// ******* AxQuery Plugins ******** // $axure.internal(function($ax) { $ax.constants = {}; $ax.constants.TABLE_TYPE = 'table'; $ax.constants.MENU_OBJECT_TYPE = 'menuObject'; $ax.constants.MASTER_TYPE = 'master'; $ax.constants.PAGE_TYPE = 'page'; $ax.constants.REFERENCE_DIAGRAM_OBJECT_TYPE = 'referenceDiagramObject'; $ax.constants.REPEATER_TYPE = 'repeater'; $ax.constants.DYNAMIC_PANEL_TYPE = 'dynamicPanel'; $ax.constants.LAYER_TYPE = 'layer'; $ax.constants.TEXT_BOX_TYPE = 'textBox'; $ax.constants.TEXT_AREA_TYPE = 'textArea'; $ax.constants.LIST_BOX_TYPE = 'listBox'; $ax.constants.COMBO_BOX_TYPE = 'comboBox'; $ax.constants.CHECK_BOX_TYPE = 'checkbox'; $ax.constants.RADIO_BUTTON_TYPE = 'radioButton'; $ax.constants.BUTTON_TYPE = 'button'; //html button $ax.constants.IMAGE_MAP_REGION_TYPE = 'imageMapRegion'; $ax.constants.IMAGE_BOX_TYPE = 'imageBox'; $ax.constants.VECTOR_SHAPE_TYPE = 'vectorShape'; $ax.constants.SNAPSHOT_TYPE = 'screenshot'; $ax.constants.TREE_NODE_OBJECT_TYPE = 'treeNodeObject'; $ax.constants.TABLE_CELL_TYPE = 'tableCell'; $ax.constants.VERTICAL_LINE_TYPE = 'verticalLine'; $ax.constants.HORIZONTAL_LINE_TYPE = 'horizontalLine'; $ax.constants.INLINE_FRAME_TYPE = 'inlineFrame'; $ax.constants.CONNECTOR_TYPE = 'connector'; $ax.constants.ALL_TYPE = '*'; $ax.constants.TEXT_TYPE = 'richTextPanel'; $ax.constants.LINK_TYPE = 'hyperlink'; // TODO: Need solid passo f this. Constants should be able to bemade local, may need some public lists or something. // public.fn function should take not arg and use this. May need some $ax.IsType fuctions that will take a type arg and be static $ax.public.fn.IsTable = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.TABLE_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsMenuObject = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.MENU_OBJECT_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsMaster = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.MASTER_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsPage = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.PAGE_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsReferenceDiagramObject = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.REFERENCE_DIAGRAM_OBJECT_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsRepeater = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.REPEATER_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsDynamicPanel = $ax.IsDynamicPanel = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.DYNAMIC_PANEL_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsLayer = $ax.IsLayer = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.LAYER_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsTextBox = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.TEXT_BOX_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsTextArea = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.TEXT_AREA_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsListBox = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.LIST_BOX_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsComboBox = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.COMBO_BOX_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsCheckBox = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.CHECK_BOX_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsRadioButton = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.RADIO_BUTTON_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsButton = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.BUTTON_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsIamgeMapRegion = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.IMAGE_MAP_REGION_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsImageBox = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.IMAGE_BOX_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsVector = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.VECTOR_SHAPE_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsSnapshot = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.SNAPSHOT_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsTreeNodeObject = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.TREE_NODE_OBJECT_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsTableCell = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.TABLE_CELL_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsInlineFrame = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.INLINE_FRAME_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsConnector = function (type) { return type == $ax.constants.CONNECTOR_TYPE; } $ax.public.fn.IsContainer = function (type) { return type== $ax.constants.VECTOR_SHAPE_TYPE || type == $ax.constants.TABLE_TYPE || type == $ax.constants.MENU_OBJECT_TYPE || type == $ax.constants.TREE_NODE_OBJECT_TYPE; } var SET_OPACITY_TYES = [ $ax.constants.CHECK_BOX_TYPE, $ax.constants.RADIO_BUTTON_TYPE, $ax.constants.TEXT_BOX_TYPE, $ax.constants.TEXT_AREA_TYPE, $ax.constants.LIST_BOX_TYPE, $ax.constants.COMBO_BOX_TYPE, $ax.constants.BUTTON_TYPE, $ax.constants.IMAGE_BOX_TYPE, $ax.constants.IMAGE_MAP_REGION_TYPE, $ax.constants.VECTOR_SHAPE_TYPE ]; $ax.public.fn.SupportSetOpacity = function (type) { return $.inArray(type, SET_OPACITY_TYES) !== -1; } var PLAIN_TEXT_TYPES = [$ax.constants.TEXT_BOX_TYPE, $ax.constants.TEXT_AREA_TYPE, $ax.constants.LIST_BOX_TYPE, $ax.constants.COMBO_BOX_TYPE, $ax.constants.CHECK_BOX_TYPE, $ax.constants.RADIO_BUTTON_TYPE, $ax.constants.BUTTON_TYPE]; $ax.public.fn.IsResizable = function (type) { return $.inArray(type, RESIZABLE_TYPES) !== -1; } var RESIZABLE_TYPES = [ $ax.constants.BUTTON_TYPE, $ax.constants.DYNAMIC_PANEL_TYPE, $ax.constants.IMAGE_BOX_TYPE, $ax.constants.IMAGE_MAP_REGION_TYPE, $ax.constants.INLINE_FRAME_TYPE, $ax.constants.LAYER_TYPE, $ax.constants.LIST_BOX_TYPE, $ax.constants.COMBO_BOX_TYPE, $ax.constants.VECTOR_SHAPE_TYPE, $ax.constants.TEXT_AREA_TYPE, $ax.constants.TEXT_BOX_TYPE, $ax.constants.SNAPSHOT_TYPE ]; $ax.public.fn.IsSelectionButton = function(type) { return type == $ax.constants.RADIO_BUTTON_TYPE || type == $ax.constants.CHECK_BOX_TYPE; }; $ax.public.fn.SupportsErrorStyle = function(widgetType) { return $ax.public.fn.IsImageBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsVector(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsDynamicPanel(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsLayer(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsTextArea(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsTextBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsListBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsComboBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsCheckBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsRadioButton(widgetType) } $ax.public.fn.SupportsRichText = function() { var obj = $obj(this.getElementIds()[0]); // Catch root tree nodes as they are not supported. if(obj.type == $ax.constants.TREE_NODE_OBJECT_TYPE) return obj.friendlyType == 'Tree Node'; // Do the same for tree node icons maybe? return $.inArray(obj.type, SUPPORTS_RICH_TEXT_TYPES) != -1; } var SUPPORTS_RICH_TEXT_TYPES = [$ax.constants.CHECK_BOX_TYPE, $ax.constants.RADIO_BUTTON_TYPE, $ax.constants.IMAGE_BOX_TYPE, $ax.constants.VECTOR_SHAPE_TYPE, $ax.constants.TABLE_CELL_TYPE, $ax.constants.CONNECTOR_TYPE]; var _addJQueryFunction = function(name) { $ax.public.fn[name] = function() { var val = $.fn[name].apply(this.jQuery(), arguments); return arguments[0] ? this : val; }; }; var _jQueryFunctionsToAdd = ['text', 'val', 'css']; for (var jqueryFunctionIndex = 0; jqueryFunctionIndex < _jQueryFunctionsToAdd.length; jqueryFunctionIndex++) _addJQueryFunction(_jQueryFunctionsToAdd[jqueryFunctionIndex]); // var _addJQueryEventFunction = function(name) { // $ax.public.fn[name] = function() { // $.fn[name].apply(this.jQuery(), arguments); // return this; // }; // }; // var _addJQueryEventFunction = function(name) { // $ax.public.fn[name] = (function(nn) { // return function() { // $.fn[nn].apply(this.jQuery(), arguments); // return this; // }; // })(name); // }; var _addJQueryEventFunction = function(name) { $ax.public.fn[name] = function() { //With Martin - No idea why this is necessary. We tried encapsulating the function thinking it was related to closure (above), //but that didn't fix the problem. If we don't add this Repeaters will give "Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'apply'" //here (but Indeterminately, often on larger/slower Repeaters) because it is Undefined. However it seems the catch is never hit //if we surround the statement with the try/catch. Perhaps the try/catch block creates a scope or closure. try { $.fn[name].apply(this.jQuery(), arguments); } catch(e) { console.log("Couldn't find the event: " + name); } return this; }; }; var _jQueryEventFunctionsToAdd = ['click', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'bind']; for(var jqueryEventIndex = 0; jqueryEventIndex < _jQueryEventFunctionsToAdd.length; jqueryEventIndex++) _addJQueryEventFunction(_jQueryEventFunctionsToAdd[jqueryEventIndex]); $ax.public.fn.openLink = function(url, includeVariables) { this.jQuery().each(function() { if(!($(this).is('iframe'))) { return; } var objIframe = $(this).get(0); $ax.navigate({ url: url, target: "frame", includeVariables: includeVariables, frame: objIframe }); }); return this; }; $ax.public.fn.SetPanelState = function (stateNumber, options, eventInfo, showWhenSet) { var animateInInfo = _getAnimateInfo(options && options.animateIn, 500); var animateOutInfo = _getAnimateInfo(options && options.animateOut, 500); var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); for (var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { var elementId = elementIds[index]; if ($ax.public.fn.IsDynamicPanel($ax.getTypeFromElementId(elementId))) { var currentStateName = $ax.visibility.GetPanelState(elementId); var newStateName = $ax.visibility.GetPanelStateId(elementId, Number(stateNumber) - 1); var wasVisible = $ax.visibility.IsIdVisible(elementId); $ax.dynamicPanelManager.setPanelSizeChange(elementId, $ax.dynamicPanelManager.getPanelStateSizeDelta(currentStateName, newStateName)); var delta = NaN; if (options.compress && options.compressDistanceType == "custom") { delta = Number($ax.expr.evaluateExpr(options.compressValue, eventInfo)); } // If compressing because you are fit to content and the change of state may change size, must be before the change. if(options.compress && $ax.dynamicPanelManager.isIdFitToContent(elementId) && wasVisible) { $ax.dynamicPanelManager.compressDelta(elementId, currentStateName, newStateName, options.vertical, options.compressEasing, options.compressDuration, delta); } $ax.visibility.SetPanelState(elementId, newStateName, animateOutInfo.easingType, animateOutInfo.direction, animateOutInfo.duration, animateInInfo.easingType, animateInInfo.direction, animateInInfo.duration, showWhenSet); // If compressing because of a show, must be after state is set. if(options.compress && !wasVisible && showWhenSet) { $ax.dynamicPanelManager.compressToggle(elementId, options.vertical, true, options.compressEasing, options.compressDuration, delta); } $ax.dynamicPanelManager.clearPanelSizeChanges(); } } return this; }; $ax.public.fn.show = function(options, eventInfo) { var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { var elementId = elementIds[index]; var lightboxId = $ax.repeater.applySuffixToElementId(elementId, '_lightbox'); var lightbox = $jobj(lightboxId); if(options && options.showType == 'lightbox') { $ax.flyoutManager.unregisterPanel(elementId, true); // Add lightbox if there isn't one if(lightbox.length == 0) { lightbox = $('
'); lightbox.attr('id', lightboxId); var color = 'rgb(' + options.lightbox.r + ',' + options.lightbox.g + ',' + options.lightbox.b + ')'; lightbox.css({ position: 'fixed', left: '0px', top: '0px', width: '10000px', height: '10000px', 'background-color': color, opacity: options.lightbox.a / 255 }); var parents = $ax('#' + elementId).getParents(true, '*')[0]; var fixedParentPanelId = undefined; for(var j = 0; j < parents.length; j++) { var parentId = parents[j]; if ($ax.visibility.IsIdVisible(parentId) && ($jobj(parentId).css('z-index') != 'auto' || $ax.features.supports.mobile)) { fixedParentPanelId = parents[j]; break; } } if(!fixedParentPanelId) $('#base').append(lightbox); else $jobj(fixedParentPanelId).append(lightbox); var wasVisible = $ax.visibility.IsIdVisible(elementId); (function(lightbox, query) { $ax.event.attachClick(lightbox, function() { $ax.action.addAnimation(elementId, $ax.action.queueTypes.fade, function() { if(!wasVisible) query.hide(); else $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue(elementId, $ax.action.queueTypes.fade); lightbox.remove(); }); }); })(lightbox, this); } $ax.legacy.BringToFront(lightboxId, true); $ax.legacy.BringToFront(elementId, true); } else if(options && options.showType == 'flyout') { // Remove lightbox if there is one lightbox.remove(); var src = eventInfo.thiswidget; var target = $ax.getWidgetInfo(elementId); var rects = {}; if(src.valid) rects.src = $ax.geometry.genRect(src, true); if(target.valid) rects.target = $ax.geometry.genRect(target, true); $ax.flyoutManager.registerFlyout(rects, elementId, eventInfo.srcElement); //$ax.style.AddRolloverOverride(elementId); $ax.legacy.BringToFront(elementId); } else { // Remove lightbox, unregister flyout lightbox.remove(); $ax.flyoutManager.unregisterPanel(elementId, true); } _setVisibility(elementId, true, options); } return this; }; var _getAnimateInfo = function (options, defaultDuration, useHide) { var durationOption, easingOption, animationOption; if(options) { if (useHide) { durationOption = options.durationHide; easingOption = options.easingHide; animationOption = options.animationHide; } else { durationOption = options.duration; easingOption = options.easing; animationOption = options.animation; } if (animationOption == 'none') animationOption = 'swing'; } else { durationOption = defaultDuration; easingOption = 'none', animationOption = 'swing'; } var animateInfo = { duration: durationOption }; switch (easingOption) { case 'fade': animateInfo.easingType = 'fade'; animateInfo.direction = ''; break; case 'slideLeft': animateInfo.easingType = animationOption; animateInfo.direction = 'left'; break; case 'slideRight': animateInfo.easingType = animationOption; animateInfo.direction = 'right'; break; case 'slideUp': animateInfo.easingType = animationOption; animateInfo.direction = 'up'; break; case 'slideDown': animateInfo.easingType = animationOption; animateInfo.direction = 'down'; break; case 'flipLeft': animateInfo.easingType = 'flip'; animateInfo.direction = 'left'; break; case 'flipRight': animateInfo.easingType = 'flip'; animateInfo.direction = 'right'; break; case 'flipUp': animateInfo.easingType = 'flip'; animateInfo.direction = 'up'; break; case 'flipDown': animateInfo.easingType = 'flip'; animateInfo.direction = 'down'; break; default: animateInfo.easingType = 'none'; animateInfo.direction = ''; } return animateInfo; }; $ax.public.fn.hide = function(options) { var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { var elementId = elementIds[index]; // var wasShown = $ax.visibility.IsIdVisible(elementId); _setVisibility(elementId, false, options, true); } return this; }; $ax.public.fn.toggleVisibility = function(options) { var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); for (var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { var elementId = elementIds[index]; var show = !$ax.visibility.IsIdVisible(elementId); _setVisibility(elementId, show, options, !show); } return this; }; var _shouldCompress = function (showType) { return showType == 'compressVertical' || showType == 'compressRight' } var _setVisibility = function (elementId, value, options, useHide) { var animateInfo = _getAnimateInfo(options, 0, useHide); var wasShown = $ax.visibility.IsIdVisible(elementId); var compress = options && _shouldCompress(options.showType) && wasShown != value; if (compress) $ax.dynamicPanelManager.compressToggle(elementId, options.vertical, value, options.compressEasing, options.compressDuration, options.compressDelta ?? NaN); var onComplete = function () { $ax.dynamicPanelManager.fitParentPanel(elementId); }; $ax.visibility.SetWidgetVisibility(elementId, { value: value, easing: animateInfo.easingType, direction: animateInfo.direction, duration: animateInfo.duration, animation: animateInfo.animation, fire: true, onComplete: onComplete }); if(options && options.bringToFront) $ax.legacy.BringToFront(elementId); }; $ax.public.fn.setOpacity = function(opacity, easing, duration) { if(!easing || ! duration) { easing = 'none'; duration = 0; } function setOpacity(ids) { for(var index = 0; index < ids.length; index++) { var elementId = ids[index]; var obj = $obj(elementId); var query = $jobj(elementId); // set opacity of child elements recursively if($ax.public.fn.IsLayer(obj.type)) { query.attr('layer-opacity', opacity); setOpacity(obj.objs.flatMap(o => o.scriptIds)); $ax.action.removeAnimationFromQueue(elementId, $ax.action.queueTypes.fade); } else if($ax.public.fn.SupportSetOpacity(obj.type)) { var onComplete = function () { $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue(elementId, $ax.action.queueTypes.fade); }; if(duration == 0 || easing == 'none') { query.css('opacity', opacity); onComplete(); } else query.animate({ opacity: opacity }, { duration: duration, easing: easing, queue: false, complete: onComplete }); } } } var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); setOpacity(elementIds); } //move one widget. I didn't combine moveto and moveby, since this is in .public, and separate them maybe more clear for the user var _move = function (elementId, x, y, options, moveTo) { if(!options.easing) options.easing = 'none'; if(!options.duration) options.duration = 500; var obj = $obj(elementId); // Layer move using container now. if($ax.public.fn.IsLayer(obj.type)) { $ax.move.MoveWidget(elementId, x, y, options, moveTo, function () { if(options.onComplete) options.onComplete(); $ax.dynamicPanelManager.fitParentPanel(elementId); }, false); } else { var xDelta = x; var yDelta = y; if (moveTo) { var jobj = $jobj(elementId); var left = $ax.getNumFromPx(jobj.css('left')); var top = $ax.getNumFromPx(jobj.css('top')); xDelta = x - left; yDelta = y - top; } $ax.move.MoveWidget(elementId, xDelta, yDelta, options, false, function () { $ax.dynamicPanelManager.fitParentPanel(elementId); }, true); } }; $ax.public.fn.getCursorOffset = function (elementId) { var cursorOffset = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var element = $ax('#' + elementId); // element.getParents returns undefined if it has no parents var dynamicPanelParents = element.getParents(true, 'dynamicPanel')[0] || []; // repeater can be only one var repeaterParents = element.getParents(false, 'repeater'); var relativeLocationParents = dynamicPanelParents.concat(repeaterParents); var getParentOffset = function (elementId, parentId) { var parentType = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(parentId); if ($ax.public.fn.IsDynamicPanel(parentType)) { return $ax('#' + parentId).offsetLocation(); } if ($ax.public.fn.IsRepeater(parentType)) { return $ax.repeater.getRepeaterElementOffset(parentId, elementId); } return { x: 0, y: 0 }; }; for (var i = 0; i < relativeLocationParents.length; i++) { var parentId = relativeLocationParents[i]; if (parentId) { var parentOffset = getParentOffset(elementId, parentId); cursorOffset.x += parentOffset.x; cursorOffset.y += parentOffset.y; } } return cursorOffset; } $ax.public.fn.moveTo = function (x, y, options) { var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { _move(elementIds[index], x, y, options, true); } return this; }; $ax.public.fn.moveBy = function (x, y, options) { var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); if(x == 0 && y == 0) { for(var i = 0; i < elementIds.length; i++) { var elementId = elementIds[i]; $ax.move.nopMove(elementId, options); //$ax.event.raiseSyntheticEvent(elementId, "onMove"); $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue(elementId, $ax.action.queueTypes.move); //if($axure.fn.IsLayer($obj(elementId).type)) { // var childrenIds = $ax.public.fn.getLayerChildrenDeep(elementId, true); // for(var j = 0; j < childrenIds.length; j++) $ax.event.raiseSyntheticEvent(childrenIds[j], 'onMove'); //} } return this; } for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { _move(elementIds[index], x, y, options, false); } return this; }; $ax.public.fn.circularMoveAndRotate = function(degreeChange, options, centerPointLeft, centerPointTop, doRotation, moveDelta, resizeOffset, rotatableMove, moveComplete) { if(!rotatableMove) rotatableMove = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { var elementId = elementIds[index]; var onComplete = function () { $ax.dynamicPanelManager.fitParentPanel(elementId); if (moveComplete) moveComplete(); } $ax.move.circularMove(elementId, degreeChange, { x: centerPointLeft, y: centerPointTop }, moveDelta, rotatableMove, resizeOffset, options, true, onComplete, doRotation); if(doRotation) $ax.move.rotate(elementId, degreeChange, options.easing, options.duration, false, true, function () { $ax.dynamicPanelManager.fitParentPanel(elementId); }); else $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue(elementId, $ax.action.queueTypes.rotate); } }; $ax.public.fn.rotate = function (degree, easing, duration, to, axShouldFire) { var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); // this function will no longer handle compound vectors. for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { var elementId = elementIds[index]; degree = parseFloat(degree); $ax.move.rotate(elementId, degree, easing, duration, to, axShouldFire, function () { $ax.dynamicPanelManager.fitParentPanel(elementId); }); } }; $ax.public.fn.resize = function(newLocationAndSizeCss, resizeInfo, axShouldFire, moves, onCompletedFunc) { var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); if(!elementIds) return; var completeAndFire = function(moved, id) { if(axShouldFire) { $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue(id, $ax.action.queueTypes.resize); if(moves) $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue(id, $ax.action.queueTypes.move); } if(onCompletedFunc) onCompletedFunc(); }; for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { var elementId = elementIds[index]; var oldBoundingRect = $ax('#' + elementId).offsetBoundingRect(true); $ax.visibility.setResizingRect(elementId, oldBoundingRect); var obj = $obj(elementId); if(!$ax.public.fn.IsResizable(obj.type)) { //$ax.dynamicPanelManager.fitParentPanel(elementId); completeAndFire(moves, elementId); continue; } var oldSize = $ax('#' + elementId).size(); var oldWidth = oldSize.width; var oldHeight = oldSize.height; var query = $jobj(elementId); var isDynamicPanel = $ax.public.fn.IsDynamicPanel(obj.type); if(isDynamicPanel) { // No longer fitToContent, calculate additional styling that needs to be done. $ax.dynamicPanelManager.setFitToContentCss(elementId, false, oldWidth, oldHeight); if (query.css('position') == 'fixed' && ((obj.fixedHorizontal && obj.fixedHorizontal == 'center') || (obj.fixedVertical && obj.fixedVertical == 'middle'))) { moves = true; var loc = $ax.dynamicPanelManager.getFixedPosition(elementId, oldWidth, oldHeight, newLocationAndSizeCss.width, newLocationAndSizeCss.height); if(loc) { if (loc[0] != 0 && !$ax.dynamicPanelManager.isPercentWidthPanel(obj)) newLocationAndSizeCss['margin-left'] = '+=' + (Number(newLocationAndSizeCss['margin-left'].substr(2)) + loc[0]); if (loc[1] != 0) newLocationAndSizeCss['margin-top'] = '+=' + (Number(newLocationAndSizeCss['margin-top'].substr(2)) + loc[1]); } } var onComplete = function() { $ax.flyoutManager.updateFlyout(elementId); $ax.dynamicPanelManager.fitParentPanel(elementId); $ax.dynamicPanelManager.updatePanelPercentWidth(elementId); $ax.dynamicPanelManager.updatePanelContentPercentWidth(elementId); completeAndFire(moves, elementId); $ax.event.raiseSyntheticEvent(elementId, 'onResize'); $ax.visibility.clearResizingRects(); }; } else { ////if contains text //var textChildren = query.children('div.text'); //if(textChildren && textChildren.length != 0) { // var textDivId = textChildren.attr('id'); // var padding = $ax.style.getPadding(textDivId); // var leftPadding = padding.paddingLeft; // var rightPadding = padding.paddingRight; // //var textObj = $ax('#' + textDivId); // //var leftPadding = textObj.left(true); // //var rightPadding = oldWidth - leftPadding - textObj.width(); // //greater or equal to 1px // var newTextWidth = Math.max(newLocationAndSizeCss.width - leftPadding - rightPadding, 1); // var textChildCss = { width: newTextWidth }; // var textStepFunction = function() { // //change the width of the text div may effect the height // //var currentTextHeight = Number($(textChildren.children('p')[0]).css('height').replace('px', '')); // //textChildren.css('height', currentTextHeight); // //var display = $ax.public.fn.displayHackStart(document.getElementById(textDivId)); // var trap = _displayWidget(textDivId); // $ax.style.setTextAlignment([textDivId]); // trap(); // //$ax.public.fn.displayHackEnd(display); // }; //} //get all the other children that matters onComplete = function() { $ax.dynamicPanelManager.fitParentPanel(elementId); completeAndFire(moves, elementId); $ax.annotation.adjustIconLocation(elementId); $ax.event.raiseSyntheticEvent(elementId, 'onResize'); $ax.visibility.clearResizingRects(); }; } var children = query.children().not('div.text'); while(children && children.length && $(children[0]).attr('id').indexOf('container') != -1) { children = children.children().not('div.text'); } if(children && children.length !== 0) { var childAnimationArray = []; var isConnector = $ax.public.fn.IsConnector(obj.type); children.each(function (i, child) { var childCss = { width: newLocationAndSizeCss.width, height: newLocationAndSizeCss.height }; //$ax.size() use outerWidth/Height(false), which include padding and borders(no margins) var childSizingObj = $ax('#' + child.id).size(); var differentSizedImage = childSizingObj.width - oldWidth != 0 || childSizingObj.height - oldHeight != 0; if ((differentSizedImage || isConnector) && child.tagName == 'IMG') { //oldwidth is zero for connectors var widthOffset = oldWidth ? (childSizingObj.width - oldWidth) * newLocationAndSizeCss.width / oldWidth : childSizingObj.width; var heightOffset = oldHeight ? (childSizingObj.height - oldHeight) * newLocationAndSizeCss.height / oldHeight : childSizingObj.height; childCss.width += widthOffset; childCss.height += heightOffset; } //there are elements like inputs, come with a padding and border, so need to use outerwidth for starting point, due to jquery 1.7 css() on width/height bugs if($(child).css('position') === 'absolute') { if(child.offsetLeft) { childSizingObj.left = child.offsetLeft; childCss.left = oldWidth ? child.offsetLeft * newLocationAndSizeCss.width / oldWidth : child.offsetLeft; //- transformedShift.x; } if(child.offsetTop) { childSizingObj.top = child.offsetTop; childCss.top = oldHeight ? child.offsetTop * newLocationAndSizeCss.height / oldHeight : child.offsetTop; //- transformedShift.y; } } childAnimationArray.push({ obj: child, sizingObj: childSizingObj, sizingCss: childCss }); }); } if (newLocationAndSizeCss.left || newLocationAndSizeCss.top) { //var movedLeft = newLocationAndSizeCss.left; //var movedTop = newLocationAndSizeCss.top; //$ax.visibility.setMovedLocation(elementId, movedLeft, movedTop); var movedLeft = newLocationAndSizeCss.deltaX; var movedTop = newLocationAndSizeCss.deltaY; $ax.visibility.moveMovedLocation(elementId, movedLeft, movedTop); } if (newLocationAndSizeCss.width || newLocationAndSizeCss.height) { var resizedWidth = newLocationAndSizeCss.width; var resizedHeight = newLocationAndSizeCss.height; $ax.visibility.setResizedSize(elementId, resizedWidth, resizedHeight); } if (!resizeInfo.easing || resizeInfo.easing == 'none') { if (childAnimationArray) { $(childAnimationArray).each(function (i, animationObj) { if(animationObj.resizeMatrixFunction) { $(animationObj.obj).css($ax.public.fn.setTransformHowever(animationObj.resizeMatrixFunction(animationObj.width, animationObj.height))); } else { //var sizingCss = animationObj.sizingCss; //if (sizingCss.left || sizingCss.top) { // var movedLeft = sizingCss.left; // var movedTop = sizingCss.top; // $ax.visibility.setMovedLocation(animationObj.obj.id, movedLeft, movedTop); //} //if (sizingCss.width || sizingCss.height) { // var resizedWidth = sizingCss.width; // var resizedHeight = sizingCss.height; // $ax.visibility.setResizedSize(animationObj.obj.id, resizedWidth, resizedHeight); //} $(animationObj.obj).animate(animationObj.sizingCss, { queue: false, duration: 0 }); } }); } //if(childCss) children.animate(childCss, 0); //if(sketchyImage && sketchyImageCss) $(sketchyImage).animate(sketchyImageCss, 0); //if(textChildCss) { // textChildren.animate(textChildCss, { // duration: 0, // step: textStepFunction // }); //} query.animate(newLocationAndSizeCss, { queue: false, duration: 0, complete: onComplete }); } else { if(childAnimationArray) { $(childAnimationArray).each(function (i, animationObj) { if(animationObj.resizeMatrixFunction) { $(animationObj.sizingObj).animate(animationObj.sizingCss, { queue: false, duration: resizeInfo.duration, easing: resizeInfo.easing, step: function (now) { var widthRatio = (animationObj.width - 1.0) * now + 1.0; var heightRatio = (animationObj.height - 1.0) * now + 1.0; $(animationObj.obj).css($ax.public.fn.setTransformHowever(animationObj.resizeMatrixFunction(widthRatio, heightRatio))); } }); } else { $(animationObj.sizingObj).animate(animationObj.sizingCss, { queue: false, duration: resizeInfo.duration, easing: resizeInfo.easing, step: function (now, tween) { $(animationObj.obj).css(tween.prop, now); } }); } }); } //if(textChildCss) { // textChildren.animate(textChildCss, { // queue: false, // duration: resizeInfo.duration, // easing: resizeInfo.easing, // step: textStepFunction // }); //} if(isDynamicPanel) { query.animate(newLocationAndSizeCss, { queue: false, duration: resizeInfo.duration, easing: resizeInfo.easing, complete: onComplete }); } else { var locObj = { left: $ax.public.fn.GetFieldFromStyle(query, 'left'), top: $ax.public.fn.GetFieldFromStyle(query, 'top'), width: $ax.public.fn.GetFieldFromStyle(query, 'width'), height: $ax.public.fn.GetFieldFromStyle(query, 'height'), }; $(locObj).animate(newLocationAndSizeCss, { queue: false, duration: resizeInfo.duration, easing: resizeInfo.easing, step: function (now, tween) { query.css(tween.prop, now); }, complete: onComplete }); } } } }; $ax.public.fn.bringToFront = function() { var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { $ax.legacy.BringToFront(elementIds[index]); } return this; }; $ax.public.fn.sendToBack = function() { var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { $ax.legacy.SendToBack(elementIds[index]); } return this; }; $ax.public.fn.text = function() { if(arguments[0] == undefined) { var firstId = this.getElementIds()[0]; if(!firstId) { return undefined; } return getWidgetText(firstId); } else { var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { var currentItem = elementIds[index]; var widgetType = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(currentItem); if($ax.public.fn.IsTextBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsTextArea(widgetType)) { //For non rtf SetWidgetFormText(currentItem, arguments[0]); } else { var idRtf = '#' + currentItem; if($(idRtf).length == 0) idRtf = '#u' + (Number(currentItem.substring(1)) + 1); if($(idRtf).length != 0) { //If the richtext div already has some text in it, //preserve only the first style and get rid of the rest //If no pre-existing p-span tags, don't do anything if($(idRtf).find('p').find('span').length > 0) { $(idRtf).find('p:not(:first)').remove(); $(idRtf).find('p').find('span:not(:first)').remove(); //Replace new-lines with NEWLINE token, then html encode the string, //finally replace NEWLINE token with linebreak var textWithLineBreaks = arguments[0].replace(/\n/g, '--NEWLINE--'); var textHtml = $('
').text(textWithLineBreaks).html(); $(idRtf).find('span').html(textHtml.replace(/--NEWLINE--/g, '
')); } } } } return this; } }; var getWidgetText = function(id) { var idQuery = $jobj(id); var inputQuery = $jobj($ax.INPUT(id)); if(inputQuery.length) idQuery = inputQuery; if (idQuery.is('input') && ($ax.public.fn.IsCheckBox(idQuery.attr('type')) || idQuery.attr('type') == 'radio')) { idQuery = idQuery.parent().find('label').find('div'); } if(idQuery.is('div')) { var $rtfObj = idQuery.hasClass('text') ? idQuery : idQuery.find('.text'); if($rtfObj.length == 0) return ''; var textOut = ''; $rtfObj.children('p,ul,ol').each(function(index) { if(index != 0) textOut += '\n'; //var htmlContent = $(this).html(); //if(isSoloBr(htmlContent)) return; // It has a solo br, then it was just put in for a newline, and paragraph already added the new line. if (isSoloBr($(this).children())) return; var htmlContent = $(this).html(); //Replace line breaks (set in SetWidgetRichText) with newlines and nbsp's with regular spaces. htmlContent = htmlContent.replace(/]*>/ig, '\n').replace(/ /ig, ' '); textOut += $(htmlContent).text(); //textOut += htmlContent.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ''); }); return textOut; } else { var val = idQuery.val(); return val == undefined ? '' : val; } }; var isSoloBr = function($html) { //html = $(html); // Html needs one and only one span var spanChildren = $html.length == 1 && $html.is('span') ? $html.children() : false; // Span children needs exactly one br and no text in the span return spanChildren && spanChildren.length == 1 && spanChildren.is('br') && spanChildren.text().trim() == ''; }; $ax.public.fn.setRichTextHtml = function() { if(arguments[0] == undefined) { //No getter function, so just return undefined return undefined; } else { var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { var currentItem = elementIds[index]; var widgetType = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(currentItem); if ($ax.public.fn.IsTextBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsTextArea(widgetType)) { //Do nothing for non rtf continue; } else { //TODO -- [mas] fix this! var idRtf = '#' + currentItem; if($(idRtf).length == 0) idRtf = '#u' + (parseInt(currentItem.substring(1)) + 1); if($(idRtf).length != 0) SetWidgetRichText(idRtf, arguments[0]); } } return this; } }; $ax.public.fn.value = function() { if(arguments[0] == undefined) { var firstId = this.getElementIds()[0]; if(!firstId) { return undefined; } var widgetType = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(firstId); if ($ax.public.fn.IsComboBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsListBox(widgetType)) { //for select lists and drop lists return $('#' + firstId + ' :selected').text(); } else if ($ax.public.fn.IsCheckBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsRadioButton(widgetType)) { //for radio/checkboxes return $('#' + firstId + '_input').is(':selected'); } else if ($ax.public.fn.IsTextBox(widgetType)) { //for text box return $('#' + firstId + '_input').val(); } else { //for text based form elements return this.jQuery().first().val(); } } else { var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { var widgetType = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(elementIds[index]); var elementIdQuery = $('#' + elementIds[index]); if ($ax.public.fn.IsCheckBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsRadioButton(widgetType)) { //for radio/checkboxes if(arguments[0] == true) { elementIdQuery.prop('selected', true); } else if(arguments[0] == false) { elementIdQuery.prop('selected', false); } } else { //For select lists, drop lists, text based form elements elementIdQuery.val(arguments[0]); } } return this; } }; $ax.public.fn.checked = function() { if(arguments[0] == undefined) { return this.selected(); } else { this.selected(arguments[0]); return this; } }; //var _getRelativeLeft = function (id, parent) { // var currentNode = window.document.getElementById(id).offsetParent; // var left = $ax('#' + id).left(true); // while (currentNode != null && currentNode.tagName != "BODY" && currentNode != parent) { // left += currentNode.offsetLeft; // currentNode = currentNode.offsetParent; // } // return left; //}; //var _getRelativeTop = function(id, parent) { // var currentNode = window.document.getElementById(id).offsetParent; // var top = $ax('#' + id).top(true); // while(currentNode != null && currentNode.tagName != "BODY" && currentNode != parent) { // top += currentNode.offsetTop; // currentNode = currentNode.offsetParent; // } // return top; //}; var _scrollHelper = function(id, scrollX, scrollY, easing, duration) { var target = window.document.getElementById(id); var scrollable = $ax.legacy.GetScrollable(target); var $scrollable = $(scrollable); var viewportLocation; if ($scrollable.is('body')) viewportLocation = $ax('#' + id).viewportLocation(); else viewportLocation = $ax('#' + id).pageBoundingRect(true, $scrollable.attr('id'), true).location; var targetLeft = viewportLocation.left; var targetTop = viewportLocation.top; //var targetLeft = _getRelativeLeft(id, scrollable); //var targetTop = _getRelativeTop(id, scrollable); if(!scrollX) targetLeft = scrollable.scrollLeft; if(!scrollY) targetTop = scrollable.scrollTop; if($scrollable.is('body')) { $scrollable = $('html,body'); } if(easing == 'none') { if(scrollY) $scrollable.scrollTop(targetTop); if(scrollX) $scrollable.scrollLeft(targetLeft); } else { if(!scrollX) { $scrollable.animate({ scrollTop: targetTop }, duration, easing); } else if(!scrollY) { $scrollable.animate({ scrollLeft: targetLeft }, duration, easing); } else { $scrollable.animate({ scrollTop: targetTop, scrollLeft: targetLeft }, duration, easing); } } }; $ax.public.fn.scroll = function(scrollOption) { var easing = 'none'; var duration = 500; if(scrollOption && scrollOption.easing) { easing = scrollOption.easing; if(scrollOption.duration) { duration = scrollOption.duration; } } var scrollX = true; var scrollY = true; // TODO: check this without vertical option -- might scroll outside of device frame if(scrollOption.direction == 'vertical') { scrollX = false; } else if(scrollOption.direction == 'horizontal') { scrollY = false; } var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { // if($ax.getTypeFromElementId(elementIds[index]) == IMAGE_MAP_REGION_TYPE) { _scrollHelper(elementIds[index], scrollX, scrollY, easing, duration); // } } return this; }; $ax.public.fn.enabled = function() { if(arguments[0] == undefined) { var firstId = this.getElementIds()[0]; if(!firstId) return undefined; var widgetType = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(firstId); if ($ax.public.fn.IsImageBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsVector(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsLayer(widgetType)) return !$ax.style.IsWidgetDisabled(firstId); else return this.jQuery().children(':disabled').length <= 0 && this.jQuery().children('.disabled').length <= 0; } else { var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { var elementId = elementIds[index]; var widgetType = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(elementId); var enabled = arguments[0]; if ($ax.public.fn.IsImageBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsVector(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsTextBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsTextArea(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsComboBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsListBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsCheckBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsRadioButton(widgetType) ) $ax.style.SetWidgetEnabled(elementId, enabled); if ($ax.public.fn.IsDynamicPanel(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsLayer(widgetType)) { $ax.style.SetWidgetEnabled(elementId, enabled); var children = this.getChildren(false, true)[index].children; for(var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { $axure('#' + children[i]).enabled(enabled); } } var obj = $obj(elementId); var images = obj.images; if(PLAIN_TEXT_TYPES.indexOf(widgetType) != -1 && images) { var img = $jobj($ax.repeater.applySuffixToElementId(elementId, '_image_sketch')); var key = (enabled ? 'normal~' : 'disabled~') + ($ax.adaptive.currentViewId || ''); img.attr('src', images[key]); } var jobj = $jobj(elementId); var input = $jobj($ax.INPUT(elementId)); if(input.length) jobj = input; //if (OS_MAC && WEBKIT && $ax.public.fn.IsComboBox(widgetType)) jobj.css('color', enabled ? '' : 'grayText'); if($ax.public.fn.IsCheckBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsRadioButton(widgetType)) return this; if(enabled) jobj.prop('disabled', false); else jobj.prop('disabled', true); } return this; } }; $ax.public.fn.visible = function() { var ids = this.getElementIds(); for(var index = 0; index < ids.length; index++) $ax.visibility.SetIdVisible(ids[index], arguments[0]); return this; }; $ax.public.fn.error = function () { if(arguments[0] == undefined) { var firstId = this.getElementIds()[0]; if(!firstId) return undefined; //check for error var widgetType = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(firstId); if($ax.public.fn.SupportsErrorStyle(widgetType)) { return $ax.style.IsWidgetError(firstId); } } else { var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { var elementId = elementIds[index]; var widgetType = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(elementId); var error = arguments[0]; if($ax.public.fn.IsImageBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsVector(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsTextBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsTextArea(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsComboBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsListBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsCheckBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsRadioButton(widgetType) ) $ax.style.SetWidgetError(elementId, error); if($ax.public.fn.IsDynamicPanel(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsLayer(widgetType)) { $ax.style.SetWidgetError(elementId, error); var children = this.getChildren(false, true)[index].children; for(var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { $axure('#' + children[i]).error(error); } } } return this; } } $ax.public.fn.selected = function() { if(arguments[0] == undefined) { var firstId = this.getElementIds()[0]; if(!firstId) return undefined; var widgetType = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(firstId); if ($ax.public.fn.IsTreeNodeObject(widgetType)) { var treeNodeButtonShapeId = ''; var allElementIds = $ax.getAllElementIds(); for(var i = 0; i < allElementIds.length; i++) { var elementId = allElementIds[i]; var currObj = $ax.getObjectFromElementId(elementId); if ($ax.public.fn.IsVector(currObj.type) && currObj.parent && currObj.parent.scriptIds && currObj.parent.scriptIds[0] == firstId) { treeNodeButtonShapeId = elementId; break; } } if(treeNodeButtonShapeId == '') return undefined; return $ax.style.IsWidgetSelected(treeNodeButtonShapeId); } else if ($ax.public.fn.IsImageBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsVector(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsTableCell(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsDynamicPanel(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsLayer(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsTextArea(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsTextBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsListBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsComboBox(widgetType)) { return $ax.style.IsWidgetSelected(firstId); } else if ($ax.public.fn.IsCheckBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsRadioButton(widgetType)) { return $jobj($ax.INPUT(firstId)).prop('checked'); } return this; } var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); var func = typeof (arguments[0]) === 'function' ? arguments[0] : null; var enabled = arguments[0]; // If this is a function it will be overridden with the return value; for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { var elementId = elementIds[index]; if(func) { enabled = func($axure('#' + elementId)); } var widgetType = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(elementId); if ($ax.public.fn.IsTreeNodeObject(widgetType)) { //for tree node var treeRootId = $('#' + elementIds[index]).parents('.treeroot').attr('id'); var treeNodeButtonShapeId = ''; var childElementIds = $jobj(elementId).children(); for(var i = 0; i < childElementIds.length; i++) { var elementId = childElementIds[i].id; var currObj = $ax.getObjectFromElementId(elementId); if (currObj && currObj.type == $ax.constants.VECTOR_SHAPE_TYPE && currObj.parent && currObj.parent.scriptIds && currObj.parent.scriptIds[0] == elementIds[index]) { treeNodeButtonShapeId = elementId; break; } } if(treeNodeButtonShapeId == '') continue; $ax.tree.SelectTreeNode(elementId, enabled); } else if ($ax.public.fn.IsImageBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsVector(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsTableCell(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsDynamicPanel(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsLayer(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsTextArea(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsTextBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsListBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsComboBox(widgetType)) { $ax.style.SetWidgetSelected(elementIds[index], enabled); } else if ($ax.public.fn.IsCheckBox(widgetType) || $ax.public.fn.IsRadioButton(widgetType)) { var query = $jobj($ax.INPUT(elementId)); var curr = query.prop('checked'); //NOTE: won't fire onselect nore onunselect event if states didn't changes if(curr != enabled) { query.prop('checked', enabled); $ax.style.SetWidgetSelected(elementIds[index], enabled, true); } } } return this; }; $ax.public.fn.focus = function() { var firstId = this.getElementIds()[0]; var focusableId = $ax.event.getFocusableWidgetOrChildId(firstId); // This will scroll but not focus $('#' + focusableId).triggerHandler("focus"); // This will focus but does not call our custom scroll so will not animate scroll $('#' + focusableId).focus(); return this; }; $ax.public.fn.expanded = function() { if(arguments[0] == undefined) { var firstId = this.getElementIds()[0]; return firstId && !$ax.public.fn.IsTreeNodeObject($ax.getTypeFromElementId(firstId)) && $ax.visibility.IsIdVisible(firstId + '_children'); } else { var elementIds = this.getElementIds(); for(var index = 0; index < elementIds.length; index++) { if ($ax.public.fn.IsTreeNodeObject($ax.getTypeFromElementId(elementIds[index]))) { var treeNodeId = elementIds[index]; var childContainerId = treeNodeId + '_children'; var scriptId = $ax.repeater.getScriptIdFromElementId(treeNodeId); var itemId = $ax.repeater.getItemIdFromElementId(treeNodeId); var plusMinusId = 'u' + (parseInt(scriptId.substring(1)) + 1); if(itemId) plusMinusId = $ax.repeater.createElementId(plusMinusId, itemId); if($('#' + childContainerId).length == 0 || !$jobj(plusMinusId).children().first().is('img')) plusMinusId = ''; if(arguments[0] == true) { $ax.tree.ExpandNode(treeNodeId, childContainerId, plusMinusId); } else if(arguments[0] == false) { $ax.tree.CollapseNode(treeNodeId, childContainerId, plusMinusId); } } } return this; } }; var _populateBoundingRect = function (boundingRect) { boundingRect.right = boundingRect.left + boundingRect.width; boundingRect.bottom = boundingRect.top + boundingRect.height; boundingRect.x = boundingRect.left; boundingRect.y = boundingRect.top; boundingRect.location = { x: boundingRect.left, y: boundingRect.top, left: boundingRect.left, top: boundingRect.top }; boundingRect.size = { width: boundingRect.width, height: boundingRect.height }; boundingRect.centerPoint = { x: boundingRect.width / 2 + boundingRect.left, y: boundingRect.height / 2 + boundingRect.top }; return boundingRect; } //boundingrect relative to its offset parent //var _getBoundingRectForSingleWidget = function (elementId) { // var element = document.getElementById(elementId); // var tempBoundingRect, position; // var state = $ax.style.generateState(elementId); // var style = $ax.style.computeFullStyle(elementId, state, $ax.adaptive.currentViewId); // position = { left: style.location.x, top: style.location.y }; // tempBoundingRect = { left: style.location.x, top: style.location.y, width: style.size.width, height: style.size.height }; // if ($ax.public.fn.isCompoundVectorHtml(element)) { // tempBoundingRect.width = Number(element.getAttribute('data-width')); // tempBoundingRect.height = Number(element.getAttribute('data-height')); // } else { // var boundingElement = element; // if ($ax.dynamicPanelManager.isIdFitToContent(elementId)) { // var stateId = $ax.visibility.GetPanelState(elementId); // if (stateId != '') boundingElement = document.getElementById(stateId); // tempBoundingRect = boundingElement.getBoundingClientRect(); // } // //From getLoc // //var fixed = _fixedOffset(id, vert); // //if (fixed.valid) loc = !vert && fixed.fullWidth ? 0 : fixed.offset; // var jElement = $(element); // if (jElement.css('position') == 'fixed') { // position = jElement.position(); // position.left += Number(jElement.css('margin-left').replace("px", "")); // position.top += Number(jElement.css('margin-top').replace("px", "")); // } // } // var boundingRect = { // left: position.left, // top: position.top, // width: tempBoundingRect.width, // height: tempBoundingRect.height // }; // return _populateBoundingRect(boundingRect); //}; //var _getBoundingRectForMultipleWidgets = function (widgetsIdArray) { // if (!widgetsIdArray || widgetsIdArray.constructor !== Array) return undefined; // if (widgetsIdArray.length == 0) return { left: 0, top: 0, centerPoint: { x: 0, y: 0 }, width: 0, height: 0 }; // var widgetRect = _getBoundingRectForSingleWidget(widgetsIdArray[0]); // var boundingRect = { left: widgetRect.left, right: widgetRect.right, top: widgetRect.top, bottom: widgetRect.bottom }; // for (var index = 1; index < widgetsIdArray.length; index++) { // widgetRect = _getBoundingRectForSingleWidget(widgetsIdArray[index]); // boundingRect.left = Math.min(boundingRect.left, widgetRect.left); // boundingRect.top = Math.min(boundingRect.top, widgetRect.top); // boundingRect.right = Math.max(boundingRect.right, widgetRect.right); // boundingRect.bottom = Math.max(boundingRect.bottom, widgetRect.bottom); // } // boundingRect.centerPoint = { x: (boundingRect.right + boundingRect.left) / 2.0, y: (boundingRect.bottom + boundingRect.top) / 2.0 }; // boundingRect.width = boundingRect.right - boundingRect.left; // boundingRect.height = boundingRect.bottom - boundingRect.top; // return _populateBoundingRect(boundingRect); //}; //var _getLayerChildrenDeep = $ax.public.fn.getLayerChildrenDeep = function (layerId, includeLayers, includeHidden) { // var deep = []; // var children = $ax('#' + layerId).getChildren()[0].children; // for (var index = 0; index < children.length; index++) { // var childId = children[index]; // if (!includeHidden && !$ax.visibility.IsIdVisible(childId)) continue; // if ($ax.public.fn.IsLayer($obj(childId).type)) { // if (includeLayers) deep.push(childId); // var recursiveChildren = _getLayerChildrenDeep(childId, includeLayers, includeHidden); // for (var j = 0; j < recursiveChildren.length; j++) deep.push(recursiveChildren[j]); // } else deep.push(childId); // } // return deep; //}; var _boundingRectForIds = function(childIds) { // Default size var childrenBoundingRect = { left: childIds.length > 0 ? 99999 : 0, top: childIds.length > 0 ? 99999 : 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }; for (var i = 0; i < childIds.length; i++) { var childId = childIds[i]; var childObj = $obj(childId); if (!childObj) continue; // Ignore fixed and hidden if ($ax.visibility.limboIds[childId] || !$ax.visibility.IsIdVisible(childId) || $ax.public.fn.IsDynamicPanel(childObj.type) && childObj.fixedHorizontal) continue; var boundingRect = $ax('#' + childId).offsetBoundingRect(); // Ignore empty groups if ($ax.public.fn.IsLayer(childObj.type) && boundingRect.width == 0 && boundingRect.height == 0) continue; childrenBoundingRect.left = Math.min(childrenBoundingRect.left, boundingRect.left); childrenBoundingRect.top = Math.min(childrenBoundingRect.top, boundingRect.top); childrenBoundingRect.right = Math.max(childrenBoundingRect.right, boundingRect.right); childrenBoundingRect.bottom = Math.max(childrenBoundingRect.bottom, boundingRect.bottom); } childrenBoundingRect.width = childrenBoundingRect.right - childrenBoundingRect.left; childrenBoundingRect.height = childrenBoundingRect.bottom - childrenBoundingRect.top; return _populateBoundingRect(childrenBoundingRect); } $ax.public.fn.getPageSize = function() { var containerQuery = $('#base'); var children = containerQuery.children(); var childIds = []; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = $(children[i]); var childId = child.attr('id'); childIds.push(childId); } return _boundingRectForIds(childIds); } $ax.public.fn.childrenBoundingRect = function () { var childIds = this.getChildren()[0].children; return _boundingRectForIds(childIds); }; var _fixedLocation = function (elementId, size) { var axObj = $obj(elementId); if (!axObj || !axObj.fixedVertical) return { valid: false }; var win = ((SAFARI && IOS) || SHARE_APP) ? $('#ios-safari-html') : $(window); var windowWidth = win.width(); var windowHeight = win.height(); //getting the scroll forces layout. consider caching these values. var windowScrollLeft = win.scrollLeft(); var windowScrollTop = win.scrollTop(); var newLeft = 0; var newTop = 0; var width = size.width; var height = size.height; var horz = axObj.fixedHorizontal; if(horz == 'left') { newLeft = windowScrollLeft + (axObj.percentWidth ? 0 : $ax.getNumFromPx($jobj(elementId).css('left'))); } else if(horz == 'center') { newLeft = windowScrollLeft + ((windowWidth - width) / 2) + axObj.fixedMarginHorizontal; } else if(horz == 'right') { newLeft = windowScrollLeft + windowWidth - width - axObj.fixedMarginHorizontal; } var vert = axObj.fixedVertical; if(vert == 'top') { newTop = windowScrollTop + $ax.getNumFromPx($jobj(elementId).css('top')); } else if(vert == 'middle') { newTop = windowScrollTop + ((windowHeight - height) / 2) + axObj.fixedMarginVertical; } else if(vert == 'bottom') { newTop = windowScrollTop + windowHeight - height - axObj.fixedMarginVertical; } //probably need to make this relative to the page for hit testing return { valid: true, top: newTop, left: axObj.isPercentWidthPanel ? 0 : newLeft }; }; //relative to the parent $ax.public.fn.offsetBoundingRect = function (ignoreRotation, ignoreOuterShadow) { var elementId = this.getElementIds()[0]; if (!elementId) return undefined; //element is null if RDO //data- values are for layers (legacy compound) var element = document.getElementById(elementId); var position, size, rotation; var trap; var state; var style; var movedLoc = $ax.visibility.getMovedLocation(elementId); var resizedSize = $ax.visibility.getResizedSize(elementId); if (movedLoc) { position = movedLoc; } else if(element && element.getAttribute('data-left')) { position = { left: Number(element.getAttribute('data-left')), top: Number(element.getAttribute('data-top')) }; } else if($obj(elementId)) { state = $ax.style.generateState(elementId); style = $ax.style.computeFullStyle(elementId, state, $ax.adaptive.currentViewId); position = { left: style.location.x, top: style.location.y }; var oShadow = style.outerShadow; if (oShadow.on && !ignoreOuterShadow) { if (oShadow.offsetX < 0) { position.left += oShadow.offsetX; position.left -= oShadow.blurRadius; } if (oShadow.offsetY < 0) { position.top += oShadow.offsetY; position.top -= oShadow.blurRadius; } } var parents = this.getParents(true, '*')[0]; //if(parents.length > 0) { // var parentId = parents[0]; // var type = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(parentId); // if ($axure.fn.IsReferenceDiagramObject(type)) { // var rdoLoc = $ax('#' + parentId).offsetLocation(); // position.left += rdoLoc.x; // position.top += rdoLoc.y; // } //} for(var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { var parentId = parents[i]; var type = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(parentId); if ($axure.fn.IsReferenceDiagramObject(type)) { var rdoLoc = $ax('#' + parentId).offsetLocation(); position.left += rdoLoc.x; position.top += rdoLoc.y; break; } else if (!$axure.fn.IsLayer(type)) break; } } else { if (!trap) trap = _displayWidget($ax.repeater.removeSuffixFromElementId(elementId)); var jObjPosition = $(element).position(); position = { left: jObjPosition.left, top: jObjPosition.top }; } if (resizedSize) { size = resizedSize; } else if (element && element.getAttribute('data-width')) { size = { width: Number(element.getAttribute('data-width')), height: Number(element.getAttribute('data-height')) }; } else if($obj(elementId)) { state = state || $ax.style.generateState(elementId); style = style || $ax.style.computeFullStyle(elementId, state, $ax.adaptive.currentViewId); size = { width: style.size.width, height: style.size.height }; var oShadow = style.outerShadow; if (oShadow.on && !ignoreOuterShadow) { if (oShadow.offsetX < 0) size.width -= oShadow.offsetX; else size.width += oShadow.offsetX; if (oShadow.offsetY < 0) size.height -= oShadow.offsetY; else size.height += oShadow.offsetY; size.width += oShadow.blurRadius; size.height += oShadow.blurRadius; } } else { if(!trap) trap = _displayWidget($ax.repeater.removeSuffixFromElementId(elementId)); var jObj = $(element); size = { width: jObj.outerWidth(), height: jObj.outerHeight() }; } var fixed = _fixedLocation(elementId, size); if(fixed.valid) { position.left = fixed.left; position.top = fixed.top; } var boundingRect = { left: position.left, top: position.top, width: size.width, height: size.height, isFixed: fixed.valid }; if(!ignoreRotation) { var rotatedAngle = $ax.visibility.getRotatedAngle(elementId); if(rotatedAngle) { rotation = rotatedAngle; } else if(element && element.getAttribute('data-rotation')) { rotation = Number(element.getAttribute('data-rotation')); } else if($obj(elementId)) { state = state || $ax.style.generateState(elementId); style = style || $ax.style.computeFullStyle(elementId, state, $ax.adaptive.currentViewId); rotation = style.rotation; } else { if (!trap) trap = _displayWidget($ax.repeater.removeSuffixFromElementId(elementId)); rotation = $ax.move.getRotationDegreeFromElement(element); } if(rotation && rotation != 0) boundingRect = $ax.public.fn.getBoundingRectForRotate(_populateBoundingRect(boundingRect), rotation); } if (trap) trap(); return _populateBoundingRect(boundingRect); }; //relative to the page $ax.public.fn.pageBoundingRect = function (ignoreRotation, scrollableId, ignoreOuterShadow) { var boundingRect = this.offsetBoundingRect(ignoreRotation, ignoreOuterShadow); if(!boundingRect) return undefined; if(boundingRect.isFixed) return _populateBoundingRect(boundingRect); var loc = boundingRect.location; //var parents = []; //var parObj = id.indexOf('text') != -1 ? axObj : axObj.parent; // When working with text id, parent widget is the ax obj we are dealing with, so that should be the first parent //while ($ax.public.fn.IsContainer(parObj.type)) { // parents.push($ax.getScriptIdFromPath([parObj.id], strippedId)); // parObj = parObj.parent; //} //var otherParents = $ax('#' + id).getParents(true, ['item', 'repeater', 'dynamicPanel', 'layer'])[0]; //for (var i = 0; i < otherParents.length; i++) { // parents.push(otherParents[i]); //} var elementId = this.getElementIds()[0]; // var strippedId = $ax.repeater.removeSuffixFromElementId(id); // var parObj = id.indexOf('text') != -1 ? axObj : axObj.parent; // When working with text id, parent widget is the ax obj we are dealing with, so that should be the first parent var parentIds = []; var parObj = $obj(elementId).parent; while ($ax.public.fn.IsContainer(parObj.type)) { parentIds.push($ax.getScriptIdFromPath([parObj.id], this.id)); parObj = parObj.parent; } var otherParents = $ax('#' + elementId).getParents(true, ['item', 'repeater', 'dynamicPanel'])[0]; for (var i = 0; i < otherParents.length; i++) { parentIds.push(otherParents[i]); } var parentScrollableId = scrollableId ? scrollableId.split('_')[0] : scrollableId; for (var i = 0; i < parentIds.length; i++) { //var parentId = $ax.visibility.getWidgetFromContainer(parents[0]); //var parent = $ax.visibility.applyWidgetContainer(parentId, true); //if(parent.length) { //var parentId = parentIds[i]; //var fixed = _fixedOffset(parentId, vert); //if (fixed.valid) { // loc += fixed.offset; // break; //} else loc += $ax.getNumFromPx(parent.css(prop)); //} var parentId = parentIds[i]; if (parentId == parentScrollableId) break; var parentLoc = $ax('#' + parentId).offsetLocation(); loc = { x: loc.x + parentLoc.x, y: loc.y + parentLoc.y, left: loc.left + parentLoc.left, top: loc.top + parentLoc.top, } var axObj = $obj(parentId); if(axObj && axObj.fixedVertical) { boundingRect.isFixed = true; break; } } boundingRect.left = loc.x; boundingRect.top = loc.y; return _populateBoundingRect(boundingRect); }; $ax.public.fn.viewportBoundingRect = function (scrollableId) { var boundingRect = this.pageBoundingRect(true, scrollableId); if (!boundingRect) return undefined; if(!boundingRect.isFixed) boundingRect.left = _bodyToWorld(boundingRect.left, false); return _populateBoundingRect(boundingRect); } $ax.public.fn.size = function ({ ignoreRotation = true, ignoreOuterShadow = true } = {}) { var boundingRect = this.offsetBoundingRect(ignoreRotation, ignoreOuterShadow); return boundingRect ? boundingRect.size : undefined; //var firstId = this.getElementIds()[0]; //if(!firstId) return undefined; //var object = $ax.getObjectFromElementIdDisregardHex(firstId); //if(object && (object.type == 'layer' || object.generateCompound)) { // var boundingRect = $ax.public.fn.getWidgetBoundingRect(firstId); // return { width: boundingRect.width, height: boundingRect.height }; //} //var firstIdObject = $jobj(firstId); //var trap = _displayWidget($ax.repeater.removeSuffixFromElementId(firstId)); //var size = { width: firstIdObject.outerWidth(), height: firstIdObject.outerHeight() }; //trap(); //return size; }; $ax.public.fn.width = function () { var boundingRect = this.offsetBoundingRect(true); return boundingRect ? boundingRect.width : undefined; //var firstId = this.getElementIds()[0]; //if(!firstId) return undefined; //var object = $ax.getObjectFromElementIdDisregardHex(firstId); //if (object && (object.type == 'layer' || object.generateCompound)) { // var boundingRect = $ax.public.fn.getWidgetBoundingRect(firstId); // return boundingRect.width; //} //var firstIdObject = $jobj(firstId); //return firstIdObject.outerWidth(); }; $ax.public.fn.height = function () { var boundingRect = this.offsetBoundingRect(true); return boundingRect ? boundingRect.height : undefined; //var firstId = this.getElementIds()[0]; //if(!firstId) return undefined; //var object = $ax.getObjectFromElementIdDisregardHex(firstId); //if (object && (object.type == 'layer' || object.generateCompound)) { // var boundingRect = $ax.public.fn.getWidgetBoundingRect(firstId); // return boundingRect.height; //} //var firstIdObject = $jobj(firstId); //return firstIdObject.outerHeight(); }; //this should replace locRelativeIgnoreLayer $ax.public.fn.offsetLocation = function () { var boundingRect = this.offsetBoundingRect(true); return boundingRect ? boundingRect.location : undefined; }; //$ax.public.fn.offsetLeft = function () { // var boundingRect = this.offsetBoundingRect(); // return boundingRect ? boundingRect.left : undefined; //}; //$ax.public.fn.offsetTop = function () { // var boundingRect = this.offsetBoundingRect(); // return boundingRect ? boundingRect.top : undefined; //}; $ax.public.fn.viewportLocation = function (scrollableId) { var boundingRect = this.viewportBoundingRect(scrollableId); return boundingRect ? boundingRect.location : undefined; }; //$ax.public.fn.pageLeft = function () { // var boundingRect = this.pageBoundingRect(); // return boundingRect ? boundingRect.left : undefined; //}; //$ax.public.fn.pageTop = function () { // var boundingRect = this.pageBoundingRect(); // return boundingRect ? boundingRect.top : undefined; //}; //This is getting its position in the Editor //It was needed because the widget would be contained so getting the position from jQuery would not be accurate //This can use the editor values //$ax.public.fn.locRelativeIgnoreLayer = function (vert) { // var elementId = this.getElementIds()[0]; // if(!elementId) return undefined; // var parents = this.getParents(true, '*')[0]; // for(var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { // var type = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(parents[i]); // if(!$axure.fn.IsLayer(type) && !$axure.fn.IsReferenceDiagramObject(type)) { // var func = vert ? _getRelativeTop : _getRelativeLeft; // return func(elementId, $jobj(parents[i])[0]); // } // } // var axThis = $ax('#' + elementId); // return vert ? axThis.top() : _bodyToWorld(axThis.left(), true); //}; var _bodyToWorld = $axure.fn.bodyToWorld = function(x, from) { var body = $('body'); if (body.css('position') != 'relative') return x; var offset = $ax.getNumFromPx(body.css('left')) + Math.max(0, ($(window).width() - body.width()) / 2); if(from) offset *= -1; return x + offset; } $ax.public.fn.left = function (relative) { return relative ? this.offsetLocation().left : this.viewportLocation().left; //var firstId = this.getElementIds()[0]; //if(!firstId) return undefined; //var left = _getLoc(firstId, false, false, relative); //// If you are absolute, unless your are a pinned panel... //if(relative || $obj(firstId) && $obj(firstId).fixedVertical) return left; //// ... or you are in one... //var parentPanels = $ax('#' + firstId).getParents(true, 'dynamicPanel')[0]; //for(var i = 0; i < parentPanels.length; i++) if ($obj(parentPanels[i]).fixedVertical) return left; //// ... you must convert from body to world coordinates //return _bodyToWorld(left); }; $ax.public.fn.top = function(relative) { return relative ? this.offsetLocation().top : this.viewportLocation().top; //var firstId = this.getElementIds()[0]; //return firstId && _getLoc(firstId, true, false, relative); }; //var _getLoc = function(id, vert, high, relative) { // var mathFunc = high ? 'max' : 'min'; // var prop = vert ? 'top' : 'left'; // var dim = vert ? 'height' : 'width'; // var obj = $jobj(id); // var strippedId = $ax.repeater.removeSuffixFromElementId(id); // var axObj = $obj(strippedId); // var oldDisplay = obj.css('display'); // var displaySet = false; // if(oldDisplay == 'none') { // obj.css('display', ''); // displaySet = true; // } // var loc = Math.NaN; // var rdo = axObj.type == $ax.constants.REFERENCE_DIAGRAM_OBJECT_TYPE; // if (!rdo) loc = $ax.getNumFromPx(obj.css(prop)); // var fixed = _fixedOffset(id, vert); // if(fixed.valid) loc = !vert && fixed.fullWidth ? 0 : fixed.offset; // else if (!relative) { // var parents = []; // var parObj = id.indexOf('text') != -1 ? axObj : axObj.parent; // When working with text id, parent widget is the ax obj we are dealing with, so that should be the first parent // while($ax.public.fn.IsContainer(parObj.type)) { // parents.push($ax.getScriptIdFromPath([parObj.id], strippedId)); // parObj = parObj.parent; // } // var otherParents = $ax('#' + id).getParents(true, ['item', 'repeater', 'dynamicPanel', 'layer'])[0]; // for(var i = 0; i < otherParents.length; i++) { // parents.push(otherParents[i]); // } // for(var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { // var parentId = $ax.visibility.getWidgetFromContainer(parents[i]); // var parent = $ax.visibility.applyWidgetContainer(parentId, true); // // Layer may not have container, and will be at 0,0 otherwise. // if (!parent.length) continue; // fixed = _fixedOffset(parentId, vert); // if(fixed.valid) { // loc += fixed.offset; // break; // If fixed ignore any parents if there are any, they don't matter. // } else loc += $ax.getNumFromPx(parent.css(prop)); // } // } // if (high) loc += obj[dim](); // // Special Layer code // if (axObj.type == 'layer') { // // If layer has a container, then use that. Otherwise must deal with children. Children can move in container after created, but ignoring for now. // var container = $ax.visibility.applyWidgetContainer(id, true, true); // if(container.length) loc += $ax.getNumFromPx(container.css(prop)); // else loc += (_getChildLoc(axObj.objs, vert, high, dim, true, id) || 0); // } // if(displaySet) obj.css('display', oldDisplay); // return loc; //}; //var _getChildLoc = function (children, vert, high, dim, root, path, itemId) { // if (typeof (path) == 'string') { // itemId = $ax.repeater.getItemIdFromElementId(path); // path = $ax.getPathFromScriptId(path); // path.pop(); // Remove object id, only want rdo path. // } // var mathFunc = high ? 'max' : 'min'; // var childLoc = NaN; // for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { // var childObj = children[i]; // var childId = $ax.getElementIdFromPath([childObj.id], { relativeTo: path }); // if (!childId) continue; // childId = $ax.repeater.createElementId(childId, itemId); // if($ax.public.fn.IsReferenceDiagramObject(childObj.type)) { // path.push(childObj.id); // var childProp = _getChildLoc($ax.pageData.masters[$obj(childId).masterId].diagram.objects, vert, high, dim, false, path, itemId); // path.pop(); // if(isNaN(childProp)) continue; // } else if($ax.public.fn.IsLayer(childObj.type)) { // childProp = _getChildLoc(childObj.objs, vert, high, dim, false, path, itemId); // } else { // if(!$ax.visibility.IsIdVisible(childId)) continue; // childProp = $ax('#' + childId).locRelativeIgnoreLayer(vert); // if(high) childProp += $jobj(childId)[dim](); // } // if(isNaN(childLoc)) childLoc = childProp; // else if(!isNaN(childProp)) childLoc = Math[mathFunc](childLoc, childProp); // } // return root && isNaN(childLoc) ? 0 : childLoc; //}; //var _fixedOffset = function (id, vert) { // var axObj = $obj(id); // //I think this is only for pinned panels? So why are we coming through here for rtps? // if(!axObj) return { valid: false }; // var dim = vert ? 'height' : 'width'; // var alignment = axObj['fixed' + (vert ? 'Vertical' : 'Horizontal')]; // if(!alignment) return { valid: false }; // var loc = 0; // // TODO: This returns 0 for width/height it or any parent is display none. Similar issue when using axquery width/height // // TODO: Look into replacing this with axquery width/height and fixing that to use this hack. Potentially want to make js generic trapper. // var trap = _displayWidget(id); // var query = $jobj(id); // var objSize = query[dim](); // trap(); // if(alignment == 'center' || alignment == 'middle') { // loc = $ax.getNumFromPx(query.css('margin-' + (vert ? 'top' : 'left'))); // loc += ($(window)[dim]()) / 2; // } else if(alignment == 'bottom' || alignment == 'right') { // loc = $ax.getNumFromPx(query.css(vert ? 'bottom' : 'right')); // loc = $(window)[dim]() - objSize - loc; // subract loc because margin here moves farther left/up as it gets bigger. // } else { // loc = $ax.getNumFromPx(query.css(vert ? 'top' : 'left')); // } // var scrollKey = 'scroll' + (vert ? 'Top' : 'Left'); // return { offset: $(window)[scrollKey]() + loc, valid: true, fullWidth: axObj.percentWidth == 1 }; //}; var _displayWidget = function(id) { var parents = $ax('#' + id).getParents(true, '*')[0]; parents.push(id); // also need to show self var displayed = []; for(var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { var currId = parents[i]; var currObj = $jobj(currId); if(currObj.css('display') == 'none') { currObj.css('display', 'block'); displayed.push(currId); } } return function() { for(var i = 0; i < displayed.length; i++) { $jobj(displayed[i]).css('display', 'none'); } }; } });