You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import dayjs from 'dayjs';
const formatTime = (date, template) => dayjs(date).format(template);
* 格式化价格数额为字符串
* 可对小数部分进行填充默认不填充
* @param price 价格数额以分为单位!
* @param fill 是否填充小数部分 0-不填充 1-填充第一位小数 2-填充两位小数
function priceFormat(price, fill = 0) {
if (isNaN(price) || price === null || price === Infinity) {
return price;
let priceFormatValue = Math.round(parseFloat(`${price}`) * 10 ** 8) / 10 ** 8; // 恢复精度丢失
priceFormatValue = `${Math.ceil(priceFormatValue) / 100}`; // 向上取整,单位转换为元,转换为字符串
if (fill > 0) {
// 补充小数位数
if (priceFormatValue.indexOf('.') === -1) {
priceFormatValue = `${priceFormatValue}.`;
const n = fill - priceFormatValue.split('.')[1]?.length;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
priceFormatValue = `${priceFormatValue}0`;
return priceFormatValue;
* 获取cdn裁剪后链接
* @param {string} url 基础链接
* @param {number} width 宽度单位px
* @param {number} [height] 可选高度不填时与width同值
const cosThumb = (url, width, height = width) => {
if (url.indexOf('?') > -1) {
return url;
if (url.indexOf('http://') === 0) {
url = url.replace('http://', 'https://');
return `${url}?imageMogr2/thumbnail/${~~width}x${~~height}`;
const get = (source, paths, defaultValue) => {
if (typeof paths === 'string') {
paths = paths
.replace(/\[/g, '.')
.replace(/\]/g, '')
const { length } = paths;
let index = 0;
while (source != null && index < length) {
source = source[paths[index++]];
return source === undefined || index === 0 ? defaultValue : source;
let systemWidth = 0;
/** 获取系统宽度,为了减少启动消耗所以在函数里边做初始化 */
export const loadSystemWidth = () => {
if (systemWidth) {
return systemWidth;
try {
({ screenWidth: systemWidth, pixelRatio } = wx.getSystemInfoSync());
} catch (e) {
systemWidth = 0;
return systemWidth;
* 转换rpx为px
* @description
* 什么时候用
* - 布局(width: 172rpx)已经写好, 某些组件只接受px作为style或者prop指定
const rpx2px = (rpx, round = false) => {
// px / systemWidth = rpx / 750
const result = (rpx * systemWidth) / 750;
if (round) {
return Math.floor(result);
return result;
* 手机号码*加密函数
* @param {string} phone 电话号
* @returns
const phoneEncryption = (phone) => {
return phone.replace(/(\d{3})\d{4}(\d{4})/, '$1****$2');
// 内置手机号正则字符串
const innerPhoneReg =
* 手机号正则校验
* @param phone 手机号
* @param phoneReg 正则字符串
* @returns true - 校验通过 false - 校验失败
const phoneRegCheck = (phone) => {
const phoneRegExp = new RegExp(innerPhoneReg);
return phoneRegExp.test(phone);
module.exports = {