You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
599 lines
27 KiB
599 lines
27 KiB
var currentNodeUrl = '';
var allNodeUrls = [];
var openNextPage = $axure.player.openNextPage = function () {
var index = allNodeUrls.indexOf(currentNodeUrl) + 1;
if(index >= allNodeUrls.length) return;
var nextNodeUrl = allNodeUrls[index];
currentNodeUrl = nextNodeUrl;
$('.sitemapPageLink[nodeUrl="' + nextNodeUrl + '"]').parent().mousedown();
var openPreviousPage = $axure.player.openPreviousPage = function () {
var index = allNodeUrls.indexOf(currentNodeUrl) - 1;
if(index < 0) return;
var nextNodeUrl = allNodeUrls[index];
currentNodeUrl = nextNodeUrl;
$('.sitemapPageLink[nodeUrl="' + nextNodeUrl + '"]').parent().mousedown();
// use this to isolate the scope
(function() {
var currentPageLoc = '';
var currentPlayerLoc = '';
var currentPageHashString = '';
$(window.document).ready(function() {
id: 'sitemapHost',
context: 'project',
title: 'Project Pages',
gid: 1,
$(window.document).bind('keyup', function (e) {
if ( == "textarea" || == "input" || return;
switch(e.which) {
case 188:
case 190:
default: return; // exit this handler for other keys
var pageCount = $('.sitemapPageLink').length;
// bind to the page load
$'load.sitemap', function() {
currentPageLoc = $"#")[0];
var decodedPageLoc = decodeURI(currentPageLoc);
currentNodeUrl = decodedPageLoc.substr(decodedPageLoc.lastIndexOf('/') ? decodedPageLoc.lastIndexOf('/') + 1 : 0);
currentPlayerLoc = $(location).attr('href').split("#")[0].split("?")[0];
currentPageHashString = '#p=' + currentNodeUrl.substr(0, currentNodeUrl.lastIndexOf('.'));
$axure.player.setVarInCurrentUrlHash(PAGE_ID_NAME, $axure.player.getPageIdByUrl(currentNodeUrl));
$axure.player.setVarInCurrentUrlHash(PAGE_URL_NAME, currentNodeUrl.substring(0, currentNodeUrl.lastIndexOf('.html')));
var $currentNode = $('.sitemapPageLink[nodeUrl="' + currentNodeUrl + '"]');
var pageName = $;
if ($currentNode.length > 0 && pageCount > 1) {
var currentNode = $currentNode[0];
var currentNum = $('.sitemapPageLink').index(currentNode) + 1;
$('.pageCountHeader').html('(' + currentNum + ' of ' + pageCount + ')');
} else $('.pageCountHeader').html('');
// expand all parent nodes
if ($currentNode.length > 0) {
var expandableParents = $currentNode.closest('.sitemapNode').parents('.sitemapExpandableNode');
if (expandableParents.length > 0) {
expandableParents.each(function () {
//If highlight var is present and set to 1 or else if
//sitemap highlight button is selected then highlight interactive elements
var hiVal = $axure.player.getHashStringVar(HIGHLIGHT_INTERACTIVE_VAR_NAME);
if(hiVal.length > 0 && hiVal == 1) {
if ($('#projectOptionsHotspotsCheckbox').length > 0) $('#projectOptionsHotspotsCheckbox').addClass('selected');
$axure.messageCenter.postMessage('highlightInteractive', true);
} else if ($('#showHotspotsOption').find('.overflowOptionCheckbox').hasClass('selected')) {
$axure.messageCenter.postMessage('highlightInteractive', true);
if (MOBILE_DEVICE) generateAdaptiveViews(true);
$axure.player.suspendRefreshViewPort = true;
//Set the current view if it is defined in the hash string
//If the view is invalid, set it to 'auto' in the string
//ELSE set the view based on the currently selected view in the toolbar menu
var viewStr = $axure.player.getHashStringVar(ADAPTIVE_VIEW_VAR_NAME);
if(viewStr.length > 0) {
var $view = $('.adaptiveViewOption[val="' + viewStr + '"]');
if($view.length > 0) $;
else $('.adaptiveViewOption[val="auto"]').click();
} else if($('.selectedRadioButton').length > 0) {
var $viewOption = $('.selectedRadioButton').parents('.adaptiveViewOption');
function setDefaultScaleForDevice() {
if(MOBILE_DEVICE && $axure.player.isMobileMode()) {
} else {
var scaleStr = $axure.player.getHashStringVar(SCALE_VAR_NAME);
if(scaleStr.length > 0) {
var $scale = $('.vpScaleOption[val="' + scaleStr + '"]');
if($scale.length > 0) $;
else setDefaultScaleForDevice();
} else {
var rotateStr = $axure.player.getHashStringVar(ROT_VAR_NAME);
if(rotateStr.length > 0) {
$('#vpRotate').prop('checked', true);
$axure.player.suspendRefreshViewPort = false;
if (!$axure.player.isViewOverridden()) $axure.messageCenter.postMessage('setAdaptiveViewForSize', { 'width': $('#mainPanel').width(), 'height': $('#mainPanel').height() });
return false;
var $vpContainer = $('#interfaceScaleListContainer');
if ($axure.player.zoomValues) {
var zoomValues = '';
$.each($axure.player.zoomValues, function(index, value ) {
zoomValues += '<div class="vpZoomValue" val='+value+' ><div class="zoomValue"></div>'+value+'%</div>';
var scaleOptions = '<div class="vpScaleOption" val="0"><div class="scaleRadioButton"><div class="selectedRadioButtonFill"></div></div>Default Scale</div>';
scaleOptions += '<div class="vpScaleOption" val="1"><div class="scaleRadioButton"><div class="selectedRadioButtonFill"></div></div>Scale to Width</div>';
scaleOptions += '<div class="vpScaleOption" val="2"><div class="scaleRadioButton"><div class="selectedRadioButtonFill"></div></div>Scale to Fit</div>';
scaleOptions += '<div class="vpScaleOption" val="3" hidden><div class="scaleRadioButton"><div class="selectedRadioButtonFill"></div></div>User Scale</div>';
$('#overflowMenuContainer').append('<div id="showHotspotsOption" class="showOption" style="order: 1"><div class="overflowOptionCheckbox"></div>Show Hotspots</div>');
$('.vpScaleOption').mouseup(function (event) {
var scaleOptions = '<div class="projectOptionsScaleRow" val="1"><div class="scaleRadioButton"><div class="selectedRadioButtonFill"></div></div>Scale to fit width</div>';
scaleOptions += '<div class="projectOptionsScaleRow" val="0"><div class="scaleRadioButton"><div class="selectedRadioButtonFill"></div></div>Original size (100%)</div>';
scaleOptions += '<div class="projectOptionsScaleRow" val="2" style="border-bottom: solid 1px #c7c7c7"><div class="scaleRadioButton"><div class="selectedRadioButtonFill"></div></div>Fit all to screen</div>';
$('#searchBox').focusin(function() {
if($(this).is('.searchBoxHint')) {
}).focusout(function() {
if($(this).val() == '') {
var _formatViewDimension = function(dim) {
if(dim == 0) return 'any';
if(dim.toString().includes('.')) return dim.toFixed(2);
return dim;
function generateAdaptiveViews(forProjectOptions) {
var $container = forProjectOptions ? $('#projectOptionsAdaptiveViewsContainer') : $('#interfaceAdaptiveViewsListContainer');
var $viewSelect = forProjectOptions ? $('#projectOptionsViewSelect') : $('#viewSelect');
var adaptiveViewOptionClass = forProjectOptions ? 'projectOptionsAdaptiveViewRow' : 'adaptiveViewOption';
var currentViewClass = forProjectOptions ? '' : 'currentAdaptiveView';
//Fill out adaptive view container with prototype's defined adaptive views, as well as the default, and Auto
var viewsList = '<div class="' + adaptiveViewOptionClass + '" val="auto"><div class="adapViewRadioButton selectedRadioButton"><div class="selectedRadioButtonFill"></div></div>Adaptive</div>';
var viewSelect = '<option value="auto">Adaptive</option>';
if (typeof $ != 'undefined') {
//If the name is a blank string, make the view name the width if non-zero, else 'any'
var defaultView = $;
var defaultViewName =;
var widthString = _formatViewDimension(defaultView.size.width);
var heightString = _formatViewDimension(defaultView.size.height);
var viewString = defaultViewName + ' (' + widthString + ' x ' + heightString + ')';
viewsList += '<div class="' + adaptiveViewOptionClass + ' ' + currentViewClass + '" val="default"data-dim="' + defaultView.size.width + 'x' + defaultView.size.height + '">' +
'<div class="adapViewRadioButton"><div class="selectedRadioButtonFill"></div></div>' + viewString + '</div>';
viewSelect += '<option value="default">' + viewString + '</option>';
var useViews = $axure.document.configuration.useViews;
var hasViews = false;
if(useViews) {
for(var viewIndex = 0; viewIndex < $; viewIndex++) {
var currView = $[viewIndex];
var widthString = _formatViewDimension(currView.size.width);
var heightString = _formatViewDimension(currView.size.height);
var viewString = + ' (' + widthString + ' x ' + heightString + ')';
viewsList += '<div class="' + adaptiveViewOptionClass +
((forProjectOptions && (viewIndex == $ - 1)) ? '" style="border-bottom: solid 1px #c7c7c7; margin-bottom: 15px;' : '') +
'" val="' +
| +
'" data-dim="' +
currView.size.width +
'x' +
currView.size.height +
'"><div class="adapViewRadioButton"><div class="selectedRadioButtonFill"></div></div>' +
viewString +
viewSelect += '<option value="' + + '">' + viewString + '</option>';
hasViews = true;
if (!hasViews) {
if (forProjectOptions) {
} else $('#interfaceAdaptiveViewsContainer').hide();
} else {
if (forProjectOptions) {
} else $('#interfaceAdaptiveViewsContainer').show();
$(('.' + adaptiveViewOptionClass)).click(adaptiveViewOption_click);
if (!forProjectOptions) {
$(('.' + adaptiveViewOptionClass)).mouseup(function (event) {
function collapse_click(event) {
if($(this).children('.sitemapPlus').length > 0) {
} else {
function expand_click($this) {
function searchBoxExpand_click(event) {
if (!$('#searchIcon').hasClass('sitemapToolbarButtonSelected')) {
$('#searchBox').animate({ width: '95%' }, { duration: 200, complete: function () { $('#searchBox').focus(); } });
function searchBoxClose_click(event) {
if ($('#searchIcon').hasClass('sitemapToolbarButtonSelected')) {
$('#searchBox').animate({ width: '0%' }, { duration: 200,
complete: function () {
function node_click(event) {
$$(this).children('.sitemapPageLink')[0].getAttribute('nodeUrl'), true);
function hideMainPanel() {
$('#mainPanel').css('opacity', '0');
$('#clippingBounds').css('opacity', '0');
function showMainPanel() {
$('#mainPanel').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 10);
$('#clippingBounds').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 10);
$axure.messageCenter.addMessageListener(function(message, data) {
if(message == 'adaptiveViewChange') {
if(data.viewId) {$('.adaptiveViewOption[val="' + data.viewId + '"]').addClass('currentAdaptiveView');}
else $('.adaptiveViewOption[val="default"]').addClass('currentAdaptiveView');
//when we set adaptive view through user event, we want to update the checkmark on sitemap
if(data.forceSwitchTo) {
$('div[val="' + data.forceSwitchTo + '"]').find('.adapViewRadioButton').addClass('selectedRadioButton');
$('div[val="' + data.forceSwitchTo + '"]').find('.selectedRadioButtonFill').show();
} else if(message == 'previousPage') {
} else if(message == 'nextPage') {
$axure.player.toggleHotspots = function (val) {
var overflowMenuCheckbox = $('#showHotspotsOption').find('.overflowOptionCheckbox');
if ($(overflowMenuCheckbox).hasClass('selected')) {
if (!val) $('#showHotspotsOption').click();
} else {
if (val) $('#showHotspotsOption').click();
function showHotspots_click(event) {
var overflowMenuCheckbox = $('#showHotspotsOption').find('.overflowOptionCheckbox');
var projOptionsCheckbox = $('#projectOptionsHotspotsCheckbox');
if ($(overflowMenuCheckbox).hasClass('selected')) {
if (projOptionsCheckbox.length > 0 ) projOptionsCheckbox.removeClass('selected');
$axure.messageCenter.postMessage('highlightInteractive', false);
//Delete 'hi' hash string var if it exists since default is unselected
} else {
if (projOptionsCheckbox.length > 0) projOptionsCheckbox.addClass('selected');
$axure.messageCenter.postMessage('highlightInteractive', true);
//Add 'hi' hash string var so that stay highlighted across reloads
$axure.player.setVarInCurrentUrlHash(HIGHLIGHT_INTERACTIVE_VAR_NAME, 1);
function adaptiveViewOption_click(event) {
var currVal = $(this).attr('val');
if(currVal) {$('.adaptiveViewOption[val="' + currVal + '"]').addClass('currentAdaptiveView');}
else $('.adaptiveViewOption[val="default"]').addClass('currentAdaptiveView');
$('div[val="' + currVal + '"]').find('.adapViewRadioButton').addClass('selectedRadioButton');
$('div[val="' + currVal + '"]').find('.selectedRadioButtonFill').show();
var selectAdaptiveView = $axure.player.selectAdaptiveView = function(currVal) {
if (currVal == 'auto') {
$axure.messageCenter.postMessage('setAdaptiveViewForSize', { 'width': $('#mainPanel').width(), 'height': $('#mainPanel').height() });
} else {
currentPageLoc = $"#")[0];
var decodedPageLoc = decodeURI(currentPageLoc);
var nodeUrl = decodedPageLoc.substr(decodedPageLoc.lastIndexOf('/')
? decodedPageLoc.lastIndexOf('/') + 1
: 0);
var adaptiveData = {
src: nodeUrl
adaptiveData.view = currVal;
$axure.messageCenter.postMessage('switchAdaptiveView', adaptiveData);
$axure.player.setVarInCurrentUrlHash(ADAPTIVE_VIEW_VAR_NAME, currVal);
$axure.player.updateAdaptiveViewHeader = updateAdaptiveViewHeader = function () {
var hasDefinedDim = true;
var dimensionlessViewStr = '(any x any)';
var viewString = $('.adaptiveViewOption.currentAdaptiveView').text();
if (viewString != null && viewString.indexOf(dimensionlessViewStr) >= 0) hasDefinedDim = false;
if (!hasDefinedDim) {
var viewName = viewString.substring(0, viewString.lastIndexOf(' ('));
var widthString = $('#mainPanelContainer').width();
viewString = viewName + ' (' + widthString + ' x any)';
$axure.player.selectScaleOption = function (scaleVal) {
var $scale = $('.vpScaleOption[val="' + scaleVal + '"]');
if ($scale.length > 0) $;
function vpScaleOption_click(event) {
var scaleCheckDiv = $(this).find('.scaleRadioButton');
var scaleVal = $(this).attr('val');
if (scaleVal == '0') {
if (scaleCheckDiv.hasClass('selectedRadioButton')) return false;
var $selectedScaleOption = $('.vpScaleOption[val="' + scaleVal + '"], .projectOptionsScaleRow[val="' + scaleVal + '"]');
var $allScaleOptions = $('.vpScaleOption, .projectOptionsScaleRow');
if (scaleVal == '0') {
} else if (typeof scaleVal !== 'undefined') {
$axure.player.setVarInCurrentUrlHash(SCALE_VAR_NAME, scaleVal);
function vpZoomValue_click() {
var scaleVal = $(this).attr('val');
function search_input_keyup(event) {
var searchVal = $(this).val().toLowerCase();
//If empty search field, show all nodes, else grey+hide all nodes and
//ungrey+unhide all matching nodes, as well as unhide their parent nodes
if(searchVal == '') {
} else {
$('.sitemapPageName').addClass('sitemapGreyedName').each(function() {
var nodeName = $(this).text().toLowerCase();
if(nodeName.indexOf(searchVal) != -1) {
function generateSitemap() {
var treeUl = "<div id='sitemapHeader'' class='sitemapHeader'>";
treeUl += "<div id='sitemapToolbar' class='sitemapToolbar'>";
treeUl += '<div id="searchDiv"><span id="searchIcon" class="sitemapToolbarButton"></span><input id="searchBox" type="text"/></div>';
treeUl += "<div class='leftArrow sitemapToolbarButton'></div>";
treeUl += "<div class='rightArrow sitemapToolbarButton'></div>";
treeUl += "</div>";
treeUl += "</div>";
var sitemapTitle = $axure.player.getProjectName();
if (!sitemapTitle) sitemapTitle = "Pages";
treeUl += "<div class='sitemapPluginNameHeader pluginNameHeader'>" + sitemapTitle + "</div>";
treeUl += "<div id='sitemapTreeContainer'>";
treeUl += "<ul class='sitemapTree' style='clear:both;'>";
var rootNodes = $axure.document.sitemap.rootNodes;
for(var i = 0; i < rootNodes.length; i++) {
treeUl += generateNode(rootNodes[i], 0);
treeUl += "</ul></div>";
treeUl += "<div id='changePageInstructions' class='pageSwapInstructions'>Use ";
treeUl += '<span class="backKeys"></span>';
treeUl += " and ";
treeUl += '<span class="forwardKeys"></span>';
treeUl += " keys<br>to move between pages";
treeUl += "</div>";
function generateNode(node, level) {
var hasChildren = (node.children && node.children.length > 0);
var margin, returnVal;
var isFolder = node.type == "Folder";
if(hasChildren) {
margin = (9 + level * 17);
if (isFolder) {
returnVal = "<li class='sitemapNode sitemapExpandableNode'><div class='sitemapHover'><div class='sitemapPageLinkContainer sitemapPlusMinusLink' style='margin-left:" + margin + "px'><span class='sitemapPlus'></span>";
} else {
returnVal = "<li class='sitemapNode sitemapExpandableNode'><div class='sitemapHover'><div class='sitemapPageLinkContainer' style='margin-left:" + margin + "px'><a class='sitemapPlusMinusLink'><span class='sitemapMinus'></span></a>";
} else {
margin = (19 + level * 17);
returnVal = "<li class='sitemapNode sitemapLeafNode'><div class='sitemapHover'><div class='sitemapPageLinkContainer' style='margin-left:" + margin + "px'>";
if(!isFolder) {
returnVal += "<a class='sitemapPageLink' nodeUrl='" + node.url + "'>";
returnVal += "<span class='sitemapPageIcon";
if(node.type == "Flow"){ returnVal += " sitemapFlowIcon";}
if(isFolder) { returnVal += " sitemapFolderIcon"; }
returnVal += "'></span><span class='sitemapPageName'>";
returnVal += $('<div/>').text(node.pageName).html();
returnVal += "</span>";
if(!isFolder) returnVal += "</a>";
returnVal += "</div></div>";
if(hasChildren) {
returnVal += isFolder ? "<ul style='display: none;'>" : "<ul>";
for(var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
var child = node.children[i];
returnVal += generateNode(child, level + 1);
returnVal += "</ul>";
returnVal += "</li>";
return returnVal;