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554 lines
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$axure.internal(function($ax) {
$ax.public.fn.matrixMultiply = function(matrix, vector) {
if(!matrix.tx) matrix.tx = 0;
if(!matrix.ty) matrix.ty = 0;
var outX = matrix.m11 * vector.x + matrix.m12 * vector.y + matrix.tx;
var outY = matrix.m21 * vector.x + matrix.m22 * vector.y + matrix.ty;
return { x: outX, y: outY };
$ax.public.fn.matrixInverse = function(matrix) {
if(!matrix.tx) matrix.tx = 0;
if(!matrix.ty) matrix.ty = 0;
var determinant = matrix.m11*matrix.m22 - matrix.m12*matrix.m21;
//var threshold = (M11 * M11 + M22 *M22 + M12 *M12+ M21 *M21) / 100000;
//if(determinant.DeltaEquals(0, threshold) && determinant < 0.01) {
// return Invalid;
return {
m11 : matrix.m22/determinant,
m12 : -matrix.m12/determinant,
tx : (matrix.ty*matrix.m12 - matrix.tx*matrix.m22)/determinant,
m21: -matrix.m21 / determinant,
m22: matrix.m11 / determinant,
ty: (matrix.tx * matrix.m21 - matrix.ty * matrix.m11) / determinant
$ax.public.fn.matrixMultiplyMatrix = function (matrix1, matrix2) {
if (!matrix1.tx) matrix1.tx = 0;
if (!matrix1.ty) matrix1.ty = 0;
if (!matrix2.tx) matrix2.tx = 0;
if (!matrix2.ty) matrix2.ty = 0;
return {
m11: matrix1.m12*matrix2.m21 + matrix1.m11*matrix2.m11,
m12: matrix1.m12*matrix2.m22 + matrix1.m11*matrix2.m12,
tx: matrix1.m12 * matrix2.ty + matrix1.m11 * matrix2.tx + matrix1.tx,
m21: matrix1.m22 * matrix2.m21 + matrix1.m21 * matrix2.m11,
m22: matrix1.m22 * matrix2.m22 + matrix1.m21 * matrix2.m12,
ty: matrix1.m22 * matrix2.ty + matrix1.m21 * matrix2.tx + matrix1.ty,
$ax.public.fn.transformFromElement = function (element) {
var st = window.getComputedStyle(element, null);
var tr = st.getPropertyValue("-webkit-transform") ||
st.getPropertyValue("-moz-transform") ||
st.getPropertyValue("-ms-transform") ||
st.getPropertyValue("-o-transform") ||
if (tr.indexOf('none') < 0) {
var matrix = tr.split('(')[1];
matrix = matrix.split(')')[0];
matrix = matrix.split(',');
for (var l = 0; l < matrix.length; l++) {
matrix[l] = Number(matrix[l]);
} else { matrix = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]; }
return matrix;
// matrix[0] = cosine, matrix[1] = sine.
// Assuming the element is still orthogonal.
$ax.public.fn.vectorMinus = function(vector1, vector2) { return { x: vector1.x - vector2.x, y: vector1.y - vector2.y }; }
$ax.public.fn.vectorPlus = function (vector1, vector2) { return { x: vector1.x + vector2.x, y: vector1.y + vector2.y }; }
$ax.public.fn.vectorMidpoint = function (vector1, vector2) { return { x: (vector1.x + vector2.x) / 2.0, y: (vector1.y + vector2.y) / 2.0 }; }
$ax.public.fn.fourCornersToBasis = function (fourCorners) {
return {
widthVector: $ax.public.fn.vectorMinus(fourCorners.widgetTopRight, fourCorners.widgetTopLeft),
heightVector: $ax.public.fn.vectorMinus(fourCorners.widgetBottomLeft, fourCorners.widgetTopLeft)
$ax.public.fn.matrixString = function(m11, m21, m12, m22, tx, ty) {
return "Matrix(" + m11 + "," + m21 + "," + m12 + "," + m22 + ", " + tx + ", " + ty + ")";
//$ax.public.fn.getWidgetBoundingRect = function (widgetId) {
// var emptyRect = { left: 0, top: 0, centerPoint: { x: 0, y: 0 }, width: 0, height: 0 };
// var element = document.getElementById(widgetId);
// if (!element) return emptyRect;
// var object = $obj(widgetId);
// if (object && object.type && $ax.public.fn.IsLayer(object.type)) {
// var layerChildren = _getLayerChildrenDeep(widgetId);
// if (!layerChildren) return emptyRect;
// else return _getBoundingRectForMultipleWidgets(layerChildren);
// }
// return _getBoundingRectForSingleWidget(widgetId);
var _getLayerChildrenDeep = $ax.public.fn.getLayerChildrenDeep = function (layerId, includeLayers, includeHidden) {
var deep = [];
var children = $ax('#' + layerId).getChildren()[0].children;
for (var index = 0; index < children.length; index++) {
var childId = children[index];
if(!includeHidden && !$ax.visibility.IsIdVisible(childId)) continue;
if ($ax.public.fn.IsLayer($obj(childId).type)) {
if (includeLayers) deep.push(childId);
var recursiveChildren = _getLayerChildrenDeep(childId, includeLayers, includeHidden);
for (var j = 0; j < recursiveChildren.length; j++) deep.push(recursiveChildren[j]);
} else deep.push(childId);
return deep;
//var _getBoundingRectForMultipleWidgets = function (widgetsIdArray, relativeToPage) {
// if (!widgetsIdArray || widgetsIdArray.constructor !== Array) return undefined;
// if (widgetsIdArray.length == 0) return { left: 0, top: 0, centerPoint: { x: 0, y: 0 }, width: 0, height: 0 };
// var widgetRect = _getBoundingRectForSingleWidget(widgetsIdArray[0], relativeToPage, true);
// var boundingRect = { left: widgetRect.left, right: widgetRect.right, top:, bottom: widgetRect.bottom };
// for (var index = 1; index < widgetsIdArray.length; index++) {
// widgetRect = _getBoundingRectForSingleWidget(widgetsIdArray[index], relativeToPage);
// boundingRect.left = Math.min(boundingRect.left, widgetRect.left);
// = Math.min(,;
// boundingRect.right = Math.max(boundingRect.right, widgetRect.right);
// boundingRect.bottom = Math.max(boundingRect.bottom, widgetRect.bottom);
// }
// boundingRect.centerPoint = { x: (boundingRect.right + boundingRect.left) / 2.0, y: (boundingRect.bottom + / 2.0 };
// boundingRect.width = boundingRect.right - boundingRect.left;
// boundingRect.height = boundingRect.bottom -;
// return boundingRect;
//var _getBoundingRectForSingleWidget = function (widgetId, relativeToPage, justSides) {
// var element = document.getElementById(widgetId);
// var boundingRect, tempBoundingRect, position;
// var displayChanged = _displayHackStart(element);
// if (_isCompoundVectorHtml(element)) {
// //tempBoundingRect = _getCompoundImageBoundingClientSize(widgetId);
// //position = { left: tempBoundingRect.left, top: };
// position = $(element).position();
// tempBoundingRect = {};
// tempBoundingRect.left = position.left; //= _getCompoundImageBoundingClientSize(widgetId);
// =;
// tempBoundingRect.width = Number(element.getAttribute('data-width'));
// tempBoundingRect.height = Number(element.getAttribute('data-height'));
// } else {
// var boundingElement = element;
// if($ax.dynamicPanelManager.isIdFitToContent(widgetId)) {
// var stateId = $ax.visibility.GetPanelState(widgetId);
// if(stateId != '') boundingElement = document.getElementById(stateId);
// }
// tempBoundingRect = boundingElement.getBoundingClientRect();
// var jElement = $(element);
// position = jElement.position();
// if(jElement.css('position') == 'fixed') {
// position.left += Number(jElement.css('margin-left').replace("px", ""));
// += Number(jElement.css('margin-top').replace("px", ""));
// }
// }
// var layers = $ax('#' + widgetId).getParents(true, ['layer'])[0];
// var flip = '';
// var mirrorWidth = 0;
// var mirrorHeight = 0;
// for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
// //should always be 0,0
// var layerPos = $jobj(layers[i]).position();
// position.left += layerPos.left;
// +=;
// var outer = $ax.visibility.applyWidgetContainer(layers[i], true, true);
// if (outer.length) {
// var outerPos = outer.position();
// position.left += outerPos.left;
// +=;
// }
// //when a group is flipped we find the unflipped position
// var inner = $jobj(layers[i] + '_container_inner');
// var taggedFlip ='flip');
// if (inner.length && taggedFlip) {
// //only account for flip if transform is applied
// var matrix = taggedFlip && (inner.css("-webkit-transform") || inner.css("-moz-transform") ||
// inner.css("-ms-transform") || inner.css("-o-transform") || inner.css("transform"));
// if (matrix !== 'none') {
// flip = taggedFlip;
// mirrorWidth = $ax.getNumFromPx(inner.css('width'));
// mirrorHeight = $ax.getNumFromPx(inner.css('height'));
// }
// }
// }
// //Now account for flip
// if (flip == 'x') = mirrorHeight - - element.getBoundingClientRect().height;
// else if (flip == 'y') position.left = mirrorWidth - position.left - element.getBoundingClientRect().width;
// boundingRect = {
// left: position.left,
// right: position.left + tempBoundingRect.width,
// top:,
// bottom: + tempBoundingRect.height
// };
// _displayHackEnd(displayChanged);
// if (justSides) return boundingRect;
// boundingRect.width = boundingRect.right - boundingRect.left;
// boundingRect.height = boundingRect.bottom -;
// boundingRect.centerPoint = {
// x: boundingRect.width / 2 + boundingRect.left,
// y: boundingRect.height / 2 +
// };
// return boundingRect;
var _getPointAfterRotate = $ax.public.fn.getPointAfterRotate = function (angleInDegrees, pointToRotate, centerPoint) {
var displacement = $ax.public.fn.vectorMinus(pointToRotate, centerPoint);
var rotationMatrix = $ax.public.fn.rotationMatrix(angleInDegrees);
rotationMatrix.tx = centerPoint.x;
rotationMatrix.ty = centerPoint.y;
return $ax.public.fn.matrixMultiply(rotationMatrix, displacement);
$ax.public.fn.getBoundingSizeForRotate = function(width, height, rotation) {
// point to rotate around doesn't matter since we just care about size, if location matter we need more args and location matters.
var origin = { x: 0, y: 0 };
var corner1 = { x: width, y: 0 };
var corner2 = { x: 0, y: height };
var corner3 = { x: width, y: height };
corner1 = _getPointAfterRotate(rotation, corner1, origin);
corner2 = _getPointAfterRotate(rotation, corner2, origin);
corner3 = _getPointAfterRotate(rotation, corner3, origin);
var left = Math.min(0, corner1.x, corner2.x, corner3.x);
var right = Math.max(0, corner1.x, corner2.x, corner3.x);
var top = Math.min(0, corner1.y, corner2.y, corner3.y);
var bottom = Math.max(0, corner1.y, corner2.y, corner3.y);
return { width: right - left, height: bottom - top };
$ax.public.fn.getBoundingRectForRotate = function (boundingRect, rotation) {
var centerPoint = boundingRect.centerPoint;
var corner1 = { x: boundingRect.left, y: };
var corner2 = { x: boundingRect.right, y: };
var corner3 = { x: boundingRect.right, y: boundingRect.bottom };
var corner4 = { x: boundingRect.left, y: boundingRect.bottom };
corner1 = _getPointAfterRotate(rotation, corner1, centerPoint);
corner2 = _getPointAfterRotate(rotation, corner2, centerPoint);
corner3 = _getPointAfterRotate(rotation, corner3, centerPoint);
corner4 = _getPointAfterRotate(rotation, corner4, centerPoint);
var left = Math.min(corner1.x, corner2.x, corner3.x, corner4.x);
var right = Math.max(corner1.x, corner2.x, corner3.x, corner4.x);
var top = Math.min(corner1.y, corner2.y, corner3.y, corner4.y);
var bottom = Math.max(corner1.y, corner2.y, corner3.y, corner4.y);
return { left: left, top: top, width: right - left, height: bottom - top };
//$ax.public.fn.getPositionRelativeToParent = function (elementId) {
// var element = document.getElementById(elementId);
// var list = _displayHackStart(element);
// var position = $(element).position();
// _displayHackEnd(list);
// return position;
//var _displayHackStart = $ax.public.fn.displayHackStart = function (element) {
// // TODO: Options: 1) stop setting display none. Big change for this late in the game. 2) Implement our own bounding.
// // TODO: 3) Current method is look for any parents that are set to none, and and temporarily unblock. Don't like it, but it works.
// var parent = element;
// var displays = [];
// while (parent) {
// if ( == 'none') {
// displays.push(parent);
// //use block to overwrites default hidden objects' display
// = 'block';
// }
// parent = parent.parentElement;
// }
// return displays;
//var _displayHackEnd = $ax.public.fn.displayHackEnd = function (displayChangedList) {
// for (var i = 0; i < displayChangedList.length; i++) displayChangedList[i].style.display = 'none';
var _isCompoundVectorHtml = $ax.public.fn.isCompoundVectorHtml = function(hElement) {
return hElement.hasAttribute('compoundmode') && hElement.getAttribute('compoundmode') == "true";
$ax.public.fn.removeCompound = function (jobj) { if(_isCompoundVectorHtml(jobj[0])) jobj.removeClass('compound'); }
$ax.public.fn.restoreCompound = function (jobj) { if (_isCompoundVectorHtml(jobj[0])) jobj.addClass('compound'); }
$ax.public.fn.compoundIdFromComponent = function(id) {
var pPos = id.indexOf('p');
var dashPos = id.indexOf('-');
if (pPos < 1) return id;
else if (dashPos < 0) return id.substring(0, pPos);
else return id.substring(0, pPos) + id.substring(dashPos);
$ax.public.fn.l2 = function (x, y) { return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); }
$ax.public.fn.convertToSingleImage = function (jobj) {
if(!jobj[0]) return;
var widgetId = jobj[0].id;
var object = $obj(widgetId);
if ($ax.public.fn.IsLayer(object.type)) {
var recursiveChildren = _getLayerChildrenDeep(widgetId, true);
for (var j = 0; j < recursiveChildren.length; j++)
//var layer =
if(!_isCompoundVectorHtml(jobj[0])) return;
$('#' + widgetId).removeClass("compound");
$('#' + widgetId + '_img').removeClass("singleImg");
jobj[0].setAttribute('compoundmode', 'false');
var components = object.compoundChildren;
delete object.generateCompound;
for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
var componentJobj = $jobj($ax.public.fn.getComponentId(widgetId, components[i]));
componentJobj.css('display', 'none');
componentJobj.css('visibility', 'hidden');
$ax.public.fn.getContainerDimensions = function(query) {
// returns undefined if no containers found.
var containerDimensions;
for (var i = 0; i < query[0].children.length; i++) {
var node = query[0].children[i];
if ([0].id) >= 0 &&'container') >= 0) {
containerDimensions =;
return containerDimensions;
$ax.public.fn.rotationMatrix = function (angleInDegrees) {
var angleInRadians = angleInDegrees * (Math.PI / 180);
var cosTheta = Math.cos(angleInRadians);
var sinTheta = Math.sin(angleInRadians);
return { m11: cosTheta, m12: -sinTheta, m21: sinTheta, m22: cosTheta, tx: 0.0, ty: 0.0 };
$ax.public.fn.GetFieldFromStyle = function (query, field) {
var raw = query[0].style[field];
if (!raw) raw = query.css(field);
return Number(raw.replace('px', ''));
$ax.public.fn.setTransformHowever = function (transformString) {
return {
'-webkit-transform': transformString,
'-moz-transform': transformString,
'-ms-transform': transformString,
'-o-transform': transformString,
'transform': transformString
$ax.public.fn.getCornersFromComponent = function (id) {
var element = document.getElementById(id);
var matrix = element ? $ax.public.fn.transformFromElement(element) : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0];
var currentMatrix = { m11: matrix[0], m21: matrix[1], m12: matrix[2], m22: matrix[3], tx: matrix[4], ty: matrix[5] };
var dimensions = {};
var axObj = $ax('#' + id);
var viewportLocation = axObj.offsetLocation();
dimensions.left = viewportLocation.left; =;
//dimensions.left = axObj.left(true);
// =;
var size = axObj.size();
dimensions.width = size.width;
dimensions.height = size.height;
//var transformMatrix1 = { m11: 1, m12: 0, m21: 0, m22: 1, tx: -invariant.x, ty: -invariant.y };
//var transformMatrix2 = { m11: 1, m12: 0, m21: 0, m22: 1, tx: 500, ty: 500 };
var halfWidth = dimensions.width * 0.5;
var halfHeight = dimensions.height * 0.5;
//var preTransformTopLeft = { x: -halfWidth, y: -halfHeight };
//var preTransformBottomLeft = { x: -halfWidth, y: halfHeight };
var preTransformTopRight = { x: halfWidth, y: -halfHeight };
var preTransformBottomRight = { x: halfWidth, y: halfHeight };
return {
//relativeTopLeft: $ax.public.fn.matrixMultiply(currentMatrix, preTransformTopLeft),
//relativeBottomLeft: $ax.public.fn.matrixMultiply(currentMatrix, preTransformBottomLeft),
relativeTopRight: $ax.public.fn.matrixMultiply(currentMatrix, preTransformTopRight),
relativeBottomRight: $ax.public.fn.matrixMultiply(currentMatrix, preTransformBottomRight),
centerPoint: { x: dimensions.left + halfWidth, y: + halfHeight }
//originalDimensions: dimensions,
//transformShift: { x: matrix[4], y: matrix[5] }
$ax.public.fn.inversePathLengthFunction = function (pathFunction) {
// these are for computing the inverse functions of path integrals.
var makeDivisionNode = function(node1, node2) {
var param = 0.5 * (node1.Param + node2.Param);
var inBetweenNode = {
LowerStop: node1,
HigherStop: node2,
Param: param,
Position: pathFunction(param),
Cumulative: 0.0
var lowerDisplacement = $ax.public.fn.vectorMinus(node1.Position, inBetweenNode.Position);
inBetweenNode.LowerInterval = {
Length: $ax.public.fn.l2(lowerDisplacement.x, lowerDisplacement.y),
Node: inBetweenNode,
IsHigher: false
var higherDisplacement = $ax.public.fn.vectorMinus(node2.Position, inBetweenNode.Position);
inBetweenNode.HigherInterval = {
Length: $ax.public.fn.l2(higherDisplacement.x, higherDisplacement.y),
Node: inBetweenNode,
IsHigher: true
return inBetweenNode;
var expandLower = function(node) {
node.LowerChild = makeDivisionNode(node.LowerStop, node);
node.LowerChild.Parent = node;
var expandHigher = function(node) {
node.HigherChild = makeDivisionNode(node, node.HigherStop);
node.HigherChild.Parent = node;
// for this function, cumulative is a global variable
var cumulative = 0.0;
var labelCumulativeLength = function(node) {
if(!node.LowerChild) {
node.LowerStop.Cumulative = cumulative;
cumulative += node.LowerInterval.Length;
node.Cumulative = cumulative;
} else labelCumulativeLength(node.LowerChild);
if(!node.HigherChild) {
node.Cumulative = cumulative;
cumulative += node.HigherInterval.Length;
node.HigherStop.Cumulative = cumulative;
} else labelCumulativeLength(node.HigherChild);
var getIntervalFromPathLength = function(node, length) {
if(length < node.Cumulative) {
return node.LowerChild ? getIntervalFromPathLength(node.LowerChild, length) : node.LowerInterval;
} else return node.HigherChild ? getIntervalFromPathLength(node.HigherChild, length) : node.HigherInterval;
var intervalLowerEnd = function(interval) {
return interval.IsHigher ? interval.Node : interval.Node.LowerStop;
var intervalHigherEnd = function(interval) {
return interval.IsHigher ? interval.Node.HigherStop : interval.Node;
var getParameterFromPathLength = function (node, length) {
var interval = getIntervalFromPathLength(node, length);
var lowerNode = intervalLowerEnd(interval);
var higherNode = intervalHigherEnd(interval);
return lowerNode.Param + (higherNode.Param - lowerNode.Param) * (length - lowerNode.Cumulative) / (higherNode.Cumulative - lowerNode.Cumulative);
var insertIntoSortedList = function (longer, shorter, toInsert) {
while (true) {
if (!longer) {
longer = shorter;
shorter = shorter.NextLongest;
} else if (!shorter) longer.NextLongest = toInsert;
else {
if (longer.Length >= toInsert.Length && shorter.Length <= toInsert.Length) {
longer.NextLongest = toInsert;
toInsert.NextLongest = shorter;
} else {
longer = shorter;
shorter = shorter.NextLongest;
var head = {Param: 0.0, Position: pathFunction(0.0) };
var tail = { Param: 1.0, Position: pathFunction(1.0) };
var root = makeDivisionNode(head, tail);
var currentCurveLength = root.LowerInterval.Length + root.HigherInterval.Length;
var longestInterval;
if (root.LowerInterval.Length < root.HigherInterval.Length) {
longestInterval = root.HigherInterval;
longestInterval.NextLongest = root.LowerInterval;
} else {
longestInterval = root.LowerInterval;
longestInterval.NextLongest = root.HigherInterval;
while (longestInterval.Length * 100.0 > currentCurveLength) {
var newNode;
if (longestInterval.IsHigher) {
newNode = longestInterval.Node.HigherChild;
} else {
newNode = longestInterval.Node.LowerChild;
currentCurveLength += (newNode.LowerInterval.Length + newNode.HigherInterval.Length - longestInterval.Length);
insertIntoSortedList(null, longestInterval, newNode.LowerInterval);
insertIntoSortedList(null, longestInterval, newNode.HigherInterval);
longestInterval = longestInterval.NextLongest;
return function(lengthParam) {
return getParameterFromPathLength(root, lengthParam * cumulative);