'zhongtong',
logisticsCompanyName: '中通速递',
receiverAddressId: '2',
provinceCode: '440000',
cityCode: '440300',
countryCode: '440306',
receiverProvince: '广东省',
receiverCity: '深圳市',
receiverCountry: '宝安区',
receiverArea: '',
receiverAddress: '沙井中心路28号丽沙花都xx栋xx号',
receiverPostCode: '',
receiverLongitude: '113.829127',
receiverLatitude: '22.713649',
receiverIdentity: '88888888205468',
receiverPhone: '17612345678',
receiverName: '测试用户',
expectArrivalTime: null,
senderName: '',
senderPhone: '',
senderAddress: '',
sendTime: '1587008529453',
arrivalTime: '1587008623995',
paymentVO: {
payStatus: 2,
amount: '508200',
currency: 'CNY',
payType: 0,
payWay: 0,
payWayName: '微信支付',
interactId: '121212',
traceNo: '121212',
channelTrxNo: '121212',
period: null,
payTime: '2020-03-23 00:00:00',
paySuccessTime: '2020-04-16 11:36:41',
buttonVOs: [
{ primary: false, type: 4, name: '申请售后' },
{ primary: true, type: 6, name: '评价' },
labelVOs: null,
invoiceVO: {
buyerName: '腾讯计算机有限公司', //个人或公司名称
buyerTaxNo: '9144 9808 0909 0293 XG', //税号
buyerPhone: '18600008888', //手机
email: '', //邮箱
titleType: 2, //发票抬头 1-个人 2-公司
ontentType: 1, //发票内容 1-明细 2类别
invoiceType: 5, //是否开票 0-不开 5-电子发票
money: '1.54',
couponAmount: '0',
autoCancelTime: null,
orderStatusName: '交易完成',
orderSatusRemark: null,
logisticsLogVO: null,
invoiceStatus: 2,
invoiceDesc: '暂不开发票',
invoiceUrl: null,
code: 'Success',
msg: null,
requestId: mockReqId(),
clientIp: mockIp(),
rt: 91,
success: true,
data: {
saasId: '88888888',
storeId: '1000',
storeName: '云Mall深圳旗舰店',
uid: '88888888205468',
parentOrderNo: '130150835531421259',
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paymentAmount: '4000',
freightFee: '0',
packageFee: '0',
discountAmount: '25800',
channelType: 0,
channelSource: '',
channelIdentity: '',
remark: '',
cancelType: 0,
cancelReasonType: 0,
cancelReason: '',
rightsType: 0,
createTime: '1587007083839',
orderItemVOs: [
id: '130150836520098048',
orderNo: null,
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roomId: null,
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goodsName: '白色短袖连衣裙荷叶边裙摆宽松韩版休闲纯白清爽优雅连衣裙',
originPrice: '40000',
actualPrice: '29800',
specifications: [
{ specTitle: '颜色', specValue: '米色荷叶边' },
{ specTitle: '尺码', specValue: 'M' },
buyQuantity: 1,
itemTotalAmount: '29800',
itemDiscountAmount: '25800',
itemPaymentAmount: '4000',
goodsPaymentPrice: '4000',
tagPrice: null,
tagText: null,
outCode: null,
labelVOs: null,
buttonVOs: null,
logisticsVO: {
logisticsType: 1,
logisticsNo: '123',
logisticsStatus: null,
logisticsCompanyCode: 'yuantong',
logisticsCompanyName: '圆通速递',
receiverAddressId: '2',
provinceCode: '440000',
cityCode: '440300',
countryCode: '440306',
receiverProvince: '广东省',
receiverCity: '深圳市',
receiverCountry: '宝安区',
receiverArea: '',
receiverAddress: '沙井中心路28号丽沙花都xx栋xx号',
receiverPostCode: '',
receiverLongitude: '113.829127',
receiverLatitude: '22.713649',
receiverIdentity: '88888888205468',
receiverPhone: '17612345678',
receiverName: '测试用户',
expectArrivalTime: null,
senderName: '',
senderPhone: '',
senderAddress: '',
sendTime: '1587008539953',
arrivalTime: '1588291200508',
paymentVO: {
payStatus: 2,
amount: '4000',
currency: 'RNB',
payType: 0,
payWay: 0,
payWayName: '微信支付',
interactId: '121212',
traceNo: '121212',
channelTrxNo: '121212',
period: null,
payTime: '2020-03-23 00:00:00',
paySuccessTime: '2020-04-16 11:18:09',
buttonVOs: [
{ primary: false, type: 4, name: '申请售后' },
{ primary: true, type: 6, name: '评价' },
labelVOs: null,
invoiceVO: null,
couponAmount: '0',
autoCancelTime: null,
orderStatusName: '交易完成',
orderSatusRemark: null,
logisticsLogVO: null,
invoiceStatus: 2,
invoiceDesc: '暂不开发票',
invoiceUrl: null,
code: 'Success',
msg: null,
requestId: mockReqId(),
clientIp: mockIp(),
rt: 95,
success: true,
export function genOrderDetail(params) {
const { parameter } = params;
const resp = orderResps.find((r) => === parameter);
return resp;
export function genBusinessTime() {
const resp = {
data: {
businessTime: ['周一,周二,周三,周四,周五:00:20:00-08:00:00'],
telphone: '18565372257',
saasId: '88888888',
code: 'Success',
msg: null,
requestId: mockReqId(),
clientIp: mockIp(),
rt: 3,
success: true,
return resp;