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45 lines
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45 lines
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11 months ago
import pandas as pd
from pyecharts import options as opts
from pyecharts.charts import Bar, Line, Grid, Timeline
# 读取CSV文件
df = pd.read_csv('weather.csv', encoding='utf-8')
# 将日期列转换为 datetime 类型
df['日期'] = pd.to_datetime(df['日期'])
# 新增月份列
df['month'] = df['日期'].dt.month
# 创建 Timeline 实例
timeline = Timeline()
# 创建每月天气柱状图和气温折线图
for month in df['month'].unique():
# 过滤出当前月份的数据
data = df[df['month'] == month]
# 创建柱状图
bar = Bar()
bar.add_yaxis('', data['天气'].value_counts().tolist(), category_gap="50%")
# 创建折线图
line = Line()
line.add_yaxis('最高气温', data['最高气温'].tolist())
line.add_yaxis('最低气温', data['最低气温'].tolist())
# 创建 Grid 组件,将柱状图和折线图放在同一个 Grid 中
grid = Grid(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme="light"))
grid.add(bar, grid_opts=opts.GridOpts(pos_left="5%", pos_right="25%", pos_top="10%", pos_bottom="55%"))
grid.add(line, grid_opts=opts.GridOpts(pos_left="5%", pos_right="25%", pos_top="55%", pos_bottom="15%"))
# 将 Grid 添加到 Timeline 中
timeline.add(grid, f'{month}月')
# 渲染生成 HTML 文件