You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33 lines
970 B

class cc.liuyx.note.adapter.TagAdapter {
- Context context
- List<String> tagList
- List<Integer> numList
+ int getCount()
+ Object getItem(int)
+ long getItemId(int)
+ View getView(int,View,ViewGroup)
class cc.liuyx.note.adapter.NoteAdapter {
- Context mContext
- List<Note> backList
- List<Note> noteList
- MyFilter mFilter
+ int getCount()
+ Object getItem(int)
+ long getItemId(int)
+ View getView(int,View,ViewGroup)
+ Filter getFilter()
class cc.liuyx.note.adapter.NoteAdapter$MyFilter {
# FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence)
# void publishResults(CharSequence,FilterResults)
android.widget.BaseAdapter <|-- cc.liuyx.note.adapter.TagAdapter
android.widget.Filterable <|.. cc.liuyx.note.adapter.NoteAdapter
android.widget.BaseAdapter <|-- cc.liuyx.note.adapter.NoteAdapter
cc.liuyx.note.adapter.NoteAdapter +.. cc.liuyx.note.adapter.NoteAdapter$MyFilter
cc.liuyx.note.adapter.Filter <|-- cc.liuyx.note.adapter.NoteAdapter$MyFilter