You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

337 lines
8.8 KiB

2 years ago
class cc.liuyx.note.alarm.PlanDatabase {
+ {static} String TABLE_NAME
+ {static} String TITLE
+ {static} String CONTENT
+ {static} String ID
+ {static} String TIME
+ {static} String MODE
+ void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase)
+ void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase,int,int)
abstract class cc.liuyx.note.BaseActivity {
+ String TAG
+ String ACTION
# BroadcastReceiver receiver
# IntentFilter filter
# void onCreate(Bundle)
+ boolean isNightMode()
+ void setNightMode()
# {abstract}void needRefresh()
+ void onDestroy()
+ long calStrToSec(String)
class cc.liuyx.note.entity.Note {
- long id
- String content
- String time
- int tag
+ long getId()
+ String getContent()
+ String getTime()
+ void setId(long)
+ void setContent(String)
+ void setTime(String)
+ String toString()
+ int getTag()
+ void setTag(int)
class cc.liuyx.note.alarm.PlanAdapter {
- Context mContext
- List<Plan> backList
- List<Plan> planList
~ PlanAdapter.MyFilter mFilter
+ int getCount()
+ Object getItem(int)
+ long getItemId(int)
+ View getView(int,View,ViewGroup)
+ Filter getFilter()
class cc.liuyx.note.alarm.PlanAdapter$MyFilter {
# FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence)
# void publishResults(CharSequence,FilterResults)
class cc.liuyx.note.db.CRUD {
~ SQLiteOpenHelper dbHandler
~ SQLiteDatabase db
- {static} String[] columns
+ void open()
+ void close()
+ void addNote(Note)
+ Note getNote(long)
+ List<Note> getAllNotes()
+ void updateNote(Note)
+ void removeNote(Note)
class cc.liuyx.note.adapter.NoteAdapter {
- Context mContext
- List<Note> backList
- List<Note> noteList
- MyFilter mFilter
+ int getCount()
+ Object getItem(int)
+ long getItemId(int)
+ View getView(int,View,ViewGroup)
+ Filter getFilter()
class cc.liuyx.note.adapter.NoteAdapter$MyFilter {
# FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence)
# void publishResults(CharSequence,FilterResults)
class cc.liuyx.note.FabColorActivity {
- Toolbar myToolbar
- int openMode
- SharedPreferences sharedPreferences
- ImageView q
# void onCreate(Bundle)
- void initImageView()
- void chooseCurFabColor(int)
- void setClick()
+ void onClick(View)
+ boolean onKeyDown(int,KeyEvent)
class com.example.atry.ExampleInstrumentedTest {
+ void useAppContext()
class cc.liuyx.note.alarm.AlarmReceiver {
- String channelId
- String name
+ void onReceive(Context,Intent)
class cc.liuyx.note.UserSettingsActivity {
- Switch nightMode
- Switch reverseSort
- LinearLayout fabColor
- LinearLayout fabPlanColor
- Switch noteTitle
- SharedPreferences sharedPreferences
- {static} boolean night_change
# void onCreate(Bundle)
# void needRefresh()
- void initView()
# void onActivityResult(int,int,Intent)
- void setSelfNightMode()
- void setNightModePref(boolean)
+ boolean onKeyDown(int,KeyEvent)
class cc.liuyx.note.alarm.Plan {
- long id
- String title
- String content
- Calendar planTime
+ int getYear()
+ int getMonth()
+ int getDay()
+ int getHour()
+ int getMinute()
+ long getId()
+ void setId(long)
+ String getTitle()
+ void setTitle(String)
+ String getContent()
+ void setContent(String)
+ Calendar getPlanTime()
+ String getTime()
+ void setTime(String)
class cc.liuyx.note.adapter.TagAdapter {
- Context context
- List<String> tagList
- List<Integer> numList
+ int getCount()
+ Object getItem(int)
+ long getItemId(int)
+ View getView(int,View,ViewGroup)
class cc.liuyx.note.alarm.CRUD {
~ SQLiteOpenHelper dbHandler
~ SQLiteDatabase db
- {static} String[] columns
+ void open()
+ void close()
+ Plan addPlan(Plan)
+ Plan getPlan(long)
+ List<Plan> getAllPlans()
+ int updatePlan(Plan)
+ void removePlan(Plan)
class cc.liuyx.note.alarm.EditAlarmActivity {
- DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener dateSetListener
- TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener timeSetListener
- EditText et_title
- EditText et
- Button set_date
- Button set_time
- TextView date
- TextView time
- Plan plan
- int[] dateArray
- int[] timeArray
- int openMode
- String old_title
- String old_content
- String old_time
- long id
- boolean timeChange
# void onCreate(Bundle)
+ boolean onKeyDown(int,KeyEvent)
+ boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu)
+ boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem)
# void needRefresh()
- void init()
- void setDateTV(int,int,int)
- void setTimeTV(int,int)
+ void onClick(View)
- void isTimeChange()
- boolean canBeSet()
class cc.liuyx.note.MainActivity {
- NoteDatabase dbHelper
- PlanDatabase planDbHelper
- FloatingActionButton fab
- FloatingActionButton fab_alarm
- ListView lv
- ListView lv_plan
- LinearLayout lv_layout
- LinearLayout lv_plan_layout
- Context context
- NoteAdapter adapter
- PlanAdapter planAdapter
- List<Note> noteList
- List<Plan> planList
- TextView mEmptyView
- Toolbar myToolbar
- PopupWindow popupWindow
- PopupWindow popupCover
- LayoutInflater layoutInflater
- RelativeLayout main
- ViewGroup customView
- ViewGroup coverView
- WindowManager wm
- DisplayMetrics metrics
- TagAdapter tagAdapter
- TextView setting_text
- ImageView setting_image
- ListView lv_tag
- TextView add_tag
- BroadcastReceiver myReceiver
- Achievement achievement
- SharedPreferences sharedPreferences
- Switch content_switch
- AlarmManager alarmManager
~ String[] list_String
# void onCreate(Bundle)
- void showPopUpWindow()
- void refreshTagList()
- void resetTagsX(AdapterView<?>)
# void needRefresh()
+ void initView()
- void refreshLvVisibility()
+ void initPopupView()
- void initPrefs()
+ boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu)
+ boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem)
+ void refreshListView()
- void chooseFabColor(int)
- void chooseFabPlanColor(int)
+ void onItemClick(AdapterView<?>,View,int,long)
# void onActivityResult(int,int,Intent)
+ boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView<?>,View,int,long)
+ void sortNotes(List<Note>,int)
+ void sortPlans(List<Plan>,int)
+ long dateStrToSec(String)
+ List<Integer> numOfTagNotes(List<String>)
+ int npLong(Long)
+ void onDestroy()
- void startAlarm(Plan)
- void startAlarms(List<Plan>)
- void cancelAlarm(Plan)
- void cancelAlarms(List<Plan>)
+ void onResume()
class cc.liuyx.note.MainActivity$Achievement {
- SharedPreferences sharedPreferences
- int noteNumber
- int wordNumber
- int noteLevel
- int wordLevel
- void getPref()
- void initPref()
- void addCurrent(List<Note>)
+ void addNote(String)
+ void deleteNote()
+ void editNote(String,String)
+ void noteNumberAchievement(int)
+ void wordNumberAchievement(int)
+ void announcement(String,int,int)
+ String annoucementTitle(int,int)
+ void setState(int)
+ void listen()
+ void resetAll()
class cc.liuyx.note.EditActivity {
- NoteDatabase dbHelper
- Context context
- EditText et
- String old_content
- String old_time
- int old_Tag
- long id
- int openMode
- int tag
- boolean tagChange
# void onCreate(Bundle)
# void needRefresh()
+ boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu)
+ boolean onKeyDown(int,KeyEvent)
+ boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem)
+ String dateToStr()
- void deleteNote(Intent)
class cc.liuyx.note.entity.SpinnerItem {
- String tagName
- int tagId
+ String getTagName()
+ void setTagName(String)
+ int getTagId()
+ void setTagId(int)
class cc.liuyx.note.db.NoteDatabase {
+ {static} String TABLE_NAME
+ {static} String CONTENT
+ {static} String ID
+ {static} String TIME
+ {static} String MODE
+ void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase)
+ void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase,int,int)
- void updateMode(SQLiteDatabase)
class com.example.atry.ExampleUnitTest {
+ void addition_isCorrect()
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper <|-- cc.liuyx.note.alarm.PlanDatabase <|-- cc.liuyx.note.BaseActivity
android.widget.Filterable <|.. cc.liuyx.note.alarm.PlanAdapter
android.widget.BaseAdapter <|-- cc.liuyx.note.alarm.PlanAdapter
cc.liuyx.note.alarm.PlanAdapter +.. cc.liuyx.note.alarm.PlanAdapter$MyFilter
cc.liuyx.note.alarm.Filter <|-- cc.liuyx.note.alarm.PlanAdapter$MyFilter
android.widget.Filterable <|.. cc.liuyx.note.adapter.NoteAdapter
android.widget.BaseAdapter <|-- cc.liuyx.note.adapter.NoteAdapter
cc.liuyx.note.adapter.NoteAdapter +.. cc.liuyx.note.adapter.NoteAdapter$MyFilter
cc.liuyx.note.adapter.Filter <|-- cc.liuyx.note.adapter.NoteAdapter$MyFilter
cc.liuyx.note.OnClickListener <|.. cc.liuyx.note.FabColorActivity <|-- cc.liuyx.note.FabColorActivity
android.content.BroadcastReceiver <|-- cc.liuyx.note.alarm.AlarmReceiver
cc.liuyx.note.BaseActivity <|-- cc.liuyx.note.UserSettingsActivity
android.widget.BaseAdapter <|-- cc.liuyx.note.adapter.TagAdapter
cc.liuyx.note.alarm.OnClickListener <|.. cc.liuyx.note.alarm.EditAlarmActivity
cc.liuyx.note.BaseActivity <|-- cc.liuyx.note.alarm.EditAlarmActivity
android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener <|.. cc.liuyx.note.MainActivity
android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemLongClickListener <|.. cc.liuyx.note.MainActivity
cc.liuyx.note.BaseActivity <|-- cc.liuyx.note.MainActivity
cc.liuyx.note.MainActivity +.. cc.liuyx.note.MainActivity$Achievement
cc.liuyx.note.BaseActivity <|-- cc.liuyx.note.EditActivity
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper <|-- cc.liuyx.note.db.NoteDatabase