//index.js let currentPage = 0 // 当前第几页,0代表第一页 let pageSize = 6 var util = require('../../utils/util.js') var app = getApp() Page({ data: { search:'', re:[], feed: [], feed_length: 0, loadMore: false, //"上拉加载"的变量,默认false,隐藏 loadAll: false //“没有数据”的变量,默认false,隐藏 //imgList:[] }, //事件处理函数 bindItemTap: function(event) { /*wx.navigateTo({ url: '../answer/answer' })*/ var aid=event.currentTarget.dataset.aid; console.log(aid) //console.log("1") wx.navigateTo({ url: '../answer/answer?aid='+aid,//要跳转到的页面路径 }) }, onLoad: function () { console.log('onLoad') this.clearCache(); let that = this //调用应用实例的方法获取全局数据 this.getData(); this.refresh() }, onShow: function (){ console.log('onshow') this.upper() }, upper: function () {//下滑刷新 wx.showNavigationBarLoading() this.refresh(); console.log("upper"); setTimeout(function(){wx.hideNavigationBarLoading();wx.stopPullDownRefresh();}, 1000); }, lower: function (e) {//触底加载 wx.showNavigationBarLoading(); var that = this; setTimeout(function(){wx.hideNavigationBarLoading();that.nextLoad();}, 1000); console.log("lower") }, scroll: function (e) { console.log("scroll") }, //网络请求数据, 实现首页刷新 refresh0: function(){ this.getData; /*var index_api = ''; util.getData(index_api) .then(function(data){ //this.setData({ // //}); console.log(data); });*/ }, //使用本地 fake 数据实现刷新效果 getData() { let that = this; //第一次加载数据 if (currentPage == 1) { this.setData({ loadMore: true, //把"上拉加载"的变量设为true,显示 loadAll: false //把“没有数据”设为false,隐藏 }) } //云数据的请求 wx.cloud.database().collection("tiezi") .orderBy('createTime', 'desc') //按发布视频排序 .skip(currentPage * pageSize) //从第几个数据开始 .limit(pageSize) .get({ success(res) { if (res.data && res.data.length > 0) { console.log("请求成功", res.data) currentPage++ //把新请求到的数据添加到dataList里 let list = that.data.feed.concat(res.data) that.setData({ feed: list, //获取数据数组 loadMore: false //把"上拉加载"的变量设为false,显示 }); if (res.data.length < pageSize) { that.setData({ loadMore: false, //隐藏加载中。。 loadAll: true //所有数据都加载完了 }); } } else { that.setData({ loadAll: true, //把“没有数据”设为true,显示 loadMore: false //把"上拉加载"的变量设为false,隐藏 }); } }, fail(res) { console.log("请求失败", res) that.setData({ loadAll: false, loadMore: false }); } }) }, refresh: function(){ this.clearCache(); this.getData() let that = this if (!that.data.loadMore) { that.setData({ loadMore: true, //加载中 loadAll: false //是否加载完所有数据 });} }, //使用本地 fake 数据实现继续加载效果 nextLoad: function(){ console.log("上拉触底事件") let that = this if (!that.data.loadMore) { that.setData({ loadMore: true, //加载中 loadAll: false //是否加载完所有数据 }); //加载更多,这里做下延时加载 setTimeout(function() { that.getData() }, 500) } }, goto(){ wx.navigateTo({ url: '../submit/submit',//要跳转到的页面路径 }) }, // 清缓存 clearCache:function(){ currentPage = 0;//分页标识归零 this.setData({ feed: [] //文章列表数组清空 }); }, GetSearchInput: function(e) { this.setData({ search: e.detail.value }) }, ToSearch: function(e) { //let search = e.detail.value; var that = this; if(this.data.search == '') { wx.showToast({ title: '请输入', icon: 'none' }) return } wx.showLoading({ title: '搜索中', }) const _ = wx.cloud.database().command wx.cloud.database().collection('tiezi').where(_.or([ { content: wx.cloud.database().RegExp({ regexp: this.data.search, options: 'i', }), }, { title: wx.cloud.database().RegExp({ regexp: this.data.search, options: 'i', }), } ])) // wx.cloud.database().collection('tiezi').where({ // content: wx.cloud.database().RegExp({ // regexp: this.data.search, // options: 'i', // }), // }) .get() .then(res => { if (res.data.length != 0) { this.setData({ re: res.data, }) wx.setStorageSync('re', res.data) let re= wx.getStorageSync('re') console.log(re) let that = this; wx.hideLoading({ success: (res) => { that.setData({ search: '', }) }}) wx.navigateTo({ url: '../searchShow/searchShow?re='+JSON.stringify(re),//要跳转到的页面路径 }) } else { wx.showToast({ title: '未找到', icon: 'none' }) } console.log(res.data) }) .catch(res => { console.log("查询失败",res) }) }, })